How to get it: Kill the squirrel on one map to the west of Nashkel. It would also be interesting to have more companions added to the game for those who have already worked their way through the available character … Quests in the prologue and first chapter of Baldur's Gate 3 1 Explore the Ruins 2 Find the Missing Shipment 3 Find the Mushroom Picker 4 Find the Nightsong 5 Free Lae'zel 6 Hunt the Devil 7 Investigate the Beach 8 Protecting the Myconid 9 Removing the Parasite 10 Rescue the Gnome More items... Ravaged Beach Map . BG:EE Walkthrough Baldur's Gate . 01-07-2019 - Det var Gabriel Bernhard, der fandt denne pin. From our 12 hours or so (so far) with the game, much of Baldur’s Gate 3 feels like a finished product. Using the tadpole's psionic power or good persuasion/deception can avoid the fight with the goblins in this village. 18/jun/2017 - BG Sword Coast map. Baldur's Gate Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Blighted Village Map . ), Rasaad - Tears of Selune battle encounter, Rasaad - Dark Moon Heretic Temple Interior, When one of your character's HP falls to 0, … You can go to the Three Old Kegs, Elfong/Sorcerous Sundries, Iron Throne or the Flaming Fist headquarters. Sequence #4 {WLK023} Baldur's Gate: South-Western North-Western Areas (28 Steps) 5. Baldur's Gate; Iron Throne Headquarters; Undercellar; Ducal Palace; Thieves' Maze; Undercity; Wilderness Zones Ophyllis will meet you, but he has no money since he was attacked on his way to get it to you. Hallway with egg sacs in the sewers of Baldur's Gate -- if you rest outside it, maybe about half the time you can get two sword or phase (I forget) spiders to spawn inside that are 2k XP each. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, North Baldur's Gate: Bheren's Home (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Bheren's Home (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Rinnie's Home (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Rinnie's Home (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Jardak's Home (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Jardak's Home (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 5 (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 5 (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 6 (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 6 (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Silvershield Estate (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Silvershield Estate (second floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Splurging Sturgeon (ground floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Splurging Sturgeon (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Blade and Stars (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Blade and Stars (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Blade and Stars (third floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ducal Palace (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ducal Palace (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ducal Palace (third floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ducal Palace (basement), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Blushing Mermaid (ground floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Blushing Mermaid (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Helm and Cloak (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Helm and Cloak (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Helm and Cloak (third floor), North Baldur's Gate: Three Old Kegs (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Three Old Kegs (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Three Old Kegs (third floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Merchant League (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Merchant League (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Merchant League (third floor), West Baldur's Gate: High House of Wonders, North Baldur's Gate: Ramazith's Tower (ground floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ramazith's Tower (sixth floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ramazith's Tower (second floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ramazith's Tower (third floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ramazith's Tower (fourth floor), North Baldur's Gate: Ramazith's Tower (fifth floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Oberon's Estate (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Oberon's Estate (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Oberon's Estate (third floor), East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 4, Northeast Baldur's Gate: Ilmater's Shrine, East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 1, East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 2, East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 3, East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Main Area, East Baldur's Gate: Keexie Tavern (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Quinn's Home (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Quinn's Home (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Laerta and Louise's Home, Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Tavern (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Tavern (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Pheirkas's Home (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Pheirkas's Home (second floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (ground floor), Northwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (second floor), East Baldur's Gate: Keexie Tavern (second floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Counting House (ground floor), Northeast Baldur's Gate: Counting House (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Seven Suns (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Seven Suns (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Seven Suns (basement), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Flaming