Select the BEST answer. A negotiated political boundary is agreed upon through political dialogue or a formal treaty. At other times, people remain in ethnic enclaves or exclaves rather than move, and these areas can frequently become the source of conflict. Country borders, however determined, define a physical space over which a country exercises control. NAFTA has removed many economic boundaries between these countries, leading to increased trade and economic cooperation. If needed, use the following prompts: As a class, discuss the reasons listed on the board for why borders were placed in different areas. Historically, it was originally superimposed on Native American territories when both sides were the territory of Spain, then of Mexico. The West Bank Barrier, which is a wall that was built by Israel in the West Bank in order to separate Israeli and Palestinian territories. By contrast, a subsequent boundary could be established due to either diplomatic negotiation or conflict. In reality, they were superimposed (see below). Students compare their border selections based on physical and cultural features. Encourage students to think about what forms a border, who determines borders, and where borders can be found. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. The only cases where international political boundaries are not either settled or in dispute are where they do not exist (yet). Explain to students that in this activity they will work, first independently and then in small groups, to set borders and define regions in an area of land. Consequent boundaries, in the best case, involve the participation of the people who are to be joined or separated. False! Another example of a consequent boundary is the boundary between Israel and Palestine. The European Union (EU), which is a political and economic union of 27 European countries. The United States and Mexico are two very different cultures, and the border between them is a physical boundary that separates two very different societies (Pavlakovich-Kochi, & Morehouse, 2017). They are traces of old borders. DMZs are meant to prevent or stop military conflict. How do political boundaries impact you as an individual? National Geographic Headquarters A geometric boundary is a boundary that is defined by a specific geometric shape. The Indian state of Punjab is the traditional homeland of the Punjabi ethnic group. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Others have suggested getting rid of the very notion of a country altogether. Political Maps are the most commonly used reference maps that show the geographic boundaries between different administrative subdivisions like countries, states, and provinces. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. They are often used to protect countries from invasion or to control the movement of people and goods. Many of our world's political boundaries are negotiated: two or more political entities have come to an agreement about where their borders should be drawn. Make sure you have groups' completed maps from Lesson 1, Activity 1 in the Beyond Borders unit. The EU has removed many economic boundaries between member countries, allowing for the free movement of goods, services, and people. Remind students that, for the maps they created in Lesson 1, Activity 1, they were asked to draw borders as they saw fit. What is the difference between a negotiated boundary and an imposed boundary? Political boundaries are the borders, usually lines, dividing two territories that have distinct governments. In redistricting, political boundaries are the boundaries of other governments, such as cities, towns, or counties, and political divisions, such as city council wards or state legislative districts. In this way, ideally, international boundaries encourage political dialogue and economic cooperation, while allowing a country to maintain its internal national or cultural interests as it sees fit. Political boundary: An invisible line that marks the outer limits of a state's territory. International boundaries. Political boundaries also define where you can and cannot travel without getting permission from a political entity. If one country has an economic resource to which another country wants sole access, it may result in abrasive political demands or coercion, or in the worst case, war. As you might imagine, all of the above factors can be a source of conflict. They can be used to create new political or administrative boundaries or to redefine existing ones. available supply of materials, goods, or services. They can also help to ensure that different groups of people have their own specific areas so that they can live in peace and harmony. It has remained a condominium under joint rule. Geometric boundary: A boundary created by using lines of latitude and longitude and their associated arcs. The DMZ is heavily militarized and is patrolled by both North Korean and South Korean military forces. In Europe, many subsequent boundaries have been imposed based on high-level treaties that end wars. Which of the following can be characterized as an internal political boundary? An example of an antecedent boundary would be the border between the United States and Canada. In other words, these political boundaries, created through economic, nationalistic, or cultural forces, will help determine almost every superficial civic aspect of your life. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Great Wall of China is a famous example of a relict boundary because it is no longer a border between two distinct regions. The debate over immigration policy in the United States, which has often been fueled by concerns about preserving American cultural values and traditions. Economic sanctions, which are imposed by one country or group of countries on another country as a way to punish or deter certain behavior. The TPP aims to remove economic boundaries and promote trade and economic cooperation between the member countries. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Sustainability Policy| Theyre often established to ensure ethnic groups have their own sovereign land. The idea behind an enforced border is that a sovereign political entity has the right to have some say over who can enter its territory and for what purpose. Political Maps show boundaries between countries, states, counties, and other political units. Military activity is authorized in Antarctica for scientific research purposes. Ask students to brainstorm what else might shape country borders, in addition to the physical and cultural features they examined during this activity. Sometimes physical features define the border of a region or a country. Boundaries that were drawn prior to, during, and after the disintegration of Yugoslavia, in places like Bosnia, reflect the idea that political borders should follow cultural borders. You have no say in who gets to become the president of Argentina, for example, if you are politically bound to the US. An example of a curvilinear geometric boundary is: Culturally defined political boundaries are most common in _______ and _______. Consequently, two countries that share a natural boundary . Natural boundaries can be important for many reasons. For example, they can help to protect people and property on one side of the boundary from aggression or theft on the other side. Have a whole-class discussion about political borders. What major justification for the Berlin Conference was not taken seriously by attendees or commentators? Name two major African states that existed for over 500 years. natural or artificial line separating two pieces of land. The Pyrenees, the Alps, and the Carpathians divide Europe's southern Alpine region from the . Whereas political boundaries are usually clear, cultural boundaries also exist more fluidly. The Berlin Conference, held from 1884-85, was an agreement reached by European powers to establish spheres of influence in Africa in service of European economic interests. What is an example of a political boundary? The Great Wall of China is a natural boundary that was built to protect China from invaders. Political boundaries delineate sovereign authority and may deter conflict, although sometimes the borders themselves provoke conflict. The most commonly used political map in the United States is a map like the one above that illustrates the 50 states. Indeed, in most cases, "antecedent boundaries" refer to no prior settlements of colonizers and land takers. This notion of sovereign authority has historically been fundamental to the organization of human civilization. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. What do those words mean to you? This activity is intended as a discussion starter. Countries that share political boundaries may claim ownership over a region along their borders, often because these border regions have some economic or cultural significance to both sides. In this sense, it is similar to a demarcated boundary, but is always defined by a natural rather than man-made structure. Create and find flashcards in record time. These two countries were not European colonies or components of colonies by the early 1900s. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Which country was NOT present at the Berlin Conference? We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. Excepting Antarctica and a few remaining terra nullius (no one's lands) in Africa and Europe, this only applies to the high seas and the seabed under them. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. This is not always the case, however. These treaties are together known as "the Peace of Westphalia." A car stops at Checkpoint Charlie, a political border crossing in the American sector at the Berlin Wall, West Germany. The result, in Africa, was 50+ countries stuck with colonial boundaries often drawn right through the middle of ethnic nations that had never been divided. Ask: Pose questions related to the size and shape of countries. Occasionally, two countries may contest where a particular border is drawn. Sometimes, border areas end up being so contentious or strategic that they are either ruled jointly by more than one sovereign nation. And the process of establishing exactly defined borders using the latest technology (GPS and GIS, now) is not over. A convention to set limits on naval military power. Create and find the best flashcards for Political Boundaries The establishment of political boundaries is a central part of the process of nation-building. Divide students into small groups of approximately four students each. On a separate piece of paper, have each student write three reasons why their group chose those borders. Before strict border controls, the boundary had little effect on the movement of people back and forth. An internal political boundary divides the authority of regional political entities; these entities are collectively accountable to a central government. Political boundaries are borders that separate different countries and regions from another. The political boundaries that define the United States as a countryand your existence in itdetermine similar factors, but on a larger scale. In Africa, despite Rwanda and several other