editor which combines the current CD32 Bund* 2 SuHw n SB*. space you can, save time by mak- A Vukai Software, pin riding quite t lew |mih, (US . Matt Broughton's SCiNE STORM ASSASSINS? so even though we HP85Q Colour EPIC UAflKETING turn this on and off with a com- TUl m werv |fcJ Had tea (Ac liciIt ar*J pfiprlif ! ?5 with a look at its unique graphic equalijer. : it ran Ih-ftana h uac ufEhc heal WQfi- Huh* id in. tLtBFOOTSAJ. * .159.95 tons of all-time Classic X9& HOT BA BE 1 CD ROM 4 lupHb cube. I .^Krii jmm i Ii nkcr. dak urn SCSI tamdVltfe 1 si tails, lenm, hardware reach the lev- Ca Ma^eiB-'^i from the wall and select a cred- developers. WonycupaoH HOTCH (WADEF! " " YlMtPC TAim -! spent thousands of pounds on high- Surf Squirrel Offers an even higher SQ WlkHIH verbal commands, to the appropriate positions and 30-33 Fuiiaaha Law. 4.96 MeetwgP*ris3 make your first loop as normal by Volume 10 ..,,1.25 doorstep, As we go to press three German companies have 714591. be afraid to alter the default set- Llanfairpwll, Ynys-Mon, *P^- h but rw: ptani GS5 KNIGHTS (A12B0I '1 maim a full 50 way SCSI connector, 5JU. The 'Why are we still here just to suffer?' sound clip is made by ETmemer489274. tDcraphg relating to UFO aghDngaand flnimLab Last month we used the action editor to create an animation: a -tihff>Qnyhtghqoatf pra^iomi. BrH *** ^^^PJ ' processed loop to the next, about a neon-sign which traces out Closest is Carl 5-flSSenrath head f 'Diggers/Oscar To do this. for some time now, quite a few aclaaki a nlMqi VcrV .,.125 I CD1BZ CU Amiga Reader 't 12.99 -.. _ DL3 BYT, ENGLAND. .1.85 CU AMIGA CLASSIFIEDS I 4 lupHb cube. the floor and, while still looking these networks may have different topics, POWER SUPPLY 27.99 SotaptpuMffa) . editing. linked up. Plenty of feedback, that's what we like. Branded DSHD Ny Amigatidning! > HJ00_ - ~, 9-99 Power PC improvement here if a sequel Log* 3 Sigriw Ray - Autoflre 12gg SENSIBLE WDHLLT OF SOCCER port 2, This is a 60 second Furthermore, I would also have DISK CLEANING KIT Q | o MSong H**Sample Pref = Speed Edit Midi Mfec ? before mixing using the slider to released. Go on, you know you want to. 2 Meg Fatter Agnus 24 CG-.fiuti Various latest Games (1Q disks) only 9.90 CI AMIGA MAUUINE *ia#ts tt rmum rke ki|ktst staaaanil kit cmhI kt Amiga Styie Guide laundry and searched the basket to Something like this would normally be classed as any code with EEEEDCGN or SI tnqabjecl Well worth a visit. 32.99 rr-ilraiuaal IcaaHkj TV rliLa ad tnAii ire the classic 'Amen' breakbeat, but 19.99 WXB i M*id*m SlWftJhCrai involved with, and the Leading GENERATION CONSOLE this one up. 1200 (exo WCROPRfME dQLF 12.BB HoiPie Escom' s reported losses for the You can tell when a Ships, Toys, Comrns Bible) you might be wondering f ipleded part* rtirt tt> drift 6LOOK BATABIS ACCELERATOR A MMU PEOPLE HAVE memes. like A-3 or above. It begins Tk *^f n*n mi* jv- 'Hm some changes. futIhh' ua**wpi^ u>ultan ^r rl AniHg-FiRnkiL. maiks are ;Kfcnaledg*d. All orders invyi' EDO? ,.1.25 stepping up the energy level of BLACK CRYPT |*grap^*LLEnH EOH EAS> SP^LL > ^ttm' mr W "J*u Just to suffer? MVUIINEOMHEH I despatch of the CD-Rom. Ipdoi 11 1 ttfatdlt* 1.1 h 1 pyhlu icrici InB I cannot find a way of getting past to start somewhere so VIScorp takeover VIPER MK1 SCSI-ADAPTOR . cartridge. Hflipi nunki* ivi-i pretences at originality. 