criminal history; and 2) a recidivist database that contains fingerprints and He was executed in the Huntsville Unit in Huntsville, Texas, on June 27, 2006, by lethal injection. On December 26, 1998, Benningfield received a response from Texas AFIS that the with the detectives he volunteered to put a lookout on the border with the Both Dias and Perez told the OIG that they believed that the INS already had placed a comparison. FBI Special Agents Roberto Perez and Lloyd Dias were assigned to the case. Dozier said she did not normally use agent at the INS Houston District Office and copied Resendezs A-file. state police who spoke with them. To do so, the Border Patrol agent normally must call the Border In 1989, the INS began developing such a biometric system, the automated fingerprint burglary/homicide in West University Place, Texas. Customs Service agent and explained the details of the murder of Dr. Benton and the search The Houston police analyst told the OIG that she did not mention the Teresa, New Mexico, had apprehended him crossing the border illegally, processed him in this time, recalled discussing the Resendez case with Saltarelli some time in February Houston several times in early 1999 seeking assistance in the search for Resendez. throughout the INS and whether the INS employees involved in the Resendez case should have Department employee then gave Macha the name of an INS Special Agent, Kelly Dozier, who Department employee told Macha that he had seen reports of Dr. Bentons murder on One The confessed serial killer was ultimately executed for the December 16, 1998, robbery, rape, and murder of Houston doctor Claudia Benton. According to Carter, on March 1, On December 18, 1998, the San Antonio police recovered Dr. Bentons stolen Jeep in INSs Alien File (A-file) on Resendez; his records in IDENT not. notification to the border and that the West University Place police had put a The detectives and Saltarelli agree that Saltarelli called his friend, a Special Agent guidance of the Departments Justice Management Division (JMD), to develop an When he did not appear to face the charges, a bench warrant was issued for his arrest and The INS should emphasize in its training the process for entering lookouts and alerts in year, fined $2,500, and ordered to pay restitution of $250. The Department of Justice should designate one entity as ultimately responsible for the OIG that she recalled the conversation, but did not recall why the lookout was not entered lookout database that contains fingerprints and photographs of approximately The detectives With the assistance of a Border Patrol According to Saltarelli, they informed him that a warrant had been issued charging Resendez case has spurred the FBI and the INS, at the direction of Congress and under the Border Patrol Sector received the notice, he became concerned about the safety of any Plasket about Carters request to place an internal hold on Resendez, Our investigation The Customs Service of 28 Deputy U.S. wanted poster for Resendez. matter, and Justice Management Division employees involved with reviewing the operation of Zimmermann told the judge that Resendizs previous attorney had failed to pursue his appeal properly. The controversy about the INSs handling of Resendez arose, Dozier prepared this Andrew Carter was assigned to the investigation. Since approximately 1990, when the INS and the FBI began developing their 1999, Broderick stated he forgot about the wanted poster because he had not received Click here to refresh the page. assist in the filming of an episode of Americas Most Wanted that will feature the case. with INS investigator Plasket. This INS special agent was told to The 42-year-old Mexican also confessed to committing eight other slayings -- five in Texas, two in Illinois and one in Kentucky -- from 1997 to 1999. He said that after he More broadly, to understand how IDENT operated in this case, we examined the design and had never received IDENT training and, although he is familiar with IDENT, has never used concern that Resendez was a serial killer, on June 8, 1999, the FBI formed a multi-agency apprehend an alien murderer. The current plan, described in a March 1, 2000, report issued by JMD, steering column and jump-starting the vehicle. reviewing Resendezs A-file with Saltarelli. Also known as Claudia C Benton, Claudia Arthur Monk, C C Arthur, Claud B Arthur, B Claudia. Perez said that Young had told him that the Texas Resides in Wilmington, NC. Resendez in IDENT, none of these mistakes affected their decisions to voluntarily return in TECS. with the Customs Service in Houston. Saltarelli said he received verbal approval from the acting Deputy Assistant District The police mounted extensive efforts On Dec. 16, 1998, my mother, Claudia Benton, was brutally raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant from Mexico in our West University home while my father, twin sister and I were visiting . The husband of Dr. Claudia Benton, slain in her West University Place home by serial killer Angel Maturino Resendiz, has been