In the work, the sir once lived in a city called Asgard, located in a region called "Asialand or Asiahome". in Animals, Into the Woods series, Myth & folklore, Rabbits & hares | Permalink In the account, Freyja is described as having been a concubine of Odin, who bartered sex to four dwarfs for a golden necklace. Ancient Origins - The Story, Symbols and Powers of Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love, Freya - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Freya ( Old Norse Freyja, "Lady") is one of the preeminent goddesses in Norse mythology. Despite its not explicitly stated, theres a tale that sheds some light on the cause of Freyjas sorrow. If we dig a little deeper into their stories, we find that they are also contradictory, paradoxical creatures: symbols of both cleverness and foolishness, of femininity and androgyny, of cowardice and courage, of rampant sexuality and virginal purity. Loki tells Freyja to be silent, calls her a malicious witch, and conjures a scenario where Freyja was once astride her brother when all of the gods, laughing, surprised the two. Freyjas love though was not as rosy as one could imagine. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. "[70], Like the name of the group of gods to which Freyja belongs, the Vanir, the name Freyja is not attested outside of Scandinavia, as opposed to the name of the goddess Frigg, who is attested as a goddess common among the Germanic peoples, and whose name is reconstructed as Proto-Germanic *Frijj. In her dealings with the other gods, Freyja is brought up in many tales. (Also see 25 Norse Gods to Know). [58], In Vrend, Sweden, Freyja could also arrive at Christmas night and she used to shake the apple trees for the sake of a good harvest and consequently people left some apples in the trees for her sake. By her husband r, she is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. When the sheet lightning flared at the night, Katrina said: "Don't be afraid little child, it is only Freyja who is out making fire with steel and flintstone to see if the rye is ripe. It is the divinely playful nature of the hare, the spring in your step that keeps you changing, growing, and going forth with spring sap in your bones. ostre (Proto-Germanic: *Austr(n)) is a West Germanic spring goddess. This event is generally accepted as precipitating the sirVanir War. In the meantime, Loki, in the form of a mare, has been impregnated by the jtunn's horse, Svailfari, and so gives birth to Sleipnir. In her book-length study of scholarship on the topic of Freyja, Britt-Mari Nsstrm (1995) is highly critical of this deduction; Nsstrm says that "these 'parallels' are due to sheer ignorance about the characteristics of Cybele; scholars have not troubled to look into the resemblances and differences between the two goddesses, if any, in support for their arguments for a common origin. [69] Regarding a Freyja-Frigg common origin hypothesis, scholar Stephan Grundy comments, "the problem of whether Frigg or Freyja may have been a single goddess originally is a difficult one, made more so by the scantiness of pre-Viking Age references to Germanic goddesses, and the diverse quality of the sources. to Peoh (Fehu) and Cen (Ken) is associated with the number 6 card - Loki turned into a flea and jumped onto Freyja's cheek and there bit her. Her name means lady or mistress in Old Norse. [51], In Srla ttr, a short, late 14th century narrative from a later and extended version of the lfs saga Tryggvasonar found in the Flateyjarbk manuscript, a euhemerized account of the gods is provided. Unlike the all-father Odin and the god of thunder Thor, who belong to the more prominent Aesir clan of Norse gods, Freyja is by birth a member of their rival deity group, the Vanir gods. The hare (famous for its skill at rapid reproduction) was her sacred animal, and brightly colored eggs, chicks, and bunnies were all used at festival time to honor this goddess of fertility and abundance. "Into the Woods" series, 43: The Folklore of Rabbits & Hares, "Into the Woods" series, 42: The Folklore of Sheep, the familiars of witches, or as witches themselves in animal form. rymr reveals that he has hidden Thor's hammer deep within the earth and that no one will ever know where the hammer is unless Freyja is brought to him as his wife. He landed on her bed and noticed that she was wearing the necklace, the clasp turned downward. [43] In chapter 32, poetic ways to refer to gold are provided, including "Freyja's weeping" and "rain or shower [] from Freyja's eyes". Site design by Group Of, Modern Witchcraft, Magic and Spirituality. There was also a silver pendant, which represents a woman with