If you’re unsure about the meaning of any acronyms, words and phrases relating to your energy, see our jargon buster. How to read your gas and electricity meters. We understand that meter readings can sometimes be a little fiddly, so if you need a hand, don’t hesitate to get in touch! When noting your electricity reading, there’s an important distinction between gas readings. Understanding the jargon. To be 100% sure which kind of meter you have, the best way to find out exactly which type (and brand) of smart meter you have is to contact the energy supplier that installed it. the digital meter. Press A again and again to cycle through the displays. The next time you want to read your electric meter, simply subtract 18,000 from your new reading to receive an updated estimate of your electricity consumption during this billing cycle. All households had meters like this up until a few years ago, when smart meters began being installed.If your meter haven't been changed since before 2017, and either has dials or an analogue meter display with 4-6 black and white (and some red) numbers, you have traditional meters. A kilowatt-hour is the electricity needed to burn ten 100-watt light bulbs for one hour. Electricity meter technology has been changing from mechanical to electronic and when new meters are installed they are generally electronic. An analog electric meter has dials from left to right, measuring kilowatt-hours (kWh) by the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.A kilowatt-hour is the electricity needed to burn ten 100-watt light bulbs for one hour. This is your reading. Recording your energy meter readings doesn't need to be a difficult or laborious task – in fact it can save you money. This dial moves in a clockwise direction. If your smart electricity meter is on an Economy 7 tariff (where you pay a standard price during the day and a lower rate for 7 hours overnight), press 6 and then press it 3 more times, until you can see IMP R01. How to read your electric meter - YouTube. How to Read Your Electric Meter. Press 9 on the keypad once. You can read your own meters to help monitor your electric or gas energy use. Once you have your meter reading, you can calculate how much electricity you’ve used since your last electricity bill. No, I don’t have an online account – you can submit your manual meter readings quickly and easily online without an online account. How to Read a Mechanical Electric Meter . There are two different generations of smart meters – SMETS1, the earlier version, and SMETS2, the latest version. The first display is a test pattern with a row of the number 8, and the second display is a meter reading. How to read your Electricity Meter. This is a handy way to check your estimated energy bill if the meter reader cannot access your meter for an actual reading. It is not Keep pressing until it scrolls through a number followed by kWh, this is your reading. Without regular readings we’ll estimate your readings and usage by using historical energy data for your property. Follow along with our helpful guide. Reading a meter can be tricky, so we’ve created the following guide to make it easier for you. The two readings will appear one after the other — generally followed by “R1” and “R2” (Rate 1 and Rate 2). How to read your dial electricity meter . Depending on the type of meter on your dwelling, your meter number may be 6 to 9 digits in length. On electricity meters, do not write down any numbers from the following if your meter has them: red dials, dials with no pointer, dials with no numbers or dials marked 1/10. To read your Aclara electricity meter, press 'A' to wake up the screen. Record meter readings from a standard dial meter, digital meter or an Economy 7 gas and electricity meters in this Uswitch guide to reading energy meters. Registered number: 09263424. How to read your electricity meter. You could also subtract 18,334 kWh from your new reading to see how much you’ve used in the interim. Once you've found your MPAN, compare energy prices with us and start your switch today. At Genesis we regularly read your smart meter using remote technology which means we provide an accurate bill every month, and don't have to make estimates. Meter with A and B buttons Press the A button continually until ‘Total Active Import’ is displayed on the screen. We read the numbers from left to right, and we don't need any numbers in red or after a decimal place. Energy meter numbers (MPAN/MPRN) are unique numbers that identify the electricity and gas supplies specific to your property. We also have a "How to Read Your Electric Meter" brochure with helpful information. A reading followed by kWh will appear. Copy the numbers from left to write except any red numbers or numbers with a red background. This is an example of a 9-digit meter number. If you want to know how much electricity you’re using, you’ll need to consult your meter. The figures are how much electricity has been used in this billing cycle. It all depends on what type of meter you have. If you have one meter, that’s the one you need to read. Reading a standard electric meter to give your energy supplier a meter reading is a fairly straightforward job. But if you switched to Octopus with a different brand of (SMETS1) meter, your meter will no longer be smart (and we’ll be unable to take automatic readings). You'll see a row of numbers followed by m3. Ignore the dial marked 1/10 as it is only used for testing. Once you get to this option, you should be able to see your electricity reading. Economy 7/Domestic Economy meters This is helpful to know if you would like to keep a personal record of your meter readings. Some dual meters have