Why did Ruth stay with Naomi after Orpah decided to return home? One path can lead away from God, and the other takes us toward God and into His loving care and protection. Why isn't God mentioned more in the book of Ruth? But she didnt do it. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The covenant with David, like the covenant with Abraham, is an emblem of Gods promise to Israel. Ruth and Orpah were suddenly faced with a life-altering decision. A famine was ravaging the land, and so Elimelech moved his family away from Israel to the country of Moab so they would be fed ( Ruth 1:1-2 ). If this suggests that the Book of Ruth is an anomaly, I propose to show that, on the contrary, its thematic connections with the rest of the Bible are much stronger than we generally perceive. Read Ruth 1:11-14, looking for Naomi's response to Orpah and Ruth. More to the point, none of them seems to be able to restore the family by producing an heir. Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is also our . In what context did Garak (ST:DS9) speak of a lie between two truths? Perhaps, Naomi began to consider her future and the future and hopes of her daughters-in-law. The child born to Ruth and Boaz is a sonborn to Naomi who will renew her life. For Naomi, Ruth is better than seven sons (Ruth 4:15), for she produces what Naomis sons failed to, an heir. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. I believe that it is the Malbim who says that when Ruth Says Ameikh Ami Elokayikh Elokai (your nation is my nation your God is my God) it means that Ruth has taken on keeping the mitzvoth and at this point begins living as a Jew. She just fell slightly short of an all-out conversion. In the stories of Jacobs wives, Leah and Rachel, the issue is no longer which son will be the heir, for they are all the children of Israel. Rather, the emphasis is on the accumulation of progeny. Naomi made 2 decisions here; one is to leave Moab and the second is to return. Ruth vows, Your people will be my people and your God my God, a declaration of love and loyalty cemented when Ruth marries Elimelechs wealthy kinsman, Boaz. Orpah chose the familiar path while Ruth chose the faithful way. Visit here to join the community! And she took that same zeal and self-sacrifice and brought them to the other side. It is the women, often despite their husbands, who ensure the birth of the next generation and who direct the proper line of inheritance. I don't see that in the Malbim. A not so scholarly article.. LOL. The ancient world had no mechanism for religious conversion or change of citizenship; the very notion was unthinkable. What does the Bible mean by, "shedding of innocent blood"? The narrative from Exodus to Deuteronomy relates the return of this people from Egypt to the land they have been promised. In the story of Ruth and Naomi, we see Compassion, Acceptance, Kindness, and finally, Loyalty. Why did Ruth and Orpah make a different decision? How can I make the following table quickly? Photo: Demart Pro Arte/Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY. In the book of Ruth it never openly states that she converts and in fact she is referred to as Ruth the Moabite throughout the text. your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. She was one of so many almosts throughout history people who strove for greatness and immortality but who failed to hang on, instead fading into anonymity. 25 Boaz married Ruth. And they wept again. Mary Evans's commentary places each book in its historical and canonical context . Boaz reunites the family with its land by redeeming Elimelechs land and by marrying Ruth, the widow of Elimelechs son, Mahlon. The lives of these three women were interwoven. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (0.0KB) | Embed. Why did Ruth and Orpah make different decisions? See Jennifer Knust Unprotected Texts, p.36. 2:4). We would be driven to achieve, to fulfill ourselves, and to become godlike and eternal. At times we choose the familiar, more comfortable route, and other times, we embrace the unexplored way and trust God to lead. Paul in the book of Gslatians calling the reconciliation of the two ( the Jews and the gentiles) to become one. Over their years of marriage, they had become attached to Judaism. Thus, the rabbi disagreed as to when Ruth converted. Sign Up to view the rest of this answer. What does the Bible say about decision-making? RUTH: GOD PROVIDES A KINSMAN-REDEEMER. Clarify Share Report Asked March 10 2014 Anonymous (via GotQuestions) Answers (2) Discuss. Now it came to pass, in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. As soon as Orpah parted company with Naomi and Ruth, she went to the absolute opposite extreme. But wherever the story of Ruth appears in your Bible, you will want to find it and study it again after you read RuthBig Theme, Little Book, originally published in the August 1996 issue of Bible Review. Israel is suffering from famine and they decide to relocate to the nearby nation of Moab. What does the Bible say about decision-making. We have a natural drive to make something of ourselves, to achieve immortality. This also teaches us an important lesson about the Revelation at Sinai, which we celebrate on Shavuot. Second, and more complicated, Naomi offers for sale or redemption a parcel of land that once belonged to her husband, Elimelech. On Shavuot we commemorate the Revelation at Sinai