a broad necklace around her neck. So, Odin punishes her hard, and Odr, feeling forever betrayed, leaves her. The Norse people, however, saw Freya in a much different light. The Utes tell the story of Ta-vwots, the Little Rabbit, who shatters the sun and destroys the world, all of which must be created again; and an Omaha rabbit brings the sun down to earth while trying to catch his own shadow. Freyja wore a gleaming necklace called the Brisingamen and was frequently accompanied by a loyal boar called Hildisvini. That enabled her to help more effectively those in need. [45], Chapter 36 explains again that gold can be referring to as Freyja's weeping due to her red gold tears. In the Lokasenna poem, Freyja verbally fights Loki and fends off his insults with her father, Njordr intervening and accusing the god of mischief of being a sick person. Hares in Japanese folktales tend to be crafty, clownish, mischievous figures (usually male) -- as opposed to fox Tricksters (kitsune), who are more seductive, secretive, and dangerous (usually female). Learn Religions. [54], The next morning Freyja woke and saw that the doors to her bower were open, yet unbroken, and that her precious necklace was gone. The rabbit is also a. This magical white hare laid brightly colored eggs which were given out to children during spring fertility festivals -- an ancient tradition that survives in the form of the Easter Bunny today. Vision Card deck (ISBN 1-84333-023-7). Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog. Signy's brew wins the contest. She lends her falcon feathered cloak to Loki, who flies to Thryms domain and learns that if Thor wants his hammer back then Freyja must agree to marry Thrym. Serve yourself a dish of fine raw carrot and savour every sweet, moist bite. Freyja is primarily the Norse goddess of love and fertility. [72], Freyja and her afterlife field Flkvangr, where she receives half of the slain, have been theorized as connected to the valkyries. [69], In the Poetic Edda poem Vlusp, a figure by the name of Gullveig is burnt three times yet is three times reborn. Freya (Norse) - emblem of Freya, a mother goddess, giver of fruitfulness and love; associated with Holda, the Norse moon goddess Hermes (Greek) - God of the spoken word; the rabbit was sacred to Hermes as a fleet-footed messenger Wenenut (Egyptian) - "Deified rabbit-headed goddess. Her passion for gold however becomes her worst enemy in the end. [42] In chapter 20, poetic ways to refer to Freyja are provided; "daughter of Njrr", "sister of Freyr", "wife of r", "mother of Hnoss", "possessor of the fallen slain and of Sessrumnir and tom-cats", possessor of Brsingamen, "Van-deity", Vanads, and "fair-tear deity". It is a goddess symbol, a Trickster symbol, a symbol of the Holy Trinity, a symbol of death, redemption and rebirthall these and so much more. [38] Chapter 56 details the abduction of the goddess Iunn by the jtunn jazi in the form of an eagle. Compared to others, Freyja was a kind and compassionate goddess, fond of love songs and generally matters of the heart. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [53], As related in chapter 2, Loki, under the service of Odin, found out about Freyja's actions and told Odin. Harry just gave his side of the story and said he actually broke up with . [78] Like other Norse goddesses, her name was applied widely in Scandinavia to, for example, "sweetmeats or to stout carthorses". Howling, Loki turned away and went to Freyja's bower but found it locked, and that he could not enter. Three of these place names appear to derive from *Freyjuhof ('Freyja's hof'), whereas the goddess's name is frequently otherwise compounded with words for 'meadow' (such as -veit, -land) and similar land formations. Ostara/Eostre is the Germanic goddess associated with Dawn and Spring a time of new beginnings. Hrungnir says that he will drink all of their ale. Freya is associated with the High Priestess (which I think is a The image of three hares chasing each other in a circle is a visual challenge, as only three ears are shown each ear is shared by two hares. To honour the hares orginal bird-form, Ostara gave the hare the power to lay eggs one day a year. Freyja objects. She's a member of the Vanir tribe of deities, but became an honorary member of the Aesir gods after the Aesir-Vanir War. Thor tells Loki of his missing hammer, and the two go to the beautiful court of Freyja. The hare is the totem animal of lunar goddesses such as Hecate, Freyja and Holda - the hare is a symbol for the moon." In addition to being buried with her wand, she had received great riches which included horses, a wagon and an Arabian bronze pitcher. Her father was Njrd, the sea god. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. She wears a magnificent necklace called Brisingamen, which represents the fire of the sun. Keely Hare (Golden Square) and Freyja Pearce (Eaglehawk) were both . Strengths:A warm, dynamic and compassionate Goddess. entries are dated 1582-1605]. Her mother's identity is a mystery to many scholars and is simply called the unnamed wife . Norse love-goddess Freyja had hares as servants. The connection with Frigg and question of possible earlier identification of Freyja with Frigg in the Proto-Germanic period (Frigg and Freyja origin hypothesis) remains a matter of scholarly discourse. One year she was late, partly because she found a dying bird in the snow, brought it back to life as a white hare, and named it Lepus. African hare stories traveled to North America on the slavers ships, mixed with rabbit tales of the Cherokee and other tribes, and were transformed into the famous Brer Rabbit stories of the American South. [52], Chapter 1 records that one day Freyja passed by an open stone where dwarfs lived. Freyja had a beautiful bower, and when the door was shut no one could enter without Freyja's permission. [78], The 19th century German composer Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen opera cycle features Freia, the goddess Freyja combined with the apple-bearing goddess Iunn. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brsingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers. The myths have it that Ostara is responsible for bringing Spring to our lands each year. CelticJewelscapes From shop CelticJewelscapes. Mythology Aesir-Vanir War. the Lovers (Haindl's deck). Ingunn sdsardttir. Youll find a circular motif of three hares appearing all over the world in sacred sites, from the Middle east to churches in Devon. Freyja is a main character in the poem Hyndlulj, where she assists her faithful servant ttar in finding information about his ancestry so that he may claim his inheritance. Within Flkvangr lies her hall, Sessrmnir. And I shall go in the Devils name, Freyja has numerous names, including Gefn, Hrn, Mardll, Sr, Vanads, and Valfreyja. The two compete and during the brewing process Signy prays to Freyja and Geirhild to Htt ("hood"), a man she had met earlier (earlier in the saga revealed to be Odin in disguise). In Teutonic myth, the earth and sky goddess Holda, leader of the Wild Hunt, was followed by a procession of hares bearing torches. About | When Loki brought the dwarves of Svartalfheim to Asgard Freyja was fascinated by the gifts they gave to the Aesir. Freyja is a great and lovely goddess. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The shapeshifting hare was the result of not one, but two powerful and magical acts of renewal beyond the mundane sphere of possibility. In the Poetic Edda, Freyja is mentioned or appears in the poems Vlusp, Grmnisml, Lokasenna, rymskvia, Oddrnargrtr, and Hyndlulj. Hares were associated with the Artemis, goddess of wild places and the hunt, and newborn hares were not to be killed but left to her protection. In fact, the symbol is much older and farther ranging than early folklorists suspected. Well done to both Keely Hare and Freyja Pearce, who recently represented the CVFL for their interleague women's game last week. . So Loki transformed himself into a fly, and after having trouble finding even the tiniest of entrances, he managed to find a tiny hole at the gable-top, yet even here he had to squeeze through to enter. The first thing that Thor says to Freyja is that she should dress herself and put on a bride's head-dress, for they shall drive to Jtunheimr. It was Freyja who demonstrated and later taught seidr to the Aesir gods. Eostre, the goddess of the moon, fertility, and spring in AngloSaxon myth, was often depicted with a hares head or ears, and with a white hare standing in attendance. She is the patroness of lovers, marriages, and fertility. Freyja offered to buy the collar from them with silver and gold and other items of value. In Iceland, the poem became known as rylur, whereas in Denmark the poem became Thor af Havsgaard and in Sweden it became Torvisan or Hammarhmtningen. They have connected her to the valkyries, female battlefield choosers of the slain, and analyzed her relation to other goddesses and figures in Germanic mythology, including the thrice-burnt and thrice-reborn Gullveig/Heir, the goddesses Gefjon, Skai, orgerr Hlgabrr and Irpa, Mengl, and the 1st century CE "Isis" of the Suebi. The Norse goddess Freyja had hare attendants In Britain the hare was sacred to the moon goddess Andraste The hare is associated with the Celtic goddess Cerridwen