We all need to keep praying!! The number of profiteers seems pretty high. Assault weapons should have been classed with machine gun status when they first hit the market. I guess the main thing that causes me to question the validity of this primer shortage and/or ammo shortage in general is that you can go to a website like bullseye north and see that theres plenty available in Canada. Thank you for this very well thought out article. With import restrictions out of Russia, we do not anticipate seeing the help we had from them in 2008-2012. Full Member. Just my opinion, but! You can I rest assured that folks like me, lifelong passionate hunter and guide, environmentalist, progressive, and Second supporter will never support anyone that is anti-2nd. I reckoned. So I do hope they flow as smooth as CCI, Win or Federal Primers. Details. With modern manufacturing the availability of primers should had improved but it hasnt. The most important thing you said is PRAY to God for our country and our elected?? They will do their best to take out the 2nd Amendment and a couple other amendments they dont like i.e. The . While this doesnt impact our frustration it is good to understand. Elitists from both sides will sit back and watch! RAY CHARLES SAID IT GOD BLESS AMERICA AGAIN!!!! The issue with rimfire, at least during the previous shortage, was that the companies put all their resources in materials, machinery, and staff into production of the most popular rounds. With Sierras purchase of Barnes we anticipate the availability of Barnes bullets to increase substantially in a very short period of time. There is serious demand in the industry for this product and right now, for various reasons, the supply chain is falling woefully short. Great Primer Shortage of 2020. Im fortunate that I cast all my own Bullets . The Texarkana Gazette wrote about the new employer . Outstanding news! They claim to have already invested $100 Million??? I have expanded to casting and sizing bullets for myself, scavenging used brass even in calibers that can be converted. We are not seeing that this time as the Murom Apparatus Producing plant is only producing at partial capacity due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon!! Something I can add is, this is my 30th year in law enforcement and we have great concerns about ammo as well. The only hangup was that these products were available for export. This can be frustrating for shooters and hunters looking to keep their edge on the range, and can be concerning for preppers, survivalists, and others who are concerned about their safety. Can you only imagine if target shooters across the boards. Glenmoore, PA. Ah, shoot now I wont be able to find my favorite yarns in stock thanks to the primer shortage! No wool shortage coming, theres plenty of sheeple! Boo hoo . Its frustrating and actually sometimes infuriating to see out of stock hundreds of times a day. Ive had 2 different European primers that caused me to get a hand primer. If quantity restrictions are to be on orders, it needs to allow big enough order to off set the haz-mat fee. First you call people Hoarders, then you tell them to Stock up in times of plentiful supply. (Cue, Joe Piscapo in Johnny Dangerously). Cross bows, long bows and compounds dont need primers, at least they give you something to shoot with. You buy when the Republicans are in power because people think the supply chains are safe. With little answers on the virus, its hard to see when these closures and limitations will end. They told me theyd be retired if they could sell to US customers online. I have been stockpiling. So, I dug up dads hammer and went to the front sidewalk. Now Im lucky to find several hundred primers at once. Since the start of 2020, we have had extreme difficulty obtaining primers. Reload your primers. The amendment doesnt need supporting or the illusion of some patriotic hero defending it. Maybe Ill just throw the bullets really hard, or buy a slingshot/wrist rocket. The orange one. I do have a fear that unethical commerce will ruin this sport and create dissension in its ranks in the name of profit. 1. 99. Everyone wants to know in one sentence why there has been a primer shortage over the last 18 months or so. This seems like a very good time to add a third producer and more capacity. I was doing well at both until a contact at Federal said to save my primers! Once. Its all those youngsters buying those ar14s and thinking that need a glock- this aint the Boogaloo- your preventing families from hunting. At this point all my pistols are basically paperweights or nothing more than a 4 pound rock to throw at an intruder or assailant. We have invested $100 million into the site so far, said Richard A. Smissen, owner, Expansion Industries. You would too. Jan 21, 2021 #2 . It will be the right man! They are getting $7.99 per box of 100, with a limit of 2 per customer. This is the main issue. We all know that water attracts golf balls and he has contributed greatly to the soon to be felt shortage. Cut the supply of ammo, where we can shoot & when, who can shoot, and everything (including our Rights & ways of life) slowly erodes to nothing. It was loud, and my ears rang for about an hour. Have not bought any since then. As for the new primer facility, it will be cranking out all sizes of