examples, post-independence countries have kept their superimposed boundaries at all costs rather than engage in the kind of consequent boundary drawing seen elsewhere in the world. Christina Riska Simmons, National Geographic Society The lines dividing up Antarctica are antecedent boundaries because the location of human settlements did not need to be taken into account when they were drawn. Note that one boundary can be of multiple different types simultaneously. London: Routledge. Kathleen Schwille, National Geographic Society Let's explore the purpose, function, and importance of political boundaries. Political boundaries can be established through a variety of means, including treaties, agreements, and negotiations between governments or other political actors. In other situations, the term is used only to describe boundaries where people can cross the border freely. Sometimes these align with a natural geographic feature like a river to form a border or barrier between nations. Antecedent boundaries are political boundaries that are based on prior agreements or treaties between two or more nations or states before the land was heavily populated by the respective nations. The boundary has been a source of conflict and tension between the two sides. A de facto political boundary is a boundary in which a political entity can maintain control and enforce law and order. You are unlikely to find a true relict boundary of an ancient empire unless a defensive wall was built, or it followed a natural feature that still exists. The wall is heavily guarded and has been the subject of controversy and protests. A political boundary is an imaginary line separating one political unit, such as a country or state, from another. 2. Except in Antarctica and a few remote islands, there have always been prior occupants whose territory boundaries were ignored. Negotiated boundaries are agreed upon by parties. For example, people living in the United States or the European Union may cross internal borders freely, but have to receive permission to cross international borders. An example of a geometric boundary is a boundary that is defined by a straight line. The border was guarded by both North Vietnamese and South Vietnamese military forces and was the site of numerous battles and skirmishes. Explain the function of a demilitarized zone. A political boundary is the area of land on a map that separates regions of government such as states and nations. A subsequent or ethnographic boundary is a boundary created after two groups have settled there. True or False: The Comanche had well-established de jure boundaries that matched their de facto area of control. 3. A political boundary is an imaginary line separating one political unit, such as a country or state, from another. Political boundaries can be internal or international. The Comanche had de facto control over a large area, but no legally established de jure political boundaries. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. Political boundaries can be geometric, consequent, subsequent, antecedent, relict, or superimposed. Any boundary is also determined by either natural or geometric lines. Everything you need for your studies in one place. Which of the following countries has international political boundaries that conform almost entirely to physical geographic features? How many Africans were present at the Berlin Conference? An example of a relic boundary is the border between East and West Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Special thanks to the educators who participated in National Geographic's 2008-2009 National Teacher Leadership Academy (NTLA), for testing activities in their classrooms and informing the content for all of the Beyond Borders: Using Maps to Understand European Physical and Cultural Landscapes resources. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Remind students that there are no right or wrong answers; students should discuss their ideas and impressions. Table of Contents show What are the different types of boundaries in political geography? The Korean Armistice Agreement created the Korean Demilitarized Zone. The need to have fixed boundaries between sovereign states has generated untold hundreds of border conflicts, some escalating into full-scale war. Evaluate students based on their participation in the whole-class discussion. The border is patrolled by U.S. Border Patrol agents and is fortified with walls and other barriers. By state constitution or statute, 34 states require state legislative districts to show some accounting for political boundaries; 15 states impose similar constraints on congressional districts. An example of a subsequent boundary is the border between Israel and Palestine. More recently, however, a collaborative process has involved the drawing of consequent boundaries to define Indigenous territories, carefully following Aboriginal land claims. In many cases, ancient boundaries are recycled or still in use. People may choose to immigrate for a variety of reasons, such as employment opportunities, to escape a violent conflict, environmental factors, educational purposes, or to reunite with family. of the users don't pass the Political Boundaries quiz! For example: A relic boundary is a type of political boundary that is no longer used but is still visible on the landscape as a cultural artifact. The Republic of Korea is colloquially referred to as ________. It referred to a swath of central-southern Africa stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian oceans. one of the seven main land masses on Earth. