The reek of death hangs thick in the air, replacing the dry odor of the ancient graves with a more pungent and nause- The Underdark level of the crypts provided ready access to ating stench. It is unoccupied, and the foodstuffs stored here are A ledge, about 10 feet off the ground, runs the length ofuninspiringdried rations form the bulk of the stores. During this time, D&D went from 3.0 to 3.5, so I had the conversion of players and NPCs going on at the same time. Most enemies, however, never see his face,chamber, waiting 2d4 rounds before investigating a fight or since he rarely lifts his visor (especially in combat).other commotion. It's because of the power-level difference between editions that you've got to be careful. She then sendsthem forward into melee and casts flame strike to engulf as The tunnel comes to an end in a small cavern that showsmany of the characters as she can. A successful Balance check (DC 18) is required to cane in another area of Faern, the tunnel leading out fromcross the stream without falling. The animated skeletons can imated object with speed 30 feet and hardness 8) only if serve as an early warning if pursuers arrive. Day 0 50 miles for each additional twenty days that passmarks the beginning of the player characters involvement. Unaware Tactics: Caught alone and possibly surprised, the Treasure: At the end of each of the eleven bunks is a smallspellguard concentrates on survival. can read ancient Thorass, or who makes a successful Decipher Script check (DC 20), can also make out the words, Together Two old, small, stone buildings stand here in the shadow for Eternity. A successful Knowledge (Dalelands local) check of the hill. corpses. The other aranea remains in hu- D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 19 (43 temporary); seemanoid form, first drawing the characters into the cave with page 133.its damsel in distress act, then using spells and weapons to Tactics: When the drow become aware of the charactersboth battle the PCs and support its companion. I have need of allies of my own blood, and if a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-foot radius (1d4+7 fire); Reflex DC Lolth still ignores your pleas, I suspect you do as well. A monthly program that serves as a "mini-convention" for D&D tabletop play. Guided by Kiaransalees If your campaigns activity centers somewhere other thandivine whispers, the priestess prepares to use the potent nega- the Dalelands, you can move Szith Morcane to that location,tive energy of the temple in conjunction with the new spell to draw the characters in through drow raids in that area, andsimultaneously animate the thousands of fallen drow, goblins, connect Szith Morcane to the Deep Wastes and Maerimydraogres, and giants in and around Maerimydra into a single horde through a portal. The doors are unadorned except for two stone handles, although gouge marks indicate that heavy tools dealt some damage to the doors in the past. This means I have to rebalance a lot of encounters towards the end or they will be too easy. During Szith Morcanes retreat from the outside world, a wall of stone blocked this cavern off from the crypts above. The customersThis room is where the drow guards prepare and eat their include a pair of drow, a trio of kuo-toas, and a mind flayer.meals. The sentries automatically notice characters who advance past point X without attempting to hide in some way. Subjects are likewise protected against bodily spare). the darkness. Each then has a Listen checkresult of 9, which lets him hear people talking 90 feet up Since the drow sealed them in their caverns, constraining theirthe tunnel. Running and charging are impossible on these the Players Handbook), or a character with merely averagesurfaces, but no Climb checks are required to navigate them. Drow from Maerimydra have been en-active in Cormanthor and the recent raids in Daggerdale, surface countered in the tunnels under Old Skull in Shadowdale as re-dwellers can no longer afford to ignore the affairs of the drow. Very nally peters out 5 miles farther east.little loot was carried away, and no captives were takenthe drowseemed bent on mindless slaughter, which strikes the Lord of Dag- The Dordrien Crypts consist of a passage carved into a hill-gerdale as unusually savage and pointless. Thats what we thought wed do, too. way to a city where Lolth still held sway. She checks in on the characters not rush headlong into combat with the heroes. A character with Tactics: If the characters made noise outside the mausoleum the Track feat who scours the area for additional tracks may (by trying to force open the door, for example), the vampires attempt a Wilderness Lore check (DC 20) to determine that are ready for them. Each of these patrols consists of a small undead horde before they can continue on to the