10 Best Comebacks for Shut Up These witty comebacks are general purposeyou can use them anytime someone hushes you and you feel like retorting. I like this playful response, because youre not really being rude back when someone tells you to shut up, but this response will indeed shut them up! This lets them know you are not one to be messed with, and puts them in their place. Here are some funny comebacks to shut up that will hopefully help the other person see they are doing the wrong thing and walk away. What Shall You Say If Someone Says Make Me In a Rude Way? How to Respond to Someone Saying Make Me? I hope no one ever finds the body. If possible, it can also be effective to give a witty retort or even make a joke at your own expense. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thewritegreeting_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_28',193,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewritegreeting_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thewritegreeting_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_29',193,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewritegreeting_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-193{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. How to respond to a kid saying make me? Can you put shut up? Oh, Im sorry, I thought we were having a grown up conversation. Its natural to want an effective comeback. Why Does a Person Reply With Make Me? If someone you had a problem with in the past says, make me, usually it is in a disrespectful way. I didnt realize you were such an important person. Oh, I didnt realize you were such an important person. Its Kind Of Hilarious Watching You Fit Your Entire Vocabulary Into One Sentence! Or would you laugh at them instead? Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. I know I make stupid choices, but youre the worst of all my choices. These snappy comebacks are sure to get the message across without escalating the situation. Somewhere out there, a tree is producing oxygen for you. Unless you are joking with someone, shut upis an abrasive version of be quiet and is a rude or forceful command to stop talking or making noises. Im sorry, were you talking? You have bitten your tongue about how much rubbish is currently spewing from their mouth because youre a polite person. And these tasks are impossible to achieve if you have someone who is talking. It shows Enough. You need to look for a sale on lives; you might need one. Im sorry I hurt your feeling when I called you stupid; I thought you already knew. Thank you for your input! This is why I dislike know-it-alls. I get it if youre joking around with friends and want a good burn, but responding with rude or cheeky comments only escalates the situation and can lead to more conflict. Im all ears, lets hear what amazing things are going to come out of your mouth. Compared with nuclear fission, the breakdown of atoms, nuclear fusion creates vastly more energy, and without producing much in the way of hazardous waste. Have a nice day, but somewhere else, not in my space. Please stop trying to ruin my day with your negativity. Thankfully, zombies eat brains, so you are safe. Unfortunately, there are quite many people who are adults only from outside whilst inside, they may still be at the teenage level of psychological development! A good comeback for shut up depends on the context and your relationship with the person who said it. Depending on that, you will have to use different replies either for replying back playfully or for straightening out a bit if thats needed. Your mouth must taste like shit all the time. If they dont want to hear what you have to say, thats their problem. Im sorry I zoned out for a minute, were you saying something important? In this example, Kemi remains quiet even when her boss has repeatedly told her to shut up. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Its easy to overreact or take their comment personally, but its a much better strategy to laugh off their joke and turn it into an opportunity for self-deprecating humor. Mirrors cant talk. This will likely help defuse any tension and make the person realize they cannot get away with making fun of people. Did someone invite you into this conversation? Smart Comebacks For Shut Up Use some of these creative comebacks to strike back at the haters. The next time someone decides to tell you to shut up, I want you better prepared with the best comebacks possible! If someone tells you to shut up, its likely that they are feeling frustrated or upset about something. In this instance, your response must be firm or serious to let the person know you arent interested in whatever he/she is planning or has going on. Whether they realise it or not shut up is an opinion- the opinion that you should be quiet. (If the conversation is through text.) I didn't mean to offend you but I'll take it as an additional perk. Would you get angry? The shut up in this situation might come across as rude, but its just because they have to do a task which you are preventing them from doing. Cookie Notice There is nothing wrong with having a bit of a natter sometimes. Dont worry, Ill shut up as soon as you start making sense. Oh wait we can only play dare, you dont know how to tell the truth. Maybe you secretly do want to shut up. Witty Comebacks 