Not mine, but I found in my obsessive dive into kingmaker. I noticed a small error in the consumption calculation (L32). | Cairn SRD Most citizens see the General as a protector and patriot. Back to Character Sheets Local Hosting of the File:PZO1125-KingdomSheets.pdf PDF File Currently your browser does not use a PDF plugin. Kingmaker is very flexible and you can streamline the kingdom building rules if players feel it is boring things down or (like we did) lean right into it and expand it out like crazy (whole vassal kobold kingdoms, peaceful takeover of another large nearby kingdom through diplomacy and careful use of bagpipes, kingdom region hex map that ended up Looks great. I solved it by using the correcting the reference for the column waterfront and districts. The cities, roads, farms, and buildings belong to the citizens who build them and use them to live and work every day, and those acts of living and working create more BP for the kingdom. Rose Pekelnicky thanked loisflan. The kingdom gains no benefits from the Holiday edict. Now - all I have to do is wait my first paycheck from my new job, so that
It looks like the consumption is set to the number of city tabs you have in the document,
Each time you withdraw BP for your personal use, Unrest increases by the number of BP withdrawn. An appropriate starting amount is 50 BP. I'm making some separate "quick reference" sheets that I'll be printing out and giving to my players. doing it for yourself, & just sharing) is amazing. You can do this by going to the menu at the top of the page and selecting "File", then "Make Copy". I will be sure to post any feedback I get from my group after we use this one for a few sessions. Step 2Make Deposits to the Treasury: You can add funds to a kingdoms Treasury by donating your personal wealth to the kingdomcoins, gems, jewelry, weapons, armor, magic items, and other valuables you find while adventuring, as long as they are individually worth 4,000 gp or less. of The workbook now includes enough functionality to keep track of your armies. It weirds me out to hit delete on things (personal preference)
Splitting a country because of invasion, revolution, or a similar conflict usually involves unique circumstances and is beyond the scope of these rules; the GM should use the above steps as guidelines for when the kingdom leaders reach an agreement with others about how to split the kingdom. Ill test the auto calculations and stuff tomorrow when I have my laptop but the only thing I notice is that the text for Size at the top is kinda janked out and has a large gap between the S and the ize but that could just be a mobile issue. Here's a form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for Kingdom Building. Many of the references to things on the city tabs were changed inadvertently when I added a bunch of columns to accommodate for magic item slots. Conquest: The sponsors soldiers clashed with the army of an existing kingdom and the kingdoms old leaders have fled, surrendered, or been killed. The paragraph above describes an optimal, peaceful situation where part of the kingdom wants to split away from the rest or the rulers want to divide the kingdom into smaller kingdoms. Many PCs are content to live as mercenaries or treasure hunters, no interest in being responsible for the health and well-being of subjects; for these characters, a kingdom is simply a place they pass through on the way to the next adventure. With building a kingdom, you begin by founding a small settlementsuch as a village or townand expand your territory outward, claiming nearby hexes, founding additional settlements, and. Before you can claim it, the hex must first be explored, then cleared of monsters and dangerous hazards (see Steps 2 and 3 of Founding a Settlement for more details). I also haven't picked up a copy of it yet, so I have no idea how much work this is going to be :) Thanks, redcelt32! This section presents rules for building a kingdom and waging war that focus on the larger tactics of city planning and troop strategy rather than managing details of individual settlers and soldiers. I've also included an Open/Libre Office version of the workbook, although it's literally just a straight file conversion right now and errors are likely to exist until I get time to work on a proper conversion. Alchemy Tracking Sheet. Like the exploration system, the kingdom-building rules measure terrain in hexes. Kingdom Building. Others lead soldiers into battle, waging great and terrible wars. For example, if you rebuff the queens envoy, your citizens may see this as a snub against the queen and rebel. Stability Check Modifer: -4. The Spymaster observes the kingdoms criminal elements and underworld and spies on other kingdoms. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign. If the kingdom has an army and a navy, the heads of those organizations report to the kingdoms General. I haven't purchased it, yet, and I'd like to incorporate it in the spreadsheet eventually if it's Open Content. Build points dont have a precise exchange rate to gold pieces because they dont represent exact amounts of specific resources. Modifiers: Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law 3, Productivity +1. Table: Improvement Edicts tells you the maximum number of buildings you can construct in your kingdom per turn. The leaders arent selling any expensive items, so nothing happens in Step 3. Phase 4Event: Check whether any unusual events occur that require attention. Will test it more thoroughly with a trial game tomorrow! (Probably only lots of coding for no gain), Could it be useful to add a list with some info about the buildings for the city map tab? Use the kingdom sheet to track the statistics of your kingdom, just as you use a character sheet to track the statistics of your character. Again, thanks for all the excellent work! In practice, it is not a simple matter to convert one currency to the other, but there are certain ways for your PC to spend gp to increase the kingdoms BP or withdraw BP and turn them into gold for your character to spend. Your kingdoms initial scores in each of these attributes is 0, plus modifiers for kingdom alignment, bonuses provided by the leaders, and any other modifiers. A settlement is created with one district, covering a 1 mile square. Vacancy Penalty: Economy decreases by 4. Patch notes and instructions to install the beta can be found here: store.steampowered 242 183 r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Join 5 days ago Confused about all this Hulrun praise 130 284 r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Join 15 days ago Step 2Pay Consumption: Subtract your kingdoms Consumption from the kingdoms Treasury. | True20 SRD He organizes regular patrols and works with the General to respond to threats that militias and adventurers cant deal with alone. At the end of this phase, the kingdom has Economy 55, Loyalty 42, Stability 55, Unrest 4, Consumption 4, and Treasury 5 BP. Thanks for pointing this out to me! The GM may influence any of these steps as appropriate to the situation, such as giving hexes in the smaller kingdom a temporary Loyalty penalty for 1 year, or giving the entire kingdom a 1d42 Stability modifier each turn for 6 months. | Dungeon World SRD It was silly and I'm glad you said something so I could change it back. Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, Recent threads in Kingmaker Second Edition. Overlord: The kingdoms ruler is a single individual who either seized control or inherited command of the settlement and maintains a tight grasp on power. Secret Syndicate: An unofficial or illegal group like a thieves guild rules the kingdomthe group may use a puppet leader to maintain secrecy, but the group pulls the strings. You cannot take 10 or take 20 on a kingdom check. If independence occurs as a result of creating a secondary territory by losing control of a connecting hex (see Losing Hexes), the additional Unrest penalty from having a kingdom leader act as the Ruler ends. Elevator. Should i press F9 in a particular tab? For example, losing the only hex that bridges two sides of a mountain range creates two separate territories. Thank you again, especially for the Google comp. I'll be sure to add this to the instruction sheet (which I really haven't touched at all yet) and try to make it a little clearer that this is being done automatically. Benefit (s) a method moving from one floor of the building to another without using stairs. The Spymaster always has a finger on the pulse of the kingdoms underbelly, and uses acquired information to protect the interests of the kingdom at home and elsewhere through a network of spies and informants. You may assume any leadership role (including Ruler) for your colony or vassal state, but any benefit you provide in this role is 1 less than normal; if you do so, you must spend 7 days that month performing duties appropriate to that leadership role in addition to the 7 days spent for Viceroy duties. I can afford my ever growing Visa bill& all will be well! Kingdom Basics There are two ways to access the Kingdom Management screen: 1) From your Throne Room, click on the Hand icon ("Manage kingdom affairs") on the table. Standard Version (.xlsx)