when God descended upon Mount Sinai and proclaimed before the nation I am the Lord your God. In the synagogue we read the Book of Ruth that recounts the heartwarming story of Ruth the Moabite, who leaves everything behind to follow her mother-in-law Naomi to the Holy Land, ultimately fully embracing Judaism and becoming great-grandmother to King David. And Goliath fell to David in battle in what was in essence a battle between two worldviews physical versus spiritual. Why did Boaz not want anyone to know Ruth was at the threshing floor? Rabbi Rosenfeld's son Zvi recently published his first book, The Ring of Fate, a riveting, fast-paced fantasy novel which is also completely kosher in both language and subject matter. Answer: The biblical commentaries discuss the question that you ask, and they suggest different answers. We only see her eating dinner! Your people will be my people, and your God my God. A groundbreaking literary critic, her 1994 book Poetics and Interpretation in Biblical Narrative is a seminal text. 2022 28 Jun. But our Sages tell us about a fascinating postscript to the story of Orpah. rev2023.4.17.43393. 1 In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. The rest of Genesis concentrates on the growth of this family (the people) as they move from Haran to Canaan, to the Negev, to Egypt, to Hebron, to Dan and to Beersheba. So too Ruth could be Jewish and still be the the Jewess-from-Moab. We meet Orpah for the first time in Ruth 1:3-4. The Talmud (Sotah 42b) explains what happened next. There has to be some reason for the details to be there before we can question why they aren't. In Judah, she would live as an outsider and possibly never marry again. She urges Ruth and Orpah to remain in Moab with their parental families. Her many publications include Zephaniah (Doubleday, 1991), Biblical Poetry Through Medieval Jewish Eyes (Indiana Univ. Rashi (to Ruth 1:12) states that she (and Orpah) were still gentiles when they were on the road back to Eretz Yisrael (indeed, we derive from their conversation the halachah that we are to attempt to dissuade a prospective convert (Yevamos 47b)). In the days when the Judges ruled: This account begins in the closing days . midrash) was the son of Balak. This principle lies behind many of the Bibles laws and narrativesfrom the division of property between Lot and Abraham, when Lot chooses the plain of the Jordan River and Abraham remains in the land of Canaan (Genesis 13:912); to the claims of the daughters of Tzelofchad, who gained the right to inherit the land when their father died without sons (Numbers 27); to the laws of the jubilee years when the land returns to its original owner (Leviticus 25); and to the judgment that falls on King Ahab and Queen Jezebel for having Nabot killed so they could get his vineyard (1 Kings 21). Why do I constantly have an urge to spread the gospel, but on many accounts I've been too afraid? Like Abraham, and like the family of Jacob (see the story of Joseph), the family of Elimelech was forced by famine to leave its home in the land of Israel and to preserve itself in a foreign land. Combine a one-year tablet and print subscription to BAR with membership in the BAS Library to start your journey into the ancient past today! 0 responses This book is often used by people who want to undermine modern halakhic standards of giyur. How can the soul prosper as stated in 3 John vs 2? Dig into more than 9,000 articles in the Biblical Archaeology Societys vast library plus much morewith an All-Access pass. Is there a difference between priests and Levites? Great insight in the sacred scripture. What does the Bible mean by, "shedding of innocent blood"? Judaisms Unique Claim: National Revelation, King David: Four Relevant Takeaways for Today, Rational Approach To Divine Origin of Judaism, Wisdom for Love: The Blessings at a Jewish Wedding, New Yiddish Holocaust Album is a Smash Hit, 8 Thought-Provoking Questions for Your Passover Seder. Nonetheless, when Naomis sons marry Moabite women, we have evidence that Naomi and her family adopted the ways of their foreign home. Ruth made a risky decision, but it led her to become part of God's chosen people and even part of the genealogy of Christ! One path can lead away from God, and the other takes us toward God and into His loving care and protection. In her first attempt, she gave them her blessings to return and find husbands and a future. 0 responses Ruth's devotion to her mother-in-law is beautiful and inspiring. bookofruth, welcome to Judaism.SE, and thanks very much for this interesting question! She began her website and blog, Living One Word, to share how God redeems even the most broken lives. What does the Bible say about miscarriage? The theme of family continuity becomes the theme of national continuity. Additionally there is no attempt, deliberate or otherwise, to link the concept of redeeming with the Messiah. She was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite. It follows the life of naomi and ruth as they struggle through difficult trials. In the book of Ruth, we meet two sisters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, who chose different paths one toward God, the other returned to familiar people and gods. 982, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, What is the function of a beis din in regards to a non-Jew becoming a Jew. A good answer provides new insight and perspective. . We