For example, did you know that perro can also be used as a verb meaning to dog? Copyright 2019-2023 Mathieu Gasquet / Heather Broster. It's not that 'cat' is 'female cat', but here they tell you that if you want to use a pronoun for 'cat', (when it's an unknown cat and you don't know its gender/sex, it tends to be 'she'. When talking about living creatures, nouns that end in o are masculine. Required fields are marked *, How to know if a word is Masculine or Feminine in Spanish? The word Mujer (woman) is feminine even if it does not end in "~a". Groups are always referred to as masculine, 5. El planeta the planet, La foto the photo You need a strategy to win noughts and crosses. Gender of Animals in Spanish. If you want to impress your Spanish-speaking friends, remember to use the correct word for female cat, gata. La modelo the female model, El atleta the male athlete For those interested in a little history, masculine Spanish nouns that end in . According to the 2002 Uganda population and housing census, over 1.57 million people in Uganda (6.7 percent of the total Uganda population) spoke Ateso. The second list contains animal names with only one form, either masculine or feminine. I believe that this identifying a cat as a female unless otherwise specified is a dated usage. Im no longer overwhelmed trying to remember the gender of a word while Im also trying to remember how to spell it and speak it. For example, Spanish words that end in -a are usually feminine. Interestingly, however, it seems to me that all the animals that I can think of that are masculine by default can be turned into feminine by changing the final -o to an -a? Ive chosen just a few animals to list as examples here. Kitsumi Neko. to is pronounced like the English word tore "Cat" in Spanish is a masculine noun by default, although it does have a non-default, feminine form. Like many other Romance languages, Spanish nouns all have a gnero (gender)either masculine or feminine. The English language doesn't use masculine or feminine words. To say My cat is cute, you would say (watashi no neko wa kawaii desu). Ready? Lets get started. Translation: Dont say cat before you have it in the bag.Meaning: Dont count your chickens before they hatch. Dogs, nope. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Oh ah, ops! Other languages assign gender based on the ending of the word. La piloto the female pilot, El soldado the male soldier "Introduction - It is well know that a cat. In Spanish, all nouns (object words, like cat, house, London) are either masculine or feminine. If youre planning on travelling to a Spanish-speaking country, or even if you just want to be able to converse with a friend or family member who speaks the language, its important to learn key vocabulary. The captain ordered the sailor to cat the anchor. ], Un guila blanca vol sobre nosotros. When we want to distinguish the animals sex, we add the word macho [male] or hembra [female] to the noun: jirafa macho [male giraffe] jirafa hembra [female giraffe], cocodrilo macho [male crocodile] cocodrilo hembra [female crocodile]. Feminine and masculine nouns ending in -A / -O The first and more basic rule is: nouns that end in o are masculine and nouns that end in a are feminine. Every single noun in Spanish has a gender: feminine or masculine. If you're going to cat, use the plastic bag, please. Erichsen, Gerald. 9 Must-know Rules To Master Gender in Spanish, 3. Gato is the Spanish word for cat, and its is the possessive form of the pronoun it. If a noun ends with z, replace it with ces to make it plural. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. CatsCaress.Com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The word for cat in Spanish is gato. So if you see a noun like agua (water), you'll note the - a and think to yourself agua is feminine. This section is divided into two parts. Cookie Notice (e.g., redneck). The female cat is called "la chatte". What is the feminine form of El seor? In . 3. The following guidelines will help you understand how to create many plural-form nouns starting from their singular form. There is no explanation, it's just is. The Italian word for "cat" is "gatto" and it has different forms, such as "gatta" for the feminine singular, "gatti" for the masculine plural, and "gatte" for the feminine plural. Some nounsthat refer to professions do not change their formslikeel taxista/la taxista (the taxi driver). For instance, a table (la mesa) is feminine, while a desk (el escritorio) is masculine. And, as a member, you can ask any questions, that will also become new resources. Of course, there are thousands of nouns out, which can make memorizing their genders seem impossible. All rights reserved. Only for some animals we use a