1. How about you save your energy and sign up at the gym? Thank you for your input. I think I just found your nose in my business., Your mom said I was good with my mouth., Your a@@ must be jealous of all that sh!t that comes out of your mouth., If youre waiting for me to start to care, I hope you brought something to eat, cause its gonna be a long time.. Posted on Published: August 3, 2022- Last updated: August 22, 2022. You have all the time in the world to be stupid. Sorry, I didnt get that; I dont speak idiot. Im on my way! Take a look at these awesome comebacks for bullies! If they tell you to shut up, it can make you wish you never met them. And the right people hear it, it could make the world a better place. And to do that successfully, it is always good to have a few always-ready comebacks to keep the ball going. How to Respond If Someone Says Make Me Playfully And Funny? Why don't you slip into something more comfortable, like a coma. Im sorry, I didnt catch that. Some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. But doesnt this sound a bit too much? For more information, please see our And, if you are a man (or woman) of your word, you could even follow their example, and be silent just like them. Can you stop talking? The below are all context-dependent. Its so sad your personality does not match your face. Are you going to be a stupid ass your entire life? I wish you were taught to be fluent in silence. But there are limits, and when its time to be quiet, you need to make sure to do so. How shall we respond? This is another playful comeback you can use with a friend. Silence Is Golden. Youre the reason God created the middle finger. In this instance, well be discussing what to say when someone says make me. Laugh? Check out our best comebacks for shut up. Just remember not to stoop down to their level; stay composed and remain confident in yourself and your opinions. If I had a dollar every time you shut up, I would give it back as a thank you. But a psychologically immature person usually doesnt understand that, and even if he or she does, they behave in that childish manner as though the whole world offends them. Remember, if anyone says youre beautiful, its all lies. Welcome to Grammarhow!We are on a mission to help you become better at English. I dont want to have a look at your vocal cords. When you dont know what to say when someone says make me, this is a good response to use to cut to the chase and not beat around the bush. There was no need to repeat yourself; I heard you clearly the first time. Was it said in a playful and mocking manner? Opt to ignore them completely, direct your conversation at everyone but them, and when they say anything to you respond with a surprised, When did you get here? It will set a good example for others by showing that humor can be used in a positive way. Here are some smart and witty comebacks to Shut up that will put the speaker in their place. Youre entitled to your opinion, but youre not entitled to my attention. Thats the sound of me not listening? Because I could have sworn I just heard you say shut up. If you see that shes into flirting with you, just make your conversation a bit hotter! Huh Weird! and then carry on talking. People are complex and complicated creatures, and we often react in quite an unpredictable way! Its Kind Of Hilarious Watching You Fit Your Entire Vocabulary Into One Sentence! William Saliba is ready to put his body on the line to play in Arsenal's title run-in despite concerns of injury complications if he is rushed back.. The following answers will let them know you are not one to be messed with, and put your interlocutors in their place. say. Comebacks for I Don't Shut Up, I Grow up. Because just like you, your hand doesnt care. WebSmart and witty comebacks to Shut up When someone is deliberately trying to be rude by telling you to shut up, you should answer in a way that makes you seem like the more Try listening to them, as you might learn something. WebGood Comebacks 1. A bit of computer-based humour for you. I Was Hoping For a Battle Of Wits But You Appear to Be Unarmed Here are the best comebacks when a rude person tells you to shut up. This is one of my best comebacks to shut up! So what we suggest you do is that you read on and check out several different ways of answering to other people saying make me to you. Nerd Quotes. People HATE when you do not acknowledge them, that is why, In what world does your opinion matter to me?, Great advice, why dont you demonstrate for me how that works?, Good story bro, but in what part do you shut the, Silence is golden; duct tape is silver., Please, dont stop, keep talking; I only yawn when Im super intrigued., Whenever I see your face, Im reminded that God has a great sense of humour., You bring me so much joy and happiness every single time you leave the room., I think I might have Alzheimers because I cant remember the last time I asked for your opinion., Your lips keep moving, but all I can hear is blah, blah, blah , Wipe your mouth, theres a little bit of bullsh)!t around your lips., Check your face, please. We hope you have found the answer to your question in this post you may also find this article useful Funny Things to Say to a Narcissist (21 Comebacks), Halloween Words That Start With A Halloween Words That Start With B Halloween Words That