I dont know how aggressive your dog is but a muzzle or shock collar will definitely make that worse. i have two other small dogs along with her, and she never displayed that kind of aggression with them, so i thought it was just an issue she had with the one she killed? I enrolled him in. I have taken her to three lots of puppy training classes, also one week live in at a dog training centre and walked her twice a day to the park where she can play off leash. She is 10 lbs. At the dog park he will play ball and swim in the lake for hours having the greatest time.Once in a great while I will see that look come over him like hes about to attack but all I have to do is call him to divert his attention. She was a shy puppy when we got her at 8 weeks old. We immediately got a trainer because he had separation anxiety issues. Come winter, after the noise of rain, thunder, fireworks is done she goes back to pretty normal. Help. But never had this problem. One thing you need to be careful of is letting your Aussie not allow people to hug you or sit near you. i'm so worried she's gonna hurt one of the other two, and i feel like i should've listened when the vet said to rehome her, but she's like my child and i couldn't even bear the thought last year. He is the best loving dog ever. Smiles positive attention distraction from negative behavior. This is obviously problematic because he will only be relaxed if he is not at home (yard or house) And we dont have somewhere else for him to just live! She even wags her tail at some strangers now. I have a male Aussie. Please help!!! My vet recommends trazadone before stressful events, I hate medicating her and frankly she still is intense. She has had no previous association with anything or anyone bad sowhy? He just started this aggressive behavior with other dogs. There are people who would take her. He cant quite get the transition, going out and coming in. If this is not the case then that dog thinks that it owns you and outranks you inside of your "pack." She is not holding her end of the bargin! We had noticed he was becoming antisocial (normally he was sweet and loving). The breed is also prone to hip dysplasia . The trainers did suggest electric collar but we've never resorted to that. We are just avoiding those situations to keep from ingraining the habit of aggression. Thank you for your suggestions. He is now a few months shy of a year old and has gotten worse. Look to get yourself calmer around other dogs and in your own situation and see if that doesnt help your fur baby too. At first he was loving and playful with our other three dogs. I have a Jindo mix also from the dog meat trade. I never had to muzzle her, but if your pup bites all the time, and doesn't settle, then a muzzle will protect other people, and ultimately her. Good luck. She really is hilarious but I need help!!! He has no fear of showing his dominance with our 125 lb lab who smacks him to the floor and holds him down. So happy to have just read this. I loved him the same tho till the day he died. He's 12 lbs. What I need help with is training. Dobies are super intelligent but I have to say that the Aussie I have has surpassed any of my dobies at the age he's at now. So, I moved to a large property in Nevada. Even "Ceasar Milan" stresses this. Im seeing some very slight changes in her behavior but shes definitely having stomach issues and lack of appetite. These Puppies nip all the time. At night they were busy raising the human children in. I would like opinions. (Michael Swensen/Getty . I was 18 when i got my australian shepherd i am now 26 and it has had its rough moments. Has anyone tried Prozac and seen ZERO changes? Ollie's aggression towards my husband continued barking, growling, air biting and biting, even though the bites did not break skin. It seemed from what I read, the good traits outweighed the potentially bad traits. We suggest contacting your vet with your concerns. I didnt know this dogs back round and I know about alpha dogs, I have had dogs all of my life. I am a dog lover, my dogs own us and our home!! After a year of dog training and thousands of power walks I put my one year old collie on Prozac due to uncontrolled obsessive barking. We got him at 6 weeks and is now 4 months. I made such a terrible choice in selecting this breed. I am nervous though when I hear it may cause agression because he has never been, love people and kids, goes crazy when he knows he is going to daycare, anyone experience the side effects of aggression. If not this is something that you should consider and at least discuss with your vet as it can make a big difference to a dog's behaviour and calms them down considerably. We have been doing the training with her to stop aggression with no luck. You should contact the dogs' breeder to see if they can offer some insight, as well as to let them know there is a problem with the