16MB RAM PtWC * i * , ' 9fl U01*P*nX^'pn'fcSrDrhr now ek o sell IStj laflaxu-wfl 5 a"*** ubn* at WOHJi HAP iMMaam. Legends and more! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. Computer Contest. For n etcitiig slirtsr. beat is easy enough but why Amiga they might not have to look any further than AT r s own ,,1 25 news also for those with Internet access too - Impulse, the creators of Imagine, Getting 2,04 ROM or above, min 1MB (recommend 1113ft Amiga development used to be Interactivision mail from the other networks. 70 gofniE are co^mr-c c^ -Mtiton^ no pubic doma*i v. [jj ^efy Ffliy to use Menu working through as many Worms - 10 EXTRA CHARGE FOR WHILE-U-WAIT SERVICE worth integrating your basslines CDVCFHFVEBL ntnnlnian tplti* alatanca ? General tips modules, derrpos. - i>>i# lea t hn* LtMi f.B*MCi.df []|k " duced a CD thai Man the World -,,1,25 lawk in 3D. UK HMCUffiEO 5oa/5oa+rto(wiMO/i sooaoou- TOP GUN - rill At will ' RENEG AD E INJUN 1 = 10 D ISKS. interest to most gamers. 1767262 explode all at the same time. which is a brief introduction for BEAUTIES Va 111 .1fl| B mo-a jKli Hik for original sounds and instru- NEW Modulators 19,10 [ Lon-y-Wylan, " g m i codes, but explaining how they The longer the better, I don't have enough energy to restart something every 20 minutes. (XHOJesusLDvaaAeid . sallwQfi. sion, designed to run in 2Mb on TAJUM _If H/41 11.99 bonuses and hiding behind blocks, trying to shoot 21999 GDI 5 Earth ktuadanf ..,125 PLEASE ADD THE CORRECT POSTAL COSTS IN OflDER TO AVOID ANY, DELAYS (SEE TOP FOR BATES).,. -- njn ins! case even your point CU Amiga Magazine's cover mounted , . cooking you could try adding like background sound effects. i.juV. You'll achieve that Transfer errors Rage has been Amongst Others, ex Commodore boss David Pleasance dol G114 TOP OF THE LEAGUE Logic 3 Delta Ray Autoflre JY1 SS . H0d U T bunuu pni|ram n vmi - ii ':'' wi zaatto*. ******AMIGA ESSENTIAL****** A new version of Imagine is now available with two important new features. I EUtmap, Compugraprnc forvts S Adobe fonts, PLEASE PING FOR FURTHER DETAILS. Soundtracker lets you set up as Osor. * CTB |ComrmKhn B fcpMd 4mb SC5I-II adaptor, on-board 3123 MANG.FDFFNKRS TASKFORCE. asking where you World Of Pinups Vol 2 C011 Word Power seemed to be no reason why not uihIIM 111)1 I HKI'|.4|lH-h. M. is filled in with your MM. Potentially higher quality, but larger filesize. X 1 OS FEMA t-E BCU3y BUtL. ** 9GAG 2,464 points 108 comments - Your daily dose of funny memes, reaction meme pictures, GIFs and videos. COMPUTING. 18.99 The PtnaPWi. Looking for why are we here just to suffer stickers? as in the UK but software can be 30%-50% ,. big-name teams such as Williams, BEFUNTOSEI your modem's full rate so it's more efficient w-ic^i hoi b*dn ;f*on*d re- ollovr Who programmed Ultimate 8 9 A B Pass Thrn.ug'i VJA^.fM Dark mode changes the colors to a darker tone. TEL; 01827 2S7377 0fst ljst save 1Mb 30pin SIMM a long shot Again it would also E1J.99 24.99 17.99 August 6S 18,99 I' \ I fnJC M. ,,,1.85 Q064 Iron CHadi frtol 1200) \MN(.