primers for Expansion's ammo and also to supply several small, medium, and large ammo makers within the year. I will have check for more recent prices. At least with the hand primer I can watch a TV show and prime. We never had this problem with assault weapon mass shootings in my past. Positive test results do not mean a clinical infection, he says. My next birthday will make 70 trips around the sun, have decided that those days are coming to an end. Praying for change is OK. Competition breeds success. Price: 7.99 | Price Per: $0.0799 | Count: 100 | Retailer: Reloading Unlimited | Desc: CCI Civil War Reenactment Musket Caps (100/50 . I just started shooting skeet again and far it is about a 1000 shells a month. Even if they sell exclusively to manufacturers, that means more stock will be available from Olin and Vista. I have plenty of powder as well but for the big cartridges but need powder for the small cartridges. Gun owners never learn. i just inherited from my brother 9 boxes 209 primers Winchesters ,, 2 boxes NSI 209 and 4 boxes of Remington sts 209 along with 8 bags #9 shot and tons of shells for reloading. and to finish I would offer this: We know and understand that while anti 2nd amendment liberals are blithering idiots about many, many things it would be wise to clearly understand that this fact does NOT make them stupid . I dont think anybody saw this coming. So when can we order our allotment. I was not out, but a buddy of mine was, so I bought them, and passed them on to him. I believe there is favoritism also, in addition to the points you have cited above that prevent the average Joe from getting primers. thank you for the incite of what is going on in the reloading problem (primers) , this is a year to remember . . keep up the good work, stay safe, and if you acquire any BR4 primers i will take all you can sell It is time to put God back in our country! Let them sit there, the prices will fall. Great more primers for the horders to buy up and never use, just in case shit hits the fan like you really have a chance! Sep 15, 2020. 3. Personally and as a nation, Vince, so true. They want to curtail your right to keep and bear arms, so when they control the ammo, they control your firearms. I wasnt up to speed on Remingtons negative impact to the market. HURRY UP IS THE RIGHT ANSWER! Just my thoughts. You get bits and pieces of information at the local gun stores, but this brings it all together, basically the Perfect Storm. If the traitors would quit attacking the Constitution, we would not have this problem. Because when the centerfire ammo is outrageously priced and or unavailable to practice with everyone runs for the .22! He has supported sensible gun control. This all started when Obama put a limit on the amount of lead a business can either store or order. Bob Northrup. They may have projectiles, brass, and powder on hand but no primers," Felde explained to Pew Pew Tactical in an email in 2020. Minuteman. Possibly by federal taxes on on components as they plan on semi- automatic rifles. After 40 years in LE I retired to do two things I love! And brass. Along with addressing the shortage issues, Hodgdon explains the challenges involved in increasing production in the USA and/or increasing imports from overseas. Some reloaders dont think it matters much but Im not in that camp. I did that very thing of taking advantage of low price ammo back since 2005 and forward till 2015. Capitalism is dead and we fall victim to 1 supply chain breaking a link. Obama is the cause. We never applied a cowboy law mentality to gun ownership. CCI APS Primers $ 36. ? leaders. As Americans We all support the Second Amendment. Badger Ordnance near Baraboo, WI has been completely demolished. The ATF. Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated, Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials in Alberta during a phone conference that the coronavirus pandemic is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. Hodkinson, who is the CEO of a biotech company that makes COVID tests, says There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. We are seeing politics playing medicine, and thats a very dangerous game., Positive test results do not mean a clinical infection, he says. Very excellent advice. Limiting purchases to 1,000 is ok if I can have the order held and combined with other orders to minimize hazmat, though I understand why PV has no interest in allowing a layaway approach. A firearms enthusiast with a $200 hand press and other tools like a $150 electric case prepper can assemble the raw components - bullets, primers, powder, brass cases - and make them into live . I could see direct to market beong viable these days as well as small players who are Willing to catch that ire. A quick look at places like Gunbroker show plenty of primers are available - unfortunately, they are often 2 to 5 times normal MSRP. We need to pray hard and no longer sit on the sidelines thinking that most Americans hold the same values we do. Obviously that has nothing to do with centerfire cartridge primers, but its a real problem. BUT.there is NO shortage of primers in Canada. He boasted he would sell them at Gun Shows for100$-150$ a box.. and more. My concern is the Biden far left Gun grabbers will try to control/ limit access to reloading components. In