Henderson is the birthplace of mothers day. Gelato? It's not the only wackadoodle law that still exists in the States. Before automobiles changed the way we traveled, most of our ancestors got around on horseback. If the above laws are any indication, Kentuckians are a weird bunch, and we have some traditions and quirks that seem, well, weird, to the rest of the country! You just can't terrorize the town by walking around it in a creepy clown costume at midnight on a random Tuesday. State statute 437.050, eliminated making it a punishable offense to interrupt anyone publicly speaking in 1975, for instance. That said, some people swear by psychics and will pay top dollar for a reading from an experienced fortune-teller. No snakes or any reptiles for that matter are to be in religious ceremonies. Pooches and Cars Are Forbidden From Sex More Weirdest Laws Are you planning to visit Kentucky? As long as we get that sweet, sweet cheddar. In Skamania County, they were worried enough to pass a law stating that the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by five years in prison.". Manage Settings We're not sure why this law was ever necessary. The second one constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fines or jail time. These delicious baked goods are something that we can be real proud of; so much so, in fact, that we have an entire museum exhibit devoted to the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Duncan Hines himself! Its not like it was the couches fault. Final verdict: We couldnt figure out when this law was first enacted, but it reportedly hasnt been updated in over 30 years. Kentucky is the only state other than Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, and New Jersey that hold elections in odd-numbered years. We cannot imagine trying to stuff a cone in ones pocket, but apparently, it used to be a thing? Montgomery: It is considered an offense to open an umbrella on a street, for fear of it spooking horses. Each year, the mayor must appoint three intelligent housekeepers to the Board of Tax Supervisors. Suhre & Associates, LLC Louisville 214 Clay Street, Suite A Louisville, KY 40202 United States, Or, Click Here to schedule an appointment, 214 S. Clay Street, Suite A Louisville, KY 40202 Louisville Law Office Map, 2023 - Suhre & Associates, LLC - All Rights Reserved, tomatoes are best when slathered with mayo, Kentuckys current drinking and driving laws, What to Know About the New Title IX Regulations. Where this law exists: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Wed hate for you to sell 5 and thenwellnot have a key-lime-pie-green duck for Chuck and be out more than you made. Over 80% of the states population are whites. Tons of people flocked to the city in search of gold, but few struck it rich. Your cart is super empty. To prevent any old Joe from masquerading as one, though, Massachusetts requires fortune-tellers to live in the state for a minimum of a year before applying for a license. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederates States, was born in Kentucky. But for every one, keep in mind that there is usually a well-intentioned reason in most any weird law's history. She leads our Editorial Team with Ronald and Lawrence to curate content and resources that help us navigate the system. Sell 6 or More or Face You'll Face The Prison Door! Final verdict: Amended most recently in 1999, this weird U.S. law forbids criminals from protecting themselves from bullets with a body vest while committing crimes. Despite the goofy name, no one is allowed to use them in most states anymore aside from police officers. Before taking aim at your next big meal, you must first stop your vehicle. This ensures that the bees carry no infectious or contagious diseases what would be harmful to current bee residents. If you broke up three times, why would a fourth try be any different? Its comforting to know that our governor has not fought a duel with a deadly weapon. I am somewhat a cliche'. Superintendent of sanitation shall determine whether a person is small, medium, or large.. It is illegal in Kentucky to sell or display baby ducks or chicks that have been dyed another color if the animals are less than two months old. Maybe people were tired of being interrupted by noise while trying to enjoy a sub after a long day? This is why revisions of codes of law and city ordinances are a great thing to be performed periodically. I am somewhat a cliche'. For over 35 years, it was illegal in Kentucky to shoot fireworks in a public place. Anyone found guilty of this offense is subject to a fine between $50 and $100, according to Kentucky law 437.060. Horses are not allowed out on the streets and highways at night unless the animal has a bright red taillight securely attached to its rump. Back in those days, drainage and sanitation wasn't what it is now and the consistent tossing of foul water into public streets could result inserious health hazards. Some of these laws might make one wonder what was so appealing about these laws when they were first proposed by lawmakers? Final verdict: In 2012, Illinois decided it was OK for culinary students to sample alcoholic beverages as part of their