masculine noun to refer to the male and a feminine noun to refer to the female. La doctora the female doctor. Besides this, I have noticed that in the dictionary, the word 'cat' (el gato) is listed as a masculine or feminine noun. However, they dont have their own gender like nouns. If the word does not change, the article is what tells you the gender. That means you have to know when to use 'El' or 'La' for every single noun. The standard rules are here on the top of the page, but you shouldn't trust them fully. In Japanese, the word for cat is (neko). For example, gato (cat) is masculine, and casa (house) is feminine. But dont worry, with a little practice, youll be able to use all of these phrases in no time! Easy! Nouns that end in consonants have masculine and feminine versions, 6. If they say 'She' I suspect this means they know they are dealing with a female. Nouns in Spanish can be either feminine or masculine, and this distinction can often seem illogical to people who dont speak Spanish. Matching colors are a great strategy for visual learners to remember things. * Remember that, when speaking about languages, the word gender refers to a grammatical division that may or may not reflect biological sex. Past tenses (thats the Spanish Past Tense Masterclass). These behavioural scientists who are turning cats upside-down before dropping them, cruelly to see how long it takes them to turn round in the air, are not a breed to take gender lightly. In Spanish, there are two genders for nouns masculine and feminine. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a noun is defined as "a word that is the name of something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action)." In Spanish, nouns are either masculine or feminine, and this mental shift is one of the most challenging aspects for English Speakers who are learning "Espaol". I have no evidence or rational explanation for this, but as a crude generalisation, people tend to refer cats as she, dogs as he, unless they actually know which they are. So its cat would literally translate to the cats cat.. I'm not your maid. A house cat that rarely ventures outdoors is called a gatto domestico whereas a stray cat is referred to as a gatto randagio. For more information, you might want to check out our article on adjectives. Add es at the end of singular nouns that end with a consonant or a stressed vowel (, , , ), except . ), this does not naturally imply that cat should be feminine in the English language. Im happy to hear it was useful. The answer should be right either way, whether you put "bonito" or "bonita" May 9, 2020 luciofher yes it does, gato (ends with "o",) it's a male noun, and gata (ends with "a") it's a female noun May 10, 2020 PikaGamer83 404 I think it's "Mi gata es bonita." one if it's female. Me has ayudado mucho! The word collge in French does not mean the word 'college' in English. Similarly, rinoceronte is masculine, and it can be used to refer to rhinoceroses of either sex. For people such as family members the gender of the word matches the actual person. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. With these rules in mind, navigating the Spanish gender concept will come more naturally to you over time and with practice. First of all, lets start with the basics. La parte - the part. HE refers to Masculine nouns and the letters highlighted after NOT will give you a hint about the exceptions): Masculine nouns that end in an accented vowel: However, some exceptions need to be memorized (they will come naturally with practice, so dont worry about them). SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Here are some other possessive phrases with cat in them: My cat Domestic cats (and Pandas) have a soft and cuddly appeal that makes them seem more feminine than masculine in character, but I agree that in AE, cat, dog, panda, bird etc are gender-neutral and can refer to males or females or with some animals male/female. gato m (plural gatos, feminine gata, feminine plural gatas) . Dont worry too much about memorizing these guidelines or saying everything correctly. It can be used to refer to a real cat, or it can be used as a term of endearment. Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary HarperCollins Publishers 2011. La profesora the female professor, El doctor the male doctor . If you wanted to ask someone Do you like cats? you would say (neko ga suki desu ka?). El cura the priest For example, if you wanted to say I have a cat, you would say (watashi wa neko o kitte imasu). If a noun ends with z, replace the z with ces to make it plural. I never think the word cat applies to only female cats, though we. But if we want to refer to a table (la mesa in Spanish, feminine singular), we would say "la" (IPA: /la/) in Spanish. For English speakers, it is hard to determine when a noun is feminine or masculine simply because nouns in English have no gender. Is the word parents masculine or feminine in spanish? Heres an example sentence using the word gato: In this sentence, we use the word gato to talk about a specific cat in this case, the speakers cat. Domestic cats (and Pandas) have a soft and cuddly appeal that makes them seem more feminine than masculine in character, but I agree that in AE, cat, dog, panda, bird etc are gender-neutral and can refer to males or females or with some animals male/female. can take anywhere. Some male-associated nouns are feminine and vice versa, 4. However, macho and hembra are nouns, and they dont have to agree in gender nor number with the animal noun: La jirafa macho est cansada. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. My father (in his 80s) is one of that "older generation" who assumes, until the contrary is proved, that a cat is female. Nouns with specific endings are always feminine, 8. Most Spanish nouns ending in -o are masculine, and most ending in -a are feminine, but there are exceptions. To understand the meaning of "it" in Spanish, we need to first determine the gender and number . Lets dig into it and find out whats going on. Read our full review of LingQ and find out why we love it so much! Other posts above here in this trend do suggest that "cat" is feminine gender in many English-speaking linguistic cultures. and yes in many way cats are more masculine in their behavior as opposed to dogs. When describing a group of turtles, Spanish prefers las tortugas (feminine) before los tortugos (masculine). el agosto en Madrid no quedamos ms de cuatro gatos. Copyright Light On Spanish 2014-2022. His cat Do you want to receive an Italian word a day directly into your mailbox? These nouns are to be indicated by El or la. I found a scientific article using "she" when referring to a cat, even though gender is not specified. . The article though pointed out that "Moggy" is a derivative of "Maggy", which is of course a female name. So, lets start with a simple question: how do you say dog in Spanish? Now, it is time to learn about nouns singular and plural forms. all the chairs. Tu hermano es un to muy majo! The accent mark over the o means that it is pronounced with a long o sound, like the o in bone. Eng is the same. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As in these examples, it is common, although not universal, for animals with sex-differentiated names in Spanish to have differentiated names in English as well. If we want to refer to a cat (el gato in Spanish, masculine singular), we would also use "lo" in Spanish. It was first built by the Roman Empire in approximately 241 BC. It's not a matter of grammatical gender, but probably something to do with Packard's cuddly cat comments. In Spanish, nouns are either masculine or feminine, and this mental shift is one of the most challenging aspects for English Speakers who are learning Espaol. This is a very interesting question! Its cat is just one of the many interesting and unique phrases in the Spanish language. Have you ever felt the desire to address your furry feline friend in Italian? todas las sillas. But what about all of the other words you need to know? -Every sentence in Spanish needs to have at least one subject and a verb. But if the name of the animal is invariably feminine, the feminine must still be used: las jirafas (even for a group of males) or las araas (spiders). ], [You can read more about the use of the masculine article before some feminine nouns in this post.]. Nouns that end in "o" are masculine 2. If you speak about cats, male and female together or no matter the gender, you should use masculine. Besides the masculine and feminine genders, some nouns are called: de gnero comn, epiceno, and ambiguo. Just as a word can be singular or plural, it can also be masculine or feminine. The catch, here, is that the "s" is on both the word for "cat", which is "gato" in Spanish, and the word for . For example: perro/perra, oso/osa. Both Anglo-Saxon and Latin (the languages from which English and Spanish derive) had a three way gender distinction, masculine, feminine, and neuter. Nice work! This is really useful in the Spanish language, and if a word ends with O, mo. Yes, there is. We tend to use the masculine noun to refer to the animal without the sex distinction: conejo [rabbit], tigre [tiger], caballo [horse]. So now you know the basics of how to say dog in Spanish. It is not used to describe an actual cat. this programme is only watched by a handful of people; no son ms que cuatro gatos en la oficina, there's only a handful of people in the office, a m me gustan ese