Fist HQ (basement), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Flaming Fist HQ (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Flaming Fist HQ (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Iron Throne (basement), South Baldur's Gate: Iron Throne (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Iron Throne (third floor), South Baldur's Gate: Iron Throne (fourth floor), South Baldur's Gate: Iron Throne (fifth floor), South Baldur's Gate: Iron Throne (ground floor), West Baldur's Gate: Tremain Belde'ar's Home (ground floor), West Baldur's Gate: Tremain's Belde'ar's Home (second floor), West Baldur's Gate: Fenten's Home (ground floor), West Baldur's Gate: Fenten's Home (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Harbor Master's Building, East Baldur's Gate: Sorcerous Sundries (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Sorcerous Sundries (second floor), East Baldur's Gate: Elfsong Tavern (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Elfsong Tavern (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Nadine's Home (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Nadine's Home (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 5 (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 5 (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Felonius Gist's Manor, Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 6 (ground floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 6 (second floor), Central Baldur's Gate: Marketplace - Gambling Tent 1, Central Baldur's Gate: Marketplace - Gambling Tent 2, Central Baldur's Gate: Marketplace - Diviner's Tent, East Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), East Baldur's Gate: Maltz' Weapon Shop (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Maltz' Weapon Shop (second floor), East Baldur's Gate: Arkion's Home (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Arkion's Home (second floor), East Baldur's Gate: Generic Inn (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Generic Inn (second floor), East Baldur's Gate: Lucky Aello's Discount Store, East Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), East Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Nemphre's Home (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Nemphre's Home (second floor), Ulgoth's Beard: Shandalar's House/Aec'Letec Cult Building (basement), Ulgoth's Beard: Shandalar's House/Aec'Letec Cult Building (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Tavern (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Generic Tavern (second floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Ye Olde Inn (ground floor), Southwest Baldur's Gate: Ye Olde Inn (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (ground floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Warehouse (Basilisk), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (ground floor), South Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Ghorak's Home (ground floor), South Baldur's Gate: Ghorak's Home (second floor), South Baldur's Gate: Cordyr's Home (ground floor), South Baldur's Gate: Cordyr's Home (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Well-Adjusted Al's General Store, Southeast Baldur's Gate: Warehouse (Nadarin), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 1 (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Inn (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Inn (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 2 (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 3 (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Gantolandan's Home (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Gantolandan's Home (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 4 (second floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 5 (ground floor), Southeast Baldur's Gate: Generic Home 5 (second floor), Isle of Balduran (North): Balduran's Ship (ground floor), Isle of Balduran (North): Balduran's Ship (second floor), Isle of Balduran (North): Balduran's Ship (third floor), Isle of Balduran (North): Balduran's Ship (fourth floor), Cloakwood Druids: Tree House (ground floor), Cloakwood Druids: Tree House (second floor), Isle of Balduran (South): Chieftain's House, Candlekeep: Catacombs Level 1 Antechamber, Beregost: Jovial Juggler (second floor – front), Beregost: Jovial Juggler (second floor – rear), Beregost: Travenhurst Manor (ground floor), Beregost: Travenhurst Manor (second floor), Beregost: Firebead's House (ground floor), Beregost: Firebead's House (second floor), Gullykin: Temple of Yondalla (ground floor), The Scrying Pool - The Hooded Man Cutscene, Storage Room (near Shadow Thief Guildhall), Shadow Thief First Floor (Sided with Bodhi), Paladin Stronghold Quest Safehouse – 1st floor, Paladin Stronghold Quest Safehouse – 2nd floor, Am-Si’s House 1st Floor (Buried Alive Quest), House South of Delosar’s Inn 1st Floor (with Kangaxx), House South of Delosar’s Inn Cellar (with Kangaxx), Bodhi's Hideout (Abduction Plot, getting Imoen's soul), Bodhi's Lair (Abduction Plot, getting Imoen's soul), Cave Between Underdark and Exit from Underdark, Watcher's Keep – Bard's Gloves, Manman's Journal, Watcher's Keep – Helmite Level, Last Seals, Watcher's Keep – "Adventure Level" (Mini Map!!! There’s a fast travel point nearby, but be prepared for some tough encounters. Exit the area by the south edge. This page will mainly focus on providing a detailed walkthrough for the main campaign or story of Baldur's Gate 3. All that content comes with a … Very important. Or once explored I've seen everything in the area? Related: Baldur's Gate 3: All 16 Races & Sub-Races Available in Early Access For those waiting for a full, complete build of Baldur's Gate 3 before buying, they should prepare themselves for a bit of a wait. We never played the game back in the day, so this version was a perfect excuse to dive into the classic RPG and see what the fuss was all about. Durlag's Tower. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance was not the CRPG experience ported to console that fans probably wanted, but it was a fun adventure for a Diablo clone … To reduce the number of goblins you must fight at once, destroy the war drums before engaging them. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is a good game; one that is enjoyable almost despite itself. For the older fans, the latest release provides a much-needed drink of water after a long drought. It also appears that the area Baldur's Gate 3 players are currently exploring may actually be one of the more sparsely populated spots in the game, as it is a great deal of travel away from the actual city of Baldur's Gate.Baldur Gate Sewers Map by Reginald Stanton (Submitted). Locations in Baldur's Gate 3 covers the different areas that can be explored in the game. A subsequent expansion known as ‘Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal’ came out a year later and featured an all new story arc and new areas to explore. Maps and world atlas of Baldur's Gate 3. Solving Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Moon Puzzle opens a path to the Underdark. Watcher's Keep. Howdy, Stranger! Beregost. This contains all of the Baldurs Gate I areas tiled together. Sequence #3 {WLK022} Baldur's Gate: Southern, Northern, and Western Areas (26 Steps) 4. It would be fun to have the party’s fighter or rogue step into a conversation that has stalled in an attempt to intimidate or bluff the NPC. The Slums The Slums The Sewers The Planar Sphere The Planar Sphere: 2nd Level The Nether World . A lot of players have expressed the desire for the dialogue to be more of a group task – with all players being able to participate if they wish. That patch has now gone live for all … Select a region from the map. On the west side of Nautiloid wreckage, you can use Jump to reach this cave area. Hit points (HP) are a measure of vigour both for you and your enemies. Walkthrough for Baldur's Gate 3 (BG 3) features a comprehensive guide that focuses on helping players get past all the locations and areas, as well as guides on enemies, bosses, NPCs, and items that are encountered in the game. Notes & Tips. I want to create all the forgotten realms in the game, or at least fll in some areas … The city of Baldur's Gate will feature of course, but the whole city won't be available to the player, only relevant sections. According to Swen Vincke, the player will start outside of the city of Baldur's Gate but will head into the city walls as seen in the game's premier trailer. Last year, Beamdog announced it was planning to update the enhanced editions of classic RPGs Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2, and Icewind Dale on Steam. The map for Baldur's Gate 3, which only has about 1/5th of its available space accessible to players in early access, shows a vast world waiting to be explored. Waukeen's Promenade Waukeen's Promenade Dungeon Level 1 (Chapter 1) Dungeon Level 2 (Chapter 1) Air Elemental Realm (Chapter 1) Circus Tent. They fit remarkably well. Baldur's Gate. Other Areas. Baldur's Gate is a groundbreaking series that has its roots in the earliest days of PC gaming. I'm playing this on a Galaxy S4, no issues so far other that this quite gamebreaking one. Players can encounter and discover various Enemies , Bosses , NPCs, types of equipment, and much more for each location. As they did with their last game, Larian is releasing an early access build of Baldur's Gate 3 as part of their development process. Baldurs Gate 1 - Ulcaster Area (too old to reply) Dz 2007-05-31 20:11:48 UTC. All the combat rules, spell effects, attribute modifiers, monster statistics and everything else are handled by the computer quickly and painlessly. Baldur's Gate is a fantasy high fantasy campaign setting, using a modified version of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) 2nd edition rules. For guides on quests, click Our world atlas has high-quality maps of the main areas on which we marked, e.g. Chapter 6 1. For drums in plain sight, … There are hundreds of Areas, each marked with it's own Area Code. Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access contains the first act, which should take you around 25 hours to finish. Due to its location between Amn and Waterdeep, it engages in a good amount of trade. Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access contains the first act, which should take you around 25 hours to finish. Permalink. The walkthrough is divided up by area. Currently only a very small potion of the Baldur's Gate 3 map has markers for towns or places to travel to. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Baldur’s Gate 3 will explain the process of fast traveling as well as information on how to unlock new waypoints so you can fast travel to various areas around the map. The early access of Baldur’s Gate 3 is packed with a lot of content and exciting quests. Shattered Sanctum Map . Can I safely assume that the areas I explored don't get new events in new chapters, other than mentioning through a quest that a specific thing is going on? This article was originally published in issue 188 of Retro Gamer. Baldur's Gate Plus Tales of the Sword Coast Walkthrough By Steven W. Carter ( November 4, 2002 ***** * Introduction * ***** This is a complete walkthrough for Baldur's Gate and the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack. There's a difference between them: you can see your HP but not the HP of your enemies. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance supports 2-player local co-op, so you can camp on the couch with a friend and beat up rats, trolls, and all kinds of other classic baddies as you watch numbers go up. It’s … Hi, new to the game. So I have played through the opening of the game to the point where Xzar and Montaron join the party. I'm stuck in that first wilderness area though, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to transition to the next area. Give the key to the miner in the northeast corner of the level and he will flood the mines. The Sword Coast For years, the lands between Waterdeep to the north of Baldur’s Gate and bustling Amn in the south, bordered on the west by the Great Ocean and the east by the Wood of Sharp Teeth, have PC patch 2.6 has been released for Baldur's Gate I & II, Siege of Dragonspear, and Icewind Dale, upgrading the titles to 64-bit. Not great considering a lot of the time you rest, a single huge spider appears for around 400xp and that won't do much. Baldur's Gate 3 Maps.Baldur's Gate 3 early access has reveal a large map with plenty of space left to fill. Notes & Tips. thx. May 29, 2020 15:29 EDT Share Tweet Submit. East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 1: AR0151 FW0151 AR7251 East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 2: AR0152 FW0152 AR7252 East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Front House 3: AR0153 FW0153 AR7253 East Baldur's Gate: Thieves' Guild - Main Area: AR0154 FW0154 AR7254 East Baldur's Gate: Keexie Tavern (ground floor) AR0155 FW0155 AR7255 Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal. It looks like you're new here. Here are 8 things to know about Baldur's Gate 3 early access.#ign #gaming Hit Points. Permalink. An area that is too far off the World Map to show up. Or should I revisit certain areas each chapter because something new will happen? The game has spawned two series, known as the Bhaalspawn Saga and the Dark Alliance, both taking place mostly within the Western Heartlands, but the Bhaalspawn Saga extends to … Baldur's Gate is a series of role-playing video games set in the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. Voice-overs are played in English. Games; Manuals; Updates; Maps. What are the items and what do you get for them? Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance has seen a recent 'remaster' but there are things to know before starting it if you're playing it for the first time. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, Cave Between Underdark and Exit from Underdark, Ravaged Beach is a location in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). This page covers a list of the various areas that can be discovered in the game. I'm stuck in that first wilderness area though, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to transition to the next area. (e.g. With so … The city is divided into upp… Dz. Map: Near the Umberlee Temple in Baldur's Gate city (in a crate) *** Cloak of Protection +2 *** Map: Candlekeep Crypt, Southwest of the empty room *** Ioun Stone of Luck (joke) *** Map: 1 map west of Nashkell. Baldur's Gate 3 is incredibly promising, but also pretty complicated. Sequence #4 {WLK024} Baldur's Gate: Balduran's Gear and the Iron Throne Headquarters (17 Steps) XIII. Blighted Village is a location in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Baldur's Gate Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The important spots are marked, as well as NPCs in the area and monsters and their loot. Noralee in a warehouse in the south area of Baldur's Gate will ask you to find some magic gauntlets she dropped somewhere. There will be a couple dozen hours of content available in a single playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3's early access, but players are encouraged to play multiple times, as some content won't be experienced depending on the choices a player makes. underdog 2007-05-31 20:39:25 UTC. By Nathan Birch. His attackers said they'd be at the Three Old Kegs. BGT had to rename every single area of the BG1 map to prevent conflict with the codes used in BG2, due to combining BG1 and BG2 into a single game. Larian Studios hasn't announced a specific date yet, but on the Baldur's Gate 3's Steam page, Larian states they expect early access to last "for at least one year. (e.g. The game allows development of the player character through choice of companions, dialogue choice, exploration, and battle. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Location of Special Items Dagger +2 - Exit from Nashkel Mine (Hentold) & Baldur's Gate NE (Marek) Dagger of Venom +2 - Beregost (Thunder Hammer Smithy) Longtooth Dagger +2 - … Baldur's Gate 2 might have come out all of 20 years ago, but gamers have been awaiting a third entry that whole time since, in hope rather than expectation. Baldur Gate Sewers Map by Reginald Stanton (Submitted) 393kb : Download: A heavily annotated, composite map of the Baldur's Gate sewers. Find (og gem) dine egne pins på Pinterest. Developers could release new Baldur's Gate 3 areas for players to explore on the game's large map, as well as new races and classes to encourage players to make new saves and explore the changes made to the available base content. Baldur's Gate, also called simply the Gate, was the largest metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast, within the greater Western Heartlands.It was a crowded city of commerce and opportunity, perhaps the most prosperous and influential merchant city on the western coast of Faerûn. Visit the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition website to learn more! Here is a compilation of maps of locations available in Baldur's Gate 3. (Kill every squirrel you meet, one of them will be carrying it.) Developed by Overhaul Games, Baldur's Gate -- Enhanced Edition revives the classic RPG game Baldur's Gate and features new original content. Franchises : Dungeons and Dragons [D&D], Baldur's Gate Genres : RPG Baldur's Gate has a hard XP cap of 161000 XP per character. AR1801A - Same as AR1801 (Cloakwood Mines Level 1). So I have played through the opening of the game to the point where Xzar and Montaron join the party. Full Area Map; Overland Locations Return the gauntlets to Noralee for a small reward. The coat of arms of Baldur's Gate. The city's coat-of-arms was a single ship, with raised sails, floating across still waters in front of a clear blue sky. While the ship represented both the city's role as a trading hub and its founder, Balduran, the calm sea signified its peaceful neutrality and the sky its promising future.
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