Lake of Shadows. In the last month, since these caverns werenegotiate it. She is a lesser member of Housethis level in order to split and confuse any pursuers. The odors of smoke and sulfur hang moderate wounds and then teleports into this room to open ne- in the air as if a large chemical fire had burned in here re- gotiations with the player characters. These valuables lie be- north and west of the city. The forbiddance effect means D Quth-Maren (4): hp that each character whose align- 49, 70, 64, 64; see Appendix 1. ment is not chaotic evil must Unaware Tactics: If the make a successful Will save (DC characters enter this level with- 21) to enter the House Morcane out having previously alerted level. One spellbook holds all the archmages cantrips and The unhallow spell has several effects. He and his folk were survivors of the Keep lie on a barren hilltop 2 miles south of the crypts. She continued her grisly work in secret for centuries before raising Portfolio: Undead, vengeance an undead army to exact vengeance on her husband, leaving all the inhabitants of her home realm dead in her wake. These are also apparently empty, except for a thick coating of dust. 1372 DR[2] S28. With a successful Search check (DC 18), a character chain of rugged hills stretches away to the south and the can read the name Chahir, written in the Thorass script still eastthe Dagger Hills. She uses her wand of searing lightthe web at the character. H. THULKS CAVE The bugbear slaves are loosely ruled by a barbarian bully Thulk, the bugbear boss, lives here with his three wives, twonamed Thulk, a goblinoid strong in both body and personality. Distributed to thehobby, toy, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors. Tactics: News of fighting at the gate in S21 spreads like wild- S23. Based on the directions Randal Morn pro- raids. Once she locates thefier +12). Tactics: As her first action, the cleric scout bolsters the N1. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. The prisoner, on the other hand, cares a great deal about thebut they move in opposite directions around the web of physical discomfort she is in. This chamber is home to the three spellguardsevokers who Rhavauz, the guard officer, intends to send the message serve as part of Szith Morcanes guard force. The forgotten so, you may need to set up your own starting scenario.folk of Dordrien, a town that once nestled in the Dagger Hills,built a series of crypts in some natural limestone caverns When you are ready to start the adventure, read or para-nearby. Battling past the evil denizens of these of its unusual setting. GUARD POST (EL 13) of at least 11th level defeats the forbiddance with a dispel check result of 22 or better. center of the clump. DC 28.Randal Morn urges them to look into the situation beforethe drow launch another raid, but beyond that he is willing Walls: Walls in the freestanding mausoleums (and their ex-to provide lodging, mounts, porters, or other such resources terior walls) and the surface level of the crypts (D1D6) areas requested. A character who If the characters get past the trap and through the door,makes a successful Search check (DC 20; a dwarfs stonecun- read the following text:ning bonus counts) while examining the plaster sees clearmarks from a chisel. thick, hardness 8; hp 60; AC 5; breakthe driders collected treasure: 70 pp, 800 gp, a potion of jump, DC 28.a scroll of greater magic weapon, locate object, and knock, andanother scroll of burning hands, displacement, and minor Walls: Walls in most of Szith Morcane are hewn stone.image. filthy. trance to their lair. Traced in paint, powdered silver, and colored Finally, if the nycaloth attacks the archmage before hes ready sand, the diagram is circular, with various shapes and stars to join battle in this chamber, he drinks his potion of cure circumscribed within. Unlikeother while attacking the characters (by catching her sister in most displacer beasts, it stands as big as a dire tiger and hasthe area of a flame strike, for example) she does so with rust-red fur. In drow villains in their own demesne makes for an extraordi-Part 2 of the adventure, they must travel through roughly nary adventure. The revenant template in Appendix 1 originally appeared in Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faern by Rob Heinsoo and James Wyatt. On the other side of the door, in the hall leading to the Her pose is commanding, and her presence is imposingcrypt proper, the ancient builders placed a potent trap to dis- even in stone as she stares imperiously toward the door.courage thievesa greater glyph of warding. After 2 hours travel, the charac-falls while crossing sustains 1d4 points of damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern. Solom is a middle-aged drow with a fine fashion sense and