The set can be used through all MR story campaign as long as you upgrade your weapon Replace Crisis/Expert with any Expert or x/Expert deco you have If you unlocked HR augments, use Affinity + Health. After a shield thrust, you can follow up with any other action aside from the lunging slash including attacks and evasive actions. Concentrating purely on offense. Learning to properly time your guard points is key to mastering charge blade. Like the gunlance, the charge blade's fixed damage attacks can be boosted with both artillery skills and Felyne Bombardier. Annual rate inclusive of HCAS is the higher value of the two. "God, that sharpness is disgusting!" Note: the weapon in the image is a placeholder because Guild Palace Blade wasnt available in the builder. Is it possible to "repurpose" an IG once finished? This gives the charge blade a more offensive feel despite the fact that it uses a large shield. Of course, it being a Fatalis weapon means it has rather drab sharpness. Unfortunately for effective AED spam, you would need a large decoration investment into Magazine and Artillery, With the Valstrax armors unlocked you will be able to make some scary builds. 4/7/2021: Replaced Goss Harag all-purpose build with Narga all-purpose. A somewhat slow, but powerful round swing. If you really want a fire impact charge blade, this one fits the bill. Next Goals: Kulve Taroth/Safijiiva > Alatreon > Fatalis. Also, remember that impact phial damage scales with raw, making it the premiere charge blade for elemental discharge abuse. You won't be putting monsters to sleep very often with this charge blade, but its raw is quite notable, allowing you to deal more raw damage than you would with Chernobog's Scythe. Very situational, as most monsters don't have unblockable attacks, but many hunters swear by its relevance. With all five phials, you can load 150 seconds of phials at once. It may be a bit harder to get due to it lacking decorations, but it's well worth the trouble. While it's true you can perform the same actions after blocking an attack by normal means, guard points can minimize recoil. Despite being a shield thrust, it deals cutting damage rather than impact damage. You will be unable to initiate a follow-up action if you take heavy recoil. So feel free to check what you have and adjust the decorations to your liking. Here is a list of skills that are recommended to use with Charge Blade in Monster Hutner Rise. Thrust your shield forward. Career path and progression Look at progression in this role and similar opportunities. For endgame, you can start with, but I recommend using the set builder to customize sets based on how lucky you've been with the Melding Pot. The weapons i mainly use are Dios, Rathalos and Magala and my actual skills are: It can be performed after any sword mode action, from attacks to the phial reload. As stated before, this charge blade has very high raw, making it well-rounded in its approach. However, if you are interrupted by a monster's attack or roar or perhaps a gunlance user blasts you with a shell, you will remain in axe mode. Career path and progression. Kept you waitinghuh..?Text Version via the Spreadsheet: - Introduction2:05 - Charge Blade Favored Skills5:23 - Low Rank Start7:11 - Forge Defender Shield 18:44 - Pukei-Pukei Palico Gear Upgrade11:19 - Ancient Tree Unlock12:00 - Defender Shield 2 Upgrade12:36 - Equipment Recap 1 - Basic Low Rank Set13:08 - Health Booster Unlock (post Zorah Magdaros)13:43 - Defense Charm Unlock and Charm Suggestions15:43 - Vitality Mantle Unlock16:40 - Powercharm and Armorcharm Purchase17:23 - Defender Shield 3 Upgrade18:24 - Additional Charm Farming (Ironside (Guard) 1 and Artillery 1)19:28 - Palico Equipment Upgrade19:57 - Equipment Recap 2 - Entry Level High Rank Set20:15 - High Rank Start and Equipment / Decoration Overview22:35 - Attack Jewel 1 from Smithy23:35 - ??? Keep in mind that only the first block attack will register as a guard point. Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Charge Blade guide on the best loadout and armor build for this weapon. Something you or may not have noticed is that unlike many weapons, the charge blade cannot reset its combos by evading. This attack often causes monsters to stagger on impact and can KO very quickly if the monster is struck over the head with an impact phial. Scream in The Night complements this build extremely well. Allows you to block attacks that were previously unblockable. Attack Boost 4. This will increase your defense and allow you to push through the whole Low Rank. Please check the excellent Bow Progression Guide by Elpsyodey. Recommended weapons: Anja Twinrippers I (fire) Jyura Keenblades I (water) Kadachi Greathawks I (thunder) Beo Hatchets I (ice), 5*/6* General True Critical Element set. When its the correct time to let go, you will hear a shing! You can continue from the second hit of your triple X combo. Increasing the Charge Blade's attack rating is an efficient way to improve overall DPS. Unlike other element charge blades, this one has both high raw and high element. All the attacks save the round slash are relatively quick. You can do hop axe style where youre always charging your shield, save phials, and then hop axe into SAED. The continuation for the temporary consolidated payments will apply only to those in receipt of them as at 31 March 2021. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Charge blade phials come in two separate types: elemental and impact. You're given average mobility, swift attacks and a lot of windows for canceling into evades or other attacks. It's the most powerful single attack the charge blade has but has a steep cost: it will consume all loaded phials and your shield charge upon use regardless if the attack connects or not. They are M1* gathering quests that can be completed very quickly and give you one guaranteed Ancient Feystone + 25% additional chance of get more. This attack isn't really anything special. This is a more defensive approach giving a chance to defend against the monster attack. A subreddit dedicated to the Monster Hunter series of video games, including things like merchandise, fan art, organizing hunts, and helping players. Sword mode has the fastest attack speed of the two modes and also has the most mobility. This page is a collection of armor sets including decorations for Charge Blade in MHW Iceborne. If you want to farm Expert decos, my recommandation are the Event Quests Flora Frostbite and Duffel Duty. However, unlike impact phials, they are affected by monsters' hit zones. Zorah Magdaros Essence. Not only that it is also good till the HR 100. At this point in the game, I recommend getting Weakness Exploit Talisman. Charging your shield grants several benefits on your part. In Sword Mode, the Charge Blade functions as a heaver Sword and Shield, with relatively fast attacks, and a sidestep in addition to your regular roll. For further progression through the endgame (R. Brachy/Kulve/Safi > Fatalis), please report to the meta compilations linked at the end of each guide. Then you are free to upgrade it to Elite Blade I after you fight Zinogre. Its sharpness won't be as easy to maintain as say, Baraq Sedition but it still isn't too much trouble to stay at white and purple for the majority of the fight. Impact phials deal fixed damage and can KO monsters while elemental charge blades deal copious amounts of elemental damage. This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Charge Blades in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. These attacks are what make the axe mode the destructive powerhouse that it is. Replace Crisis/Expert with any Expert or x/Expert deco you have Replace Special Scope mod with Close Range mod if youre not comfortable with the scope. If you over charge, every single attack in sword mode bar the shield bash will bounce. The general flow of the weapon is to amass phial energy in sword mode and then unleash that power in axe mode. Use the Rathian line for fire, the Gore/Shagaru line for Dragon(until you can get an element phial dragon wep), and the Brachydios line for Slime for anything else. Please refer to Annex 2, table 10afor further information. After a certain amount of charge is acquired, you will be able to convert that energy into phials. Guard point and Counter peak performance. It has low raw but this time no affinity to back it up, leaving it with poor raw damage output. Their overall effectiveness is dependent on where and when you hit the monster. You'll want to focus on landing SAEDs whenever possible as the damage they do is simply tremendous. I suggest getting at least 3 or 4 of them for all of your build purposes. Tower Vault: Makes you soar into the air with the help of a Wirebug. But when you can use it, don't hesitate to let it rip. Of course, the monster has to remain alive in order to be around for a second or third KO. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Go fashion, go highest armor, go naked, do whatever you want. Added some enhanced builds using Weakness Exploit 2 talismans. Having the appropriate weapon can make the difference in a tough hunt. You could become an authorised technician, with responsibility for supervising a technical team, and dealing with health and safety. Replace Crisis/Expert with any Expert or x/Expert deco you have If you unlocked HR augments, use Affinity + Health. If you want to perform an AED, you'll have to cancel out the SAED into an AED. You will want to utilize the Morph skill so that you could enter the Savage Axe mode as soon as possible. After a successful guard point, you have a few different options: Perform an SAED/AED cancel into a shield charge. Health augment alternative to the previous set You can use any x/Expert deco instead of the recommended ones Fortify is highly recommended for a free damage boost. This is your choice. Charge blades are the kings and queens of versatility. Convert energy accumulated in your sword into phials. Whenever you evade mid-combo, your next attack will always be a round slash. Your call if you want to invest in a set with Awaken. Trying to perform a morphing slash from a guard will not result in a guard point as your hunter will not hold the shield out in front of him while doing so. However, it can be imbued with phial energy and will release one phial burst in use. Its raw may be a bit low, but that's to be expected of element phial charge blades. So if you have suggestions for the builds feel free to leave them down below in the comments! Have in mind that Monster Hunter Rise is where you try to excel, improve and find better ways to become a hunter. You would spend too much time making elemental phial blade for each encounter. Regarding the belt, you should only go for Skalda Elytra S armor if you have Almudron Plate material. Suffering medium recoil will delay your follow up action. Charge blade progression for sunbreak : r/MonsterHunterMeta by SnooLobsters6030 Charge blade progression for sunbreak Just got back to the game and seeing some nice builds but most of them are early and end gme builds. Ele builds pending. While this skill isn't much good for impact phial charge blades, its very good for element charge blades. 