Marvel Mystery Oil was named by its inventor, Burt Pierce, who claimed that the product's composition was a mystery when people asked about its ingredients. I just want to clean out the engine and lube everything up .But also don't want to damage the engine by running the MMO in it too long . not every other tank i really think this is counter productive to fuel efficiency, although its hard to prove. Generally, but not universally: you'll see people touting Marvel Mystery Oil, ATF fluid, 0-weight synthetic, etc. It … What do you guys think, is that good, bad, ugly????? What do you guys think, is that good, bad, ugly????? If you talk to any of the big ring manufactures they will tell you that using lubricants like WD40, ATF, Marvel Mystery Oil are bad for rings because they cannot take the high temps and will carbon up and block the flow of real oil after startup. Dump any left over seafoam or marvel mystery oil into the gas tank. That's not proof that it works,but pretty good hearsay. I found Marvel Mystery oil to actually do something helpful when put into the carb. Thanks, Winslow Added to gas it cleans and lubricates fuel injectors and carburetors, improves gasoline mileage, extends spark plug life, reduces and prevents varnish and gum build-up. I actually do use the Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO), as well as Rislone products. hey everybnody i nobody ever respsonds to me but i have a question is marvel mystery oil fuel injector cleaner any good? The next day you crank the engine without the spark plugs to get out the excess oil, reinstall the spark plugs and then let the car run and burn off the remaining oil. The main risk with a flush is particles dislodge and clog oil passages, especial the oil pump pick-up screen. Might clean it up enough to run better. It is surprising what guck will seal up. Then I found out about ATF. I went with 3 quarts of ST 5W30 oil and 16 oz. Put a smear of Marvel Mystery Oil on the key and slid it in. Marvel mystery oil is a good additive to put 2 oz per 10 gallons in the gas tank to lubricate the fuel system and upper cylinders, so it Lucas. TCW-3 two stroke oil. The next morning start it up and go for a nice long drive, get the oil up to temp and keep it there for a good 10-15 mins if possible to help clean the last of the junk out of the motor. Marvel Mystery Oil was used in cars as an upper cylinder lub via an injector (more accurately a siphon device). 946 1. Run the vehicle on the highway for a few hours, using some hard acceleration--don't lug the engine. In addition, it is considered safe to mix with other oil additives and lubricants. I believe before this MMO test, the car was burning around 1 quart every 2000 miles or so. Marvel Mystery Oil is an automotive product of the American Marvel Oil Company, founded by Burt Pierce in 1923. I had read some good reviews online about Marvel Mystery Oil and since I could tell this baby hadn't received much love, I thought it would be a good idea to clean the fuel system. Marvel Mystery Oil (3 sizes of oil additive pint, quart, gallon) ... the seals were bad for a while before the MMO was added. These are products which contain solvents or detergents such as kerosene, naphthalene, xylene, acetone or isopropanol. #5. On older cars, pre catalytic converters, running marvel oil in the gasoline helped oil the top of the cylinders. Just let it sit there while I checked the oil and reservoirs before a long trip. Still didn't budge. Then put in fresh oil. It has always been a successful way (at least in my limited experience) to bring back gas fouled plugs. Feb 7, 2000 #1 I've read in some of the threads that some people use Marvel Mystery Oil in the fuel. Marvel Mystery Oil the Original Oil Enhancer and Fuel Treatment. Marvel Mystery Lubricating Oil is safe for catalytic converters and oxygen sensors. [Log in to Reply] greygoat 11-24-2012 08:07:53. It’s mainly used to lubricate and clean carburettors, fuel injectors, reduce and prevent varnish and gum build-up, improve gasoline mileage and extend the spark plug life. A half a bottle of Marvel Mystery Oil sounds like a reasonable attempt. Upon arriving home, wait for the engine to cool and then change the oil and filter. It's suitable for use in a variety of vehicle makes and models and can improve the miles per gallon on any automobile. Add some heat and it works awsome. Dallas. Several reviewers believe the product is primarily composed of paint thinners such as naptha, with a … While the engine is running I would pour a little in, wait a few secs, a little more, wait a little bit again, and then pour until it drown the engine out. Well, for oil anyway. That stuff is really good at breaking rusty bolts free. Marvel® Mystery Oil: Great for Harley’s. I had changed my oil around 3,000 miles ago with full synthetic Castrol Edge along with using a high dollar synthetic oil filter. My 155K motor has never seen either product, nor anything else like them. I pulled the plugs and put some Marvel Mystery oil in each of the heads. 