a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-ft. radius (1d4+16 fire); Reflex DCan air of hedonism. The spellguards share the same spell repertoire, but into a spartan military outpost. Source: City of the Spider Queen at BAZAAR WATCHPOST (EL 10) from floor to ceiling. The experts spend most of The scale of this map is much larger than the scale of the their time in their homes, where their workshops are located.maps of the other Szith Morcane levels. They are not The drow of the Tsarran family (including Dorina in aware of Irae Tsarrans specific actions or plans, though theyS44, Zedarr in S43, and Velasta and Velina in S42) know have heard their new leaders talk of a Great Day ofeverything in the Adventure Background. Any creature killed by this energy drain attack rises as a per turn. Sometimes wooden against each other. Unaware Tactics: The sounds of battle in this room areenough to alert the officers in S7 that intruders have entered These fine quarters belong to the two officers of Szith Mor-the level. Do I need to increase/decrease the number of magic items and potions that PCs find? If thefeet of rock, then opens into the ceiling of a 10-foot-high 21Part 1characters use silence to quiet the sounds of battle, the spell- In addition to the sheet web, a loose mesh of web strandsguard uses dispel magic to negate it, knowing that the sentries stretches across the width of the rift. This glyph spiders are visible in the webssome as small as peas, was created by the cults chief cleric, Tooman Thendrik. ISBN 10 ASCENTS TO THE FANE OF LOLTH (EL 8) black skin. D17. If they comply with her requests,Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 32. however, she turns on them at the first convenient opportu- Though they were clerics of Lolth in life, the quth-marens nity, unable to stand the thought of being indebted to a ragtagare now animated by the will of Kiaransalee, so they serve her bunch of surface-world adventurers.clerics. (A sentrys AC without his or her D Duergar Merchants (3): hp 65, 55, 51; see page 135.buckler is 15.) Gems are the only kind of treasure the monster values. She tries to stay out of melee, using the levitation power of her drow house insignia as needed To the distinct advantage of the characters, the web trap to avoid combat on the ground.also prevents the drow in D12 from becoming involved in the Treasure: In addition to the incidental treasure most drowfight with the araneas. Susztam Mar-Shinn is from S31. SPIDERLESS WAREHOUSE (EL D Ochre Jellies (3): hp 70, 65, 64; see Monster Manual. Within five tendays, perhaps six, all will be readymagical. sentries from this room are assigned to S5; the other three are Obviously, I survived the sack of the city, although it was a on the web team in S2. Though the gate has been broken, it still holds the magic trap S47. NORTHEAST PASSAGEshrine in S16, lives here with five other drowtwo warriors andthree farmers, all of whom belong to his cult. Guards who are not resting wear purple tabards over their mithral shirts like theThe walls of the Inverted Tower are extremely hard to climb guards in S24 do, have all their gear close at hand, and join a(Climb DC 30) because they are smooth and slope inward. 13 He is backed by the drowHe has cowed even the stone giants through sheer bluster com- overseers, but he skirts a dangerous line between failing tobined with a cruelty that rivals that of the drow. that the drow call faerzress. Using telepor- long and 20 to 50 (1d4+1 10) feet wide. still consumes him, and he is one of the main reasons the drowEach of the nieces has two quth-maren bodyguards with her of Szith Morcane have resumed their raids upon the all times. From Vournoths Mire to Maerimydra: 40 miles.Magical Transport This chapter details each leg of the journey and each encounter area, as well as general features of the caverns and random en-A number of spells can help the characters reach Maerimydra, counters with wandering creatures in the Deep Wastes.either through an underground route or more directly. Link to citation Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. D Dessa Sik-Morcane: hp 4; see page 139. All secret password (Quelzaress, a nonsense word) that allows Maerimydra is her temple now, and her emissaries rule them to open the door safely. Of course, characters can cast Two sets of manacles hang from the wall in this bare room. The adventure starts off as adventurers respond to the summons of Randal Morn, who asks them to investigate recent drow raids on Daggerdale. Makeguards is on duty in S5, while the other leads the web team (see S2). A combat in progress within 2 rounds. It goes to great lengths to reach dying characters corridor bends away. The villains have powerful spells they may employ against the heroes once they become aware of the threat the In Maerimydra, in Part 3, the party finds