[129][130] After a period of uncertainty during which it wasn't clear who was really in charge of Phlegethos waived the normal principle regarding sharing archdukedom and dubbed both of them the rulers of the 4th Hell. [72] As was often the case with legends, contradictions and sketchy details were abound, and alternate stories were acknowledged to exist despite its acceptance. Home Plane Home Plane The reason I was thinking of using power and getting your wishes was basically for the same "master of your fate" and get what you want now with no immediate repercussions. Well, more than anything, Asmodeus seeks to bring order to the multiverse. [170], Graz'zt: The demon lord Graz'zt was believed by some to have once been an archdevil and a trusted advisor of Asmodeus. This was warranted, for he made secret overtures to both sides until settling with the gods, who had decided to forge a pact of alliance granting him the power of He Who Was "until the primordials were vanquished". Guide to Hell claimed that his wish was to destroy all creation by making all sentient beings atheists, thus negating the belief energy holding the Outer Planes together, so that he might fill the void and create it entirely in his own image, without the help of any other deity. BelDispaterMammonFieranaBelialLevistusMalagardeBaalzebulMephistopheles [27] He also recruited new ones. At 1st level, an Asmodean advocate learns to choose her words so carefully that even when she says something designed to deceive listeners, the words are phrased to be technically true. [153][154], For some reason Asmodeus usually tolerated this brazen and arrogant covetousness, seemingly content to let Mephistopheles make his claims. [110][164][165] Moloch would later come to resent the ascension of Glasya to archduchess of his former realm, a clear act of favoritism by her father. [5], First and foremost, Asmodeus sought to preserve the status quo of Baator, that being his station as supreme ruler of Hell. My father's plans are ever delicate things, relying on a hundred thousand points to craft the whole. [19] In following him they saw their way to great power, a path providing access to the otherwise unattainable. Some actively rejected infernal politics and others aligned themselves with opposing fiendish factions (enough to lend some weight to the suspicion that they were all fiend worshipers). [136] He further punished Levistus by mandating he become a patron of survival, offering escape to those in danger. [123] He also gave her Geryon's powers as an archdevil to make her strong enough to fill the position, and made it clear that Malagarde had just been a placeholder for his daughter. After this pronouncement, Zariel, at that time still an angel, started a brawl to get to the front row to get her case heard. Realistically, if youre running a lawful evil villain of any variety, the credit comes back to Asmodeus in one way or another. Yet at that point, in the wake of the temporary cooling of the Blood War at large, Bel was belived to have no desire to do such a thing, to have come to like his appointed position as sentry of the Hells and become loyal to Asmodeus first and himself later. 5e [32][43], Although one of the ultimate powers of law, Asmodeus did not uphold the rules out of respect. Faernian pantheon[1] The most popular method is to form contracts with mortals in which they sell their souls for some offer. [33][34] He was the most well-mannered of the archdevils,[12] soft-spoken and eloquent as he lured others into serving his ends. [200] In some legends Asmodeus was once a deity of the goodly realms himself, maybe even of greater status, exiled from Celestia or perhaps Elysium. The two ripped each others tails off, and Ahriman fell into Nessus in the Nine Hells. If the gods were unwilling to see the unpleasant side of the law, he would take his followers and create a perfect Hell in which to enact the torment without them having to see it to the empty land that would later be Baator. [50][51], Asmodeus's strength neither waxed nor waned with the number of his worshipers and he had no ability to grant spells to his followers. They had several theories, but knew nothing for certain, and while worried for what he might do, hoped he retained enough lawfulness within himself not to try and unmake the cosmos. Although Asmodeus killed his consort Naome[128] (though even this might have been Glasya's doing)[110] he accepted Belial placing his daughter Fierna on the throne. Do they default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they promote atheism. Around his neck is electrum necklace with a miniature war hammer. He is the most powerful of the nine archdevils that inhabit Hell, and the only one of Hell's rulers to claim full divinity. As was his habit, Asmodeus promoted Moloch not simply because he deserved it, but because his animosity towards the other archdevils, especially as he and Baalzebul conspired against each other for control, would keep the two well occupied. I strongly suggest coming up with a list of 20 to 25 spells that feel appropriate to Asmodeus but are also perfectly chosen to combat your party. 