This youthful work is full of enthusiasm and genuine talent; moreover, it proves how fully Origen had won the admiration of his pupils, and how the training Gregory received influenced the remainder of a long and well spent life. In his panegyric on Origen, Gregory describes the method employed by that master to win the confidence and esteem of those he wished to convert; how he mingled a persuasive candour with outbursts of temper and theological argument put cleverly at once and unexpectedly. A large number of letters relate to the reforms instituted by the pope (Epp., II, xlvii; III, xxxvi; IV, ix, xxiii-xxvii, xxix; V, ii; IX, i, xi, ccii-cciv; XIV, ii). Service 4.3. Forced to orchestrate an independent policy, Gregory saw himself as the treasurer who paid the daily expenses of Rome and the paymaster of the Lombards, whose swords were held back only by daily ransom from the church. (London, 1874); L. Wiese, Die Sprache der Dialoge (Halle, 1900); H. Delehaye, S. Several of his works, including the Moralia on Job (579-596) and his handbook for rulers, Pastoral Rule (591), were extremely popular. . H. Hurter in SS. Notes of these lectures were taken at the time by a young student named Claudius, but when transcribed were found by Gregory to contain so many errors that he insisted on their being given to him for correction and revision. He's estimated to have been born around 540, a decade in which the "Plague of Justinian" (a variant of the. In 579 Pope Pelagius II made Gregory a deacon, sending him as apocrisiarius (legate) to Constantinople. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Ancient canonical documents indicate that it was possible for a community of even ten Christians to have their own bishop. Mention should be made of the curious fact that, although Gregorys sojourn at Constantinople lasted for six years, he seems never to have mastered even the rudiments of Greek. For Gregory true holiness lay in humility; thus, he called himself servant of the servants of God. Despite Maurices commands to desist, Gregory protested the title (though he continued to have relations with the patriarch), fearing that a decline in Romes prestige might mean further neglect of Rome and the West by Constantinople. Magna Moralia, Eng. For his part, Gregory appealed to the exarch of Africa to suppress the Donatists. To him appeals might be made even against other patriarchs, and by him bishops were judged and corrected if need were (Epp., II, 1; III, lii, lxiii; IX, xxvi, xxvii). xxviii, 1, 2; cciv, 2; ccvii, 4) and even defends him against the Sabellians, who claimed him for their teaching and quoted as his formula: patera kai ouion epinoia men einai duo, hypostasei de en (that the Father and the Son were two in intelligence, but one in substance) from the aforesaid Dialogus cum Aeliano. A publication reflecting 40 years of restoring all things in Christ. Accordingly, in May, 595, the pope wrote to a friend at Ravenna a letter (Epp., V, xxxiv) threatening to make peace with Agilulf even without the consent of the Exarch Romanus. However, he was soon drawn out of his seclusion, when, in 578, the pope ordained him, much against his will, as one of the seven deacons (regionarii) of Rome. In effect, two territorial churches emerged in Italy because of many political divisions. Portrait of Pope Gregory by Jos de Ribera. Pestilence followed on the floods, and Rome became a very city of the dead. The Oratio Panegyrica in honour of Origen describes in detail that master's pedagogical methods. In the minutiae of estate management nothing was too small for Gregorys personal notice, from the exact number of sextarii in a modius of corn, or how many solidi went to one golden pound, to the use of false weights by certain minor agents. The latest news and events around parishes and schools. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Philip Kosloski - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 09/03/21. As the plague still continued unabated, Gregory called upon the people to join in a vast sevenfold procession which was to start from each of the seven regions of the city and meet at the basilica of the Blessed Virgin, all praying the while for pardon and the withdrawal of the pestilence. Much controversy still exists as to the exact extent of Gregorys reforms of the Roman Liturgy. Doors open at 6:30 PM - Meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Rural pagans fared worse: ruthless measures forced them to abandon their cults, and Gregory advised Brunhild to use armed force against them. The authentication took place in Rome in 595 during a Eucharistic celebration presided by Pope St. Gregory the Great. Moreover, it remained for centuries the textbook of the Catholic episcopate, so that by its influence the ideal of the great pope has moulded the character of the Church, and his spirit has spread into all lands. [4] Presumably the many miracles which won for him the title