Actor Roger Perry, who had a lead role in the first film, appears again but as a different character. Try Count Yorga, sort of a Diet Dracula. He lives in a large house somewhere in California and terrorizes young women and their boyfriends. Robert Quarry ('Dr Phibes Rises Again') is excellent as Yorga. Count Yorga, Vampire doesn't distinguish itself by being particularly innovative, stylish or even excessively gory, but it is a lot of fun, Kelljan employing the genre's most recognised tropes to create a consistently entertaining flick - often witty, sometimes scary, occasionally camp, frequently sexy (the film was originally intended to be a soft-core movie, before being severely edited), and always enjoyable. The two Count Yorga films are interesting examples of early 1970s transitional horror. Distributed by Scream Factory. Quarry watches as two of his undead brides ALMOST make out and Lang has a self-caressing sequence as she's falling under his spell. Donna screams, which brings it to a halt. "[5] Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times wrote, "Those who saw 'Count Yorga' will be disappointed. Its gory, sexy modern sensibility would go on to inspire American International Pictures releases throughout the 70s, as well as 80s vampire classics and beyond. the guys spend most of the film running around, looking for the girls. Robert Quarry is second only to Bela Lugosi in my book as far as vampire lords go, even beating out bonafide legend Christopher Lee whose Dracula performances are legendary. Arkoff retitled the film COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE, explaining that nobody would know how to pronounce Iorga and that horror fans would be turned off by the loves of, particularly with the absence of any sex sequences. Add your email here for great cult movie content: A writer, filmmaker, musician, and amateur bon vivant, Mike Vanderbilt spends his days and nights on either end of the bar. I have to admit though that I have a bit of fun with it now, like the guys who are being fed to the girl vampires, you have several hot chicks who are scantly clad and want to suck the blood out of you? Meanwhile, Erica and Paul drop off Yorga at his home. An old school vampire living in the early seventies. He also intends to take a new wife, while feeding his bevy of female vampires.Count Yorga continues to prey on the local community while living by a nearby orphanage. The early 70s were a great period for vampire movies. It is flawed, but I still think it is the most effective vampire film I have ever seen. One tale recounts Price hearing Quarry singing opera in his dressing room during the filming of DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN. Kelljan died quite young at 52 from cancer. Copping the ending of Dance of the Vampires, Count Yorga climaxes with a flurry of vampire-fighting action and an apparent escape only for the heroine to reveal her newly-sprouted fangs and pounce in a much-imitated shock punchline. The story features Quarry returning as the infamous vampire Count Yorga, along with his servant Brudah, both of whom have been revived by the supernatural Santa Ana winds. Oct 20, 2015. At the time, AIP was reportedly grooming Quarry to carry Prices torch as their new in-house horror star. Prepare to meet Count Yorga. Tags: AIP, American International Pictures, Arch Archambault, Bill Marx, Bob Kelljan, George Macready, Horror, Judy Lang, Michael Macready, Michael Murphy, Robert Quarry, Roger Perry, Samuel Z. Arkoff, The 1970s, vampires. Before long, Quarry has nibbled on Lang and enticed her to his side while Murray and pal Macready prepare to do battle with him. Count Yorga, Vampire Special Effects . Yorga was originally spelled "Iorga" but was changed presumably because American studios give zero credence to the . Not long after they leave, Donna reveals to the others that she knows Yorga because he was her mother's boyfriend. Good versus evil can you guess which side wins..? This genuinely frightening movie contains scenes that you won't forget easily. Count Yorga, Vampire has been the subject of several home video releases in nearly all formats since the 1980s. I enjoyed 'Count Yorga, Vampire' a lot and highly recommend it to fans of 60s and 70s vampire movies. Primaries have the right amount of pop to them allowing for rich blues, strong yellows, and . After taking the Count home, Paul and Erica are waylayed, and next the day, a listless Erica is diagnosed by their doctor as having lost a lot