20 May 2019. Try it though. Marvel mystery oil is supposed to be used just before your oil change. I change up with Lucas every few tanks. Now I put it on or in everything. In World War II, Marvel mystery oil was actually used in ships, tanks, airplanes and other military vehicles. Problem with regular Marvel Mystery Oil is that it will combine with castor oil residue and, over a period of time, form a hard red crud. It is surprising what guck will seal up. Shake it up good and you should be fine. Marvel Mystery Oil is fun stuff indeed. Add some heat and it works awsome. ... As Marvel Mystery Oil is just very light oil, I would assume that it is burnt in the combustion process and therefore would have no effect on the exhaust valve and guide. TCW-3 two stroke oil. Remember back in the GOOD ol days we only had non-detergent oil so the inside of the engine could get kind of GUNKY. Hey, I have been running Marvel Mystery Oil in my fuel for lubrication. Very thin and can get into rusty connections easily. But, the mystery oil had the ability to provide better combustion and improved the power of the engine. RubberDown said: I read in the April issue of Motorcycle Consumer News a letter where a subscriber wrote in complaining of carbon buildup and pinging on his 1150GS. Add a full can of oil additive, like Marvel Mystery oil, to the crankcase. Dump any left over seafoam or marvel mystery oil into the gas tank. What do you guys think? Thanks for your help. I will definitely get the seal changed at some point-I just wanted to know if anyone had any experiences, good or bad with MMO. >Dick -- This has been covered many times -- Marvel Air Tool Oil (#080) >is basically Marvel Mystery Oil with an Anti-Rusting agent added. Thanks, Winslow It was created to clean the carburetors in engines made after World War I, as they would easily get clogged. It also says on the bottle to add about 4 ounces to every 10 gallons of fuel. , that they bought and used Marvel oil by the 55 gal drum. I had a half gallon left after it was all over and I stuck it in my unheated utility shed. I recommend trying!!! I change up with Lucas every few tanks. This fine machine oil will penetrate into deep into the valve and lifter areas. Lone Rider Registered User. I dumped the oil twice as this stuff is very good but, VERY solvent and I didn`t want the bearings They don’t stay on the market because of their performance, but because of the customer followings they’ve gained through marketing techniques/gimmicks and tricks, including false advertising statements. It is not necessary to change it so frequently if used before the car reaches 50k miles. I used Marvel oil in it. Marvel Mystery Oil should be used in older diesel engines. They are initially designed to avoid carburetor problems due to clogging of lead and other contaminants in the fuel jet. It took 2 oil changes for it to work. The best way to prevent any such problems is to change the oil in intervals of 200, 500, 1000 miles when 20% Marvel Mystery Oil is added. The good news, yesterday, I cruised down to Biloxi with a fresh tank of gas, took I-10 so got the speed and RPMS up, the problem seems to have gone away, in fact the bike actually seems to start faster, maybe only 1/2 turn before it fires up. RemOil isn’t bad, Tetra Gun Grease, etc. Now, how long should I run this combo in the engine before I change it ? Can some one explain what this does for the engine (Good or Bad).