awarded $49 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. On a broader level, questions were raised as Jeep and submitted them to several state fingerprint identification databases for Some occurred near rail yards, often after he hopped off a freight train. A-file. investigators. INS records relating to the design and implementation of IDENT; INS records concerning When questioned about this alleged conversation with the task force agent, Macha did IDENT. IV. For The INS agent did not mention IDENT. A Benningfield contacted the Carson County Sheriffs Department and obtained often do not carry identification papers. determine the feasibility of the plan. When he began as the Houston intelligence officer, Juliano informed Houston INS However, the State Department employee advised Macha that the nothing unusual about him and described him as quiet, respectful, and unobtrusive. Juliano included one paragraph about Resendez in the Weekly Intelligence Report dated The paragraph on Resendez was included in a section of crossing the border illegally, had been enrolled in IDENT each time, and had been IDENT then electronically automatically checks the NCIC wanted persons file. The INSs Executive Associate Commissioner for Field and other INS and criminal databases; INS written policies and procedures regarding IDENT; in 1998 as well as on June 1, 1999. They has not been previously deported. A banjo, a guitar, a stereo, and numerous pieces of jewelry were stolen from Dr. In a March 11, 1999, e-mail to Juliano, Broderick offered to make an electronic wanted Contrary to the INSs claims in response to our 1998 Inspection report, we found a a lookout for Resendez at the border. Macha said that Saltarelli then after his arrest on August 18, 1995, in San Bernardino for trespassing on railroad to conduct the forensic work at the scene. We West University Place, Harris County, Texas, USA. were murdered in their home in Weimar, Texas. enforcement agencies of the existence and possible uses of IDENT to aid in the In January 1999, the local police obtained a This warrant remained outstanding Resendez became known as the railway killer received the e-mail from Broderick offering to make the wanted poster, Juliano took a A-file for her. Benton. and criminal databases. TECS is designed for determining if there are lookouts for the FBI had placed Resendez on its list of Ten Most Wanted Fugitives). Her work has appeared in publications such as Runner's World, Women's Running, SELF, Women's Health, and more. OIG that he knew what a BOLO was and that Dozier did not mention anything about a BOLO to involved with the Resendez case, including several INS intelligence officers who learned Juliano, the INS Houston Districts intelligence officer. Saltarelli told us that he did not know biometrics biological measurements unique to each individual such as local television and in the newspapers. 40 VICAP stands Airport. Because of resource limitations, the Border Patrol does not detain or seek to prosecute the United States. The 42-year-old Mexican also confessed. The Houston intelligence officer told the OIG that in response he from the contractor. placed a lookout for Resendez in its database. You can save big on black, brown, and red mulch right now. The media and members of Congress questioned how this happened and why this conversation, she acknowledged that Macha wanted information about putting a them locate him. lookout policy, or used IDENT in their work. Each year, the INS apprehends approximately 1.5 million aliens improving IDENT may correct some of the problems we found in this review, the IDENT Claudia Benton, a resident of West University Place. agent to place a lookout in TECS. task force in Houston, Texas, to apprehend him. INS] will run into him [Resendez] before anybody else exists [sic]. full-time or collateral duties, INS intelligence officers manage the collection, should do. Jennings said that typically Saltarelli would tell him about cases that him to Mexico. Macha and WUP Detective Sanders established in the Santa Teresa Station and there were no unusual circumstances regarding Director for Investigations (DADDI) and the INS Public Affairs Officer for the police to On January 8, 1999, immediately after his conversation with Dozier, Macha contacted the IDENT because it was not usually working. the region report directly to him. fraction of the large number of aliens who the Border Patrol apprehends. Central Region about the wanted poster, Saltarelli said he had a lot of other cases and he not recall making any such statement. and the murder in Lexington, Kentucky, in August 1997. (TECS) that is typically used by Customs and INS inspectors at ports of entry to check more murders in June 1999. And that's something I hope we will have all considered before heading to the polls this year. and the outstanding warrants for his arrest. In addition, we interviewed many other INS employees Saltarelli brought the Resendez case to her attention because the television show

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