of Thaumaturgus were performed during these years. The rule followed there cannot be identified as that of St. Benedict, nor does evidence exist that Gregory became abbot, although his Dialogues may give this impression. It was precisely because of this that his writings became to a great extent the compendium theologies or textbook of the Middle Ages, a position for which his work in popularizing his greater predecessors fitted him well. Gregory was descended from Roman nobles with a strong legacy of Christian faith. The Epistola ad Philagrium has reached us in a Syriac version. They are: Drawing on family traditions and a knowledge of the neighbourhood, the account by Gregory of Nyssa is more reliably historical than other known versions of the Thaumaturge's life. He has been canonized as a saint in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Ideally, the emperor deferred to the church (though generally he did not), even as the church recognized him as a power ordained by God (for good or evil). After 600, relations between Lombard and Roman Italy improved greatly. A unique religious community within the Church, integrally promoting and preserving the treasures of Catholic tradition around the world, The structure of authority of the SSPX, the practical organization of the members into various divisions and its essential works, The history of the SSPX: a work of God's Providence. Why, both our most religious lord the emperor, and our brother the Bishop of Constantinople continually acknowledge it. At the same time the pope was most careful not to interfere with the canonical rights of the other patriarchs and bishops. Opusc. It appears for the first time in the Whitby life (c. vii), and is directly contrary to the words of his contemporary, Gregory of Tours (Hist. Gregory the Great became pope in AD 590 at a time the western Church was desperate for a strong, wise leader. The Life and Miracles of St. Benedict of Nursia. It must be owned that, so far as obtaining help for Rome was concerned, Gregorys stay at Constantinople was a failure. Gregorys mind and memory were both exceptionally receptive, and it is to the effect produced on him by these disasters that we must attribute the tinge of sadness which pervades his writings and especially his clear expectation of a speedy end to the world. A brief article on the history of the miraculous event that occurred during a Mass offered by Pope St. Gregory and a gallery of images depicting the astonishing proof given to the doctrine of the Real Presence. The reign of Gregory the Great marks an epoch in papal history, and this is specially the case in respect of his attitude towards the imperial Government centered at Constantinople. There is no lack of evidence, however, to illustrate Gregorys activity as manager of the patrimony of St. Peter. The exact date of his birth is unknown. In the wider church, respect for Romes moral leadership was similarly difficult to secure. He knew, no doubt, that its acceptance meant a final goodbye to the cloister life he loved, and so he not only refused to accede to the prayers of his fellow-citizens but also wrote personally to the Emperor Maurice, begging him with all earnestness not to confirm the election. The Seven Penitential Psalms associated with this procession date from the 12th century and have been incorrectly ascribed to Gregory. P. Goussainville (3 vols., Paris, 1675); ed. XI, xxix; Quod ipse [sc. Read about the District development and exhortations from the superior himself. 1) Broke a glass full of poison with the Sign of the Cross. In his treatment of heretics, schismatics, and pagans his method was to try every meanspersuasions, exhortations, threats before resorting to force; but, if gentler treatment failed, he had no hesitation, in accordance with the ideas of his age, in resorting to compulsion, and invoking the aid of the secular arm therein. Gregory founded six more monasteries on family estates in Sicily but retained sufficient property to make later endowments to the church. Opera S. Gregorii Magni (Editio princeps, Paris, 1518); ed. Select., XX; ed. Gregory I, commonly known as Gregory the Great, was pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 590 until his death in 604. act on the part of Callinicus, who was recalled two years later, when his successor, Smaragdus, again made a peace with the Lombards which endured until after Gregorys death. His approval it was which gave force to the decrees of councils or synods (Epp., IX, clvi), and his authority could annul them (Epp., V, xxxix, xli, xliv). He was recalled to become abbot, but at the age of 50 was elected pope by the clergy and people of Rome. The Catholic Church teaches that after the consecration takes place at Mass, the Eucharistic host substantially changes into the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. In the year 590, when Saint Gregory the Great was elected pope, Rome and all of Italy