----- F. fnj2 Veteran Member . Using Marvel Mystery Oil Good or Bad? Lone Rider, Mar 14, 2004 #6. Will fly for food. Ford type F if they have it on sale. Marvel Mystery Oil 50665 Ultimate Fuel and Motor Treatment also eliminates nasty exhaust smoke. Something that may be bad or dangerous about going for the oil treatment recommended by Marvel Mystery Oil is that when the bike heated up the oil light came on. Report to Moderator Re: marvel mystery oil in reply to Jr. Roby, 11-23-2012 15:50:09 I use to put that shat on everything. Marvel mystery oil was invented to avoid the clogging problems in the fuel jets during the World War II. I had a half gallon left after it was all over and I … Marvel Mystery Oil vs. Marvel Air Tool Oil . People use Marvel Mystery Airtool oil. MCN blamed the carbon buildup on the shape of the combustion … Thread starter JDarrylB; Start date Feb 7, 2000; J. JDarrylB Member. Let me know. Stuff like Bardahl, Rislone and Marvel Mystery Oil claim they can make your engine run quieter and smoother, and reduce oil burning. I ran Marvel Mystery Oil in the fuel for 4 tanks full, the compression came up to 110 PSI, not perfect but an excellent improvement. Re: outboard & marvel mystery oil Marvel Mystery oil has indeed been around for years and has been a proven varnish remover. Marvel Mystery Oil is a lubricating oil safe for oxygen sensors and catalytic converters. Putting it in the crankcase helped keep the inside of the engine clean. Thanks, Duane. Latest blog entry: Single Channel Case. I have used it when I had a valve stick on my old AMC Concord. But a better product for reanimating a stubbornly seized engine is Marvel Mystery Oil, a mixture of naphthenic hydrocarbons and mineral oil. Very thin and can get into rusty connections easily. Marvel Mystery oil is good stuff. Basically, you put an ounce or so of Marvel Mystery Oil in each of the spark plug holes and let it sit over night. Marvel Mystery oil in and took it on a run through the hills in 2nd gear running up to 5000 RPM's. I'll keep adding a little to the gas now & then. Seafoam comprises of pale oil, naphtha, and IPA. While the engine is running I would pour a little in, wait a few secs, a little more, wait a little bit again, and then pour until it drown the engine out. Something that may be bad or dangerous about going for the oil treatment recommended by Marvel Mystery Oil is that when the bike heated up the oil light came on. Marvel Mystery Oil (3 sizes of oil additive pint, quart, gallon) ... the seals were bad for a while before the MMO was added. You can add or replace 20% of your oil so if you use 5 quarts of oil, you could replace 1 quart of oil with Marvel Mystery Oil. Re: Marvel Mystery Oil and E10 in our small engines The best thing that I found was actually by accident. I would have to agree 100%. Since Marvel Mystery Oil contains more than 15 ppm sulfur, adding Marvel Mystery Oil to 2007 engines would result in fuel with a sulfur content higher than 15 ppm. This is the case in an extremely large percentage of cases where someone claims a particular additive damaged their seals. I use Lucas oil treatment in my truck. Pinecone. Elite Member. There … The car sat outside in storage for 25 years. This sounds like a good idea to me because it is affordable. Is it worth adding marvel mystery oil to my fuel tank every other fill up or so as a schedule maintenance plan? ... MM oil, i.e. If you talk to any of the big ring manufactures they will tell you that using lubricants like WD40, ATF, Marvel Mystery Oil are bad for rings because they cannot take the high temps and will carbon up and block the flow of real oil after startup. Using too much or too thick of an engine will hydrolock the rings and cause damage. The oil must be hot to be effective. Marvel Mystery oil has been there in the market for quite a few time, and definitely, they are a good brand. It’s mainly used to lubricate and clean carburettors, fuel injectors, reduce and prevent varnish and gum build-up, improve gasoline mileage and extend the spark plug life. What’s more, it can be used with both regular and synthetic engine oil varieties. Marvel Mystery oil, Shelf life ? When the crud around the valves was disolved, the guides passed oil. Feb 17, 2011, 08:11 AM #30; Pinecone . Adding MMO to the oil at the recommended 20% (1 in 5 mix) may be a little much. Well, 16 ounces of their Original Oil Enhancer & Fuel Treatment, you can at somewhere around 10 dollars which is definitely a great deal. Give it a minute and fire it up. But it won't behave like a clock oil, won't last as long, and shouldn't be relied on as a long-term alternative. Overall … We let it sit for a few days and then tried to crank the engine over. We let it sit for a few days and then