59. [189] There were also his domineering disciples of darkness, callous in their quest for unlimited power, ruthlessly striving for nothing less than world domination. In his traitorous quest to usurp Asmodeus he performed acts so heinous that his punishment, being sealed in a giant block of ice, almost seemed like a mercy, and while later returned archdukedom he was not released from his tomb. Asmodeus made a pact with the rest of the gods that allowed devils to take souls to Baator if they were corrupted. [19][60] All temples were full of his symbols; his ruby-tipped rod emblem was used for subtlety while his skull-gripping clawed fist was used in devil-dominated societies, but sometimes an inverted pentagram would suffice. The second was that it was a kind of reward by Asmodeus, even if Geryon did not think of it that way. [45], If the story as a whole was to be believed,[45] then Asmodeus's parting after signing the Pact Primeval was not as flawless and peaceful as portrayed. [33][85] The divine energy he received from the individuality-robbed souls sentenced to Hell could heal his wounds,[68] but that of unbelievers was for whatever reason especially enticing to him. His faithful offered reprieve in the afterlife from the uncertain waiting in the Fugue Plane, a devil to keep them company as the fate of their mortal soul was decided. [41] The Prince of Evil was confident in his position as one of the multiverse's strongest beings,[30] and genuinely believed his rule was for the best. [192] In truth, even the powerful were not exempt from eternal service, although the greatest of his mortal servants could receive instant transformation into pit fiends upon death. This is, whether it may seem that way or not, an Asmodeus campaign. Technically he was not an archduke however, instead ruling Malbolge as viceroy of Baalzebul whom was also granted dominion over it. [202], Leaving such timeless beings aside, there were rumors that Asmodeus was not the original ruler of the Nine Hells. [103] The archdevils of note who directly served Asmodeus were as follows: Zariel: Asmodeus welcomed Zariel in open arms after her defeated form was brought to him from beneath the giant hill of corpses she created in her crusade against Avernus. An exact timeline for these events would therefore be nigh impossible to establish, although the following were all before the one failed and infamous coup made to seize his throne. [19][60], In predominantly lawful evil societies, Asmodeus's temples dominated the landscape and typically operated openly. You'll want to figure out what that means to you because, in a world where gods abound, your stance is important. [83][156], With no allies in the hierarchy, Bel adopted the policy of supporting Asmodeus in the hopes of further advancement, feeding him information on the other lords through his spy network, efforts appreciated by Asmodeus if not always of actual use. [30] However, though he could seem generous, the quickly offered rewards of the archdevil were given to those willing to sign away their souls, after which they would suffer as a pawn in his dark designs. So it was that Mephisto waited to see if Asmodeus made some catastrophic mistake exploitable enough to put them at actual odds. [33] Furthermore, Asmodeus did not have to kill a disbelieving soul to feast on their energy,[85] the process taking centuries to finally render the victim non-existent. My intent this game is to convert my party as an LE cleric of Asmodeus to his worship. Turning his suboordinates against each other, Asmodeus privately urged Tiamat to provide covert magical aid to an imprisoned Zariel while at the same time preparing Bel to mentally dominate her, imprisoning her in her Avernus kingdom in the name of keeping down any personal ambitions. Achieving this goal would revert everything back to primordial chaos, and from that, he could forge a new reality, one based on order fabricated by Asmodeus and Asmodeus alone. The basis of any Asmodeus-centered campaign has to be someone seeking to destroy him. [46], In his capacity as a true god, Asmodeus had a very different appeal and sphrere of influence than in his diabolic aspect. Asmodeuss true form is a wingless scaled serpent whose body stretches out for hundreds of miles. [225] Even so, Asmodeus had unquestionably supplanted them and continually imposed their own order onto the race eons after the conquest. [99] He was above the archdevils and commoners alike, a category of devil onto himself. Asmodeus managed to reign in his unruly daughter[236] by scolding her and instilling in her that she had to take on some responsibility in order to retain her privileges. Lacking time as a tool and possibly even as an abstract concept, the demons fought each other in an environment of endless disorder for an innumerable period. Lawful evil Asmodeus killed most himself, but despite the destruction of all their lords, Zargon himself, even against one as mighty as Asmodeus, was resistant to the worst he could muster. Asmodeus targets a lawful or evil creature and tempts them with their innermost desires. So it was that the unity of law was broken and there was no center of reality, the envisioned, bordered planes instead stretching on infinitely, and in doing so the two had effectively made the third law a concession to chaos. [138][140] Exactly what Asmodeus ultimately wanted from Glasya, whether to consolidate his rule in Hell or expand his influence in the planes beyond, remained unclear,[102][141] but even she sought his throne and was not above using his name to get away with many of her ploys. Cleric of Asmodeus. [3], The Pact Primeval myth was told throughout all worlds in the Material Plane, with countless cultural variants substituting the deities involved. Regardless of which you choose, the results of this campaign could end up with the forces of hell seeking vengeance against the heroes. They could find no lawful counter against the dark angel who wielded their own clauses better than they, and over time their alarming aspects - forked tongues, fanged maws and bodies wreathed in fire - only became more dire. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). [203] Wherever they came from, the arrival of Asmodeus's kindred heralded their disappearance, to the point the only obvious sign of their presence were the nupperibos, young who naturally grew from the larva (who appeared even before mortals existed) of the plane. What is less well known is that this massive planar torture chamber is an elaborate way to siphon off magic. Before Combat The cleric casts freedom of movement and resist energy (electricity). However, the gods realized that mortals were the next threat as they followed their own free will rather than law. However, this story is presented as mythology, and the Codex itself admits that it does not tell the whole truth. So, Asmodeus turned Baator into a place made for torturing the souls of those who transgressed the gods. The court might ultimately answer only to Asmodeus, but its functions and decisions were entirely dependent on the impossibly complex, loophole-ridden legal code of the Nine Hells, and he had to acknowledge both when the law was broken and when, however technical, it was not. With all the planes as his board, the Lord of Lies maneuvered the forces of evil like chess pieces in his grand designs, slowly and subtly manipulating everyone from deities to, when needed, lowly mortals. Asmodeus is the leader of the devil race. [60], Following this aspect, all Asmodeus's clerics aspired to wealth, prestige, and most of all, power,[60] and most cultists used his organization as a stepping stone to these goals. [210] He was a god of kingship, the sky, wisdom,[209] arguably knowledge,[208] and stated in some circles to have been the creator of humanity. This is no small feat, especially since the Prince of Devils has seen better eons. 3e [27] Most sects were based in the settlements of humans, halflings, dwarves, elves, and gnomes, although the cult did claim some monstrous adherents. Likewise, a group of mortal adventurers isnt going to be a big threat to a greater deity, so we should be introducing plenty of ways for our characters to stand a chance against, or even indirectly conquer, the lord of the nine hells. How Temporary Hit Points Work in D&D 5e (With Examples), Torm: the True and Loyal Fury - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Tyr: Lawful Good God of Law and Justice - 5e Deity Guide, Water Weird 5e: Stats & Guide for Players & DMs, Back From the Dead! Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). Baalzebul later became a powerful devil[145] and one of Asmodeus's favorites. [187] Mortals who drew their power from infernal sources ultimately drew power from him,[27][100][99] and he was the final authority on what benefits an archduke was allowed and even mandated to provide. Remember, Asmodeus is one of the keenest strategic minds in the whole of the multiverse; hes studied the adventurers and prepared himself to not only defeat them but humiliate them. Conflict arose when the two gods sought to find a center for the multiverse. Asmodeus could never have too many actions and should realistically be able to do anything. [66] None who shared knowledge of its existence, both of the form itself and where it allegedly came from, lived for more than a day, although it was still recorded in ancient and difficult to reach libraries, such as Demogorgon's citadel of Abysm. However, the players could definitely be tasked by some good deity (or a demon posing as a good deity, for a twist) to destroy Asmodeus. . [174], The methods of the greatest general of He Who Was only became more brutal with time, more than once causing the deaths of innocents alongside enemies. Its furtherance was the primary means by which he empowered himself against his foes, with all his other machinations, from his bloody wars against his direct foes without to his battles of intrigue against his enemies within, mere diversions and delaying tactics to mask his true motives. At some point in his history, which well touch on in a bit, his true body suffered grievous wounds. In societies devoted to him, all advancement whether political, social, or economic was tied to membership of the cult. Better eons is less well known is that this massive planar torture chamber is an elaborate way to great,... Default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they default to try get! A wingless scaled serpent whose body stretches out for hundreds of miles of Baalzebul whom was also granted dominion it. 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