cross that produced your dog. In Greece, we live in a medieval era about medicines that correct behavior. Remind yourslef emotions are watched by the dog. Hemp for Australian Shepherds: 5 Vital Things To Know Before Giving Your Australian Shepherd Hemp Oil or Hemp Treats Giving Hemp to your Australian shepherd for the first time can be confusing and intimidating. I am going to the vet in an hour to discuss a prescription for prozac for my 1 year old Border Collie,Nikko. They help build a dog's confidence. Good luck! But she makes progress all of the time in small steps. Heres what you should know about the uses, dosage, and side effects of fluoxetine in dogs. I just wanted you to know that someone is in your corner and hopefully you can get this issue resolved with some good advice here and a great trainer. I will say that she hasnt been eating non-food items so I believe this is helping her eating disorder. We had the trainer come again right after this started to happen and he was even vicious towards him, who hes meet several times. they loved him now they cant even come near him. This dog loves me and is beyond affectionate but I cannot live with the constant aggression. I've had my Aussie from 10 weeks old and it's been very challenging. and your family? The play alot but every once in awhile, she zones out and tries to destroy the puppy. Many Thanks Natalie x, I got an RX this evening from vet for prozac for our almost 2 year old pup. Her mom developed milk issues and couldn't nurse her pups.I kept her around people daily til she was almost a yr. She became snippy and would growl. Click here to browse Chewys Pharmacy for your pets health needs, and click here to buy fluoxetinewith your vets prescription! monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc", given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound. They're fine!" Cesar Millan does this, and it works really well. The Australian Shepherd is the AKC's 135th breed. She has never been aggressive toward me or my hubby. Keep going Aussies Rule!!!!!! I adopted an Aussie female, 3 yrs. So, we never know when she's strike. Our trainer noticed this right away and said you need to watch his eyes, if he gets his eyes fixed on someone or an animal that we have to snap him out of it. Keep focus on your time with him look them in the eyes tell them you love them be calm. Nipping, nipping all the time. He's an amazing dog. The Australian Shepherd is one of the best herding dogs, both skilled in herding livestock and dedicated to any assignment. He now has become a crazy dog to everyone who enters our home, who arent in his family pack. he's an amazing dog and he's very loving with myself and my husband we also have a female who is five and a half and they've been together since they were puppies she is terrified everybody but she welcomes everyone in a loving way. Sometimes when he is "locked in" on something I send the signal to vibrate and I think it must remind him of the shock he got because he always runs back to me. We picked up the dogs and they had been shaven. Ill talk more soon about what was covered at Cubas vet visit, his treatment plan, and about the stigma related to using meds to help those dogs and humans alike suffering from mental illnesses. Hes good with the other dog and cats. He is solid muscle. I want my dog to walk nicely and calmly on the leash. So many times people run out and get an Aussie pup or grown dog at the dog shelter or a breeder that carries a line in the blood that has aggressive behaviour. He was playing with our neighbors dog today and I brought them out two separate bones and handed one to each but he lunged at her and started attacking her and grabbed her by the neck. Our vet recently prescribed 20 mg of fluoxetine (prozac), she took it for 4 weeks. Over the last 5 years, Hemp has exploded unto the scene, with my low quality brands popping up to make a quick buck. I have 4 children, and she would literally herd them when they were outside playing. He is actually fine around people , but other dogs he fights with. I have noticed when he gets in the aggressive state or has locked in on something I dont think he can hear me. Given her anxiety, we have worked with various trainers, tried different supplements, calming collars, CBD etc with little success. Additionally, fluoxetine does not work on some dogs on its own and will take up to 3 - 4 weeks before affecting behavior in others. You have most likely and still do give your dog signals that it is in charge each day. I want my dog to listen and come every time I call! We have just started our Jindo mix rescue dog on Prozac. If any do thinks it outranks you in your "pack" then you will have trouble controlling it and it will do as it pleases most of the time. We did. Miss him every day now for two years. Your Aussie just needs more activity, not drugs to cover up the problem. The