a single display where you might have to press a button to view each rate. every time uses one kilowatt-hour. This should take you to a screen that offers billing. There are typically three different types of electricity meters and three types of gas meters. Ignore the red one. How to submit your meter reading. In the section that contains information about your meters, click 'how to read my meter', which will take you to the correct section of this blog. Ignore the final figure that begins with 0.1. Single rate meter: you pay the same unit rate at all times of the day. Reading your analog electric meter is easier than you might think! Reading your meter is the best way to keep an eye on how much energy you’re using. Keep on pressing this until you get to “METER INDEX”. All you have to do is provide your supplier with the numbers in black or on a black surround, reading them from left to right. You'll see the letters “IMP R01” appear on the screen. A frequent complaint we see is that a customer has received a high bill, based on a meter reading that is way out of the norm. The reading which we ask for will come from your smart meter. You can ignore any numbers appearing: Your dual-rate meter will display two lots of numbers in one of the following ways: In all cases, please note down the two readings and provide them separately to your supplier. The first row of numbers you'll see is your meter reading. When reading your Flonidan smart gas meter, your meter reading should be displayed automatically on the default screen. Additionally, we encourage you to take a picture of your meter each time you take a reading. Loss prevention. Your meter will alternate between 2 displays. Utility meters are typically located on the outside of your home or apartment building. Follow along with our helpful guide. An analog electric meter has dials from left to right, measuring kilowatt-hours (kWh) by the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.A kilowatt-hour is the electricity needed to burn ten 100-watt light bulbs for one hour. Energy usage is updated several times daily, with displayed usage in 15-minute increments for electric customers and one-hour intervals for gas customers. Write down the first four numbers as they appear. The reading for this example is: This meter automatically cycles through the various meter readings. It's not necessary to press any buttons to read this meter, simply wait and watch as the various meter readings appear. If a reading is missed simply wait and it will be displayed again. Enter all readings in the boxes provided. Smart meters are generally read remotely via communications systems, so a technician doesn't have to visit your property. And it’s not just your energy company who gets to see how much energy you’re using – you’ll receive an in-home display so you can keep an eye on your energy usage in real-time, monetary values. Again, they are read from left to right, and dials without numbers or hands should be disregarded. Read the numbers on the digital electric meter display. Electricity prices vary throughout the day, spiking in periods of high demand, and falling dramatically during periods of low demand - like during the night. Your meter reading(s): Depending on your meter, you could see 24hr, CTRL, NITE, DAY, some figures and kWh. Record meter readings from a standard dial meter, digital meter or an Economy 7 gas and electricity meters in this Uswitch guide to reading energy meters. The next time you want to read your electric meter, simply subtract 18,000 from your new reading to receive an updated estimate of your electricity consumption during this billing cycle. At the same time, a large number of older premises still have mechanical meters, which can be analogue or odometer types. How to read a dial meter The most common types of electricity meters are single-rate digital meters, variable-rate digital meters and dial meters. On electricity meters … Press the button to see the next reading, then write that down too. We also have a "How to Read Your Electric Meter" brochure with helpful information. To take a manual meter reading on a standard electricity tariff: To take a meter reading on an Economy 7 electricity tariff: At Octopus Energy, we can automatically read all second generation (SMETS2) and we can also read Secure™ branded first generation (SMETS1) smart meters. This meter reading is 07220. During the heating season, your energy use should be compared to the number of heating degree days for the same time period; during the cooling season, compare your energy use to the number of cooling degree days. How to read a dial meter How to read your gas and electricity meters. This is your electricity reading. Your meter will alternate between 2 displays. A brief tutorial on how to read your electric meter. Trading. If the answer is 'yes', simply write down the digits as you read them, from left to right. Help me take readings from my traditional non-smart meter, Help me read my second generation (SMETS2) smart meters, Help me read my first generation (SMETS1) smart meters, Help me read my Secure SMETS1 smart meters, Here's how to take readings from traditional analogue meters. On gas meters, do not write down any numbers from the following if your meter has them: the large dial, the dial marked 100 or any red dials. Other meter reading(s): The meter reading for each plan will appear one after the other for properties with more than one price plan. Electricity meter technology has been changing from mechanical to electronic and when new meters are installed they are generally electronic. To read your Aclara gas meter, press the middle button once to wake up the screen. When