50 when phials are empty/90 when at least one phial is loaded. Currently using the Maccao CB (only just really started) with striker style. However, shield thrusts and guard points both deal 15 KO damage. This charge blade is more or less underwhelming. However, having Expert Jewel 2 gives a little more effective raw and more white sharpness. Moreover, to keep white sharpness through the fight hunter should get Mastery jewel 2, You do not get much affinity with equipment, only from Weakness Exploit. Guard against enemy attacks with the power. Significantly stronger than the previous one, but requires to farm Behemoth The set can be used through all MR story campaign as long as youre skilled and you upgrade your weapon If you unlocked HR augments, use Affinity + Health. Cookie Notice 50 Shades of White is a Master Rank Event Quest in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW) . This build maximizes the phial damage by having higher raw from Tigrex Blade. We utilzed the secret of the Magdaros set to raise the artillery skill to 5. Handbook amendment number 49
You can check the our calculator. This is one of the most important attacks in a charge blade's arsenal. Keep in mind that the direction you hold the analogue stick is relative to where your character is facing. 25200. If you have red charge, you will replenish five phials--all six if you have the skill called Load Up active. Elemental charge blades are good, but the thing is is that the fixed damage done by impact charge blades is about the same amount as the elemental damage done by element charge blades in most circumstances. If you are having difficulty with the input, either try pressing X slightly before pressing R or by mapping the 'kick' command to the START button. It doesn't serve much use as it has very little combo potential outside of a crude infinite. From there, one could channel phial energy into their shield, thus boosting their blocking power to that of a lance. This type of build concentrates on using Axe mode. Silkbind Attack. Can be used with all elements (replace Fire Attack with the appropriate element) Replace Crisis/Expert with any Expert or x/Expert deco you have. K. Captain's Blade (Create) Element. This is the only way to perform an AED while your shield is charged. This attack is both powerful and once charged, strikes swiftly. You will need to constantly use Ultimate Element Discharge or Element Discharge moves to utilize this. If you prefer a versatile weapon that can dish out massive damage and block attacks too, give the Chargeblade a try! Like seriously, the only one worthwhile I can think of is Gravios and Black Gravios. Whenever you transition into axe mode, you will perform a falling overhead slam. This charge blade is much the same case as Le Salut. Use them to greatly beef up the charge blade build. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is the charge blade to use against things weak to dragon. Thanks in advance. In short, the charge blade has to wait in order to land KO attacks while the hammer doesn't need to. Though, you can continue to load phials into your shield invariably but bare in mind that you can't store more than 300 seconds' of charge. The increase in blocking power with a guard point can potentially minimize the amount of recoil and chip damage you receive. Impact phials are great when dealing with monsters that are resistant to both physical and elemental damage. You can replace with Kadachi Vipertail I as soon as you reach 2* for a damage upgrade + paralysis. An attack that is composed of a single rotating slash that hits twice. Okay awesome thank you I was having trouble finding them through google. Run this with Razor Sharp to get the most use out of it. I've only really looked through Low Rank, but the Gore and Los ones are good starting points. Two of the alternatives are Master's Touch and Protective Polish skills. you might be thinking. For progression this is a decent guide. While axe mode is slow and lacking defensive mobility, it can harness substantial amounts of power. However, Regas Hyper is easily accessible, and you do not need to farm any specific monster for it. Otherwise, I would suggest just explore and have fun. This is very useful as charge blades tend to go through sharpness relatively quickly. For which you need to fight Nargacuga. This option allows to have 100 affinity and ensures white sharpness for a long time. To all hunters who yearn for action in the Arena, this quest is for you! Then theres the charged axe mode which Im not very familiar how to play. Due to the shield thrusts and multitude of attacks, the sword mode has many different combos at its disposal. Use them whenever you can. You will accumulate yellow charge at 10 units, red at 16 units and overcharge at 24. I suggest upgrading these two items mentioned above. Well, talk about lighting a literal fire under a monster's ass with a fire element ahem, that was horrible. If you have a particularly long opening, you can follow up a shield thrust with an Amped Elemental Discharge (AED) or a Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED) if your shield is charged. Due to this, quite a few questions regarding its techniques arise. Also I didnt realize there was more to your post; I know which skills work well for a charge blade as I mained it in rise, where I struggle is with armor pieces. As a side note, it charges phials about twice as fast as any other attack. 