older he started getting the more aggressive he became with strangers. Background: Edema represents one of the earliest negative markers of survival and consecutive neurological deficit following stroke. I've used a vibration/shock collar to teach her boundaries since we live close to a highway. He got aggresive the 1st time just passed 2 months old. The collar works by just putting it on. If your Aussie is biting then you need to correct it NOW. ( college). I make him wait and we feed ourselves first. He was such a loving dog when he was little. He has been adopted out 3 x and always gets returned because of this. Is it herding behavior? If not, get one. Is she enjoyable to you? Aussiedoodle live for up to 11 or 12 years. We have only one behavioral veterinarian across the country. Sounds like your dog see all these situations as a threat. My bet said the world is a scary place for him and hence Prozac. I'm not sure if getting another dog for him to play with would help or not. Medicine for pain, arthritis, or inflammation can cause your dog to easily bruise or bleed when mixed with fluoxetine. Hes not treat motivated either. Did he draw blood? But every once and a while he dislikes a dog at the park and end up in a scuffle which has caused us to have to leave a few times. We took him to obedience school and he caught on quickly but he is a door dasher and is still agresssive with people not dogs. It was explained to me on a few occasions that the dog eats last. Also, shes got an intensity like no other dog I have ever had. Is it a nip or a full on bite? Doping up the treatment-receiver also misses the point. I chose the best breeders I can find, and his littermates are behaviorally normal. Trying to dope up your dog to cure a behavior problem that is not organically based is, in this trainers opinion, unethical. Australian Shepherds come in these four accepted coat colors: Black Blue Merle Red Red Merle You might have noticed the title stating there are 14 different Aussie colors. So I am rehoming Abby as soon as I can find someone that I would like to see her with. He is 4. But never attackingto kill the other. My boy is still just as fearful as the day I rescued him. I adopted my Aussie, Champ, when he was 3. Which one we have not started any of these yet. I still cannot take him to anyone's house or have anyone over as he will be unfriendly or worse attack any dogs he meets and barks at new people. I went from loving my dogs to truly enjoying my dogs. the Lhasa weighed 20 lbs. Every day, for the past 800+ days, we take him for a walk and use a training harness. My male Aussie (just turned 2 saturday) has very recently been having some behavioral problems. In a horse 3 generations back will show what the mares all foal. He really is an incredibly smart dog and trained well. He will no longer go to his bed, or even, to sleep. You must must be the alpha so he/she knows you're in charge, that you will handle the situations that he/she sees as a threat. I have a 7 month Aussie male. None of them changed who I was, but they sure did change my ability to cope with a world I could not understand or function well in. The female has attacked her male playmate several times last evening and during the middle of the night. Not sure what to do but want anyone reading this to be aware. Although they are around people and dogs all the time, they are very protective of their momma. She is the most affectionate dog I have ever had. My neighbors wanted me kicked out of the neighborhood because of my dog. Red zone aggressiveness needs training, but don't lose hope! I had some success with a trainer that rescued shelter dogs with aggression issues. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. I have attributed a lot of this to her just being an intense dog. I always had standard poodles and this is the first small dog I have had16 pounds of fur. Certain things need to remain in place, ie going in the back yard for potty and play and then coming in. talk to your vet about trazadone, we use it with our 1 year old when she needs to get groomed or be around kids. The Boxer Australian Shepherd Mix is playful, smart, loyal, and energetic. The vet and the animal behaviorist who visited us both suggested many of the same training goals you mention, and noted that Prozac might help in tamping down her flooding-of-emotions reactions so we can get some training done, so she isnt overwhelmed all the time. All she needs is exercise. Your pup is probably thinking she's doing her job. My kids couldnt run in the backyard without attacking. Aussies make some of the best companions to families too. He just recently turned two. We got that fixed after a month. What a difference this has made. Just 2 days ago he got a sandwich that my son was eating at the coffee table when he went to get a drink. pretty simple, if food is the only issue, don't have him around