All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. But if you can see the soil surface when you look down the grass, there is no need for dethatching your lawn. It suffers from brown patches, grey leaf spots, & seedling disease if not taken care of properly. The seeds spread both above and below ground by rhizomes and shoots. These include a lawn rake, fescues/zoysia grass seeds, seed spreader, dethatching rake, water hose, lawnmower, lawn roller, high-phosphorous fertilizer, and gloves. Whether Zoysia is right for you depends on where you live, your lawn care goals and how you use your lawn. A Quick Comparison of Zoysia vs Fescue grass, Key Differences Between Zoysia vs Fescue grass, Identifying Zoysia as a Warm Season Grass, Identifying features of Tall Fescue grass as a Cool Season Grass. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. How To Encourage Zoysia To Choke Out Fescue? Fescue does not demand a high amount of fertilizer as it will only need it once during fall than in spring. Why Is Your Zucchini Plant Stem Splitting? I currently battle crab grass on the edges of the lawn even though I applied Halts pre-emergent. Grown for its dense turf growth that suffocates weeds, zoysia grass (Zoysia spp.) link to Dormant Grass vs Dead Grass How to Tell the Difference & What to Do? When rainfall drops to below 1 inch of water per week, then youll need to water the lawn with at least 1 inch of water (during a 6-7 hour session). The grasses grow and spread at their own pace. High traffic areas are not a problem for this tough grass. However, each grass . Fescues can be mowed from 3"-3.5", while zoysia should be mowed at 1"-2". She is an established authority in the pet blogging community, and her blog, "Paws and Claws," has been featured in numerous publications. Insect Control Weed Control Grass Seed Complete Bundles Accessories Our Brands ASK A PRO Live Chat Professionals Available Now Email Us Call Us 855-806-4763 Contact Us Send Us a Message How to Get Rid of Crabgrass Weeds can be unsightly in an otherwise perfect, healthy lawn. Zoysia needs a lot less fertilizer. Yes, you can overseed with Zoysia grass seed. At that height and with ideal summer conditions, Zoysia will easely grow 1 inch in 1 week or more. Easily making your lawn the best in the neighborhood. Just get it done now as it is the best time, and will leave it time to root before November when the Zoysia goes dormant. Soil condition needs are better for fescue as it can even accommodate. Zoysia resembles a soft, thick, green carpet, and can form dense mats or mounds over low-lying features. A friend of mine keeps telling me that I should get rid of the fescue and go with zoysia. This will help reduce the amount of shade that Zoysia receives and make it less likely to take over the lawn. Continue to maintain your Zoysia grass lawn at 1 to 2 inches tall. Weed Control and Fertilization Control existing emerged weeds and fertilize Zoysia grass with Pennington UltraGreen Southern Weed & Feed 34-0-4 once grass and weeds hit active growth in late spring. While it might not look that appealing, it sure will give you a good break from mowing! That's especially true where a drought-resistant, low-maintenance, traffic-tolerant lawn is the goal. Besides, overseeding is different from seeding. You mustnt disperse many seeds in one area of your lawn. Heat- and drought-tolerant. Thanks Bungalove. This is one of the safest ways. As a cool-season grass, fescue thrives on winter rains and . The grass spreads by above-ground stems called stolons and underground stems called rhizomes. For the record, I just sprayed roundup on a failed Meyer Zoysia lawn infested with common bermuda and fungal diseases that the homeowner battled for the past 3 years - he had irrigation as well. Fertilizer is a critical component in the growth of healthy lawn grass. With a green signal, yes! But if the soil is loose and well-moist, you dont need to aerate it. It develops brown patches and stays in that condition during the whole winter. However, all the literature I have read on the Internet seem to point to Zoysia (the Zenith variety in particular) as the better choice for this area. The only thing I don't like is the brown lawn in the late fall and winter (I'm originally from NYC). When finalizing a grass species for your lawn then make sure to take into account some important specs. Seed or overseed with Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch in late spring or early summer. With a little bit of care and attention, you can enjoy a beautiful lawn without worry about the zoysia taking over. Plus, Pennington Zenith Zoysia keeps its green color longer than ordinary Zoysia grasses do. . Zoysia can be a bit on the expensive side but can also be reasonably priced. You can dethatch the grass using a dethatching rake if it is a small area. Well, give Fescue a shady section under a tree any day, and it will show you whose boss! BEST WARM-SEASON: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Southern Gold Mix. Since then I would aerate and over seed Fescue during the fall and now I got something in the back as well. Avoid using weed-and-feed fertilizers that cause more problems instead of supporting your grass. . Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye? Sitemap | About Us | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Me | Privacy Policy. endobj endobj First, zoysia grasses typically grow slower than other grasses, so it may take some time for them to completely overrun your lawn. Then follow this lawn care calendar for a rich, lush Zoysia grass lawn. For such a small plant it sure offers a great deal of variety. I believe the chinch bug is the main culprit. But in terms of overall performance, tall fescue wins the race! It is important to aerate your lawn if it has compacted soil. When this happens, youll need to section these parts of the lawn off to prevent traffic and to reseed in areas where growth is prohibited. luck. On the downside, Zoysia will not tolerate cold conditions. I take it you already have grass in your lawn except where the ditch witch went right? So I just went with bermuda in the front yard, but I did install Empire Zoysia in my back yard which looks very nice, and grows so slow, I mow it every 10-14 days. DethatchZoysia during peak growth to help ensure quick recovery. If so, seeding with the tall fescue would be easier than zoysia, since its easily germinated if kept moist. 52 0 obj Some Fescue varieties, such as your Tall Fescue are both heat, drought, and shade tolerant. Now, lets look closer at the main differences between Zoysia and Fescue grass. It is usually done in the fall, but can also be done in the spring. Overseed cool-season grasses in fall. <>/StructTreeRoot<>/Metadata 43 0 R>> Even its sod is very pricy. This can be a problem if you already have a lawn full of other grasses, or if youre trying to establish a new lawn with different grasses. It is known as a warm-season grass, meaning its active growth starts in the warmth of late spring and peaks during hot summer weather. To make centipede overseeding a success, you must follow the right steps and use the right tools. This is the only weak point for them both. Does not need frequent watering. However, if you are looking for a grass that is more resilient to salt, wear, and drought, then zoysia is the better choice. If you are calculating the maintenance cost then you are in for a surprise. Zoysia has a low nitrogen requirement and prefers slightly acidic soils, growing in soils with a pH between 5.8 and 7.0. Suffice to say it is rather difficult to ascertain whether or not a Zoysia is truly dormant, so that made it risky for the manufacturer to include it on the label. BEST COOL-SEASON: Jonathan Green Black Beauty All Grasses Sun or Shade. We hope youve found this article informative and will help you improve your lawn as we head to the colder seasons! I do have a fair amount of shade particularly in my back yard, and my soillike most of this areais predominantly red clay. PPM Chart for Hydroponics: Level Adjustments Guide for 2023, DIY Aeroponics: 2023 Comprehensive Guide with Pros and Cons, Net Pots for Hydroponics: 3 Ways in Which They Work 2023 Guide, Best Humidifier for 24 Grow Tent: What 6 Things to Look Before Buying, Best Humidifier for Mushrooms: 5 Types for Perfectly Plump Mushrooms, Best Humidifier for Greenhouse: 6 Experts-Approved Models, Essential Protective Wear When Operating a Tiller. I currently have tall fescue in Marietta GA z7A. A mixture of different grass types can be used to create a hard-wearing lawn that is excellent for high-traffic areas. This is vital as it helps the seeds to be in contact with the soil and ready for germination. Im sure you have some thoughts or experiences to share for Zoysia or Fescue grass? However, it is possible in some areas for them to grow at the same time. By now, you should know everything necessary to choose between Zoysia vs Fescue grass for your lawn. Be sure to keep an eye on The weather forecast and adjust your Watering schedule accordingly. As soon as it experiences a cold spell, Zoysia grass will start turning brown and will remain dormant in fall and winter. Read More . Many lawn enthusiasts side with zoysia being a resilient grass while many prefer fescue for its resistance. How Do You Get Rid Of Hard Calcium Deposits In The Shower? Greyish-green is the dominant color of the leaves. Apply this preemergent any time before weed seeds germinate, which starts when soil temperatures hit 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 54 0 obj They are not friendly with other grasses! You can expect the water needs of both types of grass to be the same. There