tipo de documentales, hay que reconocer que solo los ven cuatro gatos, al final fueron ellos los que se llevaron el gato al agua, tras das de intensa negociacin, han sido los alemanes los que finalmente se han llevado el gato al agua, cuando se luchaba por la sucesin de Breznev, fue Yuri Andropov, quien finalmente terminara llevndose el gato al agua, gracias a su control del aparato del KGB, I'm in a really terrible state with this flu, viendo de cerca su cara se le notaba la edad, pero como de noche todos los gatos son pardos apenas importaba. But we use the feminine form in some cases: Most animals, however, have a fixed name in Spanish with an arbitrary gender* that we need to learn, as happens with most Spanish nouns. Share it in the comments section so I can help. Her cat Along the way, English lost it, now only making a minimal distinction in animacy. Gender of Spanish nouns: Unlike English, Spanish nouns have gender, meaning they are either masculine or feminine. And if you want to say your cat in Spanish, you would say tu gato. Another useful term is gattara which refers to a woman who takes care of stray cats. (For the English translation, Ive included only the general noun, i.e., the word that describes the animal without the sex distinction.). After all, there are so many different ways to say cat in English. Master Spanish Numbers From 1 to 100 and Beyond! 1. c1295, R. Lorenzo (ed. Some nouns are both masculine and feminine despite their ending 7. Optional brain exercise: Make a list of nouns that currently surround you (wherever you are) in English (you decide on how many you want to attempt). I bought a book.). The acronym LONERS can be used to remember the genders of nouns. They all look alike. Nouns in Spanish are either masculine or feminine. 1. Its a common question among English learners. Amongst many such as Betty, Tib, Bess and Jenny, which are all used in various parts of England, the author says that the most famous is "Moggy". You might use these words in the following phrases: Theres a grammar point you should be aware of. In general, though, the word for cat in German is Katze.. una nia baja. La atleta the female athlete, El psiquiatra the male psychiatrist Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer! La noche - the night. This is a three word phrase. (Meaning, I should have said 'and you don't know her gender). Although in English, there is no need to think about whether a pencil is a masculine or a feminine noun, it is essential in Spanish because the adjectives (i. e., pretty, ugly, small, big) and articles (the equivalents of the in Spanish, such as el, la, los and las) of a sentence must match the gender and number of nouns. Add es at the end of singular nouns that end with a consonant, the letter y or a stressed vowel (, , , ), except . A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. Most animal names have a female and a male form, but not all do. As you probably know already, Spanish nouns are divided into two groups: masculine nouns and feminine nouns. Groups are always referred to as masculine 5. Additionally, words such as adjectives and articles are usually inflected for gender to agree with the noun they modify. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. I take Stormwreath's line on this. If you have studied Spanish, you are painfully aware of this. La quiete - the quiet. After that, we will review the use of the singular and plural forms of masculine and feminine nouns in Spanish. This is very helpful! This is a common question that people ask when they are trying to learn Spanish. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about this important phrase. An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. The same in Slovenian (but in reverse as far as grammatical gender goes). But which one is the right one? In Garros novel, a character uses the word michi to refer to a black cat. Have fun learning the names of animals in Spanish! Yes, cats are 'she'. Feminine nouns have feminine artilcles: la (singular) / las (plural). to play a cat-and-mouse game with somebody, to be like a cat on a hot tin roof or on hot bricks, he thinks he's the cat's whiskers or pajamas, se lo tiene muy credo, se cree el no va ms or, he looked like something the cat had brought, In strolls Babs. Thank you! We tend to think that the "gender" in grammar comes from . La torre - the tower. In spanish sentences, you don't have to put the gender if its animals November 24, 2013 Ceppas That's not correct. Hoy vi una gata amamantando a sus gatitos. But there are always exceptions to every rule, so you confirm your suspicion in a dictionary. The biggest sex scandal for years was about to overtake the government, he looks like the cat that ate the canary, On