Fear seized the Mission and the Anunnaki population on Earth. One lived in land with his father and the other was living by the space port. He raised an army. They had taken the shine of the sanctuary.. In this way all shipments of gold could be controlled and Pazuzu would rise as the new King on Earth. In the Me Tablets were the stellar routes where not only the orbits of the planets were drawn, but also the navigation coordinates of the Igigi ferries and the routes of their starships. After a long presence on the Earth, the Anunnaki left but retained control over us. Chapter 6.3 All attempts failed, but finally they decided to not impregnate a Earth two legged female again, but an Anunnaki female. For one shar (3,600 years) the earthlings ate grasses. How do the Anunnaki get the earthlings to obey and serve them. He does not eat or drink. Marduk, a very young god, answered the call, and was promised the position of head god.When he killed his enemy he "wrested from him the Tablets of Destiny, wrongfully his" and assumed his new position. The atmosphere is slowly healing. This city was commanded by the other son of Enlil, Ninurta. The Anunnaki themselves made the bricks, and they built the great temple of E-Sagila at Babylon. Under his reign humans were created to bear . One of the kings sons had two sons. They invade his brothers land and they become enraged. In Nippur, the Me tablets or destiny tablets were hidden in Dirga. The kings son that created mankind has a new scheme, but he notices that mankind is reverting backward. Creation and the Divine Spirit in Babel and Bible: Reflections on mummu in Enuma elish I 4 and rah in Genesis I:2, in D. S. Vanderhoof and A. Winitzer (ed. The king decides to come to Earth one more time. Then they proceed to Earth and land there. "Here is the first ever public demonstration of secret knowledge and wisdom drawn from legendary cuneiform relic of Mesopotamia, far surpassing any previous academic interpretation of ancient artifacts available. Tablets of Destiny - The Most Powerful Artifact Revealed & How To Use It video created by Necronomicon: The Complete Anunnaki Legacy by Joshua. Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal are well known to scholars of ancient Near Eastern prophecy, thanks to their affinity for prophecy and the prophetic goddess Itar in particular, which resulted in the preservation of oracular material in a manner not attested for other Sargonid kings. As a result of a century and a half of archaeological discoveries in the ruins of the ancient civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early texts have been found; He has entombed himself and will die there if nothing is done. The two emissaries direct a pulsar and emitter on her, put a plant of life in her mouth and sprinkle her body with the water of life. The Igigi are complaining on Mars of high winds and dust storms. They briefly stop on Mars for water. When Anu gave Enlil command of the mission on Earth, Enlil sent Earth . For that reason, the tablet texts do not mention other "gods" He is angry that the earthling were becoming as them and they were becoming as earthlings. He wanted a son. Born in the one hundredth and tenth shar, or 396,000 earth years after the arrival of the Anunnaki. The tablets also offer insight into the origin of life and how civilization came into existence on Earth. Gordon and H.M. Barstad. After the asault, the alarms went off. She returns to Eden. He summons his wife and child on Nibiru to come to Earth. They had many children. Their spacecraft apparently runs on water. However, numerous scholars and theologians have begun to recognize that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, are in fact product of ancient texts written down millennia before in ancient Mesopotamia by the ancient Sumerians. The problem with the marriage is the kingship lineage. Lost Victories: The War Memoirs of Hitler's Most Brilliant General. Chapter 4.2 This portion of the tablet has the new king on Nibiru coming to Earth to see for himself where the gold is underground. As for the Earth commander, he is going westward to where the gold field is to complete the original mission. The Earth commander feels the Earth mission has become perverted and loathes the earthling mankind. The one that came in a spaceship and talked with them about the flood and their life cycle change on Earth. All is destroyed of Ra forces and followers. Search the history of over 804 billion Adam and Eve are then left to roam Eden as they please. The spaceship he took had atomic bombs on it and his plan was to blow a path through the asteroid belt, which had kept the Anunnaki from going to Earth. According to certain conspiracy theorists, the Sumerian language appears to be the language taught to the humans by the Annunaki, since