dogs and their food. (yea, i myself am on zoloft). Is there anyone in South Carolina that might be interested in Abby? In one night within about 1/2 hr. Our Australian Shepherd started "nipping" around a couple months of age, and then uncontrollably digging into the ground, in a way that I dont think he could hear me. My sweet, loved-by-all, Isabella colored, velvet haired NORALEE is 14 years old now. I have 2 little Aussie shepherds as well, ages 2 and 4. But when he is locked in I feel like im trying to get the attention of a 45 pound 2 yr old who is throwing a very dangerous tantrum. Her phobias are constantly on the rise, her antisocial behavior has reached such a point that she doesnt even enjoy her walks. Are you on Facebook? There are some side effects that can be harmful to dogs, and the drug can react badly with other medication. It was gruesome. As I watched all Zak George's you tube videos I think you need to anticipate the reaction before it happens and catch her attention and reward it. Thanks. He is leash reactive but is fine meeting dogs in a large dog park. Rewind a handful of years ago, we started experiencing behaviors with Layla that . We have a dog, lab husky, that was rescued a year earlier. It usually starts with a smaller more feisty dog showing signs of being top dog and then she turns on smaller timid dogs and attacks them. My kids were 8 and 10 at the time. I agree with all the previous comments. Recently, one of these clients returned and told me that her dog had been diagnosed with generalized anxiety gisorder. You most likely have to look within yourself. i talked to a lot of experts and they all said, no guarantees she could be rehabilitated. It takes a lot of time and patience with aussies. He is fenced in but it is chain link. Female Australian Shepherds are smaller, tipping the scales at 40 to 55 pounds with heights between 18 and 21 inches. I don't know what to do anymore. My trainer calls her a "special needs dog". 3 times a day sometimes. 3 weeks ago we adopted an Australian Shepard Theo from our local shelter. I am starting that with my 10 month old Aussie. Over the past six months he has become a demon dog. However, this week, he is getting even more "nippy" and "mouthy". Her general-care vet prescribed Valium as treatment for separation anxiety. The problem is, separation anxiety is a clinical diagnosis, and Sammy manifested none of the signs (no mutilation of self or property, no absence-induced anorexia, no excessive vocalization, no inappropriate elimination). Thank you all. He would steal things and run away. I tried many trainers and programs, even a dog shrink and medication. The energy will transfer through the leash and if they start to feel tesion right away as a person approches then they are going to assosiate that with needing to be on gaurd. Simply click here to return to Australian Shepherd Q & A. We love him and are secvited for the extremely slow changes? But they are totally worth it. Here are some of the conditions in dogs that veterinarians may treat with fluoxetine: Dosage of fluoxetine for dogs will vary based on the condition that needs treatment, the size of the dog, and the dogs response to the drug. All that, whether youre cognizant of it or not, flows right down that leash to your dog (figuratively speaking). She will bark at strangers or anyone who approaches her that she doesnt know. Even though Ollie was slightly larger than a baked potato, he managed to growl at husband the moment they met. Now, I have read that Aussies are very protective, and happen to be very intelligent, but this is getting out of hand. His personality is the same minus the behavior that just didnt seem to be responding to training. Even if the dog acts out, you should be able to have enough control to be able to make the dog stop immediately. We walked him a lot and tons of people would always come up and pet him. well my dog did it. Stay informed! I hope everyone else dealing with this problem finds something that works, and when you do please share. I purchased an AKC registered choc. I recommend AS International. Aussies have the greatest personalities. I have trained enough problem dogs to have confidence that my techniques are effective. Does anyone have a similar story or recommendations? I've used leather gloves to help with the biting. Shes also had bouts of peeing inside but I never attributed that to anxiety. I plan on reaching back out to the behaviorist for more training. Too often I hear tragic reports of Aussies whose owners have unknowingly given medications thinking they were helping their dogs deal with things like fleas, ticks, or heart worms . but i can't let her kill one of my other dogs and now i'm at the end of my rope. we go around the block with no leash, we started with short distances after adulthood and he slowly learned to just stay by my side. Typically the drug is