are several reasons why Zoysia plugs may take over a fescue lawn: If you are concerned about Zoysia plugs taking over your fescue lawn, there are several things you can do to prevent this from happening: Zoysia plugs are a versatile grass that can be a great addition to any lawn. If soil testing recommends summer nitrogen, feed with Pennington UltraGreen Lawn Fertilizer 30-0-4during active growth. So, which would be the better choice for this area and the conditions I described? It needs to be mowed to 1 and a minimum of 4 times per year. Zoysia vs. St. Augustine Grass Drought Tolerance vs. Drought Resistance. If drought and heat persist, Zoysia will go dormant, but it greens up quickly when watered again. But be sure to enjoy the gardening journey along the way. The root system of Zoysia is too dense and too thick for Fescue seeds to germinate or take root. Treat turf pests such grubs and mole crickets with Sevin Lawn Insect Killer Granulesto stop lawn damage and protect grass for up to three months. Remove all debris, including dead leaves, twigs and stones. No, you should never mix zoysia and fescue. Also, aeration helps in removing any buildup of thatch. Both suited for central NC. I bet youll be a grass-wizard in no time! This should be done after four weeks and repeated after every six weeks. Zoysia is not a push-over when it comes to grasses. I do like the fact that zoysia is heat/drought tolerant especially here in GA. Go for it if that is what you want. This leads to an uneven, patchy appearance in your lawn, rather than a true blend of grasses. q 399.6 0 0 611.16 0 0 cm /Im001 Do Q Soil condition needs are better for fescue as it can even accommodate poor soils while zoysia is very picky! Use a nitrogen fertilizer, which will also help to green up the centipede grass. This means that Fescue will stay green throughout the year in climates with mild winters and summers. Does it need alot of water in the hot summer months? 0000002315 00000 n If the drought persists, it will go dormant, but will then pick up again after a good watering. Water as needed so your Zoysia lawn gets 1 to 1 1/4 inches of weekly water from irrigation and rain combined. Prevent crabgrass and feed your established Zoysia lawn in early spring with Pennington UltraGreen Crabgrass Preventer Plus Fertilizer III 30-0-4. What are the similarities between Zoysia vs Fescue? - TLDR TEch, Basketgrass, Foe or Friend? Although it may seem like a lot of work, following these simple steps will ensure that your lawn is healthy and thriving. CLIMATIC REGIONS, IN WHICH THE FOLLOWING GRASSES ARE SUITABLE FOR LAWNS: 1. 0000004831 00000 n But Zoysia demands more water at times. Zoysia is also perfect for areas prone to drought, as it can withstand conditions of very low rainfall. Sadly, fescues and zoysias are both the target of diseases and pests. It's also difficult to get rid of Bermuda as its small seeds are left behind even years after stripping it from your lawn. When planting Zoysia grass, it is important to prepare the soil and make sure it is evenly raked and level. If you don't like Fescue and have irrigation, then you could try Kentucky Bluegrass; which will stay green year round in your climate, create a dense turf, and spread via rhizomes just like Zoysia - not to mention it is actually dark green vs bright green Zoysia. 45 0 obj in addition, this product feeds to thickens your lawn and crowd out any future weeds. Surprisingly, fescue is a cool season grass but can withstand high temperatures. Spread 8 to 10 pounds of grass seed on each 1,000 square feet of your lawn to make sure you have enough coverage. If you have a Lesco store near by get their seed. xref Professional Grass Advice for the Perfect Lawn, Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch, Pennington UltraGreen Crabgrass Preventer Plus Fertilizer III 30-0-4, Pennington UltraGreen Southern Weed & Feed 34-0-4, Pennington UltraGreen Lawn Fertilizer 30-0-4, Pennington UltraGreen Winterizer Plus Weed & Feed Fertilizer 22-0-14, Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix. Fescue, on the other side, can survive a freezing winter where zoysia would die back completely. It doesnt require regular mowing and fertilizing. Summary: Tall fescue takes the lead in this aspect! The blends often contain ryegrass, which provides cover and helps prevent weeds from growing on the couch. I am trying to cheap out maybe just scalp the fescue do some tilling and raking and seed. I just recently installed an irrigation system, so Im primed to make a turfgrass change while my lawn is still cris-crossed with filled trenches. Sandy soil may require more frequent watering to keep Zoysia grass healthy and green. It can easily stay alive with low maintenance. xc```"cc 20200fP~c{leJ]s8HkYb(pYDiQ@*!H8?+~X5e. A+N

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