Kaltes is a Moon goddess venerated by the Ugric people of western Siberia. Ger. [88], "Freya" is a song by American heavy metal band The Sword from their 2006 debut album Age of Winters. This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 22:53. A particular concentration is recorded in Uppland, among which a number derive from the above-mentioned *Freyjuv and also *Freyjulundr ('Freyja's sacred grove'), place names that indicate public worship of Freyja. Goddess of: beauty, battle, destiny, fate, fertility, gold, love and seidr, Other names: Freya, Freyia, Freja, Gefn, Horn, Mardoll, Syr, Vanadis, and Valfreyja, Seidr magic the ability to see and shape the future, agriculture, beauty, cats, destiny, eroticism, fate, fertility, flowers, love, reading runes, sensuality and wealth. In Chinese folklore, female hares conceive through the touch of the full moon's light (without the need of impregnation by the male), or by crossing water by moonlight, or licking moonlight from a male hares fur. Ay while I come home again. [77] In addition, Oehlenschlger wrote a comedy entitled Freyjas alter (1818) and a poem Freais sal featuring the goddess. Eostre, the Celtic version of Ostara, was a goddess also associated with the moon, and with mythic stories of death, redemption, and resurrection during the turning of winter to spring. Norse love-goddess Freyja had hares as servants. Although . Optional 925 Sterling Silver Earwires 5 out of 5 stars. Thor immediately enters the hall, hammer raised. Freyja is one of the major Norse goddesses. Wenenut (Egyptian) "Deified rabbit-headed goddess. Rabbits and hares are both good and bad in Trickster tales found all the way from Asia and Africa to North America. Although a Vanir deity, she is an honorary member of the Aesir. He is a Greek- and Norse Mythology enthusiast. Why is the hare sacred to Easter? Nsstrm comments that "still, we must ask why there are two heroic paradises in the Old Norse view of afterlife. It was Freyjas privilege to choose one-half of the heroes slain in battle for her great hall in the Flkvangar (the god Odin took the other half to Valhalla). Scholar Britt-Mari Nsstrm points out the description in Gylfaginning where it is said of Freyja that "whenever she rides into battle she takes half of the slain", and interprets Flkvangr as "the field of the Warriors". "[50], In the first chapter of the 14th century legendary saga Hlfs saga ok Hlfsrekka, King Alrek has two wives, Geirhild and Signy, and cannot keep them both. Freyja's dominion. The earliest known examples of the design can be found in Buddhist cave temples in China (581-618 CE); from there it spread all along the Silk Road, through the Middle East, through Hungary and Poland to Germany, Switzerland, and the British Isles. He has powers of shape-shifting and his tricks help to spawn creation. In the Thrymskvitha poem, Freyja assists Thor, who has lost his powerful hammer Mjolnir by the Jotunn king Thrym. "Whether she liked it better or worse", Freyja agreed to the conditions, and so spent a night with each of the four dwarfs. To amuse children, Eostre changed her beautiful pet bird into a rabbit. ((I should mention that our understanding of the Ostara/Eostre myth is controversial, with mythologists divided between those who believe she was and was not a major figure in the British Isles.). The legend may have been brought to North American by German immigrants, derived from the Raurackl (or horned rabbit) of the German folklore tradition. (The stone formations are known by the names Hound Tor and Bowermans Nose.) Submissions |. According to Neckel, both goddesses can be interpreted as "fertility goddesses" and other potential resemblances have been noted. Carvings of rabbits eating grapes and figs appear on both Greek and Roman tombs, where they symbolize the transformative cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Happy Sunday to all. In the end, the two gods manage to trick Thrym and Thor successfully gains back his hammer Mjolnir. *The moon-gazing hare was especially important to early Celtic Britons. [40], In chapter 17, the jtunn Hrungnir finds himself in Asgard, the realm of the gods, and becomes very drunk. Freyja, (Old Norse: "Lady"), most renowned of the Norse goddesses, who was the sister and female counterpart of Freyr and was in charge of love, fertility, battle, and death. Thor objects but is hushed by Loki, reminding him that the new owners of the hammer will soon be settling in the land of the gods if the hammer is not returned. On most occasions, Freyja is a force of good, helping mortals and gods with their love quests, making things bloom and generally beautifying parts of the