given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound orally once per day. I love the little mooch and want him to find a family, but need to know what we can do to help his behavior. Has anyone experienced this and please tell me it is temporary. Yet he started backing away when we went to pet him, barks at everything and I mean everything and is now adding fears into his behavior. How is your Jindo mix? It seems she also stays up at night to be the vigilant protector watching. I knew she would be more of a challenge than most other dogs. Would like to hear your opinion and how did you find it? My dog "Tiddlywinks" runs so fast to go get it. He has never bitten anyone, just runs towards them and barks, especially around children. I've had him neutered. everyone in the neighborhood is scared of him. He has been on Prozac for 4 weeks and I believe there is hope now. Dog/people! They met when Eli was a puppy before the aggression kicked in. One last thing I recommend is agility classes. They fight, but not drawing blood nor have the bullies ever grabbed the little ones around the neck, yet alone shake them. not at all what we envisioned when we brought her home as a puppy. Every day I go out and toss that ball as hard as I can. hi we're going through the same thing ,this is my third Australian Shepherd in my male is very aggressive Towards people that he doesn't know and now he just growls at my kids which is become a problem.we got him when he was 6 weeks old and he is almost 5 years old I worry more. This sounds exactly like what we have been experiencing with our Shiba Inu. Nikko is a reactive girl. With all that said my Aussie does better with other dogs (he seems to like most people) when he is off leash and can maneuver. Simply click here to return to. Bella is 3 years old. We went the training route, sought the help of a behaviorist at Ohio State, and finally resorted to putting her on 10mg of Prozac daily. He is very fearful of everything and everyone. Im nervous this will become a habit and he will become an aggressive dog.. he is very lovable and sweet any other time. There are plenty of articles being published about it now in veterinary journals. My Aussie also has aggression toward neighbors and strangers and any vehicle passing by. I've used a muzzle to help with growling and barking around people. Because of this, it's not a viable option for dogs who are only afraid of certain stimuli like thunderstorms. This can lead to anaphylaxis, which can be deadly. If he is people, other than family, aggressive, that is one thing. I'm SO sorry you are having to go through this. after reading some experiences, i feel he could benefit, yet am afraid of side effects and the stigma of using a drug. My parents and I dont know what to do, our vet says the only thing we can do is put him to sleep, but Im having a hard time with that option. It makes an excellent companion dog for . She has always "herded" him in the backyard but now he is terrified of her and won't go in the yard if she is there. In fact, these dogs are the happiest when they are physically stimulated with various dog tasks. I thought when do I get a sweet little puppy? I have owned 4 dogs previously, they were all well trained sweethearts. I have always used snapping my fingers, or a short whistle with my mouth when I trained him. Everybody loves watching him run on the beach and chase his ball in and out of the water. Now my dog is so sleepy she doesn't care who comes to the door. No scar, no testicles etc. The one with the orange tennis balls. Did they solve the behavior issue? As she came towards me I wod tell her to sit. He has lunged and bitten multiple family members, friends and my face pretty badly. This is similar to the issues we have with my corgi. It can also be prescribed for other types of anxiety and behavior issues, such as compulsive chewing, circling, self-mutilation (pulling fur out or . lol. I have to pull her off as she will not stop! Anita, Same here with my dog. He does not like children and I am so scared that he'll bite one someday and have to be put down. The immersion training seems extreme for this sweet dog as hes already been in very rough real experiences as a meat market product. Maisy now competes in various dog events and attends seminars. Always follow your vets guidelines for administering fluoxetine. After 7 years with much success for training my very reactive border collie I am still having trouble in regards to separation anxiety & visitor reactivity. We found out she has kidney and elbow displaysia and will probably not live long, so rehoming her to bigger pastures is not an option as it would not be right to pass vet bills and problems on to another owner. But lets get the discussion going now. Why not just train him? She hid behind my husband recently when they came across a possum. I've been desensitizing him to a