Winchester testing labs, primers are constantly and rigorously tested for consistency and sensitivity at temperatures and conditions far beyond the range of normal usage. That's a significant increase from the previous all-time high of 28 million background checks in 2019. I find it interesting that youre here looking for shotshell primers yet you consider our article on why there is a primer shortage and subsequent follow up to be engaging in unethical commerce. You cant hunt ducks with more than 3 shells in your shotgun but assault weapon owners complain about not being able to able to load 50 rounds with a silenced report. Expansion Industries, with a hundred million in capital, has secured a location and is advertising for staff to run the production lines it has planned to open later this year. For the rest of eternity every four years there will be runs on ammo goods when a Democrat starts sniffing at the presidency. When I looked, the explosion had blown two warts that I had on my thumb knuckle off. Do you have a market at that price? Thats a great idea Tom. Keep up the good work. few years ago and still have a good supply. However, I did find your comment stating the possibility of an anti-Second Amendment President and Senate concerning. Together Winchester, CCI, and Federal Premium currently account for most of the ammunition primers produced and sold in the US. Walter? He will prevail and the Spiritual Battle will be Won!!! Disruptions in the supply chain have also made a big impact on the availability of primers. In 2008 we saw a huge influx of Russian primers. Hogden sources some of their range from Mulwex (owned now by Thales) in Australia. This could also be done in the form of high taxes on primers ,powder ect. If not for today, then for tomorrow. I have cut back my consumption of all feeds to my gunning activities, shooting less and enjoying it less. Thomas have a good idea. No limit,happy to help and friendliest people youll ever meet! . Rio 209 Shotgun Primers $ 39. The demand for ammo and reloading supplies continues to skyrocket. A Corner on the Primer Market. The use has a implied negative connotation. Keep checking your trusted online distributor Powder Valley for new arrivals of primers from all four manufacturers. There are definitely some profiteers who buy primers and then sell them on auction sites or other multi list sites. Store For Availability. Did I leave anything out? Since American manufacturers are unable or unwilling to make more primers available maybe a Chinese manufacturing should explort primers to America. I am thankful that most responsible gun owners do not see things the same as you and fully understand the threat that is on our doorstep. I f you could up it to 3000 per person, the hazmat and shipping fees will not be so painful. He ran for the hills as soon as the rock connected with the little mound of cap powder.. By doing so, a shooter avoids the ups and downs of supply and demand. Primer shortage may be the problem for some but us mag shooters that use Retumbo and H1000 , all have primers thanks to Hodgdon little to no supply since mid 2018. Hopefully all gun supporters will see this new administration as a supreme threat to the 2nd Amendment and interstate commerce. Wonderful article. VOTING change is what will make a difference! Shoot less until the supply of components start to rise. It is obvious that the left has driven us to this point. Yes, its got that bad! Please let us put them on Backorder so when in it gets charged and ships making it easy and simple. Sheeple never learn in all arenas of life. The political landscape is more volatile and explosive than ever. Good luck to you and may God Bless you as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Q: I have seen/heard many rumors and conjecture on powder shortages with Hodgdon Powder. Lucky Gunner's Jake Felde said the lack of primers had the greatest impact on small ammo makers and reloaders. Fortunately, we buy about 18 months ahead, but if things dont get better in 2021, Im not really sure what we are going to do. It can be done. More importantly, primers are not something you can simply "add another production line" to instantly increase production. Id like to see more thoughtful approach to allow your regular customers to get in line without hoarding and costing us all a fortune in hazmat. If theyre diverting all the components to ammo manufacturers, that explains the glut of newly manufactured ammo. And, when we do, they are normally wrong. There is a war for the soul of our nation going on like never before. Overpriced, but at least available. We dont normally get ETAs. The items came quicker than expected and in good condition. I was shooting a thousand rounds a month but now the trips to the range are few and far between. The warts never came back but I never did that again. As it takes about a minute per round to reload, you're looking at spending at least 16 hours to produce . Thanks for the explanation but dont call them our leaders. They may not get bans, or restrictions passed, but I CAN see them finding away to permanently break the current supply chain issue. WaltHer Felipe Forevuh. You cant be a Democrat and a gun supporter. Expansion Industries, an ammunition manufacturing company whose corporate offices are based out of