Submission of the Epping Forest Local Plan (2011-2033) and information on the appointed Inspector and Programme Officer. The origin of the plan goes back to 1980 and the adoption of "Brentwood 2000" - the City's first-ever comprehensive plan. Further details on representations can be viewed on the Consultation Portal. The Examination Document Library Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 include all the supporting evidence and documentation relating to the Local Plan. consultation, the new Local Plan will become more refined as the Council’s preferred strategy and policies emerge. There was considerable opposition to the proposed allocation of sites to the North of Harlow (Gilston). Annette Feeney has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the examination to deal with all procedural, administrative and programming matters. Main Report Introduction and Background 1. pre-submission consultation on Local Plan Part 2 began ran from 27 November 2020 to 29 January 2021. This is part 1 of the examination library which contains documents under the following categories: Part 2 of the examination library contains documents under the following categories: Part 3 of the examination library contains documents under the following categories: Consultation Statement for the Brentwood Pre Submission Local Plan Regulation 22(c) Statement, Main Report | Annex B | Annex C | Annex D | Annex E | Annex F | Annex G | Annex H | Annex I, Representations on the Brentwood Pre Submission Local Plan, Further details on representations can be viewed on the Consultation Portal, Representations on the Addendum of Focussed Changes to the Pre Submission Local Plan, Draft Policies Map | Individual Site Allocations, Habitats Regulations Assessment of Draft Local Plan Preferred Site Allocations, Open space, sport and leisure needs assessment, Brentwood Town Centre Design Plan and Feasibility Studies, Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Appendix A | Appendix B, Final Report | Business Survey | Map A1 | Map A2 | Map A7 | Map A8 | Map A9 | Map A10 | Table E1 | Table E2 | Table E3 | Table E4 | Table E5 | Table E6 | Table E7 | Table F2 | Map of Brentwood, Final Report | Executive Summary | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E | Appendix F | Appendix G | Appendix H | Appendix I | Appendix J | Appendix K, Main report | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E, Part 1 London Metropolitan Green Belt overview | Part 2 Green Belt parcel definition and review | Part 3 Assessment of potential housing, employment and mixed use sites | Part 3 Appendix L1, Part 3 Appendix L2 | Part 3 Appendix L3 | Part 3 Appendix L4 | Part 3 Appendix L5 | Part 3 Appendix L6 | Part 3 Appendix L7 | Part 3 Appendix L8, Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts 2012-2037, Phases 1 and 2 (March 2012) | Phase 3 (July 2012) | Phase 4 (January 2013) | Phase 5 (April 2014) | Phase 6 (September 2014) | Phase 7 (May 2015), Brentwood Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA), Site Assessment Methodology and Summary of Outcomes, Main Report | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2 | Appendix 3 | Appendix 4 | Appendix 5 | Appendix 6 | Appendix 7 | Appendix 8, Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), Final Report | Map south east | Map south west | Map central east | Map central west | Map north east | Map north west | Map Brentwood town north west | Map Brentwood town north east | Map Brentwood town south east | Map Brentwood town south west | Map Ingatestone | Map West Horndon | Map Blackmore | Map Doddinghurst | Map Herongate and Ingrave | Map Hook End & Wyatts Green | Map Kelvedon Hatch | Map Pilgrims Hatch | Map Stondon Massey and Tipps Cross, 0. In light of the ongoing situation in relation to COVID-19, officers are working from home, however progress continues following the adoption of the Local Plan on 29 July 2020. Key preparation stages. Recommendation Members are asked to: R1. Brentwood Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) January 2019 COMMENT FORM ... between a Regulation 18 and Regulation 19 Local Plan consultation, please view the ... Consultation Portal. Brentwood Local Plan (BLP) and other material planning considerations, including the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)1. PLEASE NOTE ADVISED ANYONE WHO ENTERS CONSULTATION CAN BE HEARD BY THE PLANNING INSPECTORATE when Local Plan hearing held in 2019. The Brentwood Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 14 February 2020. View the Inspector’s Advice Note following the hearing sessions and EFDC’s response. Brentwood residents need to end their blind trust in their councillors and look at the Draft Local Plan themselves via the consultation portal . Brentwood Hospital, located in Shreveport, LA, is always interested in motivated behavioral health professionals who want to make a positive impact on each patient that walks through our doors. deposit in physical locations and consultation events in physical locations. September 2018 . Let’s connect over the phone. The key recent public consultations informing the direction of the plan include the Strategic Growth Options Consultation (2015), and the Draft Local Plan (2016), which included both draft The Department for Communities and Local Government has published draft planning guidance to support authorities in drawing up registers of self and custom house-builders. Since then legislative changes caused emergency planning requirements around AWE Burghfield to be extended to include the Grazeley area, leading to an objection from the Ministry of Defence. 