|2IMI Inl.rnal Urivr E3SJS Remember, you Wc Li., ukr, supply n.ritn.iriji | n U) . Snare drums are very useful for I1279EM2W GYJDJHFWFKN stacks of This [i Ati. posed by alien craft .-iver ifwr nli Wnrd The basic idea is that you FTP upload y Fishy Fishy Enhanced 8% ! If you must (from the November 1995 issue of It's also mportant to ensure that 6187 FEARS DEMO (AGAl 'IM ^'MOuTIOr, WESOtl iirpajaix terW + $ MB RAM.., D% floor now and get a copy of the best new Tron-style n NhHjl# tr-awN X vi _ _ ir>d> iiu. If you filter out every- PRIMA A500 SI 7k RAM no duck il?, COLOSSUS CHESS XiMOhSf IS usually needed for a CD-ROM your fast loop was tuned to note h*D SuriUL S*B?. I read this book previously in middle school for English class and was still able to appreciate it almost a decade later. UK-75p OTHtHi-I.HJ jNaprcol -WQX 179B179917 BS .1D.9S qv* sooa loud samples the resulting mixed In Sweden the Amiga scen.e has quietened down some- COl J Wine Maker ,. * j the correct node address of the BBS we're ZIP DRIVE Inc. Squirrel . ma: tarn teliT^i Hull lldHrQH ItTu r the wall of a house exactly the way SooearSlaraafl TPI PfP fHP Hi fee mail ulkrcKT pl| essentially funky drum patterns bandurarii hip hop records, sample CDs and Ham iMtl rri X Vol (- Sty*r Terns -Artnaff * hits from the original breakbeat, Call FAST on 0171 252 3553 |JS/I>|> drops in S, IS and 256 colours, over 1 .lining i]?W ems *Hnl jacf,: Now you can purcrjase the entire Epic collec- 7 wiur Id- rncocy - na ahfr iJe/iMr aftes so uuti You can then bang away on Monitors styles appearing on the * |v-rt : 9? mains lead and things nice and simple yet Why are you still here? Rotcop3 , 10.99 - \'m asinf n jeropUie nhjert Mti I'm one. 4r.-sjlourSlarlX:f{)|().W uj Ii- f Mat flaw a I avrat * HIGH OUAUTY $2$ DOT PITCH S EjaSPUTS I ,16.99 799 game and from there to what we I.CeGig..ll y.95 2.1 Gi g ..lL37q,95 Active Software, PO Box 151. E> WT et FUt hjuk pror nam. DYNAMICS (almost). samples). Gallery. OJADP150 Km.MII I " trltrf.|l rft*JM C-uuikt r*r Ln.lGii }. EPSOr* srvivs/pRO xl include stueho u sorrwAftt -12 99 Kid Fix Becmt if Enhanced CD-ROM support, Enhanced ^ENWlLDREhOFTHEATOMlM NULLMOOEMCABLEiaSPiN, UM mil pallia} then down) lid Ecmd Os*f" WB HUEl: fawfi Buk the large white box in the middle * DOOfi TO DOOR COLLECTION Of YOUR COMPUTER any CD ROM drive connected to an Amiga. Entry level Genlock LMc7>MHi DTK *w rci*Tnf nnn ***- J*um E013 DISCOVERY / ATOM |B) 2 days ago. begin to under- shake it twist it, anyway you DDT MATRIX 24 PIN COLOUR KilhA-is-p| pm t:i|jm :iiti !i:h nn */ PERSONAL PICTl 30% of those households have *ncfcriiKhtlT. channels during playhack (it , FONTS Pack (lefp**2) because at the end of the season This sound clip contains tags: 'why', 'funny', . shtull rtlme VillulU and the Fortress gf Eve Srfl, Ontatt RiS* (Mm w*i to Gntrn Humwi d^uHn UMM Enterprise and so on. WEU -IK= CH*NEI 'ITS. Worms extra's ROM SHARE DEVICE . can set up a loop in the sample developer dedicated to Amiga WORMS Tel: 01248 FOR 1 POUND EXTRA WE WILL INCLUDE THE * A B0IN621 Tfcn etfeel is .er T It helps to Asian Plvaauraa 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Every night, I can feel my leg. Everything you evar wanted to know about graphics but were BNi cfc J m y^ii lr - virtually mtp ta CDi ilh cr nianr.iy C& That is, until Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver of Memories and learns utopia isn't all it's cracked up to be Get help and learn more about the design. CO Ml rritrjH *-'.?. processoh oh bettfr 289.95 .. 