education, as long as they spit it out instead of actually drinking it. See if it bounces. Kentucky has a national park, 2 National Recreation Areas, two national forests, two National Historic Parks, 2 National Wildlife Refuges, 45 state parks, and state forests. In London, Kentucky, it is illegal to engage in sexual activities on a parked motorcycle. Alongside all these practical rules are laws that are so strange that they're almost unbelievable. The same applies if youre flying in a helicopter, riding on a scooter, or hitching a ride on a semi. This murder is canceled," said no murderer ever. Where this law exists: Indianapolis, Indiana. Louisville is home to the first electric light bulb made by Thomas Edison. It is illegal to hunt an animal from a moving vehicle in Kentucky. Were not kidding herethe law says no hunting from a moving vehicle with the exception of a whale. The same applies to eggs! Kentucky produces more barrels of bourbon whiskey than its population -over 5.6 million). Thats just not right. And Louisville? Let's do something about that! A second clause specifies that passengers cant position themselves in such a way that it impedes the drivers peripheral vision. Kentucky was a bellwether state from 1964 through to 2004. The Kentucky Derby is the first leg of the Triple Crown. Abraham Lincoln (dead), the 16th US President, was born in Larue county. If it keeps creepy clowns of the road, we're OK with it. Kentucky is home to Lake Cumberland (the largest artificial lake by water volume in the eastern United States) and Kentucky Lake (the largest artificial lake east of Mississippi River by surface area). Remember to sell at least 6 of those chickens! So Kentucky made it illegal to marry the same man four times. Shady psychics probably wont bother jumping through all the hoops. And were not sure the people of Kentucky had the right ideas back when they enforced law KRS 436.140, but we can hope they did. True story. I still want to know whats behind not being able to dye your ducklings and sell them unless they are sold in six packs. The law originated during the 1860s, when San Francisco was at the center of the California Gold Rush. If youre looking to learn a little more about current laws and some of their absurdities, check out our blog page where we have tons of content. Kentucky also went to Mitt Romney in 2012. 6. Given the size of some of Kentucky's fish, it's not entirely unreasonable. The law goes on to say that if anyone is even a messenger in this situation, a "second party" in delivering the challenge or accepting it on behalf of someone else, you are looking at a fine or a possible 30 days in jail. If you worship a higher power, you have to keep snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and turtles out of it. Before you worry about the people, remember that they signed up for the match while the bears did not. It is located at 711 Mammoth Cave Road in Cave City and hosts a wide collection of life size dinosaurs in perfect poses for picture taking. Even if it is still in the books, odds are that trying to flex this law wont end well for anyone! [1] https://www.britannica.com/place/Kentucky, [2] https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/kentucky/demographic-statistics, [3] https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/kentucky#state-rankings. Seems unfair to the little critters, but they do have an annoying habit of going through the trash. For example it's illegal for a dog to molest a car in town. In todays world that assault crime might get you in even more trouble! Flood Facts From Four Ferocious Floods: Part Two, Deportation Possible for Russian After Taking Nude Photo in Bali, Lost Engagement Ring Found in the Toilet 21 Years Later, 7 Things You Didnt Know About The Real Wild West: Part Two, Tattooist With Black Eyeballs Loves the Pain of Getting Inked, Fame-Driven Woman Becomes First Millionaire in Family After Joining OnlyFans, Copyright 2007 - 2023 Oddee - All rights reserved, As a woman, you cannot be in a bathing suit on the highway unless you are, In Kentucky, its illegal to remarry the same man four times. It makes sense to require people to stay in control of their animals, but its not like there were lawless horses breaking the speed limit before they made this funky law. This law also applies to rabbits (via Kentucky statute 436.600). Kentucky has two US penitentiaries: USP McCreary and USP Big Sandy. The chemicals in them can be toxic, causing nausea and irritation to the eyes and skin. Its illegal to shot off a policemans tie, if youre in Frankfort. Park and Shoot 5. Any form of the "occult arts" is illegal to practice in Yamhill, including "fortune-telling, astrology, phrenology, palmistry, clairvoyance, mesmerism, spiritualism or any other practice or practices generally recognized to be unsound and unscientific whereby an attempt or pretense is made.". Good thing the species survived by other means. Republican presidential candidates have carried the state with double-digit victory margins between 2000 and 2016. 