you submit your self-read meter readings to Eskom you have peace of mind that your bill is accurate, and you will see when your electricity expenditure goes up. Measuring electricity. To read a dial meter look at the position of the pointers on the dials and follow these instructions: Read the dials from left to right, starting with the dial marked 10,000. If the meter reading is between 201 and 300 units, then it would cost 10.20 per unit. These meters come in two basic forms: single rate and dual rate. This information shows you how to read them. Your electric meter works for you constantly, but how much do you know about it? Standard - you need the first five digits from the left. Wait for the electricity meter display to show the letters “kWh” along with the reading. Press the green button until you see ‘Rate 01 Act Imp’ – this is your first reading, Press the green button again until you see ‘Rate 02 Act Imp’ – this is your second reading. This article explains how to read your non-smart electricity and gas meters. There are several different types of electricity meters. On electricity meters, do not write down any numbers from the following if your meter has them: red dials, dials with no pointer, dials with no numbers or dials marked 1/10. An estimated read (E) happens when your meter provider doesn’t provide us with an actual read of your meter, so the consumption shown on your bill is an estimate based off your past usage patterns. The electro-mechanical digital display meters have a six-digit display similar to the odometer of your car. This means you’ll currently have to take manual meter readings (although we’re currently working alongside other industry experts to remotely upgrade all first generation meters, so that they become ‘smart’ again! It all depends on what type of meter you have. Please always submit only the numbers to the left of the comma on your meter, even if … Advanced meters make it less costly for us to deliver electricity by preventing millions of dollars in electricity theft and reducing meter reading costs. No. Modern slavery statement. Ignore any red numbers. Like electricity, there are a few different types of gas meter, but they’re all fairly simple to read. To read the meter: read the first 5 dials from left to right - ignore any red dials or dials marked 1/10; if the pointer is between two numbers, write down the lower number - if it’s between 9 and 0, write down 9 If you still have a traditional analogue or digital meter, reading your own electricity meter keeps you in charge of your own electricity usage. To read these meters you simply write down the figures that are displayed. To read a SMETS 1 smart meter, press 9 on your smart meter keypad to show the meter reading in kilowatt hours (kWh) for electricity, and cubic meters for gas. Press 9 on the keypad until you see ‘VOLUME’. There are a few different brands of SMETS2 meter – you'll be able to tell what yours is based on the logo on the front.This guide will tell you how to take a manual meter reading from the most common types of SMETS2 meters. Smart meters are making smart people happy, and those who don’t have smart meters are less confident. Once you’ve identified the brand, scroll down on our list to find your type of meter to get a quick, step-by-step guide for taking readings. You'll see a row of numbers followed by “KWH”, this is your reading. How to manually submit your electricity meter readings to eThekwini Municipality. Press the ‘Display Select’ button until you see the number that has ‘KWH’ after it. This is your electricity reading. If your meter has an ‘A’ and ‘B’ button, press ‘A’ until you get to TOTAL ACT IMPORT. The number below this is your electricity reading. Your meter might have three buttons to the side of the display. If you don’t have a Smart meter, here’s a summary of the benefits they offer your business: If you’re interested in discovering more about Smart meters, please get in touch: SmartOperations@opusenergy.com. A second later, you'll see your meter reading: eight digits, with “kWh” towards the bottom right of the screen. This content is customized by location. 'Digital meters' (also known as smart meters, interval meters or comms meters) are the new generation of electricity meters. A unit is a definite quantity, it does not vary and cannot be diluted or changed. Submit your reads in seconds on our self-serve portal and we’ll use them to keep an eye on your bills, and make sure that your payments match what you use. If you’re looking to avoid having to read your business electricity meter and submit your reading(s) manually, you should consider upgrading to a smart meter. Other providers may have different requirements, so please ask your supplier how to submit your reading. You'll only need to take the first 7 digits when taking each of these readings (i.e. The meter is a box about the size of a brick. Electricity readings end with a ‘KWH’, though the rule of ignoring the numbers after the decimal place still applies. Octopus Energy Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Other providers may have different requirements, so please ask your supplier how to submit your reading. Electricity smart meters: It’s worth remembering that electricity reads are recorded in "kWh" (kilowatt hours), so be on the look out for this value when cycling through your display (but remembering to … To read your Landis and Gyr electricity meter, press 'B' to light the screen up. The cheaper one is on top. The word “VOLUME” will show on the screen. When the pointer is between two numbers, always write down the lower number. Wait for the electricity meter display to show the letters “kWh” along with the reading. Electricity is used by the Kilowatt hour (kWh), more commonly known as a unit. As great as your IHD is, it’s always best to take readings from your actual meter. 