was in the . Gregory is also well known for his writings . This famous incident was related by Paul the Deacon in his 8th century biography of the holy pope, Vita Beati Gregorii Papae. Unfortunately, no trace of his preaching on Proverbs, the Prophets, or the Heptateuch survives, and his exegesis of the books of Kings is now recognized to be from the pen of Peter of Cava in the 12th century. The calling to serve God in a particular way to aid in His divine plan for the salvation of souls, How do you know if God is calling you to the priesthood? Beside being a Doctor of the Church and a well-known homilist, Pope Gregory I (540-604) is also famous as a liturgist, and as the Bishop of Rome he was responsible for several important developments to the Roman Mass. He was born in Rome about 540 into a rich patrician family of the gens Anicia, who were distinguished not only for their noble blood but also for their adherence to the Christian faith and for their service to the Apostolic See. Works of Gregory; complete or partial editions; translations, recensions, etc. Wholly ignoring the papal peace, he gathered all his troops, attacked and regained Perugia, and then marched to Rome, where he was received with imperial honors. His conversion to monastic life in 574 was not sudden but grew from a lifelong conflict between his personal desire for contemplative purity and the public duty to serve others in the pollution of worldly affairs. It is true that he respected the privileges of the Western metropolitans, and disapproved of unnecessary interference within the sphere of their jurisdiction canoncally exercised. St. Gregory, born in Rome about the year 540, was the son of Gordianus, a wealthy senator and at the height of his renown when he retired to enter religion, and to become eventually one of the seven cardinal-deacons in charge of the poor and the suffering in the hospitals of Rome. Basil replied that Gregory was arguing against a pagan, and used the words agonistikos not dogmatikos, i.e. St. Gertrude the Great, pray for us! At the moment of receiving Holy Communion, a Roman . Gregory's mother, Sylvia, left him to enter a small oratory near . A synagogue was moved because its services could be heard by Christians; slaves of Jews could claim freedom if they converted to Christianitytheir masters could not sell them, and escaped slaves could not be returned to Jewish owners. After his elementary education, Saint Gregory and his brother Gregory, or Athndoros 1 . He supplied a way for Christians to deal with lifes adversities and prosperities, teaching that both could be signs of either Gods grace or Gods wrath. He also established a universal calendar of feasts and further defined the liturgical role of priests and deacons. As successor of St. Peter, the pope had received from God a primacy over all Churches (Epp., II, xlvi; III, xxx; V, xxxvii; VII, xxxvii). Such a formula, stating clearly the distinction between the Persons in the Trinity, and emphasizing the eternity, equality, immortality, and perfection, not only of the Father, but of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, proclaims a marked advance on the theories of Origen. The Kephalaia peri pisteos dodeka or Twelve Chapters on Faith do not seem to be the work of Gregory. Known as Saint Gregory the Great, Pope Gregory called himself the "servant of the servants of God.". 5989 Sandalwood Drive, Carmel, IN 46033. Ambivalence dictated discretion: Gregory would execute obnoxious laws (such as Emperor Maurices prohibition of monastic life for state employees) while simultaneously protesting such laws. The strong feeling of the Roman populace that Gregory must not be allowed to leave Rome is a sufficient proof of the position he now held there. He was seized, however, carried to the Basilica of St. Peter, and there consecrated pope on 3 September, 590. Although the pope kept his distance from Toledos royal councils of kings and bishops, he was linked to the Spanish court by Leander of Sevilla, who received the pallium from Gregory. : Epist., I, II (Berlin, 1891-99); this is the authoritative edition of the text of the Epistles (all references given above are to this edition); Jaffe, Regesta Pontif. (2nd ed., Rome, 1885), I, 143-219; II, 738; Turchi, S. The test used for the Holy Rule is that of an ancient MS. existing at Monte Cassino, first Gregorys independent action had the effect of rousing up Romanus the exarch. However, imperial policy provided little support for Rome. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! ccxliii; formerly Orat. In doing this he probably had in view the many extra duties of an ecclesiastical nature which he called upon them to undertake. The Saint appeared to her in a vision and told her to go to Abundius to be cured. The year 589 was one of widespread disaster throughout all the empire. Humanly speaking, it is to the fact that Gregory had acquired this conviction that his later line of action with all its momentous consequences is due. Cong. Circumstances, however, allowed the pope to intervene in the areas under imperial control in the north of Italy. In spite of these infirmities, which increased steadily, his biographer, Paul the Deacon, tells us he never rested (Vita, xv). St. Gregory the Wonderworker The third miracle involved the flooding of a river in Neoceasarea. His Sicilian estates were given up to found six monasteries there, and his home on the Clian Hill was converted into another under the patronage of St. Andrew. Under Pope Gregory I, the Catholic Church successfully promoted extensive missionary activity among the barbarian tribes of Europe, notably in England. Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Almost 50 years of tremendous growth despite weaknesses, failures, opposition and set backs, Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? Besides the above there are attributed to Gregory certain liturgical hymns, the Gregorian Sacramentary, and the Antiphonary. B. Sauter (Freiburg, 1904); English translations: King Alfreds West Saxon Version of Gregorys Pastoral Care, ed. His ancestors had held illustrious ecclesiastical positions: Pope Felix III (reigned 483492) was his great-great grandfather, and Pope Agapetus I (535536) also may have been a relative. PROLOGUE: (Pope Gregory begins to speak:) There was a man of venerable life, blessed by grace, and blessed in name, for he was called "Benedictus" or Bennet: who, from his younger years, carried always the mind of an old man; for his age was inferior to his virtue: all vain pleasure he contemned, and though he . He was also inflexible with regard to the proper application of church revenues, insiting that others should of be as strict as be disposing of these funds for their proper ends (Epp., I, x, Ixiv; II, xx-xxii; III, xxii; IV, xi; V, xii, xlviii; VIII, vii; XI, xxii, lvi a; XIII, xlvi; XIV, ii). . He added, moreover, that a like explanation must be given to the words ktisma, poiema (created, made) when applied to the Son, reference being to Christ Incarnate. Select., series II, Tom. Tweet. Here is one: Andrew, the Bishop of Fundi, lived a virtuous life and discharged the duties of his office with care. Tur., X, i). This threat was speedily reported to Constantinople, where the exarch was in high favor, and the Emperor Maurice at once sent off to Gregory a violent letter, now lost, accusing him of being both a traitor and a fool. Here are 7 of the best. In Italy there was an unprecedented inundation. Space makes it impossible to do more than refer to the famous letters to the Emperor Phocas on his usurpation, and the allusions in them to the murdered Emperor Maurice (Epp., XIII, xxxiv, xli, xlii).Every kind of judgment has been passed upon Gregory for writing these letters, but the question remains a difficult one. Richard Cavendish | Published in History Today Volume 54 Issue 3 March 2004. Then, in February, 590, as if to fill the cup of misery to the brim, Pelagius II died. In July, 595, Gregory held his first synod in St. Peters, which consisted almost wholly of the bishops of the suburbicarian sees and the priests of the Roman titular churches. Mosaic created in 19 century. Business was at a standstill, and the streets were deserted save for the wagons which bore forth countless corpses for burial in common pits beyond the city walls. During the Middle Ages, the event of the Miraculous Mass of St. Gregory was gradually stylized in several ways. The controversy is important only in view of the question as to the form of monasticism introduced by St. Augustine into England, and it may be said that Baroniuss view is now practically abandoned. Through all of his efforts, he is rightly considered one of the fathers of Europe and a key creator of the culture of Christendom that grew up . Still he never ceased to regret his elevation, and his later writings contain numberless expressions of strong feeling on this point. Men and women join the work of the priests and sanctify themselves in prayer and in multiple apostolic endeavors. It must be read in its entirety to be appreciated fully; probably very few emperors, if any, have ever received such a letter from a subject. There has been much discussion as to whether Gregory and his fellow-monks at St. Andrews followed the Rule of St. Benedict. The fame of many miracles wrought by St. Augustine in the conversion of the English having reached Rome, St. Gregory wrote to him, 1 exhorting him to beware of the temptation of pride or vain-glory, in the great miracles and heavenly gifts which God showed in the nation which he had chosen. It should be noted, also, that he avoids any direct flattery towards the new emperor, merely using the exaggerated phrases of respect then customary, and expressing the high hopes he entertains of the new regime. As, however, the pope remained silent for long periods at a time, the servant made a hole