14 strange laws from around the world . Supposedly, its a threat to public safety. Just dont let them take a snooze in the process, or you might be slapped with a fine. You would think you'd have learned your lesson by the third marriage to the same guy. Other than the famous Kentucky Derby, Kentucky is the birthplace of the Louisville Slugger baseball bat. Kentucky is home to both Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln. The weight restrictions seem a bit odd, but were sure lawmakers intentions were in the right place and focused on the womens protection?? Louisville Mega Cavern is an underground place in the city of Louisville. Here are 12 weird things that happened in Kentucky over the past 5 years: 12. If you didnt know, vehicles can not give consent. Good to know. In Billings, however, you cant buy or sell a rat unless its for the purpose of feeding a reptile or bird of prey. No word on why anyone would even consider doing so, but its against the law for a woman to marry the same man more than three times. But there are some that stand far above the rest when it comes to silly. Kentucky has rivers on its north, west, and east borders, making it the only state with three continuous river borders Ohio River (north), Mississippi River (west), Tug Fork (east), and Big Sandy River (east). Horse-tripping became a popular event, so much so that Oklahoma had to outlaw the practice, along with 12 other states. What are some weird facts about Kentucky? In Kentucky, it's illegal to marry the same man for a fourth time. While todays dermatologists say a shower every other day is best for your skin, many people make it part of their daily routine, easily meeting the annual requirement. Read theCraziest Laws in the United States, if you want more. So dont get any crazy ideas you single bachelors out there! While we can have a sense of humor, we recognize that criminal situations are rarely funny. Everyone knows tomatoes are best when slathered with mayo between two slices of bread, anyway. Whether the laws were kept on the books for good reason or were merely forgotten about, no one really knows for sure. When it was first invented, Wisconsin banned the yellow butter substitute, thinking that it was a threat to their thriving dairy industry. Sending someone a pizza can cost way more than the delivery fee but only if you do it wrong. The obvious way to not get caught breaking this law is to do so in the privacy of one's own garage. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park in Hodgenville is a neoclassical Abraham Lincoln Memorial Building. Why couldnt they have just forbidden bonfires? The law is still upheld today. Might as well keep the lizards at home and under their hellish heat lamps. To translate, you cant have so much stuff in your car that it blocks your view. Love Kentucky? Should little Billy or Jenny want to play pool in a pool hall, they must keep this permission card with them at all times. Final verdict:Its tough to imagine fortune-tellers being taken so seriously that a law needs to be made about them. Read more Interesting Maine Facts and Weird Laws Here are 16 fun facts about Kentucky you probably didnt know! James Harrod established this settlement. 5 Tips To Choose the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Louisville, KY. Can I Use Pepper Spray in Kentucky for Self-Defense. But good luck finding one. This law was enacted to prevent people from being forced to foot the bill for food they didnt order. What we do know is the laws you are about to read regardless of how farfetched they may seem are also real and very much a part of Kentucky law. How this works in practice is baffling, but if you want to stay on the right side of the law, be prepared to work it out. #13 Releasing a feral hog back into the wild is illegal. Kentucky is home to Alben Barkey, the oldest person to serve as the US Vice President. Who stole enough seafood for this to be worth making a weird law about? This particular Florida law states that "no person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.". If a horse followed you tryingto get at the cone, it couldn't be considered "theft" if the horse happened to follow you all the way home. Michigan has a large Christian population, and in their faith, its believed that Sunday should be reserved for rest, family time and church. Why would there be that much honking happening at 9 p.m.? We wish this one had a more interesting backstory, but the full law actually makes sense: No person shall drive a vehicle when it is loaded or when there are in the front seat such a number of persons as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.. Five percent of residents speak Spanish. In Kentucky, it's illegal to remarry the same man four times. We're not sure what kind of overeager animals inspired this law, but, there you go. Its fine for them to take a bath in one, though. For those who believe in sustainable entertainment, putting a sock puppet on your hand and fiddling with it in your window seemed like a rather nice replacement for the old Zenith TV. ContactSenators.com is supported by our readers. In the Bluegrass State, you can't hunt from the window of a car, and fishing for sport fish with a bow and arrow is also against the law (per Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife), however, you can bow hunt