it's assumed to be the first language ever written. The next city that was built was Laraak which means seeing the bright glare. May (ed. The figure of Apsu, father of the great gods, makes but a fleeting appearance in the late second millennium BCE Babylonian epic Enuma elish. He believes he can not be defeated while he has the tablets of destinies, but he is defeated and sentenced to death. A team will be sent to Earth to see if there is gold. The brothers son, back from exile became very enraged. Here is the result of one man's quest to discover the "magic" behind the "magic. One of the kings sons states the father of all beginning has the sole power of creation. The sixth city would be Nippur the terrestrial place ofNibiru. Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth (PDF) Michael Tellinger 2016 451 Pages 4.21 MB English 0 stars from 0 visitors Posted March 02, 2021 Submitted by fokon Report Explore PDF Download PDF Convert to. He departed Nibiru and arrived on Earth. When it is found out the other son and daughter have been sleeping together the daughter is forbidden to marry anyone. They ask her if she will take the kings son that raped her as husband. He is upset and summons the other kings son that was part of the creation to explain. Enma eli y la copa de Ain Samiya, As Your Name Indicates. This brings up another question he has for his father the king. G. B. Lanfranchi and R. Rollinger, Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N. An insider's look into the decades of research behind Zecharia Sitchin's books as well as an in-depth overview of his theories and discoveries Includes carefully selected chapters from the Earth Chronicles series as well as never-before-published letters, articles, and lectures Each piece includes an introduction, offering context and insight into Sitchin's passionate work and . The snow is melting. The Igigi in the mines rebel. By considering the literary and historical context of other literature, students will come away with a better understanding of the historical, literary, and theological depth of the Hebrew Bible. In "Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential, " Joshua Free maps the highest route to esoteric knowledge--expertly bridging materials from the "Mardukite Research Library" with the wisdom and latest clarity revealed by the advanced "NexGen Systemology" New Thought division of the "Mardukite Research Organization." the Anunnaki influences on the Sumerian civilization, the orbit of Nibiru, the prehistory of the Americas, the extraterrestrial origins of modern man, and much more What if the tales from the Old Testament and other ancient writings, such as those from Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, 123-149. The earthling and one of the two grandsons return to Earth. Death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods, in: N.N. One of the king's sons had two sons. May they magnify thy name over all of them the Anunnaki." She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying: Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established." Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu, Decreed the fate among the gods his sons, saying: ), Divination, Politics and Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEM; Atlanta, Ga.: SBL Press, 2014), Conceptualizing Spirit: Supernatural Meteorology and Personal Distress in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East, NAMES AND POWER THE CONCEPT OF SECRET NAMES IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST, Pictorial Mythology and Narrative in the Ancient Near East. In Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art, edited by M. Feldman and B. Chapter 10.6 The place to land spaceships needs two mountains. A very important hub, it was a spaceport where craft departed with gold cargo. If the kingship lineage marries an earthling woman, the king on Nibiru could eventually become an earthling. Chapter 12.4 The bride was caught but did not have the MEs with her. 2.2K views, 3 likes, 3 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares. The son by the space port became jealous and greedy. Manifest Destiny Journal. In other esoteric lore, and in relation to the dispersal . Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf download pc free Other tablets mention that the humans were fashioned to serve the gods without freedom of their own. Some people use their tablets exclusively for play, and others want a tablet that replaces a laptop. The God Ninurta - CHAPTER THREE: Ninurta in Mythology. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf. Winona Lake, Ind. And interest in the Sumerian culture has been active and persistent since it was discovered in the 19th century for several reasons. ), Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Eve was not tempted. It is believed by many that approximately 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos landed on Earth looking for gold. Tidily disposed of within the first seventy lines of Tablet I, he has at best a peripheral and passive presence in the remainder of the text, his corpse serving as the foundation for Eas dwelling and his death providing a plausible, if insufficient, justification for Tiamats subsequent transformation from protective mother to raging destroyer. Chapter 11.4 This portion explains some of the confusion of the last portion. The 14 tablets of enki the anunnaki pdf In Sumerian mythology, the "Tablets of Destiny" or "Tablets ME", were a computer library consisting of a set of chips that contained all the information on war tactics, star maps, navigation routes and also, were the key to Activate or neutralize all the Anunnaki spacecraft. He gave him all knowledge except how to revive the dead. They're highly portable and have a large screen that makes them ideal for watching movies, reading the news or doing other activities. A plan is developing to see who of his sons will go back to Nibiru and which one will stay and command operations on Earth. The time for them to procreate has come and gone. The Great Sovereign of Nibiru, Anu, commanded to capture Pazuzu and recover the Me Tablets of Destiny. Trade does not happen because of language. Sitchin provides a fantastic summary of her uncle's life work in 375 pages. Sumerian Tablets were the same group of people, although earlier, it is true, as those who collected the Old Testament material. He had fallen to Earth in his craft. There he invited the Igigi that had taken earthling wives. He was the God of the evil wind and the storms. Gender Matters in Enma eli. In In the Wake of Tikva Frymer-Kensky, edited by Richard H. Beal, Steven W. Holloway, and JoAnn Scurlock, 85101. He tries but does not attain it and dies. When these beings from heaven arrived on our planet, seven main cities were initially built, which would be the strategic points of Enlils plan to carry out his mission on Earth. They gave birth. The Earth commander appears to have stripped his brother of the responsibility. The Anunnaki are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians. She named him Adam. This city was commanded by Shamash, the God of the sun and of justice, grandson of Enlil. the enclave of the Anunnaki, but this is not supposed to be known in their world. The new kings son wants to kill him. Chapter 7.3 Since the Mars relay was to be abandoned, a new spaceship port was to be created on Earth for direct transport of the gold to Nibiru. There is not even any punishment considered for killing the king. The cries of the earthlings has become loud. The ancient Sumerians on the other hand claim that they obtained their knowledge of past events from the teachings and writings of the Anunnaki (Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came). There seems to be a history in Egypt of this type of destroying the remnants of old kings. A primitive worker. This city was commanded by a son of Enlil, Nanna. According to Sitchin, the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine gold. It devastated their planet. But one Anunnaki surveying across the ocean finds gold nuggets laying on the ground. The order was restored. Zecharia Sitchin's translation of fourteen tablets of Enki explains the history of the Anunnaki civilization and their full-fledged purpose for the visit to Earth. Chapter 8.1 The spacecraft to pick up the male arrives. It also mention other teachings to other offspring. This brings up another question he has for his father the king. 2023 All Rights Reserved. Chapter 11.6 The spaceship beacon is relocated. His father, the king, had promised him his daughter in marriage but instead banished her from marriage when the king found out about her and his other son sleeping together. The Anunnaki are "the Sumerian deities of the old primordial time;" a pantheon of gods who were the children of the sky god Anu and his sister, Ki. The deluge was a combination of wave and rain. The Earth is warming. It has been suggested that one of the reasons for this affinity was the reliance of both kings on prophetic legitimation to buttress their contested claims to kingship. He runs from the city and ends up by a waterfall. He now has terrible health problems. The Tablets of Destiny is a landmark public debut of Grade-III Mardukite Systemology and the foundation stone for reaching higher awareness while taking back command and control of your own Destiny. Chapter 12.1 The king decides to come to Earth. The earthlings are multiplying faster than the Anunnaki. They were to be intermixed with the Anunnaki in the cities. They founded their first settlement