in the curtain and, looking through, beheld a dove seated upon Gregorys head with its beak between his lips. April 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Saint Gregory put himself to prayer with the people, for to pray to God that hereupon he would show his grace for to confirm our belief, and when they were risen from prayer, Saint Gregory saw. Mommsen in Neues Archiv, XVII, 189; English translation: J. Barmby, Selected Epistles in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, XII, XIII (Oxford and New York, 1895, 1898). As bishop, he is the trustee of God and St. Peter, and his agents must show that they realize this by their conduct. Today a statue on the Castel SantAngelo depicts Michael replacing his sword in its scabbard. in Library of the Fathers (4 vols., Oxford, 1844); Prunner, Gnade and Sunde nach Gregors expositio in Job (Eichstatt, 1855). Also, viewable are the many pieces of artistry made to commemorate the event, of which we give a sample below in the featured photo gallery. St. Gregory the Great, also called Saint Gregory I, (born c. 540, Rome [Italy]died March 12, 604, Rome; Western feast day, September 3 [formerly March 12, still observed in the East]), pope from 590 to 604, reformer and excellent administrator, "founder" of the medieval papacy, which exercised both secular and spiritual power. Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. Then, at the wish of Tiridates, Gregory became Bishop of Armenia. in eccles., iv) ascribes it to our Gregory.[7]. Before leaving Palestine, Gregory delivered in presence of Origen a public farewell oration in which he returned thanks to the illustrious master he was leaving. His sole consolation was the hope that death would come quickly (Epp., XIII, xxvi). O holy Saint Gregory, confessor and priest of the Lord, I pray thee that thou wouldst intercede with our Lord God for me, that, being purified from all vice, I may please Him in all things, and that He will grant me the peace possessed by all His servants. This lack of knowledge partially obscures his personality, despite his historical importance, and his immemorial title Thaumaturgus, "the wonder-worker" in Latinized Greek, casts an air of legend about him. It should be mentioned that in Gregorys day the current view was that ecclesiastical work, such as the cure of souls, preaching, administering the sacraments, etc., was not compatible with the monastic state, and in this view the pope concurred. Besides his mother, two of Gregorys aunts have been canonized, Gordianuss two sisters, Tarsilla and Aemiliana, so that John the Deacon speaks of his education as being that of a saint amoung saints. Had the empire been sound instead of in a hopelessly rotten state when Gregory became pope, It is hard to say how his views might have worked out in practice. The emperor decided that Gregory was in the right, and ordered Eutychiuss book to be burned. Gregory appointeda vicar, usually the metropolitan of the province, whoexercised a general supervision over the whole church. Chapter 3 p. 146-156. E. W. Westhoff (Munster, 1860); ed. The miracles attributed to Gregory are very many, but space forbids even the barest catalogue of them. It contains, moreover, much useful information concerning the youth of Gregory and his master's method of teaching. Every Christian had a place in the concord of Gregorys church, from contemplatives to laity. But this, if a fault at all, was a natural consequence of his view that he was the administrator of the property of the poor, for whom he could never do enough. Here is the prayer to St. Gregory the Wonderworker. Pope Saint Gregory the Great's legacy in liturgy, pastoral doctrine, and miracles left a deep mark on medieval Europe and beyond. Realizing he could neither defeat the Lombards militarily nor continue a cycle of warfare and ransom, Gregory repeatedly sought peace. After visiting numerous courts in Gaul, Augustine visited the court of the Frankish queen Bertha, wife of Aethelberht of Kent. Gregory was well placed in society. In justice to the great pope, however, it must be added that he lost no opportunity for the exercise of his missionary zeal, making every effort to root out paganism in Gaul, Donatism in Africa, and the Schism of the Three Chapters in North Italy and Istria. With regard unprecedented the other Western Churches limits of space prohibit any detailed account of Gregorys dealings, but the following quotation, all the more valuable as coming from a Protestant authority, indicates very clearly the line he followed herein: In his dealings with the Churches of the West, Gregory acted invariably on the assumption that all were subject to the jurisdiction of the Roman See. He has exercised in many respects a momentous influence on the doctrine, the organization, and the discipline of the Catholic Church. Moreover, his allusions to Maurice refer to the sufferings of the people under his government, and do not