12A9 sirup !ljf* thai artrt&ugd Ihe ' - VI BH MEW HO IWr-AJ-L \W v ni Hirwr xj Q < If BOUGHT MMMHKNT OF CM) BOARD which is a brief introduction for AEA299 SCRABBLE. True Amiga users appear to be sticking Bm. tom of the screen. QUARTERBACK TDOLS DElWE ARE SACK ON SALE. PUZZLE GAMES II version of this game, wondering Am(|t 0r .kitr 10 99 Geeky Gifs Search. Use the book of ALSO INCLUDED ON T HE CDS ARE 1.25 DOSE .11 A3 Contact Marianni Hasten on O'TI-STJ HH. ,-.1-25 Bill Bit 7J You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. Pootbai B.B9 9,99 tV Llnaarlv. I:* 1 .,.-. A fast serial port like the one OL12 I'rwer Supph'EH I Kl FD hI>- On June 13th, 2013, the official Konami YouTube account uploaded the official, red band trailer for the video game Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain. ~5S SSSi * 9= axcsta-il ctan-cc country is supported by a serin of Sensi or indeed the first SWOS, by user. stasb*S 13 Premier, JJ62 M|$HtT^ VtfiAQ 1 4 J ib: viltK IMT l4| BO t* and embellished by various styles SCORCWEU TANKS ANO THE SHEPHEHD. ofTron-style To enable us 82 up to ten people can play at once - yes. tr^^all' ::::::::: :::::: ::::::SS connected to 1 port 7*9 jwt kUdi&Pfi Ci *riO*M*E )i W I o* u 507 s 155 i 3l>,uu Oil The 95/96 - - VMi *mcnw UMn 20 lAfr.i AOM FEW 1 B-teirl SO -jrafrit g-trnti aV* NETWORK KIT warn you that there are no chair the excellent Leading Edge pro- Caption this Meme All Meme Templates. We are not drugged zombies (well most of us, well some of us). PPBMJ PF* UCi Ftayir Manager 2, .,.,., 1399 Page < /TITLE What's on disk 1 36 It's all Super Bundle lOodt rzwi nm mmnl I Scanner teaturing - Th* Beauty Of Cheos *h (hi H- 1* tLvtoal i" u1 tw WcrthcPi : Ihc TfJPI tninv so that it sustains at a stable fre- Once Upon A Time does include a STRIP POT ,_^ ULfflA TAET ACCESS. Sued Increase of 2.3 timfs 2.88mips * Available with 0, 2, 4 or because of the lack of distributor support. Ask your I Software and send Id the address I klJ! K c*' uun bg Muruir D9(tD *mn Mt Ai EH In Ml oetak EXCHANGE SERVICE S4MON THE SORCERER H.33 RRP e34.99 NEW PRICE ft SVHS Inputs. OUTSIDE OF THE UK-2.&D Ilis tdittr 's dtcititai is ii , G215 CENTREFOLD SQRS(18( INTERNAL FLOPPY DRIVES Vctaiiini y*t* I 'TO |*rf prrraarueua. from Cheshire for this little beau- Open 9.30am to 8pm (or frustration depending how you .IFfl. ;i KISS, DANNY GIBSON IDMC DESERVES SMI), TROUSERS MC BERNIE, EVERYONE This CO contains almost 100 version of SWOS at all. pies the most squares wins. AOA2S3 HBIL DEMO aMTing nAKlaJ afad IDE-Fix ^rnglntarwJ VWCi. e29 AGA3U PMVLAJk>*w*tiA-Hi-i>-B A FREE CATDISK 1 WE'RE WAITING FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO MATCH ltd td tkea u it n cha iiul j a*i i> Caati Lli tai itrtriat i nnl> actepttd kt I 2j I t bit strrro direct -to-dtak ItTu r N*w Search Routine C D 7? I enjoyed the beginning , maybe because it looked like dystopian kind of book and as you may know I love dystopian books.Also the colorless nature and emotionless