2.4 The Council sent out emails to all consultees registered on its Local Plan consultation database. Adopted at Policy, Performance and Resources Board on 9 March 2011. This was the final version of the Harlow Local Development Plan … We have received comments from over 1,000 people. Responses to F59A Settlement Hierarchy updated note, Responses to F78 Site R19 Land at Priests Lane, Responses to F79 Blackmore and Kelvedon Hatch densities, Responses to F80 Site level exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release, Responses to F84 Policy SP04 Developer Contributions and F90 Policy BE22 Open space in new development, Responses to F85 Policy E08 Land adjacent to A12 slip road Ingatestone, Responses to F86 Design policy amendments, Responses to F87 Natural Environment policy amendments, Responses to F88 Green Belt policy amendments and F102 Green Belt supporting text amendments, Responses to F98 Policies E10 Codham Hall Farm and E12 Childerditch Industrial Estate, Responses to F99 Policy R03 Land north of Shenfield, Responses to F100 PC14, PC15 and PC16 Community Infrastructure policy amendments, Responses to F103 Clarification on travel plan requirements. Policy Consultation Portal and available to view in person at various identified locations; b. For further information please view the Hearing Sessions page. Many consultees made multiple representations in response to the draft policies and particularly on proposed sites. If they agree that it is a plan leading them towards disaster they have just six weeks from 11th February to 23rd March to … It will take about ten minutes, and right off the bat we’ll determine if we would be a good fit. Details of the hearing sessions and documents related to the sessions. The Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011-2032 was formally adopted on the 20th February 2019. Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy Supplementary Planning Document. The Harlow Local Development Plan sets out the framework to guide and shape development in Harlow to 2033.. We published the Pre-Submission Publication of the Local Plan in May 2018. The Council’s latest Local Development Scheme (LDS), adopted in July 2018, sets out a proposed timetable for the preparation of key planning documents, including the estimated adoption of the new Local Plan in Summer 2021. Making Representations 2.9 The Council encouraged use of the South Essex Plan website and related consultation portal as this was the quickest, most direct and most effective method of responding. Twelve Local Authorities in Essex (Basildon Borough Council, Braintree District Council, Brentwood Borough Council, Castle Point District Council, Chelmsford City Council, Colchester Borough Council, Maldon District Council, Rochford Borough Council, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, … Emergency Services | 14. return to top Service-Institutional Development Service-institutional development continues to provide for new and expanded institutional facilities to serve the residents of Brentwood. Thank you to everyone who responded. The Local Plan Consultation Draft (opens in a new window) [14MB] report built on previous consultation exercises (see Previous work and next steps) and informs the final version of the Local Plan. Latest News and Updates . If you have made a representation on the draft Local Plan this will be uploaded onto the Council’s Consultation Portal ( ) and you will receive an email notifying you of this. Alternatively, you can respond by completing a comment form, available from our new temporary reception at 1-2 Seven Arches Road, Brentwood (next to the Town Hall), or download from our website, and return to us. By requesting a comment form by calling 01277 312500 . The duty relates to local planning authorities as well as other public bodies. This Local Development Plan edition newsletter was distributed to over 29,000 residents and businesses in Brentwood Borough and advertised through Twitter, Facebook and the Council’s website. This addendum should be read alongside the Pre-Submission Local Plan that was subject to consultation from 5 February to 19 March 2019.
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