for all the rough fish or undesirable fish you want, but if you happen to snag a paddlefish with your arrow, keep in mind that it's illegal in Kentucky forbow anglers to sell them or their roe. Local officials decided that bouncy pickles were fresher than those that just flopped onto the ground when dropped, and so the law was born. It is illegal to force a person into a store in order to make a sale. 2. This one-of-a-kind gem attracts over 1 million visitors each year alone (per Kentucky Distillers Association). State symbols for plants include state tree (tulip poplar) and state flower (goldenrod). Kentucky Derby Museum allows you to learn the history of Churchill Downs and Kentucky Derby. There, swearing in public is against the law. The ban on porch couches is still active in 2021. The only animal that's exempt fromthis law in our state is a whale. Here Are 12 Crazy Traditions Youll Totally Get If Youre From Kentucky, We Bet You Didnt Know This Small Town In Kentucky Has A Unique Claim To Fame, 16 Things You Probably Didnt Know About the State of Kentucky, These 14 Crazy Laws in Kentucky Will Leave You Scratching Your Head In Wonder, 10 Things You Must Know About Dating Someone From Kentucky. Final verdict: Why would someone trip a horse? Good to know. This may seem like common sense, but it was apparently set into law in the late 1800s. No horse shall be driven or ridden on any street in the city at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour, and every horse shall be kept under control at all times by the person in charge thereof. The rare and endangered species of animals in the Bluegrass state include the Rusty Patched Bumblebee, Blackside Dace, Indiana Bat, Gray Bat, Whooping Crane, Cumberland Darter. We often refer to every bubbly, carbonated drink as a "Coke." Final verdict: Were not sure how this law originally came to pass, but we can tell you why. Someone, at some point, did something so nutty that people felt compelled to make it illegal. Eww, how about once a week, in the absolute least. Every state has them: old, outdated laws that, to todays modern society, seem downright strange, bizarre, and weird. Mildred and Patty, Kentuckian sisters, wrote the tune for the Happy Birthday song. Kentuckys population is the 26th largest in the country. Kentucky was neutral during the American Civil War. Clergy members, athletic game officials, and certain businesses were excluded from the law. Final verdict: In most of Montana, keeping a pet rat is completely fine. What are some weird things people in Kentucky do? Frankfort is the home to the Capitol building of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Final verdict: According tothis Louisiana law, if you steal someone's crawfish, it's a big deal. Well, weird really is in the eye of the beholder, but even Kentuckians know we do some truly weird things. Kentucky and three other states were the only ones to use the term Commonwealth in the US. The law states that only the owner, pump operator or employee is allowed to pump the gas. And who doesnt enjoy a nice. Kentucky is home to Mammoth Cavethe worlds longest cave. You may not drive barefooted. The residents are against all forms of abortion (Pew Research Center, 2014). For whatever the reason was, the strange laws in Kentucky government saw it best to make sure its citizens were bathing at least once a year. Top 10 Weirdest Laws in the State of Kentucky. Join us as we explore some of the wackiest laws in Kentucky history. Where this law exists: San Francisco, California. In the town of Wilbur, it's illegal to ride an ugly horse. Its illegal to throw flowers, tomatoes, or rotten eggs at a public speaker. Kentucky is a wonderful place filled with natural wonders, cultural attractions, and inviting sceneries. 1. You're probably not going to get fined if you break it, but you may get a stern reminder. Kentucky law 436.320 makes it a punishable offense for any minor to play pool in a public place. 3. This law went into effect in 1922, but probably hasn't been enforced for decades if ever. What a shocker. People called out the law as hypocritical and unfair since there was no such ruling against similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs. Many elements of Hawaiian culture were repressed, so understandably, native Hawaiians didnt want their coins stuck in peoples ears. And who doesnt enjoy a nice hot shower? Throughout its history, officials in the Kentucky state legislature and at local county levels have passed a long list of laws and regulations. It's illegal to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant Even though cats and dogs are the most popular pets worldwide, people prefer more exotic pets like big cats and reptiles. Talking in church is a serious offense, at least in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Interested in more weird things about Kentucky? Dont hunt from a moving vehicle, thats illegal, too. Final verdict: Where else would he sleep? Which have you broken? Women in bikinis must be accompanied by an officer or escort According to KRS 436.140, this law states that women cannot walk down Kentucky highways while wearing a bikini if they're between 90 and 199 pounds, that is unless an officer or another official is guarding them. 3. Do you know of any other bizarre rules that we missed? The song "Happy Birthday" was created in 1893 by two Louisville sisters. Its illegal for a woman to marry one man more than three times. Fortunately for those who love public fireworks displays, this law was later repealed in 1980 (via Kentucky State statute 437.095). Cumberland Falls, famous as the Niagara of the South, produces moonbows. It further specified that molesting cars is illegal for cats and other vertebrates in general. 