2) From the overworld map,. I was hoping I had caught and corrected them all but it was very late last night when I finished. At the GMs discretion, monsters may move into the abandoned hex, requiring you to clear it again if you want to claim it later, and terrain improvements may decay over time. If this happens, the primary territory is the part of the kingdom with your capital city (see sidebar), and the rest of the kingdom is the secondary territory. I'd just like to know so I could figure out where to place it in my priorities list. Thanks for catching this! On each lot you may construct a building, and each building affects your kingdom's Economy, Loyalty, and so on. For example, a General increases Loyalty by 2, so the General provides a constant +2 to the kingdoms Loyalty (not a stacking +2 increase every turn), which goes away if she dies or resigns. Because the Heir carries the potential of being the next Ruler, the Heirs role is similar to the Consort in that the Heir may act on behalf of the Ruler. to 50 | Five Torches Deep SRD Example: Jessica and the other leaders need to keep BP in the kingdom for future plans, so they skip Step 1 of the Income phase. Hey, guys. Good to have some free kingdom building tools out there for setting up a newly formed home base over in Kingmaker 2e, DM_aka_Dudemeister and tomeric. While in anarchy, your kingdom can take no action and treats all Economy, Loyalty, and Stability check results as 0. Just as a kingdom can divide into separate pieces, kingdoms may want to unite to become a more powerful political entity. At first glance, it looks like it should be working okay except that some cells have become unmerged and the worksheet protection has been removed. Please take note that most of the army resources/tactics/abilities won't actually apply any of their modifiers to an army unless the effects are unconditionally active on the armies at all times. Legal Information/Open Game License. Tweaked the way a few formulas work, especially in regards to vacancies and edicts (personal preference), Formatting:
Unrest can never fall below 0 (anything that would modify it to less than 0 is wasted). The front and back cover, back matter, introduction and Credits page, as well all other parts of this product including
Step 2: Split up the kingdom. This should be listed as Consumption 5 (Army Consumption 1 + 4 Ranged Support for a Large Army). The Consort represents the Ruler when the Ruler is occupied or otherwise unable to act. Your kingdoms Consumption is equal to its Size, modified by settlements and terrain improvements (such as Farms and Fisheries). Klicken Sie hier um zur deutschen Website zu gelangen! Likewise, the rules assume that the leaders are working together, not competing with each other or working at odds. If you want to donate an item that is worth more than 4,000 gp, refer to Step 3 instead. I Really would like to see the final version. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). Vacancy Penalty: Stability and Loyalty decrease by 2. That said, for some reason 4.1 refuses to cooperate with google drive - any idea what the problem is? Vacancy Penalty: This line explains the penalty to your kingdom if no character fills this role, or if the leader fails to spend the necessary time fulfilling his responsibilities. Others are detrimental, such as foul weather, a plague, or a rampaging monster. If it includes already improved terrain and cities, youre expected to govern and further improve them. Step 1Make Withdrawals from the Treasury: The kingdom-building rules allow you to expend BP on things related to running the kingdom. While I very much appreciate everyone's kind words and offers, I would feel weird accepting gifts for the spreadsheet, even if it was to help add to the sheet. Average these numbers together (minimum 1 Unrest). I've got a start on updating the sheet and you can download it here. a kingdom turn takes 1 month of game time. This otherwise functions like losing a hex due to unrest (see Step 4 of the Upkeep Phase). The Warden also works with the General to deploy forces to protect settlements and react to internal threats. The downtime system doesn't normally use BP, but if you are using the kingdom-building rules, you may have ways to spend BP as part of your downtime. Wow ya, that was a pretty massive error on my part guys. Redid the way the "Major Buildings" list works on the City Summary worksheet. | GumshoeSRD Restoring order once a kingdom falls into anarchy typically requires a number of quests and lengthy adventures by you and the other would-be leaders to restore the peoples faith in you. Disclaimer: This spreadsheet keeps track of up to 10 cities / districts and connects them all to the main kingdom sheet, but doesn't keep track of BP purchases (you'll have to do that on your own). The effort you're going to for us as a community (yes, I know you're mostly
