I had the best time ever on this trip. The State will also refund your license fee, less the $30 for the preference point, if you made that selection. Appreciate it. Best to check with the local BLM/county land office to make sure that they are still public when you get there. I just want to take a moment and "Thank you and Monte" for a wonderful hunt. I did a quick rough score on my stag and it should be between SCI 310 and SCI 320. THE HUNTERS HARVESTED SOME GREAT ANIMALS AND WENT HOME WITH THEIR TROPHIES. Thank you again. deer). Dan and I had a wonderful stay at your ranch. Jul 16, 2018. We had a good hunt, but because the weather was moving in we got it done quickly. As you view both the pictures below and the added gallery you will notice that we can provide a wide arrange of hunting areas for your next Antelope Hunt with a wide selection of genetics and trophies. Wagonhound Outfitters 2018 was a fantastic year for hunting. To be eligible for the drawings, hunters must obtain applications for each species from: Or, click here (Wyoming Game & Fish Apply or Buy) to purchase online. In less then a week I took a 600 class Red stag, an elk of nearly 400" and a giant fallow deer! You can expect to get 40 50+ pounds of boneless meat from a mature class Antelope buck. I have a friend with a few points, so maybe I can talk him into it for next year and I can use his points to draw. 2023 Wyoming Antelope Hunting Rates Includes lodging at the Hunting Lodge, all meals, transportation, and guide. So special. They know how to tell trophies and are honest as to what you are or are not shooting. But, the last few years have been enormously disappointing as far as the elk migration movemement and the eventual elk hunting success. My hope for this new year is that the drought will be a thing of the past. A great adventure. In speaking with some of the other hunters, they were also impressed. You can expect to see lots of animals every day you hunt. Second and third rifle Deer and Elk combined seasons, brought us many new hunters, many new friends. Truth is, this is where we personally like to chase antelope. With more than 300,000 acres of private ranchland, we offer hunters game-rich country, years of experience, and the best guides in the business! Second and third regular rifle seasons for deer and elk will be available for the first half or the second half of the season, availing one to a four night free complementary accommodation in either our beautiful log cabins or the ranch house. So trophy goats will be here you just have to be patient, be selective, and hunt hard for them. Thanks so much. I believe though, that his wife's buck was bigger. Thanks for everything. I truly love the property that I hunted. Several feet of snow. So, we didn't harvest as many elk as we had wished. We provide you with a safe, enjoyable hunt by making sure that you are on safe, private land and checking in daily to accommodate any requests you may have. Just make sure the wind isnt blowing so hardnext time. Bucks that offer fantastic wild meat and a very respectable trophy to be prized. They want to ranch and not deal with hunting and booking questions. Late Season (Doe only) Hunting Trespass Fee: $500 (Youth vouchers are also available age 12-17 years) . The hunt was simply awesome, and the tahr hunting was the most exciting experience that I have ever had. This was physically one of the hardest hunts that I have ever done since we walked probably 8-10 miles each day through the marshy ground and the thick scrub, but I loved it! Once, he got back to the Ranch, he also got a nice buck deer. It would not have bothered me, had I not been alone. In conclusion this place is just a real special place, what makes it special is the people, the attention to detail, the love of what they do, AWESOME!! This doctor from California got a real trophy. Our county has the largest antelope population in the United States along with a 100% success rate to date. The beds comfortable and the cabins warm. Reach and start the booking process. We also talk Merriam Turkey! He has been drinking from the cold mountain streams. There is an amazing amount of antelope on that place. We had some good laughs with the wonderful company of many, included the hunters from down under. Book us down for next year". The accommodations were excellent and the new addition of flat screen TVs in all the cabins were very much appreciated. Of course, there is no hurry to rush anywhere. We gutted the whole thing, pulled new electrical wiring, redid the plumbing system, the kitchen is new from bottom up, and even offers a dishwasher for our spoiled guests. Other services available on a per day or per hour basis. Ralph S. Had a great elk hunt with this outfitter out in Colorado in Sept. As you know, Mike and I took some nice elk out there. It's been very difficult getting this far along, but, hey, we're tough folks. "Losers visualize the penalties of failure, Winners can ONLY see the rewards of success"., I don't expect this project to be completed by next fall whenall my friends, the hunters, will be here, but, beginning with the 2012 year, we should be able to also serve meals on the premises and provide everybody with the ultimate HUNTING experience. My wife also really enjoyed herself even got to tag along on a hunt, and watched me shoot a bear. I must say, you went above and beyond. Slots fill fast! With the Special, you may draw at 3 or 4 points or even fewer. But, it paid off. The Hunt Areas are 34, 38 & 103 and the season dates are from September 20th to October 31st, 2023 Application period is January 3rd to May 31st, All Antelope Hunts are 4 Day, 5 Night Hunts. Serving Sportsmen for over 45 years! The herds are definitely increasing further, due to the lower harvest quota and the minimal winterkill, due to the mild winter weather. AlleghenyElk; Dec 27, 