of blood. Lesson to be learned: If your girlfriend or fiance happens to develop sudden listlessness after attending a seance conducted by a smooth-talking count from Bulgaria, or perhaps develops a yen for consuming dead house cats, you may want to heed the advice of your doctor friend when he tells you that the count in question may be nothing less thana vampire! Hayes, Michael, and Donna go to the mansion themselves to inquire about Paul's whereabouts and keep Yorga active until sunrise. This movie is a culture clash flick. The film ended up going before the MPAA ratings board six times before being granted the GP rating, and two or three minutes of violent and sexual content were ultimately removed by AIP. He has made very few genre films but he can also be seen in 'Strange Behavior' and Wes Craven's 'Shocker'. From there, the audience moves along to a seance in a hip Los Angeles home. The following day when Paul and Erica return to the city, Paul tells Michael about the attack. Count Yorga (Robert Quarry), a vampire, comes from Bulgaria to 1970 Los Angeles and starts making a coven of beautiful female vampires. Despite the confusion, David Baldwin, Cynthia's fianc, is suspicious about the Nelsons' disappearance. After the sequel The Return of Count Yorga, a third Yorga film was planned, which would have featured a broken Count living in Los Angeles's sewers and creating an army of undead street people, but it never materialised. This isnt the tragic, romantic vamp featured in so many gothic tales; Quarrys take on the Count displayed both a dry sense of humor, a proto-Studio 54 sleaziness, and a mouth full of fangs. it started out life being one thing, and ended up as another. Fifty years and countless modern takes on vampire legends from comic books to television to film its easy to overlook its influence, but COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE remains an influential vampire flick that fans of the genre should sink their teeth into. We first meet Count Yorga at a seance he holds for a group of friends, one of which has just lost her mother. Tired of the same old vampires? Count Yorga, Vampire From fun-loving perk girl to a undead bride. Meanwhile, Madden and O'Connor come across Yorga's vampire brides. The rest of the cast is adequate, and I think Roger Perry does a wonderful job as a blood specialist who goads Count Yorga one evening into talking about the supernatural. Count Yorga continues to prey on the local community while living by a nearby orphanage. A pickup truck snags a boxed-up coffin and head into the city. Quarry would don the cape again one year later for the studios THE RETURN OF COUNT YORGA, as well as the foil to Vincent Prices Dr. Anton Phibes in 1972s DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN (its rumored that early in the production of the PHIBES sequel, Phibes was to take on Count Yorga himself). They take on Yorga and his harem of vampire brides, but just as it appears our modern-day Van Helsing has defeated evil once and for all, a final shock predating CARRIE by several years finds evil triumphing over good, in line with the nihilistic themes of the New Hollywood that would take over the film world throughout the 70s. Some of the older brides wear dirty gowns most likely because they were drained and buried with them on all at once. The Count Yorga Collection Arrow Video 2022 Limited Edition Blu-ray Discuss Compare Release Date: October 25 2022 Country of Release: USA MSRP: $69.95 Buy Physical Copy At: Details by Film Count Yorga, Vampire Year: 1970 Time: 93 Aspect Ratio 1.85:1 Audio English 1.0 PCM Mono Streaming Options Powered by JustWatch The Return of Count Yorga A drive-in favourite from the moment it was released, a sequel soon followed. The film opens with a narration by character actor George Macready, whose son, Michael Macready, produced the film and also played "Michael". A third Yorga film, which would have featured a broken Count Yorga living in Los Angeles's sewers and creating an army of undead street people, never materialised. Tommy claims that nothing has happened. And whoever did the make-up job on the count's slow-motion assistant deserves an Oscar for walking decomposition. Paul decides to go to Yorga's house and disappears and Donna's mate Michael 'Mike' Thompson (Michael Macready), Jim and Donna decide to pay a visit to Count Yorga late night. Bob Kelljan's 'Count Yorga, Vampire' is often unfairly overlooked in an era dominated by English and European vampire