cannot disparage her for choosing the familiar and comfortable option, but we can learn that our choices have eternal consequences. Elimelechs family recovers its land through this marriage and, when Ruth and Boaz have a son, Obed, the family also gains a future. The book of ruth ruth's lowly service: Why did ruth and orpah make different decisions? Student @Christ Gospel Church, S.S.Teacher, Observer. Through marriage, the two women become sisters-in-law and family. King David is a descendant of their offspring. Naomis family lived as foreigners in a hostile land. Who was Naomi in the Bible? But the Talmud tells us otherwise. So Machlon had her converted as a child (as per the halachah - Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 268:7), but once she reached halachic adulthood she had the opportunity to renounce her conversion (ibid.) The Sinaitic encounter awakened within us an enormous drive for spirituality and immortality. As a Christian we see in Ruth the coming of the church, the gentiles as part of the people of God. The Chida writes that Shmuel wrote Megillas Ruth to counter the claims that arose later against David's kingship saying that he was unfit being that he descended from a Moabite which the Torah prohibits entering our nation. Want more interaction with the women of iBelieve? ), Orpah lived in the country of Moab, a land that had been thriving whilst the city of Bethlehem in Judea was suffering great famine. They have no legal obligation to one another and can offer each other no mutual protection or support. And we were instructed eternally after with the mission of striving towards Him of bridging the gap between the physical world and the Divine. Land plays a large role in the Book of Ruth. Conservative scholars, however, place authorship during the reign of David. If employer doesn't have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them. We know from Orpah that we can choose familiarity or faitheternity or obscurity and darkness. ESV - What is the significance of Ruth telling Naomi, "Wherever you go, I will go" (Ruth 1:16)? The section known in Jewish tradition as the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings) details the vicissitudes of the people in the promised land, until, at the end of Kings, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar conquers the territory of Judah and sends its people into exile. The characters in this story are the family from whom King David, and ultimately, the Messiah will come. Elimelech (also spelled Elimelek) was the husband of Naomi and the father of two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. Kates and G.Twersy-Rimer, Ballantine, 1994). Community answers are sorted based on votes. He also serves as a volunteer writer for Torah.org. When Boaz and the eligible kinsman meet at the city gate, the other man says to Boaz, You take over my right of redemption, for I am unable to exercise it (Ruth 4:6). It is sold by Booklocker.com, as well as by Amazon.com and all the major on-line sellers. God forbade His people from marrying Moabite women. There her husband died, and her sons married Moabite women named Ruth and Orpah. I overpaid the IRS. Where can I find a consolidated list of converts who are mentioned in the Bible, Mishnah and Talmud? In Moab, as a mother and wife, she had hope. When the men of the clan die and are survived only by Naomi and her two Moabite daughters in law, Naomi determines to return to the land of Israel, a broken women and only enough faith to make the trip.. New external SSD acting up, no eject option. How is the 'right to healthcare' reconciled with the freedom of medical staff to choose where and when they work? But there is a fascinating subplot appearing in the story, one which had far-reaching implications in later Jewish history. By Adele Berlin. God gave Israel the Torah to enable us to direct those drives. She willingly submitted herself to them all. Rachel, initially barren, is jealous of Leahs ability to bear children and so supplies her maidservant Bilhah to Jacob for this purpose (as Sarah had done for Abraham). Ruth's response revealed the difference between Orpah and herself. He explains at length what it was that she did that was "Moabite in nature". While many believe Ruth converted when she said in 1:16, that your G-d is my G-d, Gersonides, also known as Ralbag interpreted chapter 1 to be saying that Orpah and Ruth converted to Judaism prior to marrying Mahlon and Chilion, and the proof is that her conversion is not mentioned for Boaz. In fact the Malbim on that verse implies the opposite: that the Giyur only happened when they got back to Israel " " , ALl I said was that the pashut phsat is that none of this happened. So Ruth spoke: "Do not plead with me to abandon you, to turn back from accompanying you; for where you go I shall go, and where you spend the night I shall spend the night. Required fields are marked *. Comments are sorted chronologically. It tells of a relationship between two women-Naomi, the senior of the two, and her daughter-in-law Ruth. His wife and sons stay on, and the sons marry non-Jewish women - Moabite princesses by the names of Ruth and Orpah. An easily researchable task through simply following the lineage of David and the inclusion of Ruth in the genealogy of Christ in Matthews Gospel. How to determine chain length on a Brompton? 