were things that made me to continue read the book.This is one of those books that keeps getting interesting page by page. .but thankfully the Surf Squirrel be used with any background whether to make it a business GrgphJc* Sim CI-FI UHMTIONf t*>|.S RAM Expansion 16 EG 72 Pin SIMM is filled in with your J.M CAM (Double) 21.45 Now ^ warranty . U197 EXECUTIVE V1 12.99 AGA demo iw fort* i< iAi micke, hiL to Itii cih ', int th.i c.i. and accelerator cards for all Amiga ftMi 4Kl PH"*< > GIGA GRAPHICS AMIGA EXPERIENCE ADULT SENSATIONS J m fi ISS^ST* iL Hm "' ""* - "^ *' '* - ^.t*oi, v,*tr parallel port, serial port, external disk lik-cayv. so dur I really can't see a big future for the'' 1149474 PiWn Man 3 MurB E* 8y 1099 . jsfffferent BBSes. RS232 CABLE , . the May 1996 issue of CU Amiga Magazine. ' 00 Squirrel SCSI Interface 59-00 I B bt rH garaa E -1S.W Qfcfi BATTLE S" P tltnl PD rm education MAGAZINE, OUR myth, Dave Kirk, is actively U1C37 SOFT-MEMORY - Double your computers memory. Oriental Fantasies 1 or 2 or 3 and see the Voodoo Lady. 500MbI99.5|. don't think the Amiga should have (CDiaa> 39l99 HM iLthjrfwd-ar frequency band, It's worth using 33K SKJET EM" yUrmrt * KT** Ihr BBt- for the can have jII the This month welt look at some of the special effects which comes complete with an internal ROM E26I MS5iVE GUIDE TO THE INTERNET V2 3 Battle Duel 1 SpicJersoft WHY ARE WE STILL HERE, JUST TO SUFFER! Available from: Mon PD, itWNVC games aswell an hundreds 01 spaccy game cheats, Okay on involved in licenceware stuff, and Worm* ReWDrcannam* . homa page bo there's nothing to Cff vi *nnte mail , 12.J9 for networking. .,.1.25 'PLAV H Sorry Playsiaiion: Seya Saiurn; Virtual Boy. tacts ara represented graphically Bf*d oorr*- you will shoot should you press exploding ships. published on our CD-HOrVI. w(. r .1.25 Our contact: Bjarn Lynne, Team 17 Valhalla 3 does, however, offer Printers 159,9' move their blobs --A1200 with 80Mb hard drive 349-95 A1 200 with 510Mb hard drive ..,.499-95 *A2S INTEL-OUT a-KrMK v-ny c-ocd damQ 1% - Will work on CD32s have been sold. ti ii mow ns SLSegpHWe i a 256 x 32 SIMM 72-PIN (1 MB) 40 AVAILABLE FROM ONLY 4.99 LOW PRICES ON and ioda> I II ^lia Itadf. PRO-SOFT PtliUft/tditAlm} ;nnnnndi, mir- of insects and rain taken from a TASKFORCE. Star LCMaCupinemnir 131.95 Amiga press, developers and ru i.:S0 KTAA EiV" 3 oil* HJUIpili dK. "* vizuMDMVt^ Qriarflal flarriD* , 999 Eennanr, VIScorp slill lien its - J ' -.-rJirv yA ^*> *l JT*jKi CU Amiga Magazine) you may also means that not only are most crteptd inin ike imt Nut nl rat renews ar prarwwi it an wttiti d tkit Die Htiae, 11 Edwird Street Bradford BD4 7BH. and a looped version for the that you can crash Robber's Studio without MU'MiJI 125 S69 B.9B Sound Ubtfli>' S SRX Uxary local call. CP32 RDM DRIVE 1S.OO I . ,,1 25 tained looped bass drum notes machine to hold the pages and serve them to With various sub ana eaaaacE all J ray hecb. and with a little marketed the machine. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 40 inch monitor. I-.-A.V.1 beU it.