movies. Did the mother of the Nelson family turn into a vampire. Baldwin splits from the detectives to expand the room-by-room search, and upon opening one door discovers Jason's corpse, covered in bloody bite marks with an IV draining remaining blood from his neck into a glass-bottle on the floor beneath him. Yorga and Baldwin fight with Baldwin surprisingly seeming stronger than before, however, Yorga gains the advantage. More often than not, since NOSFERATU hit the silver screen, vampires in film were confined to the villages and castles of 18th century Europe. and feral (his creepy dashes for prospective victims, seemingly out of nowhere, with blood-red eyes and arms outstretched actually gave me a jolt on a couple of occasions!). Awards Featured in The Count Yorga Collection Order in the UK: Order in the US: Count Yorga, Vampire was among the fi. When Michael awakens, he finds Donna gone and that it is nearly evening when he calls to awaken Hayes. American International Pictures had planned at one stage to revive Count Yorga as an adversary for Dr. Anton Phibes in Dr. Phibes Rises Again. The film begins by showing us a coffin being removed from a ship, then trucked out to an estate in modern day (circa 1970) Los Angeles. The popularity, primarily at drive-ins and other theaters of that ilk, led to a sequel ("The Return of Count Yorga") one year later. They try to check in on her via phone, but she drops the phone to the floor without answering. One of which is Erica, a friend of his that went missing earlier from her home after a blood transfusion. Robert Quarry is the main reason to watch this early 70s, California-set vampire favorite. Its easy to pick out where the money shots would have occurred, had YORGA been shot as a skin flick: A love scene in a van on Yorgas estate, the girl-on-girl action in his dungeon, and what was probably intended as a masturbation scene when Erica is visited by the Count by night, a more explicitly erotic sequence inspired by a similar, more transgressive sequence in 1931s DRACULA. it's a your typical horror film. So stop trying to call your lawyers, Bram Stoker's estate. The story starts properly once he has bitten one of the young women, who is later found with massive blood lossand feasting on the family cat Count Yorga, Vampire, I remember seeing this movie as a kid and it scared the heck out of me. Erica gets bite marks on her neck, but she can't remember what happened. the only other name i recognize is the narrator, George Macready; he was the nightclub owner in the awesome film Gilda, from 1946. pretty good. Yorga has all of. It was followed by a sequel, The Return of Count Yorga . 1970 saw Christopher Lee return as Count Dracula in not one but two Hammer entries, Before becoming a genre icon Quarry would go on to appear in, Quarry would don the cape again one year later for the studios, Pianist Bill Marx was brought on to compose the films score, arguably one of the more traditional elements in this modern vampire tale with screeching strings and creepy organs to punctuate the supernatural happening. In Los Angeles, a group of friends of Donna (Donna Anders) reunites for a sance conducted by Count Yorga (Robert Quarry) to make contact with Donna's mother, who has recently died and was having a love affair with the Yorga. On top of this, we hear narration telling us a bit about vampire legends. It is the sequel to the 1970 film Count Yorga, Vampire. Starting as an actor in the 1960s, he turned to writing and directing. America was not to be left out, and Bob Kelljan's 'Count Yorga, Vampire' is a great little movie that is often unfairly overlooked. He hypnotically seduces budding starlets, and other attractive gals, to be his eternal lover - adding to harem of the undead. Lang becomes intrigued by Quarry, a recent transplant from Bulgaria who lives in a musty castle on a gated estate. Yorga goes to the orphanage during the costume party. When a weakened Mitzi stumbles into the room, Yorga leaves as the others attend to her. Originally released in 1970, the first of his movies, Count Yorga, Vampire was a quiet, laid back kind of movie that felt more in line with the Dracula stories that had come before, yet managed to find a firm fan-base, and almost became a huge franchise. Iorga/Yorga was named after Romanian historian and politician Nicolae Iorga, though he's supposed to be Bulgarian. It's also kind of slow and surprisingly dry with its tone. Reverend Thomas is sent to distract Yorga while Baldwin, Madden and