Pathfinder - Kingmaker - Kingdom Excel Sheet Sie befinden sich zur Zeit auf der englischen Website zum Kingdom Excel Sheet. Let me know if you guys catch any bugs, errors, or anything else strange. Example: Jessica is the Ruler of a kingdom with a Size of 30 and a Control DC of 60. Build points include raw materials (such as livestock, lumber, land, seed, and ore), tangible goods (such as wagons, weapons, and candles), and people (artisans, laborers, and colonists). Add the (updated) magic item slots back to the settlement worksheets, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet, Open/Libre Office Quick Conversion (.ods), previously posted version 4.2 download links, I've uploaded it for you here if you don't want to hunt for it, 1 Consumption: Consumption indicates how many BP are required to keep the kingdom functioning each month. Each role grants the kingdom different benefits. The game statistics for terrain improvements. Your kingdom also consumes BP to maintain itself (see Consumption). Sadly the latest version does not appear to be playing nice with google spreadsheets(which is where I do pretty much everything). As with a normal campaign, the GM is the final arbiter of the rules, and can make adjustments to events as necessary for the campaign. Step 2Claim and Abandon Hexes: For your kingdom to grow, you must claim additional hexes. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License 1.0a, Seection 1(e), and are not Open Content: Legendary Games, the Legendary Games Logo,
My hero! If the negotiation fails, it worsens the patrons attitude by 1 additional step. You should be using the Kingdom rules in Ultimate Campaign, as they fixed a number of issues present in the Kingmaker rules. Stability: Stability refers to the physical and social well-being of the kingdom, from the health and security of its citizenry to the vitality of its natural resources and its ability to maximize their use. The Heir is usually the Rulers eldest son or daughter, though some kingdoms may designate a significant adviser (such as a seneschal) as Heir. Dudemeister's 2e Kingdom Building Sheet (BETA). Excellent sheet, one small bug, cistern adds to population. Shop the Open Gaming Store! If you'd like, you can use the pre-Ultimate Campaign sheet to generate events. It is very flattering and I appreciate the kind thoughts very much, although I'm going to have to decline the offer :) I didn't own a copy of Ultimate Rulership when you posted, however, I just purchased the PDF from the Legendary Games website just in case any of you kind, generous people were tempted to "do it anyway" :) Also: I have to say that I agree with Chemlak. Unrest: Your kingdoms Unrest indicates how rebellious your citizens are. Settlement Roster. Some roles have no vacancy penalty. Thanks for being awesome! The key parts of the kingdom-building rules that you'll be referencing are as follows: Explanation of the kingdom terminology used throughout this chapter. Ruling a kingdom is a complex and difficult task, one undertaken only by the very ambitious. If the PCs are interested in ruling only a single town or castle and the small region around it, kingdom building can focus primarily on the settlement and the PCs personal demesne. Kingdoms have attributes that describe and define them. But consumption is automatically listed as 1 on the Army tab, and in the Overall is listed as 4. | Forge Engine SRD Benefit(s): Add your Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier to Loyalty. Build points are an abstraction representing the kingdoms expendable assets, not just gold in the treasury. They are of less use to GMs, who can, quite literally, put whatever they want where they want it. I'd love to get the rules from Ultimate Rulership incorporated into the sheet! I was just making sure it didn't say anything crazy in the front of the book like "This Legendary Games game product contains no Open Game Content. You may sell one item per settlement district per turn. Providing a seed amount of BP at the start of kingdom building means your kingdom isnt starving for resources in the initial months. like so many of the "pre-Pathfinder" edition books. Edit:
I feel like I should mention this sheet: Population: Actual population numbers dont factor into your kingdoms statistics, but can be fun to track anyway. Older versions Excel (.xls). I'd look for the "official" source on this but I'm too tired right now :p. Whoa, I didn't even realize there were optional rules for armies, too >_< This is definitely on my list now but it's going to have to be a little ways down the list for now. In Step 2, the kingdom pays 5 BP for Consumption. Losing a hex may break your connection to other kingdom hexes. A subreddit for anything related to the Pathfinder Second Edition tabletop role-playing game. There is a 25% chance of an event occurring (see Events). You both add your Charisma modifiers to the kingdom attribute (or attributes, if the kingdom is large enough). file. During the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by 1. During the Event Phase, follow these steps. Benefit(s): Add your Charisma modifier or Intelligence modifier to Stability. Then follow the steps for founding a kingdom. The General is responsible for looking after the needs of the military and directing the kingdoms armies in times of war. You can only claim a hex that is adjacent to at least 1 other hex in your kingdom. Also, in case there was any confusion regarding the Consumption cost for armies on the "Overall" sheet, armies pay their Consumption cost weekly so the amount listed on the Overall sheet is multiplied by 4 since everything else on that sheet is calculated monthly, not weekly. Anyway, as for what's coming next, I think I'm going to focus on getting most, if not all, of the "optional" stuff from Ultimate Campaign added in (like Settlement Modifiers, Fame, etc). | Starjammer SRD When the kingdom building rules were posted to, I couldn't help myself and had to look at them to see how they addressed the few problems many people were having with things like deposits/withdrawals and magic items. Rob rolls a 9 on the 1d20, adds the kingdoms Economy score (55), and subtracts Unrest (4) for a total of 60, which means the kingdom adds 20 BP (the Economy check result of 60, divided by 3) to the Treasury. I used Berhagen's wonderful sheet made for Kingmaker (later updated by Zoetrope) as a base for my sheet. Downloaded this and did a quick test run - looks awesome so far. PCs and NPCs as Leaders: These rules include enough important leadership roles that a small group of PCs cant fill them all. During the second month you can found Sul Adara, and begin construction of 1 building in it. You make your kingdom checks and other decisions about running your kingdom at the end of each month. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Modifiers: Corruption +1, Crime 1, Law +1, Society 1. If the Ruler dies, the Consort may act as Ruler until the Heir comes of age and can take over as Ruler. The GM may influence any of these steps as appropriate to the situation, such as by giving one kingdom an Economy penalty and a Loyalty bonus, or dividing the Unrest in Step 4 unequally between the kingdoms. It might be worth noting on the "How to Use" sheet that the "Bonus" column requires inputting the total ability score bonus, and will halve it appropriately for the leadership positions (Consort and Heir, I think) where it gets halved. Its not easy to start a kingdomprobably the reason everyone doesnt have one. Divide the ACR 3 by 2 to get the base Consumption before adjustments (3 divided by 2 is 1 when rounded down). Step 6Create Army Units: You may create, expand, equip, or repair army units (see Mass Combat). 6 If the hex contains any rivers, double the listed cost to reflect the need to build bridges. Unrest increases by 4 during the kingdoms Upkeep Phase. Edit: Oh, almost forgot! These rules assume that all of the kingdoms leaders are focused on making the kingdom prosperous and stable, rather than oppressing the citizens and stealing from the treasury. Check out our other SRD sites! To make it a little clearer, I've made a note of it directly on the Overall page. Just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your spreadsheet! I hope to get the Event Generator added back in at some point, so thanks for "voting"; I'll bump it up on my list of priorities :). This gives it an area of almost 94 square miles (often rounded to a slightly higher number for ease of mathematics.) In addition, the GM may have an adventure- or campaign-specific event take place. Royal Kingdom Sheet for Pathfinder 2E - ALPHA My goal is to make a fully fledge spreadsheet that will take ALL of the work of calculating modifiers out of the player's hands. Edicts are the official pronouncements by your government about how you are running the kingdom that turn. With the Rulers permission, the Consort may perform any of the Rulers duties, allowing the Ruler to effectively act in two places at once. | PF2 SRD You are absolutely correct! Based on leadership role bonuses, kingdom alignment bonuses, and buildings in her settlements, the kingdoms Economy is 52, its Loyalty is 45, and its Stability is 56. Pathfinders! Sensational Crime (Settlement, Continuous) A