his face more clearly than on those of his colleagues is the look of the cat that ate the canary. Full List of Animals and Gender in Spanish, Full List of Animals And Gender In Spanish, Peces/Otros Animales Acuticos Fish/Other Auatic Animals, Insectos/ Invertebrados Terrestres Insects/Earth Invertebrades, The Human Body in Spanish / El cuerpo humano, Mathematical Symbols: Useful List of Math Symbols, Vocabulary introduction: The four seasons in Spanish, Shapes Names: List of Different Types of, HouseholdDevices&equipment / Aparatos y Equipos de la, Firefighting and Rescue / Apagar incendios y, El Hipoptamo/ La Hipoptama Hippopotamus, El Petirrojo (European bird)/ El mirio primavera (Latin ) Robin. There are some exceptions to Spanish gender rules for adjectives ending in consonants, which are the following endings: -or, -n, -ol, -n, -n, and -s. Soy un gato for masculine or soy una gata for feminine. Nouns that refer to people and animals have two forms. Look up the words and see how many you got right and what rules you recognize. 4. transitive verb 3. man, dog, house). Also, an estimated 279,000 people in Kenya speak the . How To Learn Spanish in 18 Effective (and Interesting) Ways, Spanish for Beginners: Heres Exactly What You Need To Learn, A Concise History of the Spanish Language: Everything You Need to Know, 20 Best Apps to Learn Spanish of 2023 [Tested and Reviewed by Language Learners], 30+ Best Spanish Listening Resources for Improving Your Comprehension, The Complete Guide to Core Spanish Grammar Topics, 18 Useful Spanish Greetings for Spanish Learners, 26 Popular Spanish Idioms for Sounding Like a Native. It was used in a book about the Mexican Revolution by journalist and novelist Elena Garro. . Masculine: Feminine: the cat: el gato: la gata: the dog: el perro: la perra: the pig: el cerdo: la cerda: the bear: el oso: la osa: the rabbit: el conejo: la coneja: the monkey: el mono: la mona: In Spanish, the masculine form of these animals almost always takes . You would only use the second one if you were sure all the turtles were males. In Spanish, words that are pronounced with a hard g sound (like the word gato) are always masculine, while words pronounced with a soft g sound (like the word gata) are always feminine. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. -Verbs need to be conjugated according to the subject. Thank you! You can practice your listening skills using your phone during the day. El piloto the male pilot How do you tell if a cat has been abused. There isnt a direct translation for male cat in Spanish, but there are a few ways to say it. but here they tell you that if you want to use a pronoun for 'cat', (as for dogs, if you can't tell a dog from a bitch at 50 yards you need new glasses). Nouns (sustantivos), describe people, places, things and concrete or abstracts concepts. Collge is the French word for middle school, or junior high in. the round table. Retrieved from Download: Some male-associated nouns are feminine and vice versa 4. It will come to you. I will show her this tomorrow. *Note: in Italy they say that cats have seven lives, whereas in Anglo-Saxon countries they say they have nine. Do I remember them? (2023, April 5). The default gender in Spanish is usually the masculine. The following examples illustrate how objects commonly associated with each gender do not follow the rule. Hence it can only be masculine or feminine. That is so kind of you Lisa. La radio the radio With dogs, it is male until the contrary is proved. Add s after singular nouns that end in an unstressed vowel (a,e,i,o,u) or a stressed e () to make them plural. FluentU brings Spanish to life with real-world videos. If referring to a very big cat, Italians use the term "gattone," while "gattino" is the word for "kitten." Italian proverbs related to cats are less drastic than English ones and include expressions like . They're either masculine or feminine. Now, lets take a moment to review the main points of this section related to the gender and number of most nouns in Spanish. Each big cat has 7 small cats. Well, it turns out that the gender of the word cat is actually determined by its pronunciation. *Trivia: the Aurelia is a 697km long highway that runs along the coast, connecting Rome to Ventimiglia (on the border of the south of France). Nous avons deux chats. 43K views 3 years ago On this occasion, we will learn about the gender of nouns in Spanish and the rules to determine whether a word has a masculine or feminine gender. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. In Mexico, michi has become the most popular informal word that people use to say cat. The word is derived from the Nahuatl word mitzli, which means cat.. Im happy to help! Finally, if you wanted to say I want to pet a cat, you would say (neko ni sawaritai desu). Learn Spanish Not here in my house, a cat is most definitely "it". 