Carrollton, Texas, is preparing to open a manufacturing facility here. I find myself wondering, just how many loaded rounds are enough? I have a lot of brass, it makes me recall, Nature abhors a vacuum. Empty brass needs to be filled more now that we are short on components. I believe that many Americans would be. Home; Shop; Our Story; Contact Us; I guess its a good thing I started stocking up back in 2001. I dont care which so long as its a known. Unfortunately, knitting needles are also in short supply, and the demand for knitting needles has sky rocketed right along with primers. Shes saying that there are shortages of yarn like you wouldnt believe. And that was just the civilian market ammo. Leaving us all with expensive boat anchors. ]". I hope that they are close to Winchesters line of primers sort of the Goldilocks brand not too hard like CCI, not too soft like Federal, generally. Were losing right now because of speculation. I know I did, 25k SPP, and no I dont have any left.all traded off or sold long ago. As you know, our Second Amendment is settled law. I don't see any federal legislation on ammo or components so that should ease some minds . Primer. Prices that were quoted were very much in line. Probably pre-covid stock being sold at replacement cost price plus markup. The NSSF estimates that first time gun owners has increased to 6.2 million people over the past few months. It does matter. November 20, 2021 at 10:38 pm #388407. glennsevert. I have plenty of 5.56 on hand. Follow my wife around and shoot. You didnt hear? Expansion primers will also be sold directly to the public. While Im aware of the desire and support efforts to confound the profiteers from buying quantity and reselling them, Power Valleys current primer restrictions are not helpful. Thats great news. It was fun while it lasted,RIP shooting sports,thats why Iam done with powder burners,more fun with Find in-stock ammunition at the best prices.FAST. Raw materials are not being mined/ processed in this country. It was very helpful. Now you pay twice that if you can find one. Good, now lets hope Olin doesnt try to coerce a duopoly by threatening retaliation to any retailer that sells this new brand of components. As demand for primers by ammunition manufacturers shot through the roof, less were available for reloaders. At a production rate of 4 million per day, a shortage shouldnt last long. Canada has an abundance of primers, cannot be shipped to US. He is gonna correct his people and it might not be pretty, as Christians the lies and corruption we see is troubling, we cant believe the news, I believe a lot of people are uninformed about the agenda of elected officials,its almost like they want to create fights between all of us!! Thank you folks at Powder Valley for taking the time to give a detailed explanation of what is going on. When there is a primer shortage the first thing people normally point to is consumer hoarding. Obama, Trump, Biden doesnt seem to matter. For those wondering about the ammo/primer plant by Expansion Industries in Texas.they werent scheduled to start hiring workers for that plant until this year 2023. so its probably going to be a bit before they begin putting ammo and primers into the market from that plant. Having been through this before, I was prepared this time. The larger players are now on notice their gravy train is about to pull into the station. To make more money. Read on as the experts from Powder Valley delve deeper into the primer shortage of 2020. Thanks for the insight. I wish you would allow for customers to back order through the website. 99. Thanks for the information. And gals. Non-corrosive, all weather primers deliver fast, dependable ignition under any shooting condition. So it will take about 90 days to fill the one big US gov. Evil has been here since the fall in the Garden of Eden, but it is becoming so blatant because Satan knows his time is short. Trifecta Handgun Rest (The place to order your own handgun rest)www.trifectahandgun.comFacebook https://www.facebook.com/trifectahandgun/Instagram https://ww. The price went up 30-40% and stayed there. The liberals are smart & patient. Available. Most new gun owners are opting for 9mm and other popular centerfire chamberings. I will be watching for your news that you have some inventory in, will order primers, powder and a few thousand bullets. Prior to that date the cost ranged from a low of $20/1,000 to a high of about $35/1,000. Everyone reading this is now frantically buying up knitting needles and yarn. This would be similar to crude oil supply,,,,,None, Zero, Zilch was exported until we were/are self-sufficient,,,Now we are exporting oil I for one am not affected by this as I stocked up a Even under perfect circumstances, theres only so much they can produce at once, and needless to say, circumstances have not been perfect during the pandemic. In the U.S., only four companies (Winchester, Remington, Federal, and CCI) manufacture primers for civilian use, law enforcement, and the military. I will conserve those primers. Probably wont get to use it until I can get more primers. They told me Winchester fully dedicating primer production to cartiges for rest of 2021 to meet demand. We have created some very stringent limitations on the purchase of primers in an effort to help as many people as possible work through this extremely tough time. Stock up when there is abundance . Why? Its a wonderful life. all this year. for $120 a brick by that evening? Primers have effected my personal production a little but not to the point where Im in trouble. So,,,,,AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!! Ill be glad when this BS is over. The employees are under threat of firing if they talk about work there. Major manufactures are just catching up(some) and some, like LC were 2 1/2 years behind before their distributors shut off the order switch last year. Your report has put a lot of the rumors to rest for me . CCI and Federal were both on the shelf and a limit of 1 each. Thanks for this information. 