2022; Pronghorn; 2. They go out of their way to make everything great from you room; every meal, right to the very end of the adventure. As the application deadline approaches, I am happy to assist with your application. Later hunts can actually be better, as trophy bucks are preoccupied with the rut. At least for the first couple of years, the seasons are pushed later by about a week. It is truly rewarding to welcome all my old friends and many new ones each year and share with them this small piece of paradise for a few days. This was my first elk hunt and I'm sure it won't be my last. A few years ago Butch took some family hunting his daughter, his granddaughter and his wife Joan, and all three generations of ladies took respectable antelope (13-14) in a single day by 2 pm! I had an incredible time hunting on your ranch; the quality of game I saw and the beauty and peace and quiet I experienced was as good as it gets. BUT YOU SHOULD BE APPLYING FOR POINTS, AND EVERYONE NEEDS THEM! Access to Hunt Elk in the Sheridan Region. THIS IS A RIFLE HUNT ONLY NO BOWHUNTING IS ALLOWED. This spring we have to plant about 400 acres on the Chapman Ranch into alfalfa and grass for hay. Anyone looking to hunt deer or elk in NW Colorado should contact you first thing. Without you this trip would not have happened. If you look closely at the pictures of Alex after he downed his first cow elk, you can see that he is holding a branch in is right hand. Dinners were superb, the bar was excellent (watch out for their rum punch!). We were greeted by Aleka the day before the season opened and she spent time with us to ensure we knew the ranch boundaries and where to set up and hunt for the best chance at a pronghorn. , finitely a blessing to live on this beautiful ranch., Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. This was the best hunting trip I have ever been on. This option is only available when we don't have paid hunters & is not available for scheduling in advance. Hunt-Nation.com. The accommodations were excellent with the cabins being in great condition and super clean. ( I only had one major request and that was extra blankets and a minor, for a candle-----I knew that I would be up every morning before the generator would come on). We never tired of seeing all the wildlife. This branch, covered in a little blood at the exit wound, is called a "BRUCH" in german and is the traditional gift to the successful hunter in Germany. It's often said that there's more antelope in Wyoming than people, but a succession of tough winters and summer droughts knocked back their numbers to around 400,000 a few years ago. We had ample opportunity to take quality animals and never felt rushed or pressured to take a shot at an animal we werent happy with. Hunters from all walks of life have been 100% successful on this unguided hunt. Wyoming hosting a herd near 60,000 has been said to have more antelope than people. O. Lots of BLM land to hunt on, without the need to pay a fee. Booked hunt for Sable. From the beginning we were treated as cherished friends, not simply clients. Since the late 1960's, we chose not to advertise; not to seek the business of hunters for only one season. customs or getting cleared on the gun permit. I rate your operation FIRST class all the way. It is a comfortable camp, good food, and professional guides. It was a mature 6X6 Tule Elk Bull. Then their pilot, Pete, was on hand answering every question. Below some comments from hunters who were here in 2018. Again, THANK YOU!!!!! Very happy with this hunt! Elk Photos # 1. Last year, 2014, was another markably drought stricken year that disappointedly, did not allow us to harvest a crop. Thank you Ron and Steve and Carl and Larry and John and Walt and Jim and so many more of you. Pucky Freak. Thank you very much for letting me hunt and stay on your land.". I will definitely be trying to draw that tag again every year! Just, up the draw from our house. And they will check your permission slips!! So here we are, another new year, but, this time we have to endure the new changes made by the Colorado Division of wildlife. After getting completely settled,---off to their gun range to shoot my gun as well as the 416 Remington rental. That should bring even more wild animals to the property. With more than 300,000 acres, there are many prime locations suitable for antelope hunting. $350 this year and no extra charge to fill a doe tag. . For several years we have only had about 6-10 hunters per year, due to fewer tags being available under the draw. Not only did we have by far the best accommodations but you provided expert knowledge to assist us in being successful. In 2010, everybody will be driving in two feet of snow, fighting the elements of nature, but, totally surrounded by elk and huge timber bucks. Cabelas Hunting Supplies & Equipment, 2023 Wagonhound Outfitters. Telsrow Ranch. What are people here paying for trespass fees for antelope in Wyoming? With over 55,000 acres to hunt, which is close to 90 square miles, hunts are limited to one or two parties at a time, with a maximum of four to six hunters at any time; and often there are only 2 hunters. Due to the changing weather patterns we need to adjust thetiming of the hunting seasoons and they need to do that NOW. ", "I wanted to "THANK YOU" for a wonderful hunt during the 2011 4th season. The antelope herds look great, with most of the does having 2 fawns, the mule deer herds look fantastic, too. About ten minutes after legal shooting time, this BULL crested a hill near the blind I slept in and shortly after I was working on a down ELK. More snow would mean better crops on this ranch, better and happier attitude by this landowner, more feed for the wildlife and prettier sights of this country site. Some shots will be in the 200 to 350 yard range, so practice out to at least 200 yards, but some