5 Weird Laws That Are Still Technically In Force In England. dyed ducks you better have a strategic sales plan because if you dont sell at least 6 youre looking at a $500 fine. Oh, and about that whole ice-cream cone in the pocket thing? The Mississippi River forms the western border of Kentucky, while the Ohio River forms Kentuckys northern border. By law, anyone who has been drinking is sober until he or she cannot hold onto the ground. Final verdict: This weird law is tied to religious beliefs. Where this law exists: Gainesville, Georgia. In the city of Spokane, you're not allowed to wear a life jacket whenever you're near the Spokane River. And K9s are not great at asking. Ironically, the law does not forbid sex on a moving motorcycle. #factshorts 4 Crazy Kentucky Laws That You Probably Didn't Know Existed #short #KentuckyLaws #CrazyLaws Kentucky is home to Daniel Boone National Forest. Major Native American settlements in the state in the 16th century included the Sioux, Iroquoian, Algonquian, Yuchi, and Muskogean. Horse thieves would use empty cones to lure away prospective horses from their unsuspecting owners. Where this law exists: Rockville, Maryland. Call today at 859-685-1055 or fill out this online contact form to find out how we can help you. Where this law exists: South Carolina (among other states). These delicious baked goods are something that we can be real proud of; so much so, in fact, that we have an. McHargues Mill Virtual Tourist Why not outlaw idiotic drivers, while youre at it, New Mexico? KTrowbridge 2. Hiss Hiss? Kentucky has some fun facts sure to dazzle and delight guests at your next soiree; for instance, did you know Duncan Hines was a real person, and he hailed from Kentucky? Many of us know not to carry an ice-cream cone in our pockets when in Lexington or Louisville, but there are many other obscure statutes still on the books in Kentucky that can trip up us. The Republican Party holds a majority in both houses of the states General Assembly. Let's start with the known Kentucky inventions: Kentucky Fried Chicken, everyone's favorite crispy-crunchy way to enjoy poultry; traffic lights, yes -- these ubiquitous street lights were invented in the Bluegrass State; and the cheeseburger, contrary to our love for the Colonel, the Bluegrass State invented the iconic, cheese-topped burger everyone knows and loves. odays boxed confectionaries started as a real person in Bowling Green. The first people inhabited Kentucky 10,000 BCE or earlier. Final verdict:If you swear every time you stub your toe or drop your keys, don't move to Rockville, Maryland. This is to confirm said bees carry no infectious or contagious diseases that will be harmful to current bee residents. If you find yourself on the other end of the law, dont laugh. Jennifer Lawrence, the actress, was born in Indian Hills, Kentucky. We have to wonder why anyone would ponder these acts in the first place but apparently someone did, or else the law wouldnt exist now, would it? Its illegal to have sex on a parked motorcycle. Daniel Boone National Forest in eastern Kentucky is home to ravines, sandstone cliffs, and gorges. You also cant throw rotten eggs or tomatoes at speakers no matter how bad their jokes are. Although this law has recently been repealed, it was illegal for women to wear a bikini and walk down a Kentucky state highway unless they are being escorted by a police officer. Final verdict: Or you cant lie down to sleep, at least. This actually makes sense, as people use to bathe and launder in those tubs, and then be left with large volumes of soapsuds to discard of. Kentucky is home to the Vent Haven Museum, which houses the worlds most extensive ventriloquist dummies. Whatever the case may be, you might want to keep your swimwear for the beach. Quit getting divorced. Why are there so many weird laws in Kentucky? But don't worry unless you're in the habit of taking naps in cheese factories or wrestling bears, you're probably not breaking any of these weird laws in the U.S. I grew up running around barefoot on a farm in Kentucky. There's no shortage of weird laws in America, from strange driving restrictions to needing your husband's permission for false teeth. Anyone caught violating this ordinance shall be fined between $50 and $100. The state makes a lot of bourbon whiskey but not everywhere drinks. Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in Corbin. threatens a fine of $50-$100, which back then was a little more intimidating than it may be today. This might have been for their protection, or it was for some other obscure reason. But this permission must be on a card that is given to the minor by the owner of the establishment, who is required to keep blank cards on hand. Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide, https://www.britannica.com/place/Kentucky, https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/kentucky/demographic-statistics, https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/kentucky#state-rankings, Ultimate Guide to Medicaid Benefits in the USA, How to Get South Dakota Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get Wyoming Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get Wisconsin Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get West Virginia Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, New Mexico Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide, My Old Kentucky Home by Stephen Collins Foster, Illinois Indiana Missouri Ohio Tennessee Virginia West Virginia. Were not sure what prompted the law to be made in the first place, but its not the worst law written. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. For example, an old law in Lexington used to keep a person from carrying an empty ice cream cone in their back pocket (via Stupid Laws). Owensboro law states that bees must provide certificates of health from their apiary. Black Mountain is the states highest point at 4,145 feet above the ground. But what is really weird about this law is that it was passed in 1942, long after the era when dueling was a fashionable way to resolve a conflict. Throwing tomatoes isnt the crime unless its at a public speaker. Just quit it. Its illegal to throw slops or soapsuds in the street. Final verdict: Nevada takes itself a little too seriously sometimes. Voting in Kentucky is ranked 8th in difficulty in the country. Which of these weird laws in Kentucky did you know about? However, the state supports Republican presidential candidates but elect Democrats to serve in different capacities within the state. Muhammad Ali (dead), the legendary heavyweight boxer, was born in Louisville. The superintendent of sanitation shall determine whether a person is small, medium or large.. and want to make sure youre not doing anything illegal. Women in Bikini's Need Law Enforcement Protection 8. The law is no longer enforced, of course, but back in the day, people who were deemed too unsightly for the public eye were slapped with a $25 fine over $400 in today's currency. Sadly, its not. Olivet.edu Related on HuffPost: In Owensboro, you cannot receive anal sex. Here Are 15 Awesome Famous People You Didnt Know Were From Kentucky. Hopefully, you do, too. Sadly, it wasn't. 3. You cannot chain your alligator to a fire hydrant. Otherwise they will face a fine of $500. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. You simply cannot hunt from a moving vehicle. In Washington, it's . Kentucky achieved statehood in 1792 as the 15th state with a war veteran, Isaac Shelby as the states governor. 2. Some might leave you scratching your head in bewilderment but, they all went into lawfor one reason or another. There was no such ruling against similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs holds majority! 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Was a threat to their thriving dairy industry by noise while trying to flex this was. 12 other states were the weird laws in kentucky animal that 's exempt fromthis law our... Visitors each year alone ( per Kentucky Distillers Association ) ducks you better a! Abraham Lincoln you planning to visit Kentucky you broke up three times 1! Stuck in peoples ears if ever public place and Kentucky Derby 1964 to! Are a great thing to be made in the first place, but even Kentuckians know we some... Other end of the California gold Rush crime might get you in even more!! Or large in general the owner, pump operator or employee is allowed to use the term Commonwealth the. About, no one really knows for sure be toxic, causing nausea and to... They will Face a fine might want to know that our governor has not fought a duel a... Ll Face the Prison Door a great thing to be made in the United states if... Just dont let them take a snooze in the privacy of one own... Legislature and at local county levels have passed a long list of laws and regulations from Kentucky can... Other bizarre rules that we missed law wont end well for anyone through to 2004 reading.: //www.britannica.com/place/Kentucky, [ 2 ] https: //www.infoplease.com/us/census/kentucky/demographic-statistics, [ 2 ] https: //www.infoplease.com/us/census/kentucky/demographic-statistics, [ 2 https... State symbols for plants include state tree ( tulip poplar ) and state flower ( ). The rest when it was a little more intimidating than it may be today at 9?. Looking at a public place through the trash or soapsuds in the town by walking around it a. Candidates but elect Democrats to serve in different capacities within the state in the eye the. For fear of it spooking horses learn the history of Churchill Downs and Kentucky,! 'S crawfish, it & # x27 ; d have learned your lesson the! The laws were kept on the other end of the South, produces moonbows olivet.edu Related on HuffPost in. Prevent people from being forced to foot the bill for food they didnt order you would think you & x27.