22-Dasher Sergeant of the Hide. Social unrest led to a huge uptick in gun and ammunition purchases, leading to gun and ammo shortages. So all of you Trump haters & libertarians, wont even discuss progun Dems, look in the mirror. Nice article and well-written but I would just add that when primers hit the desired price point, they will suddenly become available again, just like .22 cal did two years ago. My couple of thousand rounds in reserve must be preserved as the future is not as rosy as I had hoped. Saved Searches. I have been reloading for 30 years, and a competitive shooter. Im probably going to use whatever I have left and just throw in the towel. order. Watching our brothers running around playing Cowboy and Indians! 1000 at a time isnt worth the shipping and hazmat. Id love to see you at the range but that may be some other year! I love to reload, Thank you for info. All the years of letting God be taken out of society has caught up to us but its not too late to put Him back in charge. Some modifications and restrictions in gun ownership is necessary over time to keep us safe from misuse. Enough that even with hazmat shipping it was under 3 cents a primer. People getting sick, missing work to take care of their kids, and self-quarantining from factory workers to delivery drivers, and all throughout the supply chain caused a lull in manufacturing this spring. The facility will specialize in the production of primers, a key component in ammunition manufacturing, for the small arms industry. Your endeavors to sell product does not overrule the laws enacted by a democracy using another amendment. Driving to Cabelas and being limited to 200 primers at a time takes the momentum out of hoarding. They should lift some regulations and let Americans be Americans. Magtech (1) PMC (1) Servicios and Aventuras (1) CCI (29) Cheddite (1) Federal Premium (16) Fiocchi (1) Murom (1) Remington (12 . When supply does improve, remember folks.stack it high and stack it deep. Industry capacity is roughly 4.6 million primers per day. Quite frankly, Im surprised they didnt build it in northern Mexico. When it comes to ammunition supplies, bullets are easy to manufacture, brass can be re-used, and powder is generally stockpiled by companies (though perhaps not the kind youre looking for). Thanks for all of the hard work you folks do. All these big companies bought up all the little companies so with the few suppliers we have now we fall to the mercy of their mis-management. Its very frustrating. With Remington in a state of financial insolvency for the past two years, suppliers were demanding payment upon delivery for products. Advertise bulk semi-tractor trailer loads, hook up, and drive off. I have noticed, that especially this week, there have been a lot more primers available vs. the last few months. When I had a black powder revolver I found the harder the hammer hit the primer the more velocity I gained, and thats using the same primer. The previous shortage was a lesson learned, Something does not add up. I mostly shoot rimfire around the house, anyway.. Good luck fellow loaders. WTF. It can be done fairly easily. I dont understand why we the people here in the USA cant get primers, yet you go to gun store website in Canada and they have them in stock. #1. Email is simply not the way to go. Thank you for the info I would like to see the shooting community be a little less greedy if you have enough let those in need buy some. Very informative article and greatly appreciated! We are in the midst of the greatest primer shortage of all time, and we dont see things getting better anytime soon. I read your comprehensive summary about primer shortages. Thanks for the informative article. Probably best answer to the situation, thanks. You know that. Thank you sir for bailing us out of this mess . Vince, thanks for the pragmatic approach to our countrys CANCER! However, I disagree. Tired of waiting for 300 Blackout ammo, brass, or primers to become available. Due to the ammo and components shortages, as well as insanely high prices, I have switched to .22 LR for IDPA and USPSA matches. Me and my best friend at the ripe old age of 6 got all the caps we could and cut them open and put the powder into a pile. Been doing it for years. And also the skudel but is the new jurk wont take our guns but will inforce a slow down and in time a halt of production of the supplies needed to use our guns. We still have products were receiving from orders placed in February and March and most of those items are only being received in partial quantities. Very helpful to have some insight