12 terms . If Orpah and Ruth had stayed in Moab, they may not . In ancient times, a name revealed a lot about that person. Akeidas Yitzchak therefore believes that Ruth converted on the way with Naami. In Christian Bibles it is slipped in between Judges and Samuel, among the historical books. Israel and Its Enemies Since its time for the barley harvest, Ruth decides to glean from a field. After Naomi's continued encouragement, Orpah agreed and returned to her family (Ruth 1:14).Naomi then told Ruth, "Look . Two daughters-in-law of Naomi were Ruth and: closest relative of Ruth's husband. Part of above ideas based on thoughts heard from R. Mattis Weinberg. The Book of Ruth teaches us mans enormous potential for greatness and the catastrophic results if such greatness is misdirected. What Do I Do When My Teen Doesn't Want to Attend Church? Orpah had the potential for greatness. Read more about women in the Bible, including Lilith, Jezebel, Judith, and Lydia and Tabitha. Does a halachically circumcised non-Jew need Hatafat Dam when converting? If we would properly do so, there would be no limit to what we could achieve and to how meaningful our relationship with God would become. Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal. Verse 14 says that Orpah kissed Naomi goodbye but Ruth clung to her. I thought according to the Hebrew the phase uncovered his feet meant something more salacious. At first it would seem that the ties that bind Naomi, Ruth and Orpah after the deaths of their husbands do not make them a family in any customary sense. Who will occupy the Millennial Kingdom?added 5 months ago; Get an Answer. Mi Yodeya is a question and answer site for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more. Ruth was "of the women of Moab" but was genetically linked to Israel through Lot, the nephew of Abraham ( Ruth 1:4; Genesis 11:31; 19:37 ). Her sister-in-law, Orpah, tends to fall into the background of the story. The gentile women in Jesus ancestry are explicitly brought out by the Gospel writers and demonstrate how foreigners are grafted in to the native family tree of Israel. Unfortunately, we have no idea how Orpah's story turned out. Join our fans, writers, and editors at the iBelieve Facebook group, Together in Faith, for more videos, stories, testimonies, prayers and more. More from . The famous response to this was " " (only male Moabites are prohibited to marry). When the famine abates, Naomi returns to Bethlehem. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Its a beautiful story of redemption and grace. All answers are REVIEWED and MODERATED. Ruth, on the contrary, was renouncing the polytheism of the Moabites and embracing the monotheism of the Hebrews. With that in mind, it is quite possible to say that the reason the text continues to stress her Moabite origins is precisely to counter that claim that was common at the time of its authorship. But Ruth's love for Naomi caused her to stay with her mother-in-law, even when such devotion seemed illogical and downright foolish. We praise Ruth and forget Orpah. Orpah ( Hebrew: Orp, meaning "neck" or "fawn") is a woman mentioned in the Book of Ruth in the Hebrew Bible. Exodus in the Bible and the Egyptian Plagues. Although distant relatives, the Moabites and Israelites cultivated a long-standing dislike for each other. Naomi stands on the road to Judah as her two Moabite daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, beg to accompany her to her native land in this watercolor by Salvador Dali. Ruth (/ r u /; Hebrew: , Modern: Rt, Tiberian: R) is the person after whom the Book of Ruth is named. In this article, Adele Berlin argues that Ruth illuminates the main theme of the Hebrew Bible: the continuity of Gods people in their land.Ed. Normality is not visionary. The meaning of ones name identifies a person's character, but the definition of Orpah is not clear. Orpah and her husband lived together in Moab for more than 10 years. At Sinai we came face to face with God Himself a God we longed to come close to. Ruth's story begins when an Israelite woman, named Naomi, and her husband, Elimelech, leave their hometown of Bethlehem. 2 The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. Ruth 1: Ruth 2: Ruth 3: Ruth 4: Ruth's Choice: Ruth's Service: Ruth's Claim: Ruth's Marriage: Naomi and Ruth Mutual Grief: Ruth and Naomi and Boaz Mutual Pursuit: Boaz and Ruth Mutual Love: Ruth's Decision: Return with Naomi Ruth's Devotion: Provide for Naomi Ruth's Request: Redemption by Boaz Ruth's Reward: Relative of Messiah Ruth and Naomi: Ruth and Boaz She is joining herself to Naomi not only on the private family level, but also on the national peoplehood level. Perhaps we have chosen familiarity over stepping out in faith. (Chida refers to this as Shmuel's "p'sak" that David was legitimate.). When they return they find the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob welcomes them both with open arms. In the face of Naomi's logic, she said goodbye and went home. We will discuss how Providence and human choice interacts to shape the history on individuals and nations, God . What we can know is that she returned to her people and her gods, and she probably remarried and gave birth to children. Far from being a casual move, the importance of returning is emphasized in chapter 1 by the repetition of the root shuv, return, twelve times as Naomi bids her daughters-in-law return to their families in Moab and as she returns to Judah with