the drow city in player characters pose. what might lie beneath the surface. The letter is written in outside the door, they can surprise the drow here.Elven (Espruar script, the drow dialect) and reads as follows: D Szith Morcane Sentries (5): hp 46, 43, 41, 33, 32; see Indrizil: page 134. OTHER CITIES Additional events may have other consequences; use the sug- gested events here as a guideline for other villain reactions. The arcane guardis from S26. This team moves directly from S4 to theClimb check (DC 35). On the second dayafter she notices, she uses one of the responses noted below If Dorina is restored to life, she endeavors to return to her(most likely resurrection). If the altar is not so treated, Illustration by Christopher Shyspell that brings a bebilith to attack the characters. (Dorina does not like this device, but she keeps it players understand that theyre not done with the drowaround in case she needs to discipline one of the other vam- yet. ride. Halfway into the caven, the floor drops away in a short but steep cliff, leading to a lower area about 10 feet down. Tactics: The devils can see perfectly in darknessalmost certainly better than the characters can even with light 47Part 2sources or darkvision. NEST OF SPIDERS (EL 6)down to D16. down the heroes and eliminate them before they strike again. simply as Ripper. reading table, and stool are the only other furnishings. Many priestesses remain firm in their faith. These two driders are sorcerers; the Huge spiders in D18 re- s Wall of Stone: 3 in. an escarpment requires a successful Climb check (DC 5). D Sshumath Daerindra: hp 71; see page 140. zombies that now serve as shock troops on raids against the surface. This ad-justment reduces the Web Team by two sentries if the complex Any time a climbing character takes damage, he or shegoes to alerted status. If the sentries here are slain, remove two have climbing ACs listed with their statistics in Appendix 2.sentries from the barracks in S11 and place them here. Large webs stretch down into the darkness, and from far below you can hear D Fiendish Gargantuan Monstrous Spider (Web Spinning): rushing water. I would just pick a NPC that's close and adjust their hit dice to match the adventure. Additionally, there is arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy. D Common Drow Commoners (10): hp 2 each; see page 136. Harry the surface-dwellers, huntfour locations around the door: at the top, bottom, right, and them in their woods and fields, and take the measure ofleft edges. per use, she takes this step only for important followers. Dozens of worshiper of Ghaunadar stands in front of the door. These are flanked by a pair of columns carved to resem- ble skeletal warriors in full plate armor, their visored helmets open to reveal their leering skulls. One locker, however, conceals a gold comb studded with small diamonds (worth 450 gp), a scroll of haste and suggestion, and a I write to you now from Szith Morcane, the old outpost wand of fly with 14 charges remaining. Each of the small bowls is worth 50 gp and weighs 1 pound, and the Enormous, lurid tapestries featuring grisly deaths and walking silver-handled dagger is worth 25 gp and weighs 1 pound. Chahir: Vampire sorcerer residing in the Dordrien Crypts. One of these stones is placed in each of make ready the way. Withdraw from the fightroomin fact, she is usually within the illusory pillar. ladder releases a poisonous mist from hidden jets in the ladder Tactics: Optimally, the troglodytes seek small or weak- itself. There is a material-plane wall that passes through U24 (the green dotted line on the map). LAIR ENTRANCE (EL 8)zombies against a possible turning attempt. If the check is successful, the spell works properly. This is obviously an issue. THE BANISHED (EL 10) A character attempting to move at full speed down thetunnel must make a successful Balance check (DC 10) or fall The acrid, sulfurous odor that fills this cavern probablyprone, ending all movement. effects from one creature. The roth herds and mushroom farmscharacteristics and password as the one on the door to the on the Commoners level provide for the settlements otherroom. This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text An almost palpable The tunnel widens into a cavern, its entrance marked by energy crackles between the creature and the body, as if the scattered rubble on the ground. If that occurs, it attacks the the dead characters identity, dons his or her gear, and then caster until it is destroyed or the offender either dies or joins the party. Faerzress, the magical emanationtunnels, the characters eventually make their way to the common throughout the Underdark, scrambles teleportationruins of Maerimydra. Fortu- trap like the one in S37. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. The bug- verted Tower itself (S24) is protected by a trap that is trig-bears and giants are somewhat more determined, but even they gered whenever any creature enters the archway withoutknow better than to take on a powerful band of surface heroes. The natural caverns on skeletonsanything of value that was buried with them hasthe crypt level (D7D14) are 12 to 15 feet high, and those on either decomposed or been taken by grave robbers.the Underdark level (D15D20) are 14 to 18 feet high. However, characters using shadow walk cannotignore the dangers of the Wailing Cliff. Spiderwebs cover the holy symbol of Ghaunadar (an unblinking lidless eye) in ceiling and hang idly from the walls and furniture. The branch to the west leads to the Naga Crawls; the TSARRAN SCOUTS (EL 13) branch to the east leads to the Lake of Shadows. They used this area to stage ambushes on any surface-dwellers foolish enough to follow them into the D Roper: hp 70; see Monster Manual. Indeed, most of the corpses strewnbands (Search DC 30) provides her with a second means of about the floor and slumped against the twin rows ofegress should someone block the holes in the sculptures face. A number of peopleraids stemming from the vicinity of the crypts, naturally were killed, and the marauders caused much damage. Drow forms are visible in the bare room isnt sharing a space with a character. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. Some of its doors hang open; others have been broken off. this party of drow for another tenday or so. turn notify the drow of an intrusion before moving into posi- tion to defend their cavern. The details are likelyto be more accurate if the informant is charmed. D Quth-Maren: hp 76; see Appendix 1.A large chasm forms the basic structure of Szith Morcane. Laerekh: An important necromancer of Kiaransalees cult Chiirikk: Phasm belonging to the group known as the in Castle Maerimydra.Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra. Nevertheless, his thirst for retributionsilver ring on each finger) prominently around their necks. made to detect magical sensors) takes a 4 penalty The effects of faerzress apply to Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the ad- because of the interference of faerzress with venture. Given a(see fast-moving water under Water Dangers in Chapter 3 of chance to prepare, he casts stoneskin and mage armor before athe DUNGEON MASTERs Guide). D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55; see on page 138.Characters who can see invisible creatures spot the nycaloth Solom Nedrazak is not necessarily hostile to the characters(see Creatures) immediately. The other two seem to have been Chahir. They do not dis- Vengeance that is coming soon.cuss Irae Tsarrans plans with each other, nor do they sharethis information with the characters, even if charmed. It takes the drow and undead on the House Morcanethen (in the second round) returns to S4 to keep an eye and level 5 rounds to move into their Alerted positions.ear on the chasm. DAGGER FALLS Dorina orders a second raid.D+60 The adventure starts with the heroes being asked to Dagger Falls is located only 10 miles from the DordrienD+65 investigate the Dordrien crypts. D20. does not make the ascent difficult or dangerous. Both wear their rangers once captured him during a raid on the surface.voluminous black cloaks over their dark-colored elven chain and He escaped, of course, and has since killed every relative of thedisplay Kiaransalees holy symbol (a feminine drow hand with a men who captured him. They doze in their mithral shirts, raising the Encounter Level to 13.but they must spend a full round after being roused to collecttheir weapons and bucklers. Because the spell costs 5,000 gpto carry her orders to her daughter. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. Random EncountersThe route forks twice; each time one branch leads onwardtoward Maerimydra and the other leads several miles in Each day that the characters spend journeying through thethe wrong direction before ending in a monsters lair. Solom Nedrazak can freely pass through any of the doors secured with arcane lock. In addition to the items carried on his person, the treasure here includes sacks in his wifes coffin that contain 4,850 sp, 950 gp, a garnet ring worth 140 gp, and a fine emer- ald worth 800 gp. ers, and its mouth is a set of spiderlike mandibles capable of de-If the characters clearly intend to root out and destroy every livering deadly poison. Standard doors are as follows: This is a good opportunity for the characters to make any s Stone Doors: 4 in. Prominently around their necks result of 22 or better the N1 the Underdark, scrambles teleportationruins Maerimydra! Villains in their own demesne makes for an extraordi-Part 2 of the hill stands. 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