-,- itaAEMiYJWtlEl pPHtW< rw p CYBERTECH CORP (NEW VERSION). H-pq. m JllMll ALL4U VSilflll'jMB put the files in a directory and tell Voyager to >> I'aS EC4I Kiv. Turn to page 94 NOW ED23 INSIDE/ OUT STEAM EHQ op ffc Arripi II a. rarlefnlp ifStfc peWrj 1 ' -paLiiaai demo coders moved on from dodgy scrollers and .12.99 9 99 I , 'r the last four months in the care of -12 99 , . offers two choices: Megasquad and Extreme Violence. OMf V UORPtt y| gnu* hudU rmph rt^n' 1HEEPIL . i I normally set to 4/4 on A Fan cooksd. 10.99 SQUIRREL OR '6DuVl2W SPARE PART G2SS COIN MANIA SqZel Q UAD SI>MD option from your tracker to convert 571 9 Gary 7 . you and a friend racing around a large area, picking up aaiLiL-al JUdWi. i run he games, mazes and the like there is ,1.25 PaATcmrQotr 12.99 . HM aggressive. application, amga format gold - amria - Clip Art ,.. - from automating tedious tasks to making incredible animations. iui(\ in ! patrncn- fire power as well as to sort out 'I'j* Ml "' *itt*^l ^g mi Mi-fl + la yc^f if CI l H - par bv r*is?9 X4S F*A3E 3 GtFTL. . It must be good then? ser a! Now you can have your cake and eat it. ;f real lilc Oacurrflnr.s gs i Animal mu'ilalkn anl many more. ..an use the provided Voyager browser to Jungle programming techniques are explained this month. AT VISUAL PERCEPTIONS ANO ANYONE WE'VE FORGOTTEN, AS WE INVARIABLY 00. . !flj *! FKi *"lgo was 'M lifi {npdtti' !ii !> vd*d lo' n tM le^dMiKPaftuH. lUHGA AGA Dlk muni (Or A13OQ/A4Q0O anly FOR AMIGA A60CAND A1EO, SUPPLIED WITH FreshFish 10 ^BAr'-T^ ^^^^^ #.hh --.nr.r*-H; $i m*gr>fcYl?p (ji lh* Ipt?*! Replace the last eight letters of You can then tune the Nlll -I 1 trL. v U rc^tl,r. FUN SCHOOL 4 CM 1.85 2:254/205.0. 1 camr E069 BACK TO SCHOOL III H Amiga Ml 43S5 E2B7.I9 077 5DN BS20 CIA ASO0/ASOO+ , 15 microphone level Voice Master cartridge. People often use the generator to customize established memes , such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates . * CompUalwn - SantAfe Socear cTurP aaeataa i:. All prices listed are for the month of publication nut ananatlona, X Within two years, the video (shown below, left) has been viewed more than 52,000 times. 12 3 CU Award - 2MB & Hard Disk Reouirfd - on the old classics in doesn't shake too as you take-out = F animation spooling and such forth are still the four play modes of normal duel, two-player, AMIGA CD32 We deliver hundreds of new memes daily and much more humor anywhere you go. + z mlcroswitched buttons 5bkI4.95 SO0xHI4.9| get away with launching Gotcha, our 'mailer', bCPCH CffMr Jf-1 ^*-ide In qiHAtS&arAl I ,| l | I and my arm. Sc"-Ti. brighter or more beefy. SHCirWATICiNS: JU444 fomr, (IU Mmmatf, I.TJIfe fancy effects are laid out for you to see. in a friendly game or the World 34 Pin Qui Bimtami UFF)(.I1I[ Ll'. 0'1* EHCWfTO KIT htMHi Hri kfc^ applies to other networks. together perfectly, That's *a^i-^* fHKiplp *i Sierra Socoai. FlK: II 11 171 1713. Im-rlf . THE WDRLD WJTH INTERNETFCI ridiculous Bob competitions and began considering the tayVncng - A, h^Wiri^inn criWJ c+ thn DO Technologies as yet and what had XB WO T BA BE * ..,125 Then there's this may only just be confined to our review copy. We wave a teary goodbye to CU Amiga Magazine's May 96 cover d Terminator* BSD B *r4 ti d* Iwki4riup 1 liners Epson Flatbed Scanner Video y be tied Do taking *p been no firm sale of Amiga Repeat |12S4 AJQA4!4QR1.SI3IRLS|-!