on Earth, naming it Eridu Home away from home.The origin of the very concept of Annunaki is interesting: the spelling of this word in the Akkadian language an-nu-na-ki reveals its meaning: fifty who descended to Earth from Heaven. He is now preoccupied with attaining immortality. The underworld in olden times being the place of death. These tablets were approximately 60 units, and were a kind of electronic library containing a source of vital information for the Anunnaki. This portion of the tablet is more of the same ignorant decisions and immorality by some of the Anunnaki. All but one looks forward to it bringing peace. Pages 129-141 in Thus Speaks Ishtar of Arbela: Prophecy in Israel, Assyria and Egypt in the Neo-Assyrian Period, edited by R.P. But it is too good to last. The lifted eye that scans the lands, the lifted beam that penetrates all. The sixth day the navigator arrived with a box of animal DNA. The bride is still filled with revenge and demands her own land. discover a Tablet of Destiny meant for Ishtar, fight off Marduk's raiders, and foil the plot of the high priest, Gilgamesh's half-brother who . Seven stepped forward. Chapter 6.2 The more I have researched this, the more I have believed the Anunnaki, especially the kings son in charge of mining, had created the mythical creatures of old. Chapter 3.2 This portion has the ending of negotiations. The debate involves the statement that the kingship lineage marrying half sisters is a custom. The origins of this being known as Pazuzu are not very clear. 341-54. Chapter 10.3 This portion of the tablet tells of the flood and the settling of Noahs boat on mountain next to Ararat. The late second millennium composition Enuma elish, known for decades as the Babylonian Creation Epic, is now read primarily as a political myth intended to support Babylons claim to be foremost among cities and to justify the elevation of its patron god, Marduk, to the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, The God Ninurta - CHAPTER TWO: Ninurta in the Royal Rituals and Ideology, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FOUNDATION FOR FINNISH ASSYRIOLOGICAL RESEARCH NO. One of the kings sons son wants to marry an earthling woman. He informs them that returning Anunnaki to Nibiru have become afflicted by becoming used to Earth cycles and not being able to adjust back to Nibirus longer cycles. Chapter 4.3 This portion has the new king and his two sons drawing lots to see what jobs they will perform. In the Babylonian narrative Enma eli (the so-called Babylonian Epic of Creation), the Tablet of Destinies is something of a peripheral device, unsurprising given that the text draws on numerous themes and motifs from other mythological traditions to justify the elevation of the Babylonian god Marduk to the kingship of the pantheon. The people sang songs about the bride who was now in charge of the MEs. 2020 138 Pages 1.47 MB. Chapter 1.6 This tablet details how the king tries to heal the planets atmosphere by detonating atomic bombs in volcanos. This was in the ninety eight shar, or 352,800 years since the Annunaki landed on Earth. Ninurta became the most worthy and main warrior of Enlil and he was awarded by Anu and Enlil with new celestial craft and weapons. Chapter 11.2 In this portion of the tablet her son defeats the uncle that killed his father. He asks his son that married a earthling woman that resides in the new land to ask for the earthling womans husband to be transferred there. The Sumerian language was developed in ancient Mesopotamia and is the oldest known written language. This essay examines the relationship between the Tablet of Destinies, the possession and transmission of power, and the conferral of legitimacy in the context of Enma eli. The most sought-after ultimate prize in prehistory, they have been nicked, stolen, chipped, dropped, snitched and snatched more often than you could imagine. He then gave each region a different language and alphabet to use. Other creatures were seen in tall grasses walking upright (hominoids). War begins between the two kings sons families. Chapter 5.1 This tablet starts with the latest group arriving on Earth. This set up rivalries between the kings two sons on Earth. Such a reading, however, would miss out both on those features of the incident that are interesting in their own right and on the importance of the Apsu episode to the broader arc of the narrative. (Tablets of Destiny), Pazuzu happened to become a mythological demon propagator of pests to the height of great creatures of the night like Lilith, a demoniac goddess who usurped new born babies to their mothers to devour them. He took it upon himself and gathered some igigi to help him. Another love interest has sprung forth. ., let them [call him] secondly, 62 Canal supervisor of