55,000z. The white sharpness will help immensely. Its sword mode may look like just a modified version of the sword and shield but in reality, plays like an entirely different weapon. The hammer on the other hand doesn't need to wait. Im almost done with rise and I picked up Charge blade as a challenge (mained GS in base world) and now I wanna go back and do a new game in world with charge blade through iceborne. From here on, you should start getting decent decorations. As you may have noticed, there are two types of phials, Impact and Elemental. 4/16/2021: Added Thunder and Fire builds. Instead, you will use shield thrusts to extend combos. Thank you! I usually am pretty self sufficient in builds but sometimes I like to reference the meta or min-max builds so I can kinda mix the two and run sets I like but maximizing the benefit I can get from them. The amount of KO status standard AEDs do is still potent. This is a truly powerful option enabling us to have Attack Boost Lv6 in total. I'll do my best to provide a weapon for both impact and element phial charge blades for each element/ailment. Rathian Quest Start25:10 - Artillery Charm Upgrade (1 to 2)25:35 - Defender Shield 4 Upgrade26:46 - Nergigante Quest Start27:02 - High Rank Luxury Set (Charge Blade)29:02 - Equipment Recap 3 - High Rank Luxury and Poverty Sets29:50 - Defender Shield 5 Upgrade (Final Defender Upgrade)30:42 - Power and Armorcharm Upgrade31:47 - Final HR Elder Dragons (including Ironside Charm 3 and Artillery Charm 3)33:45 - MHW Final Boss (Spoilers)33:45 - Armor pigment and second Specialized Tool Slot34:40 - Temporal Mantle Unlock Quest35:16 - The Witcher Crossover Event (2nd Attack Jewel 1)35:50 - Master Rank Start36:55 - Expert Jewel+ 4 from Smithy38:25 - Great Jagras for Entry Level Master Rank Gear38:52 - Ice Res Jewel+ 4 from Elder Melder39:27 - Equipment Recap 4 - Entry Level Master Rank39:48 - Decoration Overview42:34 - Gear Customization for Early Master Rank48:28 - Equipment Recap 5 - Custom Entry Level Master Rank Sets49:30 - Main Story Continued50:10 - Warming Jewel 2 from Commander51:18 - Glavenus Gear Upgrades53:10 - Equipment Recap 6 - Glavenus Set Adjustments55:39 - Room Quest 1 - Adamantine Charm57:34 - Rathian Charge Blade Upgrade58:55 - Health Booster Upgrade59:53 - Uragaan Set (Guard 4/Up)1:00:36 - Equipment Recap 7 - Rathian Charge Blade1:01:32 - Room Quest 2 - Razor Sharp Charm (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED)1:02:19 - Room Quest 3 - Sealers Charm1:03:40 - Damascus Set1:04:55 - Room Quest 4 - Gutsy Charm1:08:11 - MHW: Iceborne Final Boss (Spoilers)1:10:39 - Yian Garuga (Greaves Beta+)1:11:46 - Teostra Master's Touch Gear1:12:46 - Gold Rathian1:14:51 - Silver Rathalos1:17:20 - Zorah Magdaros1:18:32 - Limit Breaks and Ruiner Nergigante1:20:18 - Safi'jiiva Questline1:22:18 - Return to High Rank to Farm Decorations1:23:18 - Final Weapon Recap1:26:10 - Final Equipment RecapsThanks for watchingSocial Media:Patreon: (Temporary site up, just text guides)Twitter: Channel: Curator: - Silent PartnerRunaways - Silent PartnerHammock Style - Silent PartnerEasy Breezy - Silent PartnerAbracadabra - Silent PartnerEnd Screen Song:Triangles - Silent Partner Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Charge Blade progression from Low Rank to High Rank deafdood 8 years ago #1 The stickied guide at the top of this board has three recommended armor sets that I plan. However, its multipliers are very much different from that of the gunlance's. So, think about what would happen when a dragon element charge blade is used on Fatalis's head's 80% dragon hit zone. They are easily accessible and you get many relevant skills. Generally, you'll want to top the combo off with an AED. Using charge blade effectively rests on your reflexes and knowing when to use guard points. The set can be used through all MR story campaign as long as you upgrade your weapon Replace Crisis/Expert with any Expert or x/Expert deco you have. This attack can also be used by pressing forward on the analogue stick and X. For impact phial charge blades, you'll generally forsake the SAED. After building up phial energy, use (R+A) to convert that energy into phials. Do not use phial-based attacks until both your shield is charged and you have phials loaded! Basically pocket heroics, it activates at 80% health or less and gives 10% more damage + the 20 more attack you get because of resuscitate/dragon blight combo. Artillery Novice is well worth it alone as a 30% increase in damage is huge. either path is fine really; Los ends up the best Explosion type Fire CB while Ian's line leads to both the best Poison and Elemental type Fire CBs. Time spent charging will dictate how powerful the attack is. Non-elemental Boost 1. While most of the builds are for endgame/postgame where all decorations are available, there are also progression builds starting from the beginning of Master Rank. Every Ancient Feystone has a 5.6% chance of giving you an Expert Jewel 1 or an x/Expert Jewel 4, both of which give one level of Critical Eye. Decos, my recommandation are the Event Quests mh4u charge blade progression Frostbite and Duffel Duty or other attacks 50... The general flow of the keyboard shortcuts and then hop axe into SAED to cancel the... 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