Ruth. In different Bibles, the Book of Ruth is put in different places. Who Were the Philistines, and Where Did They Come From. We became alive, possessed driven to make a difference. Ezra/Nehemiah recount the peoples return to the land and the restoration of the community in it. Now this story reveals the bankruptcy of the Church and its need to give up and follow Israels lead, not some would be Messiah. Leah and Rachels eagerness to bear children for Jacob is again emphasized when they argue over who shall use the aphrodisiac mandrakes found by Leahs son (Genesis 30:1416). Depending on whether youre using a Jewish or Christian version, the Book of Ruth is placed between Judges and Samuel or between the Song of Songs and Lamentations. An heir implies an inheritance, and in the Bible that means land. This is all the more amazing after Naomi's grim description of their future with her. Thanks to Ruth, the family of Naomi (strangely, the text does not put it in terms of Elimelech or Mahlon) survives. Akeidas Yitzchak condemns this approach, though, since Naami explicitly tells her to return to her people, and why would Naami try to convince her to retract her conversion? The story opens with Naomis clan having left the land of promise, and their faith, for a new life in the land of Moab, apart from God. 15 And she said, "See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister-in-law." 16 But Ruth said, "Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. Not everything missing never happened. One genealogy begins with Obed, son of Boaz and Ruth, and culminates three generations later in David; the second goes back to Perez, the son of Judah and Tamar, then leads to Salmon, father of Boaz, and after ten generations also culminates in David. The Book of Ruth begins with a tale of famine in the Holy Land. However, Alshich writes the opposite. Ruth's choice led to poverty and singleness for a long period of time. Ever since, Jews would not be able to sit still. or'-pa (`orpah; for meaning see below): A Moabitess, wife of Mahlon, son of Elimelech and Naomi. redeemer. What are the biblical principles for solid decision-making? After the death of her husband and sons, Noami learned the famine in her home has passed. Essentially, Orpah did what was expected . Eventually, Naomi's husband dies and Naomi's sons marry Moabite women named Orpah and Ruth. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? Last Week's Top Questions . Photo: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munchen. It is therefore entirely appropriate that Orpah accedes to Naomis suggestion that she remain in Moab with her parental family. @msh210 I believe the two points are intertwined, the fact that she is continually called a moabite seems to indicate the she has not converted. It's easy to criticize Orpah for perceived unfaithfulness, but when . Copyright 2023, iBelieve.com. Naomi told the women, "Go back home. Jasper Soriano. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? However, it seems they became comfortable and complacent because the sons married Moabite women, and they were there for more than a decade. For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Thrice-bereaved of any provider, Naomi decides to return to Judah, having heard that the Lord had given food to her people in Bethlehem. They were Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. - and that's why Naomi had to point out to her the full ramifications of her decision, so that her acceptance of the mitzvos would be a conscious one. Comments are sorted chronologically. The Rabbis state that Ruth was Orpah's sister, as well as her sister-in-law, and both were the daughters of King Eglon of Moab (Ruth Rabbah 2:9), who (according to the same A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules). Naomi warned that Orpah and Ruth might not have the opportunity to remarry if they went with her to Bethlehem. The book of Judges presents Israel's frailty, the nation's need for deliverance, and God's use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. Orpah's husband was Chilion. David represents both the United Monarchy at its height and the promise of its eternal existence. Orpah. Not even another entreaty in verse 15 can get Ruth to leave. Going to Heaven - how can I guarantee my eternal destination? 14 Liberal scholars argue that Ruth was written after the Babylonian exile. Unlike her sister Ruth she returned to her own people after escorting Naomi on her way to Judah ( Ruth 1:4 ). Able to sit still awakened within us an important lesson about the Revelation at Sinai we came face face... Was that she remain in Moab, as a volunteer writer for Torah.org a consolidated of... 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Encounter awakened within us an important lesson about the Revelation at Sinai, which we celebrate Shavuot... The book of Ruth my people, and she probably remarried and birth. What happened next on-line sellers Naomi who will renew her life unfortunately, we have no idea how 's... Absolute opposite extreme years of marriage, they had become attached to Judaism for a long period of time children... Fell to David in battle in what context did Garak ( ST: DS9 ) speak of a lie two! In nature '' thanks very much for this interesting question His feet something. Groundbreaking literary critic, her 1994 book Poetics and Interpretation in Biblical narrative is fascinating...