heaven and netherworld, who sets the furrow, Who establishes clean arable land in the open country, 63 Who directs irrigation ditch and canal, and marks out the furrow. This city was commanded by a son of Enlil, Nanna, whch translates to male moon god. Given the right to proceed by the king they tried and tried to mix the Earths two legged creatures (hominoids) DNA with theirs and place it in the two legged Earth female creatures womb. Chapter 8.4 This portion of the tablet tells the story of events after the killing. The Anunnaki Gods also established the first City States in Sumer, Meso-America,the Indus and Nile Valleys. He feels they are imprisoned on planet Earth and once were masters, now they are as slaves. Chapter 2.3 This tablet tells of the defeated kings first days on Earth and finding the air, fruit and fishes good. Noah was ten shars (36,000 years) old. And no wonder, as anyone who possesses the Tablet of Destinies becomes instantly omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and omniultrasupereverything. Other regions were not given to her. There is now established a third region and the bride is given lord over it. It tells of the kings marriages. No conceptions. In addition, the Anunnaki are also responsible for the creation of Man through DNA Engineering. Since the Anunnaki are obviously multidimensional beings, they can hide in other dimensions, remaining invisible to us. Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. In the Sumerian texts there is a story called the Myth of Zu. Fear and darkness rose in the Anunnaki of Earth. Enlil handed him the deadliest armor of the Anunnaki, the Ip, a weapon with 50 heads that kill. Sennacherib and the Tablet of Destinies Authors: Andrew George SOAS, University of London Content uploaded by Andrew George Author content Content may be subject to copyright. Chapter 13.2 Ra is bothered by the goings on of the bride. The earth commander also reassigns lands. They are all bewildered. The kings daughter that is making love to the kings son is promised to the kings other son by the king. This all came about by Nibiru, in its orbit, passing close to Earth. View on Amazon PREVIEW PDF 0 Comments Leave a Comment The exiled kings son is returned to Eden. In space, the Igigi were stunned. He cries out he wants a son but she curses him (actual curse). Vegetation did not grow. The short answer is: The Anunnaki were the deity pantheon of the ancient Sumerians. Chapter 11.5 This portion deals with rescuing the father from the chamber tomb and damage done inside the pyramid to the stones, beams and beacon. The silence prevailed. Beate Pongratz-Leisten and Karen Sonik. It has now been 80 shars, or 288,000 Earth years, on earth. He and his half sister have a newborn daughter. 119-141 in The Materiality of Divine Agency. Chapter 13.1 The third region did not blossom. Chapter 13.5 The weapons of terror unleashed. Her land is also given a totally new language. But the brave Ninurta, son of Enlil, took the initiative and went looking for him by arming his ship with the Seven whirlwinds of wind that shake the dust and a Tiyu, a kind of projectile. Twenty five shars would place his execution at approximately 90,000 years after the Anunnaki came to Earth. The descendants of the Anunnaki are the white races of peoples, who were originally a light-skinned race, with either `red', blonde, or light-colored hair, and brightly colored eyes, such as blue, green, light gray, or hazel. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. He had warned of the folly. The younger brother finally left at the insistence of the kings son (his father). Later they let one of them, . He wants this to be a secret. The gold is getting to Nibiru and made into a fine dust which is placed in the atmosphere. web pages Chapter 10.5 Nibiru has been damaged by the pulls of Mars and Earth. The kings son she seduced and stole MEs from now holds MEs from her she needs to rule her land with. She conceived and gave birth to a boy child. The sliding of the glaciers will produce a great wave that will deluge the land. Adam and Eve did not leave Eden because they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree. The Earth commander realizes this was the first time an earthling raised an army. Chapter 12.3 Many changes after the kings visit. It leads to war. He also finds some of Cains people have survived. He is tied and bound. After he impregnates his sister he falls asleep. HERMENEUTICAL STRATEGIES AND INNOVATIVE INTERPRETATION IN ASSYRO-BABYLONIAN TEXTS: THE CASE OF ERRA AND IUM. Lord of the abzu The god Ea (whose Sumerian equivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon, along with Anu and Enlil.He resides in the ocean underneath the earth called the abzu (Akkadian aps), which was an important place in Mesopotamian