3 simple ways to send us a read: Send an SMS: Text “Start” to 0772 349 4043 and follow the instructions; Email customerreads@opusenergy.com with your meter reads and Site ID; Log on to your online account. If you have a Smart meter, you don’t need to supply meter readings. This is an example of a 9-digit meter number. After R1 and R2, a third reading might appear onscreen — “T”. Ignore any red numbers. You can count on … Reading a dial meter (also known as a ‘clock meter’) can be tricky, so we’ve created the following diagrams to make it easier for you. Your retail electric provider uses the readings from your meter to calculate your bill. You can read your own meters to help monitor your electric or gas energy use. Even if your meter dials look different from what’s below, the steps we’ve described remain valid. Then you have: A traditional automatic meter reading (AMR) tracks your electricity usage, against which your utility company applies an average price for the previous month in order to determine your bill. While it is not necessary to read your electric meter, it’s very easy to do so. How to read your dial electricity meter . If you have a second-generation smart meter – or a SMETS2, for short – we still ask you to submit your readings manually, for the time being. Submit your reads in seconds on our self-serve portal and we’ll use them to keep an eye on your bills, and make sure that your payments match what you use. This is the total of your peak and offpeak readings combined. We don't need the numbers after the decimal place. Advanced meter technology allows us to respond more efficiently to power outages, getting your power turned back on as soon as possible. Electric meters are generally accurate and can be tested by your electricity supplier. Reading a digital electricity meter can become difficult when your business uses more than one rate in its tariff – a day rate and a … To read a dial meter look at the position of the pointers on the dials and follow these instructions: Read the dials from left to right, starting with the dial marked 10,000. How to read a dial meter If the pointer lies exactly on any number, underline it (in the above example, you would underline the 4). Reading a meter can be tricky, so we’ve created the following guide to make it easier for you. This meter automatically cycles through the various meter readings. It will have either a digital or a mechanical numeric display. Ignore the final figure that begins with 0.1. On electricity meters, do not write down any numbers from the following if your meter has them: red dials, dials with no pointer, dials with no numbers or dials marked 1/10. A digital electricity meter shows your current meter reading on a digital display. This should automatically come up with your gas reading. This should automatically reveal your gas reading. The above example would therefore be 1 3 9 7 0. Press the right-hand side button twice in quick succession to access the manual scroll sequence. You will find your MPAN on your electricity bill, not on the meter itself. Press and hold the green A button for at least 2 seconds. To get a reading from these smart meters: Press and hold the grey middle button until the main menu loads up ‘General’ should appear on-screen – press and hold the middle button again to select this option ‘Time & Date’ should be visible – now scroll with the bottom button until you see ‘TOU Registers’ Your gas reading, in cubic metres (m3) will appear. Wait for the electricity meter display to show the letters “kWh” along with the reading. We don't need the numbers after the decimal place. First, you’ll need to know what type of meter you have so we’ve included some pictures below to help with this. Update your browser for a better web experience, here and all over the internet. HOW TO READ YOUR ELECTRICITY METER Meters. This is for those of you on two energy rates for different times of the day. Now, look at your five numbers. Electricity readings end with a ‘KWH’, though the rule of ignoring the numbers after the decimal place still applies. Smart gas meters. Smart meters remove the need for meter readings (they send readings to us automatically) but there are a handful of situations where you might still need to take a manual meter reading from your smart meter.Electricity and gas meters come in several different shapes and sizes, so before we can tell you how to read your meter, it’s important to work out which type of meter you have. Find out how electricity is measured and how to read your electricity meter. HOW TO READ YOUR ELECTRICITY METER Meters. Every dial on every meter revolves from 0 to 1 and through to 9, before continuing to 0 again. In the example above, the dial meter reading shows as 44928. To read an electric dial meter correctly: If the pointer falls between 9 and 0, write down 9 and reduce the reading you've already taken for the dial on it's left by one. If you’ve got a traditional analogue energy meter (not a smart one), you’ll need to send in regular meter readings so we can work out how much energy you’re using. How to Read Your Electricity Meter. 24 hour meter: Press 1st Screen: Displays today’s date; Press Scroll button: Displays current time; Press Scroll button twice: ‘0’ appears , followed by a reading - this is your total electricity usage ; Day and Night meter: How to read a smart electric meter. ESB Networks is upgrading 2.4 million electricity meters across Ireland to smart meters.
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