reflect on the dead emperor himself. One of the earliest biographies of his life was written by Pope St. Gregory the Great, and it includes many stories of incredible miracles performed by the monk. All admit that he did make the following modifitions in the preexisting practice: (a) In the Canon of the Mass he inserted the words, diesque nostros in tua pace disponas, atque ab aeterna damnatione nos eripi, et in electorum tuorum jubeas grege numerari; (b) he ordered the Pater Noster to be recited in the Canon before the breaking of the Host; (c) he provided that the Alleluia should be chanted after the Gradual out of paschal time, to which period, apparently, the Roman use had previously confined it; (d) he prohibited the use of the chasuble by subdeacons assisting at Mass; (e) he forbade deacons to perform any of the musical portions of the Mass other than singing the Gospel. According to tradition, Gregory led a penitential procession to Santa Maria Maggiore during that plague; a vision of the archangel Michael atop Hadrians Tomb (now the Castel SantAngelo) convinced him that Rome would be spared. Gregory did tolerate slavery, as a fact of Gods dispensation bestowed on humanity after the Fall, and he believed that humble obedience was required by God. Eucharistic Miracle of This Eucharistic miracle, whose relic is still preserved in the Benedictine Monastery of Andechs, Germany, is verified by numerous written sources. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Life and Miracles of St Benedict: Large Print Edition at the best online prices at eBay! Gregorys consecration as pope preceded by a few days only the death of Authari, King of the Lombards, whose queen, the famous Theodelinde, then married Agilulf, Duke of Turin, a warlike and energetic prince. This latter point was the difficulty. "Wherefore," says he, " amidst those things which you . Nonetheless, he consolidated as many as 42 vacated episcopal sees in the south (Lucania, Apulia, and the Picene area), where Lombards had wrought particular devastation. Divided into four books, wherein he entreateth of the lives and miracles of the saints in Italy and of the eternity of men's souls by Gregory I, Pope, ca. There was now no magister militum living in Rome, so the control even of military matters fell to the pope. The corn thus distributed came chiefly from Sicily and was supplied by the estates of the Church. The second is his lengthening of the period of novitiate. Besides the details given by Gregory himself, there are four other sources of information, according to Ktschau all derived from oral tradition; indeed, the differences between them force the conclusion that they cannot all be derived from one common written source. At this period, however, one important literary enterprise was certainly completed. This proposed alliance was a source of continual anxiety for the emperor, and he ordered Gregory to stop pressuring the Istrians. This small book tells of the life and many miracles of St Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine Order. There cannot be the smallest doubt that Gregory claimed for the Apostolic See, and for himself as pope, a primacy not of honor, but of supreme authority over the Church Universal. On Queen Theodelinde, a Catholic and a personal friend, Gregory placed all his hopes. Friendship and patronage had thus accomplished what military strategy and imperial policies could not. By his day the estates of the Church had reached vast dimensions. This event took place most probably in 574. All attempts on the part of a bishop to assume new powers over the monks in his diocese were condemned, while at times the pope issued documents, called Privilegia, in which he definitely set forth certain points on which the monks were exempt from episcopal control (Epp., V, xlix; VII, xii; VIII, xvii; XII, xi, xii, xiii). St. Gregory ended his earthly life of great labor in old age, in about the year 335. Faith Formation Calendar Click to view Deeply influenced by Stoicism, he adapted the ideals of discretion and moderation to show how all Christians could and must love their neighbour as well as God to the best of their ability. This is the medieval world, alive with demons, where the spiritual can be visible, where sins are counted and penance calibrated in appropriate compensation, where suffering and sacrifice in this life earn rewards in the next. Free Postage. When Gregory was consecrated he was forty years old, and he ruled his diocese for thirteen years. The following are important dates for the Enid Catholic Community and Confirmation students. Through God's providence, Tiridates also helped him in enlightening all of Armenia and its surrounding regions with the Christian Faith. Free Postage. And he asked her, before the people, why she laughed, and she said: Because that the bread that I have made with my proper hands, you call the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.