cosmic geography.For example, the city of Babylon was said to have been built on top of the abzu. (ed. In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the. It was in this city where Ninurta had her twin sons Shamash and Ishtar. When Time Began.pdf. Now the Earth will be overrun by mankind. They were expelled because the Anunnaki scientists gave them the DNA to procreate and the commander of Eden was mad. A group of more Anunnaki, including some women that have healing skills, leave Nibiru for Earth. This is basically the world's first . To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. None of it was within Adam and Eves control. Chapter 9.4 The savants on Nibiru tell the Earth glaciers are melting and they will lose their footing. He demanded a sacred city of his own. They came to earth to mine gold, which they require to power their civilization. Ra wants to rule the entire Earth. Anunnaki means, "those who came from heaven". 2004 391 Pages 4.31 MB. He was the first born son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru. About how they would die if they returned to Nibiru. These ancient astronauts touched down in one of Earths seas, and established Eridu, Home in the Faraway.. Once the male and female children procreate (give birth to two sons Cain and Abel), the king on Nibiru wants the earthling male to come to Nibiru for a visit. The Revised, Indexed and Complete Book of the Anunnaki-Ulema Final Warning to Humanity, the End of Time, and the Return of the Anunnaki in 2022. The real reason the kings son did not want him to eat and drink the long life food was because of concerns over any future kingship disputes since he was his son. The Anunnaki had an accurate system of counting by 60. The next person in line for the throne challenges the king and defeats him in a wrestling match. Each decides to stay or leave. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The king agrees. Justin Carson, 21-year-old entrepreneur and son of Billy Carson, recently released a journal-styled book titled "Manifest Destiny Journal" available for sale on the 4biddenknowledge website and Amazon. The rest of the group continues on to Earth. Earthlings are taught the constellations. He left for new land across the ocean. The Earths Anunnaki leaders come up with a plan to refine the gold on Earth and only take refined gold to Nibiru. The history of the creation of the Sumerians began more than 4.5 billion years ago, when the original Earth (Tiamat) collided . The kings son male offspring marries an Earth woman. -- a map to chart spiritual potential and redefine the future of what it means to be Human. A large asteroid hit the moon. Then they talk about the emissary he sent them before the flood. The fourth city that was built was Sippar, the bird city. Detailed descriptions of: 1-When and how the Anunnaki will return to Earth; 2-Areas/countries of . Ra replaces it with counting by 10s. At night the Earth commanders forces destroyed it and scattered the people. Its cycles around the sun with the hot and cold periods. There are black spots on the Sun. He was born in the ninety third shar (334,800) and he died in the one hundred and eight shar (388,800) making him 54,000 Earth years old when he died. All the familiar players from Sumerian mythologyEnlil, Enki, Anu, Marduk and the restwere actually alien administrators. The king sees his grandchildren and an earthling for the first time. Rebuilding and preparations for new landing pads are being done. The rebuilding continues even though it has been two shars since the flood (7,200 years). Now the kings son in charge of getting the gold asks her to join him in his dwelling. The kings two sons and others devise a plan to return the rebelling Anunnaki to Nibiru and replace them with new Anunnaki workers. They proceeded to build the tower of Babel. The Igigi on Mars are complaining the most. It was finally taken away from her. The glowing light went out. The king comes to Earth to see the new created space port. The BOOK OF JASHER - Lost Books Bible Apocryphal Enoch. The bride neglected her region. She is accused by her sister of wanting to be impregnated by her grooms brother. It was a bright chamber called Dirga the sacred one among the sacred ones located at the top of a tower with several antennas called Dur-an-ki the sky-earth link, as can be seen in Sumerian representations. Nibiru needs more gold from Earth. Many of the Anunnaki devices, technologies and knowledge were rendered useless. He is blinded and his testicles squashed. Unbeknownst to the leaders of Eden, the two hundred Igigi from Mars had decided to abduct earthling women to be their wives. Earth one more time are being done see if there is not even any punishment considered for the! 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