O'Connor sneak in to search the manor, armed with sticks they can cross and hold up to ward off the vampires. Before becoming a genre icon Quarry would go on to appear in the blaxploitation zombie revenge film SUGAR HILL, as well as several Fred Olen Ray pictures in the 80s Quarry performed in radio plays before joining the Army in 1943. A low-budget production, it updates its bare-bones reworking of Stoker's story to the then-present of about 1970 and resets the action in Southern California. In the meantime, Quarry is the bad guy with a clichd side-kick who resembles a monster and has super strength. FAQ Quarry suggested that producer/actor Michael Macready and writer/director Bob Kelljan ditch the softcore element and make a more typical horror picture that could play to teenage audiences in suburban movie houses. By the end of the 1960s the boom in Old World gothic horror had begun to wane in the face of present day terrors like the Vietnam war. Perhaps best of all is the wholly credible reaction of the guys (Michael Murphy and Michael Macready, the latter also serving as producer, and whose father, hissable character actor George Macready, provides the wonderfully dreary intro narration to the film) to the horror that has entered their lives. Tommy dismisses it, but vampire women rise from their graves. The newer members have cleaner silker gowns which can be tied around the waist. The Return of Count Yorga (originally titled Yorga Returns) is a 1971 American vampire horror film directed by Bob Kelljan and starring Robert Quarry, Roger Perry, Yvonne Wilder, George Macready, Rudy De Luca, Edward Walsh, and Craig T. Nelson in his feature film debut. As they start to leave, they are confronted by Erica and the redheaded bride, who remain vampires despite Yorga's death. They transported Christopher Lees Count and Peter Cushings Van Helsing to swinging London, sinking his fangs into a modish group of attractive young people (including Caroline Munro) in, The 80s saw a slew of modern-day vampire tales with Tony Scotts, [FANTASIA FEST 2020] LUCKY: TROUBLE EVERY DAY, [FANTASIA FEST 2020] HAIL TO THE DEADITES GIVES US SOME SUGAR, BABY, highly influential take on the vampire mythos. With it obvious now that she's beyond saving, Micheal manages to ward the two vampires back. However, as he turns to leave, Donna hisses and lunges at him, fangs bared, fully transformed into a vampire; he was too late to prevent Yorga from turning her (although there are no bite marks on her throat). "[4] Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune declared it "the best horror film of the year. Erica is a character in the movie, Count Yorga, Vampire. When CBS ran the movie in the 1970s on its Friday Night Late Movie, the on-screen title was Yorga Returns. Marsha and Quarry had been lovers. After sex they settle in to sleep. Transposing the vampire legend into modern-day Los Angeles was not without its hurdles for the writers. I said why dont you just make a regular horror film out of it? While mulling over his options, Hayes' girlfriend suggests involving the police, citing an eerily similar case of a baby being found in the woods, drained of its blood with bite wounds on the neck. There's something compelling about this vampire movie that I find kind of hard to explain. There's even a henchman who's (apparently) a werewolf! On the way to the staircase, Michael encounters Brudah in the living room who eventually dies of his wounds. In 2004, MGM's Midnite Movies DVD line (which redistributed much of the American International Pictures horror catalog previously owned by Orion Pictures Home Video) released Count Yorga, Vampire and its sequel, The Return of Count Yorga as a DVD double feature. Lest one believes that the quest for the PG-13 rated horror film (read: more teenagers in the seats, and more money in studios pockets) is a new development, the filmmakers had to submit YORGA to the MPAA six times in order to receive a GP rating (equivalent to todays PG). Donna mourns her mother a second time before Michael collects her. COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE (Bob Kelljan, 1970) ***, My Friend Will Have a Hamburger and a Quart of Blood, Please, Another Terrific Vampire Flick from the Sexy 70's, Different take on the legendary Dracula story. Cynthia's mother, father and sister, Ellen, are fed upon by the undead horde. In the first film comedy gave way to terror; in this self-conscious sequel the two elements tend to cancel each other out. Their van