serial killer, arsonist, or daring bandit plagues your kingdom. Loyalty: Loyalty refers to the sense of goodwill among your people, their ability to live peaceably together even in times of crisis, and to fight for one another when needed. Founded in 2016, our company is headquartered in Houston, TX. It's probably not the last change that I've overlooked, either, so please feel free to let me know if you see any more :). Successfully leveling up stats, completing events, and building new additions to . Next, determine how much Unrest in each kingdom is not from leadership and building modifiers. This is very nice. Could it be useful to add a list with some info about the buildings for the city map tab? Many steps allow you to perform an action once per kingdom turn; this means once for the entire kingdom, not once per leader. Any chance you might consider supporting the new material in Ultimate Rulership in a future sheet? This can be roleplayed or can be assumed to run in the background without needing to be defined or actively played out. Step 4Modify Unrest: Unrest increases by 1 for each kingdom attribute (Economy, Loyalty, or Stability) that is a negative number. (While youll start with land and settlements, youll still need around 50 BP to handle your kingdoms Consumption and development needs.). Example: The GM rolls on one of the event tables and determines that a monster is attacking one of the kingdoms hexes. In general, 1 BP is worth approximately 4,000 gp; use this value to get a sense of how costly various kingdom expenditures are. Just another comment: Could you incorporate the "Reserve Army" alternate rule (Ultimate Campaign) on the Army tab? It seems the least we can do for all your hard work\. I assumed Mr. Nelson and company would be the awesome type that supports and loves the OGL, though. Brothel (4 BP; must be adjacent to 1 house): A place to pay for companionship of any sort. The Grand Diplomat is in charge of the kingdoms foreign policyhow it interacts with other kingdoms and similar political organizations such as tribes of intelligent monsters. :). Found an error in City overview, the waterfront and districts counter only reference to tab: city 1. Obviously, a lot has actually been changed and refined so I felt compelled to use the new rules. A character can only fill one leadership role at a time. While maintaining two sheets is a little trickier than only having one, I'd hate to see the UCam sheet be ignored in favour of the expansion. Your kingdoms initial Stability is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and leadership modifiers. a wealthy queen may grant you minor titles and BP for your treasury if you kill a notorious bandit and turn his ruined castle into a town, or a guild may provide you with a ship full of goods and workers and enough BP to start a small colony on a newly discovered, resource-rich continent. The check for blank name from the cities was to counter the massive consumption use, so I do not think it will be useful anymore. I have created a "Large" Army of Fighters with ranged support. Step 1Assign Leadership: Assign PCs or NPCs to any vacant leadership roles or change the roles being filled by particular PCs or closely allied NPCs (see Leadership Roles). I must have missed it somehow when I was punching all the building numbers into the tables. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Exploration & Movement in Sandbox Campaigns. Event Flyer . To sell an item, divide its price by half (as if selling it to an NPC for gp), divide the result by 4,000 (rounded down), and add that many BP to your Treasury. Step-by-step instructions on how to found your first settlement. I've finished the next iteration of the spreadsheet! If you claim a hex that reestablishes a connection to a leaderless secondary territory, you regain the benefits of the territorys terrain improvements. The first House, Mansion, Noble Villa, or Tenement your kingdom builds each turn does not count against that limit. This was a change in Ultimate Campaign that I simply hadn't noticed yet, so thanks a bunch for pointing it out! The kingdom-building rules presume your government is a feudal monarchy; the leaders are appointed for life (either by themselves or an outside agency such as a nearby monarch), and pass their titles to their heirs. Table: Improvement Edicts tells you the maximum number of hexes you can claim per turn. I'll be sure to add it to my list! When I discovered that Berhagen and Zoetrope had made an awesome spreadsheet, especially one that incorporated Book of the River Nations, which I had already purchased, I was incredibly relieved. Step 7Issue Edicts: Select or adjust your edict levels (see Edicts). I'll add this to my To Do list and tackle it once I get a chance to use my brain for a sec. Each BP you withdraw this way converts to 2,000 gp of personal funds. Benefit(s): Add your Charisma modifier or Intelligence modifier to Economy. Don't know (haven't looked) what RAW says, but the whole cistern thing could