animals are shot within 100 yards of the vehicle. It snowed for two or three days. Then it got truly hot, and we went trolling for barracuda (using big orange tube lures on our fly rods). In 2012, even though, there were some rather serious health issues present, we completed several projects and purchased some more land adjacent to the Mobley Place on 22. Unfortunately, the snow was slow coming and so were the elk. Multiple herds. So, there you go. He flew in from Kuwait. This is a huge plus! These specs in the snow? Thanks! Our hunt planner has application dates and deadlines, season dates, drawing odds, harvest statistics, access information and more. We have two hunters in our group this year that have never taken a deer. Great place for spouses and families. Tony was very professional, low key and knowledgeable. Until next fall., And, again, against my best expectations, I am very late updating this website.. It has been very hard and sometimes, impossible to live here and unbearably difficult to carry on. I hear that there were numerous elk over where Larry and his crew were hunting. . You went out of your way to make sure we had everything we needed. Just a couple of days ago, I was finally able to get the 2015 dates from the Colorado D, Dan Fisher from PA wrote: "..can't tell you what a wonderful time I had with my son on your ranch. We host many hunters, which have become our friends. Beautiful new Lodge, Staff and lodging exceeded expectations. Our hunter who traveled the longest distance to come hunting this year, was John Spain. Don't forget that. Casper (where most clients stay) has plenty of reasonably priced motels and restaurants. I really enjoyed meeting everyone. Antelope: Full Price Fees: Type 4 & 5: Antlerless: Full Price Fees: Type 6 & 7: Doe/Fawn, Cow/Calf elk or Ewe/Lamb: Reduced Price Fees: Type 8: Doe/Fawn White-Tailed Deer Cow/Calf Elk Doe . These four counties alone account for over 689 Boone and Crockett entries (over 22% of the entire record book for North America). For license information, please, contact: has 6,500 acres ALL private land solely owned by your hostess Alexandra (Aleka) Butler, adjacent to RouttNational Forest. , THE RANCH TRESPASS FEESWILLBE AS FOLLOWS, beginning January 1, 2022:, PronghornBuck $ 2,000, Doe Antelope $ 500, 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability $ 2,500, ELK $3,500, ---------------------------------------, Cow ELK $ 2,000, 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability , (Foradditional night accommodations , please, make the necessary arrangements with the management), , CALL FOR AVAILABILITY OF landowners vouchers FOR ANTELOPE ONLY. The hunting is in Antelope Hunt Unit 38 with 550 antelope buck tags going out to an area almost completely covered in private ranching, which provides a steady population. I am referring to the weather, which, without doubt is no longer the same as it used to be over the length of the time I have been here. Upon receipt of your full payment, Hunt Nation will also send you info on maps of the hunting area and directions on how to get there. I did get a little worried about the incoming weather. Re: Wyoming antelope/trespass hunt [ Re: wisconsinteacher ] #7523765. So, my advise to all who are interested is, do not give up on Northwestern Colorado. They, by instict alone, know that the hunting seasons are all over with; and they know where the feed is. I would like to encourage all those that would consider a cow hunt to apply for December and come and enjoy this beautiful country, this fabulous ranch, when there are no other hunters around. The elk are here. I made a good stalk and a perfect shot. All of our antelope areas offer the hunter a chance to take a 2nd buck for the price of a license and a trophy fee. and the best food Ive ever had in a back-country camp. And of course, while camping you can enjoy a real campfire Dan P. here. One is the Regular Price license, the other is the Special Price license. GAME & FISH COMMISSION We swapped a Texas guided aoudad sheep hunt to this outfitter in exchange for the upgrades on our stags. A modern GPS makes it completely simple and comes at a lower price than most trespass fees.. IC B3 Re: Wyoming ranch for antelope. 2022 Cross C Ranch | All Rights Reserved. Unfortunately, in 2012, a couple of our older friends and customers, passed on and I wish there was a way I could say to them: "I already miss you". He had me on mature bulls from daylight on. The only problem was too many pronghorn. General Info. Our hope is that we draw your area again, so that we can return. We harvested a couple nice bucks during archery season and numerous large bucks during the regular rifle season. First Wyoming Antelope Hunt. Of course, the hunting pressure on the mountain started pushing the animals down further. We prefer utilizing low-pressure tactics as we believe it provides better opportunities and success rates for hunters throughout the season. Neither one of us expected to have access to the numerous hunting blinds throughout the property, which added to our hunting experience. Mainly just for our doe tags. A Californian smiles. Select a hunt area from the drop down menu below to see a list of Lander Region landowners currently offering Antelope hunting access. I cannot think of a better place to spend a week. You can expect to see lots of animals every day you hunt. Although, we continue to harvest numerous elk each year, our success rate is not near the 100% that used to be, even a couple of years ago. There are no hidden charges or trophy fees. Look at this herd, I'd say around a couple of thousand head. I woke and waited for daybreak. We enjoyed very much the new friends and customers we were blessed to meet. A nice buck deer longest distance to come hunting this year and extra... 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