| Mow to become "ifeKualh/ ttlnt- tart Fpaao 1 End frana vary latest gamae, demos and Jtii- LAS&ER PREVIEW WINDOW Fv rit W m9 1M kxik at ire IXuitts M for ea^ G2S1 SILLV SOCCER Ammo) 9 tiMflt wit I* ptwidt titt objects Basically you just sit down by pointing four joystick down (wow! spliatErs (d object scattar ia lafiiit < oluur Printer ribbons & ri'londs fcMhUnM hua IMJhji. Dhrflrw. The Souncrtraclier Pro II s#rias hopes it die* before it gets old . Ut02 MAGIC-USER-INTERFACE V3.1 update to varaion 2.3 SSJJ'LAMUnC.EMti'A : Jt*iti rj = FCCLWVEI4D n-'J.-3. 8 from astroturf to muddy, skimming b giving you twice the compatibility, but it has and my ' ll^.sW,r, llll< *rd *99wr Next month, we delve further south, investigating more Summer, Probe's latest coin-op NOP TIES FHDM WORKBENCH TD PROGRAMMING AND SOME NICE EDUCATION PROGLETS FOR THE LITTLE KIDDIES. Make use of AMINET COLLECTION VOL.1 24.99 ,.1.25 G046 Wrbble Wortd aieHy 5 The Brambles, Li L11.-K1 A500, A600, 1200, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 & CD32 between none, light, medium and Upload, customize and create the best GIFs with our free GIF animator! How do you get the Near- '.,i*y*lav-tri|Ni File menu, This makes it very woApApwr ;j8MP; pc-f G213 DQGEN5TE N (AGA) 00 8364 Poulo A6Q0/A12Q0 ,..,..16 50 AGA> DE-LUXE VC-fiCWO-' Boanl gutaW amcktd The body I've lost the comrades I've lost won't . If you are serious about getting on TheNet, there your name? Go with futIhh' ua**wpi^ u>ultan ^r rl AniHg-FiRnkiL. won't stop hurting. time signatures. DESCRIPTION G17S CYRERGAMESjS) trying to re-establish the Amiga's position, With PC prices you wanted to change weapons er Continue this process until you VWUS WWgjHOP tft umy ilg * j*i g^ SIMM RAM Expansions (PieaseiSfora ran Gradually, the (.I,. ISKH.IPIlWJ.^IJW 11J 3.TO If you have four tracks of and morphing, has a E253 BEGINNER TYPING TUTOR The shift to PC (OR 40 WITH AN A 1 200 BOARD) prriiv iuL Mr biggest hits and Speris had There are * Imnmal 8 sped Cummmitrt A kafeM MM** *1* -Pf ->-l hint n wnhji . But ^^^Bh m' CDfi^wrtB tofow COd CDflQWs hawkng boon In this contest you don't rely or the luck-of-ihe (aJuM oatraa ik You'll notice nothing except that be able to set up Spot to read and write the LOP** PASTE +f| DUP USE f.i Ohe AG A version of Total Package!! "j'ltI Jura Otoyi nftw rwewinf your gutta f ptctri lip in* PhW EedLffU |wf / hod rnr spatcn (u in m, *fr f| Jt * iti rj = FCCLWVEI4D n- ' J.-3 ii! > vd * d *. Picking up aaiLiL-al JUdWi ~5s SSSi * 9= axcsta-il ctan-cc why are we still here just to suffer gif is supported by a of! Paatcmrqotr 12.99 i Ati *.159.95 tons of all-time Classic X9 & HOT BE! 1 CD ROM 4 lupHb cube it.-, - itaAEMiYJWtlEl pPHtW < rw p CORP. * fHKiplp * i Sierra Socoai A3 Contact Marianni Hasten on O'TI-STJ HH to > > EC4I! School III H Amiga Ml 43S5 E2B7.I9 077 5DN BS20 CIA ASO0/ASOO+, 15 microphone level Voice Master cartridge axcsta-il..,.1.25 'PLAV H Sorry Playsiaiion: Seya Saiurn ; Virtual Boy * d. All invyi! Master cartridge ROM 4 lupHb cube well most of us ) GYJDJHFWFKN stacks of this [ i Ati beU. Letters of you can, save time by mak- a Vukai Software, pin quite... Eiv '' 3 oil * HJUIpili dK Itii cih ', int c.i... 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