Start With C Halloween Words, Halloween is a festival celebrated on the 31st of October every year, and during this time, people love to use. Make me! WebWhen someone tells you to shut up, you should always have some witty comebacks in your back pocket! It says that you dont like the person and want him/her to stay out of your way. A bit like a computer. When You Go Away Its a Better Day Did you buy your stupidity on sale because you seem to have a lot of it? 2. If theyre being an asshole, just let them know it. Say Nothing And Smile fasten your belt, and off we go! Make me! When a bully tells you to shut up, it can be difficult to know how to respond. Unfortunately there are really dumb people in the world who enjoy trying to make people look bad. WebSmart Comebacks For Shut Up Use some of these creative comebacks to strike back at the haters. I guess your mother never taught you that if you dont have something nice to say, shut up! Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver. I would but I left the ball gag with your mom. Comebacks for I Don't Shut Up, I Grow up. I dont know what you eat to be this stupid, but it works. Regardless of which route you take, make sure that you stand up for yourself in a respectful manner. 1. But rather than letting this person get the better of you, why not use some of the best comebacks for shut up, that will leave them speechless. Explain your perspective. Context is everything, of course, and the difference is if your friend is joking or chiding you, or if you are saying something that strikes a sensitive chord in your friend. For example, they can get offended easily even when there is no obvious reason for that. Nobody likes you., There are some really dumb people in this world; thanks for helping me understand that., If ignorance is really bliss, you must be the happiest person in the world., Or just ignore them. Im not trying to explain how much I hate you, but you are literally the Monday of my life. Oh Im sorry I didnt realize you were such an important person..NOT! Of course, a rude reply may come to you for different reasons. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs! Laugh when a rude person tells you to shut up, laugh and poke fun at them. Have you ever been talking and then suddenly been told to shut up? Come back when someone tells you to shut up with a statement that shows your strength and resilience. Mrs Bala: Dont you dare use that excuse again! Web10 Top comebacks for shut. If you see that shes into flirting with you, just make your conversation a bit hotter! Thats another funny way to tell a close person to shut up. A great response to when another chatterbox tells you to shut up. But Duct Tape Is Silver Silence is golden is an old idiom. What Are Mom Jeans? See which ones strike at least people Weve all been there, youre in the middle of a conversation and someone tells you to shut up. See, in an ideal world, when a person grows older, its not only the body that matures, its also the psyche. Obviously, you cant, which is what makes this reply so funny. You can use this response when a friend says make me, or with someone who is flirting with you. Were all waiting quietly to hear what you have to say! Comebacks for I Don't Shut Up, I Grow up. If ignorance is bliss, I bet youre the happiest person. Using funny comebacks lets people know youre messing around but if they are being aggressive youre best to de-escalate the situation and not to respond to shut up as much as it may frustrate you. All these nuances will help you to define whether he or she said it in an offensive manner or not. That is great advice, feel free to follow it! The middle ones for you. Alcohol Quotes Funny. Most people when they dont like what someone is saying, they walk away or ignore what the person is saying, or wait until the conversation gets good. I will just not when you expect it. WebDon't tempt me. If they want you to shut up, they have to start first. Kemi: *silence*. I hope you enjoy them. Everyone needs a witty comeback for a jerk telling them to shut up! Privacy Policy. You go first. If they want to tell you to shut up, they are not going to say it to your face. This is another playful comeback you can use with a friend. Frequently Asked Questions: What to Say When She Says Make Me, How to Flirt with a Guy, and How to Respond to Shut Up What to Say When She Says Make Me How to Flirt with a Guy; How to Respond to Shut Up You say that like it is such a good thing. Says youre beautiful, its likely that they are feeling frustrated or upset about something with having a hotter..., your hand doesnt comebacks for shut up make me prepared with the person who said it are sure to do so effective to a! Sorry I zoned out for a minute, were you saying something important out... A mission to help you become better at English you going to be stupid! Anyone says youre beautiful, its likely that they are feeling frustrated or upset about something showing that can! You Fit your Entire Vocabulary into one Sentence tell the truth reply so.. Does not match your face 'll take it as an additional perk of Hilarious Watching Fit... 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Much rubbish is currently spewing from their mouth because youre a polite person up conversation energy!, Ill shut up is an old idiom thought you already knew you already..