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Political boundaries are often associated with ideas of sovereignty, territoriality, and jurisdiction, and they play a central role in the organization and functioning of political systems. When a political border is imposed on the physical landscape, it defines the area, shape, and size of the country, as well as the physical features and natural resources available. Fig. Ask: demonstrate how physical and cultural features could be used to define country borders, discuss their ideas about which features are most important in establishing good borders, explain and compare their border selections based on physical and cultural features, discuss other factors that could impact where borders are established, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. Terms of Service| Ro Grande zruver between US and Mexico. Two groups that have gone to war multiple times in Rwanda and Burundi in a problem related to superimposed boundaries are: Political boundaries do not exist at sea. Political Boundaries: lines on land and/or water separating the territories of countries or sub-national entities such as states, provinces, departments, counties, and so forth. International political boundaries divide countries. Antecedent boundaries are drawn first at a remote location, based on geographic data, then (sometimes) surveyed on the ground. Political boundaries are a human constructa tool for our use. The demarcation may be as simple as a pile of stones, a river running through a landscape, or the peak of a mountain. Have each student record the list of factors that shape country borders on a piece of paper to refer to in later lessons, to see if their ideas have changed. An economic boundary is one that sets the borders between economic regions. It became an early focus of Hitler's move to change borders and absorb German-inhabited territories on the eve of World War II. False! Similarly, an ethnic, political, or religious group may feel that its needs are not being met by a country's government, or that policy-created borders are unjust, and may resort to armed rebellion or terrorism in an attempt to get political boundaries redrawn. After World War I, when the Empire's territory was dismembered, it became part of a new country called Czechoslovakia. What processes influence political boundaries? Have students build on their ideas from Step 1 to explore the question of how land and resources are divided among countries. They may also form through the political policy of a foreign or international entity. What are the 3 types of political boundaries? If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. They are generally unmarked and are often difficult to see. The Principle of Effective Occupation required: Colonial powers claiming land to actually inhabit and administer it. Meanwhile, back here on Earth, we are not lacking examples of the trials and tribulations that political boundaries put us through. Students think about regions and borders by determining where they would place borders in an artificial continent, based on a set of physical and cultural features of the area. For example, the geometric boundaries drawn after the Second World War may have been convenient on a map, but failed to carve out space for the ethnic Kurds to have their own nation. Alexander Murphy, Professor of Geography and Rippey Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Oregon Geopolitical Factors & Boundaries. The 49th Parallel Boundary that has a physical feature separating 2 entities. During the small group discussions, ask students to explain their understanding of borders and regions, and their reasons for creating borders where they did on their maps. Landlocked nations may access the EEZ of a coastal state in their region. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. POLITICAL BOUNDARIES are frequently defined as borders constructed and imposed on or around a geographic territory in order to distinguish between areas of governance or types (strategies) of political control. Retrieved 15 March 2022, from It was occupied on and off between AD122 and about AD410, after which Roman rule of Britain was relinquished. They are a type of subsequent boundary often drawn collaboratively with affected parties. a system of spiritual or supernatural belief. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. It is not strictly required that a district follow political boundaries, as this might be impossible due to competing factors (e.g., the population of a city that spans more than one county).[1]. They illustrate how the world is divided into different political entities. Maps can be used as tools to help us understand our world. They function both as a tool for managing a group of peoples and as a way of minimizing conflict and organizing efficient political units. Geometric boundaries may be antecedent, consequent, or subsequent. 1. There are various types of political boundaries including antecedent, consequent, cultural, defined, delimited, demarcated, and more. Remind students there are no right or wrong answers and they should draw borders as they see fit. They can also serve as a means to prevent conflict with a foreign entity, although sometimes the borders themselves invite conflict. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. Political boundaries indicate what political entity has sovereignty (governing power and authority) over a physical location. Research: Josh Altic Vojsava Ramaj True or False: While conducting innocent passage, normal military operations and exercises are still authorized. However, many of the political boundaries you are likely to come across will be entirely invisible except on a map. Multi-ethnic states may establish borders based on political ideologies. Curvilinear forms, though less common (e.g., the northern border of Delaware, US), are also types of geometric boundaries. Consequent boundaries are drawn with the cultural landscapes of ethnic nations in mind. The next most common state rule is a requirement to follow political boundaries, like county, city, town, or ward lines, when drawing districts. Immigration is the process of moving to a new country or region with the intention of staying and living there. The border between two cities or municipalities can be thought of as a geometric boundary that divides the two jurisdictions. 2, US-Mexico border wall ( by Tony Webster ( is licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0 ( Sometimes these align with a natural geographic feature like a river to form a border or barrier between nations. In other words, they indicate which governments are in charge of which areas. Overall, there are many types of boundaries, and a given boundary can be described by more than one type. Definition of a Geometric Boundary Put simply, a geometric boundary is a political or territorial boundary that has a consistent and clear geometric shape such as a square, line, or circle on a map. One of the most highly trafficked international political boundaries in the world is the border crossing between Malaysia and Singapore. In a lot of cases, these boundaries are defined by the structure of the environment. Huge mountains and rivers are an obstacle that you can not cross that . A political boundary demarcates the territory of different political entities. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. These factors can shape the way that people live and trade with one another. International political boundaries determine which national or federal political system you can participate in; which military will defend you in a war; which government will respond in the event of a natural disaster; which laws you have to follow; what national or federal taxes you have to pay; and which economy you participate in. 470 likes, 5 comments - iih : (@iihgram) on Instagram: "Day 7 (Srinagar Part 1/2): Naseem Bagh, the autumn garden of chinars gold and red, envisioned by ." An example of a delimited boundary is the border between the United States and Canada. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. Hutus are the vast majority in each country, and Tutsis the minority. Physical features such as mountains, rivers, and coastlines, which can act as natural barriers that make it difficult for people to move or communicate with one another. An example of a cultural boundary is the border between the United States and Mexico. Country Teal is trying to annex Country Blue because their citizens are of the same ethnic group and have similar lifestyles. Two countries have overlapping EEZs. For example, the Rocky Mountains serve as a natural boundary between the U.S. states of Colorado and Wyoming. English, Brian Blouet, The College of William & Mary Borders of regions or of countries define an area, which has a particular shape and size. These boundaries are used to define the areas over which a particular government or political entity has jurisdiction and the areas within which it can exercise its authority. The conflict in Northern Ireland, which has been influenced by the cultural divide between Protestant and Catholic communities. A natural boundary has length and breadth dimensions. Open boundaries are used in cases where the two countries share a long, open border. Political boundaries indicate what political entity has sovereignty (governing power and authority) over a physical location. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Some political boundaries are more obvious. Rivers, mountain ranges, oceans, and deserts are examples. For example, coastlines are borders between the regions of land and water, and mountains may serve as borders between different countries or different cultural groups. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. Boundaries are serious business, whether at the scale of a neighbourhood or the entire planet. Political boundaries also help to define and protect the rights of different groups of people, and they help to ensure that different groups of people can live peacefully together. Where, approximately, is the Korean Demilitarized Zone located? It starts at the lowest level of political power. The political boundary between Forsyth County and Davidson County is an internal political boundary within the state of North Carolina. Fig. How might the overlap be resolved? A demilitarized zone is an area where military activity is officially forbidden. 1. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is a trade agreement between several countries in the Pacific region, including the United States, Japan, and Australia. In drawing electoral districts, a state may take these political boundaries into account in order to keep existing constituencies within one district rather than splitting them across multiple districts. All rights reserved. Political boundaries may form around economic, national, or cultural causes. However, you can easily find relict boundaries at the scale of cities (in many parts of the world, these had defensive walls) or individual properties. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, for example, establishes maritime political boundaries with the consent of over 160 signatories.

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