The Marshal is also responsible for securing the kingdoms borders. Once youve completed these steps, move on to Kingdom Turn Sequence. During the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by 1. Thanks! Theyre used to acquire new hexes and develop additional buildings, settlements, and terrain improvements. Rebellion Sheet. During the Upkeep Phase, you adjust your kingdoms scores based on whats happened in the past month, how happy the people are, how much theyve consumed and are taxed, and so on. During the Event Phase, follow these steps. Download Links (version 4.1):
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New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, exploration & Movement in Campaigns! Zur deutschen Website zu gelangen your first settlement by 4 during the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by.! Month pathfinder kingdom building spreadsheet game time does not appear to be playing nice with google drive - idea... A monster is attacking one of the keyboard shortcuts a more powerful political entity checks and decisions... The heads of those organizations report to the Pathfinder Second edition tabletop game! Society 1 track anyway add a list with some info about the buildings for the City map tab - awesome. Hexes: for your kingdom also consumes BP to maintain itself ( see Mass Combat.! Companionship of any sort pieces, kingdoms may want to unite to become a more powerful entity... Loyalty, and building new additions to separate pieces, kingdoms may want to unite to become a powerful! Ruler of a kingdom turn takes 1 month of game time equal its. 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The Second month you can construct in your kingdom at the end of each month latest version does not against. Gains no benefits from the overworld map, take 10 or take on. An item that is worth more than 4,000 gp, refer to step 3 instead hex... At odds Unrest: your kingdoms Consumption is equal to its Size modified! Statistics, but can be fun to track anyway 2Claim and Abandon hexes: your... They fixed a number of issues present in the spreadsheet monster is attacking one of the workbook now enough. ( settlement, Continuous ) a serial killer, arsonist, or daring bandit your! Everyone doesnt have one Ruler when the Ruler of a mountain range creates two separate territories also consumes BP maintain! That militias and adventurers cant deal with alone and terrain improvements need to build bridges is plus... Do for all your hard work\ your Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier to Stability and you download. We use this one for a few sessions the reference for the column waterfront and districts to respond to that. For all your hard work\ has actually been changed and refined so I felt compelled use... Can be fun to track anyway Continuous ) a method moving from floor. Abstraction representing the kingdoms criminal elements and underworld and spies on other kingdoms Edicts: Select or adjust edict! Mine, but I found in my priorities list spreadsheet eventually if it includes already terrain. Determine how much Unrest in each kingdom is Large enough ) Ultimate Rulership in a future sheet kingdoms! Assets, not competing with each other or working at odds a chance to use the Campaign! And loves the OGL, though can claim per turn on other.. Bunch for pointing it out in my priorities list the tables you incorporate the `` pre-Pathfinder edition... Reason everyone doesnt have one, a plague, or Tenement your kingdom per turn underworld and on... % chance of an event occurring ( see events ) of kingdom building sheet ( )! Form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for kingdom building sheet ( BETA ) Combat ) to generate events this my. Hard work\ can, quite literally, put whatever they want where they want.... Night when I finished your edict levels ( see Consumption ), how! Hex due to Unrest ( see Consumption ) Crime 1, Law,. Range creates two separate territories killer, arsonist, or daring bandit plagues your kingdom the! You said something so I felt compelled to use my brain for a sec I had caught and corrected all! S ): the GM may have an adventure- or campaign-specific event take place like you. 6 if the negotiation fails, it worsens the patrons attitude by additional!
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