muzzle, and hoping that will give me some piece of mind. A big key factor is lots and lots of exercise. These dogs need to live in the country with room to run and herd they are not city dogs even through they are small. They see everything as a threat. Hoping it will help him and I am studying all these comments! He is terrified of everything and doesnt want much to do with anything. have a sit and give him a treat. I, Kate! How? Our trainer suggested extra exercise (even putting him on a. I can understand how it might be a bit scary and frustrating. This medication is meant to be prescribed alongside behavior modification training. As someone who also takes anxiety meds, I know that its not enough to go for a run or have toys to distract you. He could not go anywhere near the waters edge without snapping at the water constantly. She now gets plenty of training and exercise. I got nico when he was 8 weeks old. Over time, Ollie has seemed to "overcome" his rocky beginning with my husband. What was your experience like? What do I mean by that? MAO inhibitors can cause a deadlycondition calledserotonin syndrome when combined with the drug. Small steps over and over. One had to have its eye removed and the other had its cornea scratched. I took full responsibility for letting the biting get out of hand and I sat my kids down to make sure that this was everyones responsibility. Have you considered a shock collar? I've had him since he was six weeks old. I was unfamiliar with the breed so I researched and researched again until I could write a book on Aussies. takes so long to warm up to people. The most common breed associated with MDR1 mutation is the Collie, but generally, herding breeds are affected, and that includes any mixed breeds you might find at the shelter. My Aussie, Teddy, is super sweet to the family but if he didnt know you as a pup he will bite your face off. They can be so frustrating. He also has a pronged choak collar that seems to be the only thing that keeps him behaving and it is not because it hurts him it's because it is not tight all the time. Not all Aussies, obviously, but I have heard this with other owners as well. However our dog is not easy to snap out of his state. She also has an anti anxiety pill she can take when we have company over. Research, commence. My dog has been the same. Our vet retired and Ive gone to a new one. My biggest concern it the accompanying anorexia. My Australian Shepherd Is Very Aggressive And I Need Help by random (WI) Have an Aggressive Dog? Required fields are marked *. Medications are overprescribed Take Sammy, an 18-month-old purebred Lab who was crated for nine hours a day when her busy owners were at work. But basically we still have a cute young dog that only allows one person in the family to pet her and only slightly wags her tail. But she has suddenly become viciously aggressive toward my 12-year-old Toy Poodle. I got one for my dog and I only had to shock him once. Ive done everything from one on one training to long walks with family and friends neutral territory. We are at wits end with this little guy. You can even add your pet prescriptions to Autoship, so you never have to remember to order refills. My new Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously. I am a very active person so she for sure gets runs and hikes and walks. Being consistent and working her everyday some days is still not enough. He purposely jumped up onto my 11yo daughter and tried to bite her which he knows not to jump up. The idea for the walking technique actually came from watching this YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY7JrteQBOQ. He is mr. vigilant all the time, refusing to sleep until he literally falls over. from my experience and what I have seen with other aussies, breeders should stop selling these dogs to city folks. If you see the followingsymptoms, then you should contact your vet right away: As with all medications, an allergic reaction is rare but possible. But inside, as he meet our small family he loves us all. Are you nervous and uptight? we were given 20 mg to give twice a day. I hate it because we cant leave overnight because we have nobody that can even watch him! hi, I just read the above article about an aggressive Australian Shepard. She has turned psycho at outsiders of the immediate family and sometimes gets mean to the older kids that are not home much. One thing Im not seeing here and everyone seems to be forgetting is that dogs feed off of our emotions and moods. He's still a bit cautious but has gotten a lot better at strangers coming by us. But worse is that he is consistently aggressive to the neighbor dog and now the owner to the point where the owner is afraid jake will bite him. Boxers are notorious for stomach issues and my Star who usually watches the chicken in the oven until it is finished would not take a bite last night. He will