world. Freyr is "the most glorious" of the gods, and Freyja "the most glorious" of the goddesses. The fertility goddess Freya abandons the earth during the cold months, but returns in the spring to restore nature's beauty. And in Skaldskarpamal, Freyja lends again her magical cloak to Loki. Freyja was similar to Frigg, the chief goddess of the Aesir, which was the Norse race of sky deities. And that this must go on eternally, unless a Christian man of a particular stature goes into the battle and smites them, only then will they stay dead. Freyr is her brother. Rural Scandinavians continued to acknowledge Freyja as a supernatural figure into the 19th century, and Freyja has inspired various works of art. 5 out of 5 stars (601) Eostre (Anglo-Saxon) in antiquity, worshipped in a spring festival; "Also known as: Eastre, Goddess of the Spring. She is quite similar to Odinn, as she follows the shamanistic ways, possesses psychic abilities, and can shapeshift. [41], In chapter 18, verses from the 10th century skald's composition rsdrpa are quoted. [82], Starting in the early 1990s, derivatives of Freyja began to appear as a given name for girls. Its fascinating to consider how diverse and widespread the hare trinity symbol has become. The two of them had two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi, who took after their mother in beauty and manner. It is part of the shared medieval heritage of Europe and Asia (Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism) yet still inspires creative work among contemporary artists.". "[74], Gustav Neckel, writing in 1920, connects Freyja to the Phrygian goddess Cybele. the The Brer Rabbit stories were written down and published by Joel Chandler Harris in the 19th century in a now classic collection narrarated by the fictional Uncle Remus. Though now associated with the Holy Trinity in Christian iconography, the original, pre-Christian meaning of the Three Hares design has yet to be discovered, but we can glimpse possible interpretations by examining the wealth of world mythology and folklore involving rabbits and hares. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [56] In the 19th century, Britt-Mari Nsstrm observes, Swedish Romanticism focused less on Freyja's erotic qualities and more on the image of "the pining goddess, weeping for her husband". She is often joined by the boar Hildisvini. That is, with one exception: she could have it back if she could make two kings, themselves ruling twenty kings each, battle one another, and cast a spell so that each time one of their numbers falls in battle, they will again spring up and fight again. [1] Stemming from the Proto-Germanic feminine noun *frawjn ('lady, mistress'), it is cognate with Old Saxon fra ('lady, mistress') or Old High German frouwa ('lady'; cf. Her Norwegian Forest cats that pull her wagon. Who is Freyja in Norse Mythology? [56] A section of the Swedish Torvisan, in which Freyja has been transformed into "the fair" (den vna) Frojenborg, reads as follows: In the province of Smland, Sweden, an account is recorded connecting Freyja with sheet lightning in this respect. Freyja immediately asked to purchase it, but the smiths told her they didnt need any gold or silver. I know no better course of action than my father's. Ostara not only brought a dying animal back to life, she also gave it a new form. modern German Frau). In the poem, Thor wakes up to find that his powerful hammer, Mjllnir, is missing. Images above: "Three Hares" by Jackie Morris, "Three Hares" by Brian Froud, "Nature in Art" by Eleanor Ludgate, "The Mockingbird and the Hare" by Kelly Louise Judd, "Wishing on a Blue Moon" by Karen Davis, "Girl and Rabbit" photographed by Katerina Plotnikova, "Brown Hare (Suffolk)" photographed by Michael Rae, "Thumper" (from my novel The Wood Wife) by Brian Froud, "Eostre" by Danielle Barlow, "Easter Rabbits" by Mr. Finch, "Hare" sculpture by Beth Cavener Stichter, "Desert Cottontail" sculpture by Mark Rossi, Desert Jackrabbit photograph (Wikipedia), my "Desert Bunny Girl with Prayer Feathers" sketch, "Mimbres Rabbits" by Pablita Verlarde (Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico), "Boxing Hares" photograph (The Independent), "The March Hare, Dormouse, and Mad Hatter" by John Tenniel, "Moon Rabbit" netsuke by Eiichi (Japan, late 19th Century), illustration from "The Tortoise and the Hare" by Charles Robinson, "Country Bunny" by Marjorie Hack, two more of my Bunny Girls, a rabbit study and "The Rabbit's Christmas Party" by Beatrix Potter, the March Hare at "The Mad Hatter's Tea Party" by Arthur Rackham, and "Young Hare" by Albrecht Drer. 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