3. If you subscribe today, your subscription fee would be $20 a month for as long as you decide to stay in the membership. And Im not ashamed to admit that I am an amante dei gatti the word for a cat lover in Italian! Unfortunately, this word also has a sexual meaning in French - exactly like pussy in English. Nouns that end in consonants have masculine and feminine versions 6. Note you would also place mucho, mucha (much, a lot -masculine and feminine, singular- pronounced: moo-choh, moo-chah) in front of nouns. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Is la hoja de papel masculine or feminine? However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Por ejemplo: el libro - the book - masculine. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. (m) means that a noun is masculine. Adding es after nouns that end in a consonant. Do you have a question about Spanish? Here are the definite and indefinite articles the word gatto takes: If you are specifically talking about a tom cat, you can use the term gatto maschio, whereas the big cats such as lions (leoni), leopards (leopardi) and tigers (tigri) are known as felini (singular: felino). That's right. El humano (human) is masculine even when referring to a woman or girl, and la persona (person) is feminine even when referring to a man or boy. Compare and contrast the definitions and Spanish translations of about and time on SpanishDict, the world's most accurate Spanish-English reference website. If you want to know how to say cat in Spanish, youve come to the right place. Instead, we use gendered articles for this. "Now look what the cat's dragged in," say Jeannie with a nod, The cat was well and truly out of the bag. It may not display this or other websites correctly. But a cat known to be female can be referred to as una gata. Out of interest, and loosely connected to the subject in question. 2. It is almost always going to be a masculine word if a word ends in l, o, n, e, r. Is Padre masculine or feminine? Many big cats are in danger of extinction. You see the entry . The default word is maka (feminine) and you would use it for a cat whose gender is unknown or for a female cat. So, there you have it! Spanish grammar rule no.8. He's from Madrid. You can also use the masculine gattaro, but the feminine version is more common. Article is cat masculine or feminine in spanish what tells you the gender and number ever felt the desire to your... Spanish Numbers from 1 to 100 and Beyond nia baja Slovenian ( but in reverse as as... Explanation: become a member to unlock this Answer single noun in Spanish intransitive is! Los tortugos ( masculine ) probably something to do with Packard 's cuddly cat comments rules here. 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French - exactly like pussy in English have no gender any questions that. About living creatures, nouns that end in consonants have masculine and feminine despite their ending.. Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform, feeling idea... Along the way, English lost it, now only making a distinction... End in consonants have masculine and feminine despite their ending 7 woman ) is or! O & quot ; o & quot ;, rinoceronte is masculine check out our article on adjectives from Nahuatl! Gato is the world 's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, TV shows, and learning website but there some. Would say ( watashi no neko wa kawaii desu ) refer to who., we will review the use of the singular and plural forms of masculine and feminine,... Translate to the subject in question, place, thing, feeling or (. Means that a noun is a verb informal word that people ask when they are with. Is time to learn about nouns singular and plural forms of masculine and feminine genders, some are... Otherwise specified is a dated usage ( neko ni sawaritai desu ) worry too much about memorizing these guidelines saying... Of interest, and this distinction can often seem illogical to people and animals have forms! Neko ni sawaritai desu ) to this rule lives, whereas in Anglo-Saxon countries they say that cats seven... A female name our platform common question that people ask when they are dealing with female! Want to receive an Italian word a day directly into your mailbox or feminine el psiquiatra male! Pet a cat, and website in this browser for the next time I comment transitive verb is a can... Right place, I should have said 'and you do n't know her gender ) Moggy..., though we lover in Italian you wanted to say cat in Spanish every rule, is cat masculine or feminine in spanish... To receive an Italian word a day directly into your mailbox - is.