gets stuck in the mud outside of Yorga's mansion, although Paul insists the road was dry a minute ago. Macready, who produced and directed the film (and enlisted his more famous father to provide a ripe, flavorful voice-over), while nice enough looking, is almost laughably expressionless and wooden during most of his screen time. Too bad that Quarry never got the acclaim his magisterial performance deserved. [9] This plan was dropped, however, and Quarry appeared as the artificially young Dr. Biederbeck. First of all, the sets and atmosphere are great. Michael locks them in and drops his cross, believing the danger is over. YORGA was a surprise hit for AIP in the summer of 1970, appealing to both audiences and critics. But Quarry didnt find success until taking on the role of the dashing, dark, and deadly Count Yorga for AIP. Variety wrote that Robert Quarry had an "aristocratically handsome look and plays the part with a certain sinister intelligence (and) even a sly humor that befits a guy who has been around for several hundred years," adding that "The dialogue has a believable sound to it, and the playing of the principals is low-key and convincingly realistic. He finds Hayes as he lays dying from bite wounds and blood loss. On the one hand, they are early examples of the modernised gothic, taking the genre out of the costume drama and into the real world (at one point in Return, Yorga watches Hammer's The Vampire Lovers on TV - an amusing comment on the difference between the cozily distant gothic and the modern day . She begs Paul to forgive her and to kill her. Not bad at all--and it stacks up quite well compared to the Hammer Dracula films. After leaving the manor, Hayes convinces Michael that killing Yorga will not be easy: vampires have greater strength and the wisdom that comes from living much longer than a "mere mortal". He also has a certain moral flexibility. With his last breath, Hayes tells Michael where Donna is. Will their boyfriends be able to stop him? Hayes finds Erica's body among them, finding no heartbeat or pulse when he examines her. New blood needed to be injected into the genre. They enlist the aid of blood specialist Perry, who acts as a sort of modern day Van Helsing, trying to come up with ways to combat the vampire. Count Yorga is a mysterious Bulgarian mystic who resides in a gated mansion in the Southern California hills. The film contains some truly startling moments (such as the count's toothy grimace as seen through a van's window), restrained but effective use of gore, a deliciously downbeat ending, and even a nice little shocker as a final capper. Anyway, that's the setup in Bob Kelljan's surprisingly shocking, intelligent and believable horror film from 1970, "Count Yorga, Vampire." Perry gives a skilled, knowing performance as well, obviously aware that a blend of seriousness mixed with levity was called for in the production. The 1970s produced acclaimed horror films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, Jaws, Carrie, and Halloween. A memorable sequence in which Erica (Judy Lang), having been bitten by the count, begins her transformation by devouring her pet cat was all but removed from the film, but is now available in all of its uncut gory glory. That evening, Reverend Thomas phones Jennifer, but it is revealed she lies dead on her bed with a large knife sticking out of her chest. But aside from the present-day (well, 1970) atmosphere and setting, this is a movie useful only as a cult hit. The Return of Count Yorga (1971) Rated PG 97 minutes Cast Roger Perry as Dr. David Baldwin Robert Quarry as Count Yorga Rudy DeLuca as Lt. Madden Mariette Hartley as Cynthia Nelson Tom Toner as Rev. By the time the police arrive, all of the evidence has been cleared away. Gated estate and European vampire movies the acclaim his magisterial performance deserved and are. Looking for the girls evening when he calls to awaken Hayes the road dry... Which is Erica, a friend of his that went missing earlier from her home after blood. Recommend it to a seance he holds for a count yorga ending of friends one. # x27 ; s estate to cancel each other out setting, this is a mysterious Bulgarian mystic who in. 'S body among them, finding no heartbeat or pulse when he to... Stumbles into the room, Yorga gains the advantage was changed presumably because American studios give zero credence the! Dont you just make a regular horror film out of it the guys spend most the... 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