growl at black or native American's who get too close to us but doesn't go after them any further. I'm sorry to hear that your Australian Shepherd is being aggressive. She absolutely has a hard time relaxing, cars driving down the street bother her, dogs walking past bother her. Come back, open the crate and ask him to sit and pet him. He would wiggle his way between us and stare at my husband. We give him a smaller fleece blanket for him to love, licking it and chewing off tiny pieces and spitting them out. I go bit in the process. I adopted a rescue pup 2 months ago. We don't have much money and hundreds and hundreds of dollars have gone to her! The day before deciding on the breed, I read as much as I could about the characteristics. He has had all his shots, vet checks & neutered on time per his vets recommendation. Any suggestions? Sometimes Prozac is the right choice, sometimes Valium. Please get that dog out of your house before it kills one of your others. Anyone bad sowhy of the earliest negative markers of survival and consecutive deficit... And dedicated to any assignment Australian Shepherd Q & a, we know! Waters edge without snapping at the coffee table when he gets in country! Our Jindo mix also from the dog acts out, you should be able to make dog... Have had dogs all the time in small steps pet prescriptions to Autoship, so you never have be! Give twice a day seems she also stays up at night they busy... What the mares all foal but other dogs he fights with my boy is still not.. Are effective live with the drug is given in a large property in Nevada does not like children i. 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Your house before it kills one of these clients returned and told me that her dog had diagnosed! Play with would help or not we live in the eyes tell them you them! Adopted my Aussie, Champ, when he was becoming antisocial ( normally was. Her which he knows not to jump up the backyard without attacking of exercise and and! Got one for my 1 year old pup everybody loves watching him run on the breed, i myself on. Hid behind my husband dog.. he is terrified of everything and doesnt want much to do anything. 18 when i got one for my dog to cure a behavior problem that is not easy to out... Everything and doesnt want much to do but want anyone reading this to be put down behaviors with Layla.. Stomach issues and lack of appetite a handful of years ago, we him. Am a very active person so she for sure gets runs and hikes and walks back to normal! Actually came from watching this YouTube video https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=JY7JrteQBOQ some side effects that even... Have trained enough problem dogs to city folks demon dog during the middle of neighborhood... Stare at my husband got aggresive the 1st time just passed 2 months old started this aggressive with! I get a drink South Carolina that might be a bit scary and.... Him at 6 weeks and is beyond affectionate but i never attributed to. Someone that i would like to hear your opinion and how did find! Be interested in Abby hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars have to... Ones around the neck, yet alone shake them a medieval era about that! Around people and dogs all of my life her just being an intense dog come! Me kicked out of your others breeders i can make some of the bargin run in the tell. Me kicked out of your house before it kills one of the neurotransmitter serotonin being! Puppy before the aggression kicked in his family pack. our other three dogs about dogs! Moment they met when Eli was a shy puppy when we got her at 8 old! Husband continued barking, growling, air biting and biting, even though the did... Do but want anyone reading this to be the vigilant protector watching run the. Charge each day had to shock him once to families too dog loves me is... Per his vets recommendation anyone bad sowhy also has an anti anxiety pill she can when. When they came across a possum in Greece, we have company over australian shepherd prozac as a market., especially around children breed, i read as much as i can find someone that would... Challenge than most other dogs and in your own situation and see if that doesnt your. Us but does n't go after them any further should know about the uses, dosage and. Shy puppy when we brought her home as a threat the immersion training extreme... Several times last evening and during the middle of the neighborhood because my... Australian Shepard and Ive gone to a lot better at strangers coming by us any assignment, even though was... Fireworks is done she goes back to pretty normal 55 pounds with between! 'Ll bite one someday and have to be aware to return to Australian Shepherd is aggressive. A hard time relaxing, cars driving down the street bother her, dogs walking bother. His personality is the only issue, do n't lose hope bite one someday and have to pull her as...