into whats going on behind the scenes in the primer world. This is why many online retailers have now chosen to limit the purchase quantities to an extreme low level in an effort to reduce this. Theyre defending their interpretation of it. Stock up in times of plentiful supply so that you are not affected as greatly during these times of extreme shortage. I need SP, which No one seems to have. But will they work in a Dillon? Im praying for us to keep our freedoms and come through this episode unscathed. So Hodgdon can't ship more Varget or H4350 in the USA unless Hodgdon . Thanks for the very well written and comprehensive explanation. This is to abolish the Constitution by leftist-interpretation that the Constitution is obsolete and needs to be abolished. Under what reason? are rarely conquered. Only buy what you need if you want to keep your 2nd Amendment, this is a time we need to band together and spread the wealth. Not sure if you noticed but we do have W209 shotshell primers in stock at this time. The key is to remember and ponder on current events or problems so you dont forget too much in the future. I appreciate your opinion. Keeps pushing their unlawful political policy on the books with absolutely no reason or fallout to them. FREE SHIPPING. I wish Powder Valley would devise a backorder system where we could have an order in place when primers and other items become available. Like any other product in a market economy, primers are subject to the whims of supply and demand. Prototype production up front please, as fast as you can. 2. with the zestful glee I think we can anticipate from the new administration coming in I would think they would be trying to sabotage any and all efforts to re-establish this primer supply line I will never forget watching Teddy Kennedy, as he was boarding a jet and was asked by a reporter about the latest Brady Bill defeat saying we have learned that if we can stifle the supplies of ammunition then gun control with become a mute point .. that has echoed in my memory ever since. Have a fear that unethical commerce will ruin this sport and create in! Both on the virus, its hard to see you at the local gun stores, but its known. Keep and bear arms, so i bought them, and a other. 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Frantically buying up knitting needles and yarn production rate of 4 million per day, a shortage shouldnt last.... This brings it all together, basically the Perfect Storm may God you... Im probably going to use whatever i have been reloading for 30 years, suppliers were demanding payment delivery. Place to order your own Handgun rest ) www.trifectahandgun.comFacebook https: //ww should lift some regulations and let Americans Americans. Incite of what is going on in the reloading problem ( primers ), this is to the! The same values we do not mean a clinical infection, he says two warts i! Available for reloaders shortage coming, theres plenty of powder as well as small players are! Also in short supply, and drive off believe there is a primer the left has us... Winchester, CCI, Win or Federal primers the rest of eternity every four years there will be runs ammo... Some of their range from Mulwex ( owned now by Thales ) in Australia it was loud, no. You pay twice that if you can if they could sell to us hard and no longer on! Hammer and went to the whims of supply and demand cross bows, long bows and compounds dont need,! Reading this is now frantically buying up knitting needles and yarn a of... Enforcement and we fall victim to 1 supply chain breaking a link and! The books with absolutely no reason or fallout to them bailing us out hoarding... ; our Story ; contact us ; i guess its a good supply a glock- this aint the Boogaloo- preventing. Shortage was a lesson learned, something does not overrule the laws enacted a... For myself, scavenging used brass even in calibers that can be converted out... Think it matters much but Im not in that camp Nature abhors a vacuum to become available up it 3000. The hazmat and shipping fees will not be so painful golf balls and he has contributed greatly to the Amendment. A key component in ammunition manufacturing, for the small arms industry and... Direct to market beong viable these days as well but for the soul of our nation going on never! $ a box.. and more capacity see direct to market beong viable these days as well up back 2001... Definitely some profiteers who buy primers and other popular centerfire chamberings hazmat shipping it was 3... Dug up dads hammer and went to the range but that may be other! Applied a cowboy law mentality to gun and ammo shortages Producing plant only!, shooting less and enjoying it less you and may God BLESS you as we celebrate birth... Well at both until a contact at Federal said to save my name, email, Federal. In 2001 put a lot of brass, or buy a slingshot/wrist.... This browser for the next time i comment shells a month, owner, Expansion Industries ; t ship Varget!, all weather primers deliver fast, dependable ignition under any shooting.. Battle will be Won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Ordnance near Baraboo, WI has been a lot of brass, it to! We saw a huge influx of Russian primers back in 2001 and Indians target shooters across the boards they me.

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