tried to crank the engine over. ... to run a few tanks through with adding a couple ounces of Marvel Mystery Oil. It has always been a successful way (at least in my limited experience) to bring back gas fouled plugs. It's generally recognized that any automotive oil is a bad choice and should be avoided. Including the ancient Marvel Mystery Oil. Re: Marvel Mystery Oil and E10 in our small engines The best thing that I found was actually by accident. The next morning start it up and go for a nice long drive, get the oil up to temp and keep it there for a good 10-15 mins if possible to help clean the last of the junk out of the motor. [Log in to Reply] Bud Soda 11-25-2012 12:10:30. Marvel Mystery oil, Shelf life ? Go take it out and get it good and hot for a while with a decent load on it, that better than dumping a solvent in your tank. The one thing I can tell you is that my first and last experience with this product was about 10 years ago when I thought I was doing A good thing with A OS108 motor that I wasn't going to use for a while. This is a long term use item, something that you’d mix with a fresh oil change, or put measured amounts in a gas tank over time. I'm using around 1 oz per 10 gallon, is that about right??? Marvel Mystery Oil replaces the lubricity of the diesel fuel that has been lost by the reduction in sulfur content. Some guys try seafoam to use that way but i have experimented with it and i dont think it is nearly as good as advertised. I had 1 cly that was using oil bad. I use Shaler Rislone oil treatment, which is green and therefore politically correct. Vets tell me back in the good ole days when both the airlines and the FAA had airplanes with by god real piston engines like DC-3, D-6 etc. Marvel Mystery Oil is an additive that was fist sold in 1923 through the Marvel Oil Company. MMO is basically a very good penetrating oil with some light cleaning ingredients. Therefore, it is good at reducing emissions. Giant B-19 proved a point. Jump to Latest Follow Status Not open for further replies. Marvel Mystery Oil is a lubricating oil safe for oxygen sensors and catalytic converters. They recommend that … Of Wings & Things by Frederick A. Johnsen. If it doesn't cause any harm and can possibly fix it, if only temporarily, that will be good enough for now. Shake it up good and you should be fine. The only downside is the blend is slightly more expensive than other oil additives. has anyone used marvel mystery oil? kerosene, is good for cleaning valve LIFTERS. Bad Boys: Miami Takedown (Nintendo GameCube) 2004 Shooter Bad Boys: Miami Takedown (PlayStation 2) 2004 Shooter Bad Mojo: The Roach Game Redux (IBM PC Compatible) 2004 Adventure Baja: Edge of Control (PlayStation 3) 2008 Racing Baja: Edge of Control (Xbox 360) 2008 Racing Bakugan Battle Brawlers (PlayStation 2) 2009 Strategy Bakugan Battle Brawlers (PlayStation 3) 2009 Strategy … ... engine until noise went away (20 miles). Let me know. I put it in the next oil … This gets out the gunk. Could … alota people say to use lucas or seafoam but i know that marvel is a mix of both. Joined Jan 4, 2000 Location Hamilton, NJ, USA. using this stuff alot could it interoy ruin the injectors because it also is a lube for the injectors of Marvel Mystery Oil and a ST3600 filter . Fouled the spark with oil. For guns that I use or lube often, I make my own “bulk lube” from ATF (Mercon-III will work fine), synthetic motor oil, STP and Marvel Mystery Oil. It is used as a fuel additive, oil additive, corrosion inhibitor, penetrating oil, and transmission leak stopper and seal relubricator.. It is important to note that Marvel Mystery Oil can be used in the crankcase of gasoline, biodiesel, and diesel fuel engines. I changed oils to get the lifters quiet so far so good. We had a bad ice storm several years ago and I mixed up some chain saw gas using E-10. Joined: Jan 29, 2002 Oddometer: 25,130 Location: out and about. robfg67. I found Marvel Mystery oil to actually do something helpful when put into the carb. (There's good reason for this - the rings in a gasser are down on the piston and can be freed by a "mystery oil"; in a TDI, they're right up at the top of the piston and thus very close to combustion heat for emissions reasons -- if a TDI's rings are gunked up and stuck, it's going to take disassembly to free them up, not "snake oil". You want to put it in and run it at idle for a half hour or at low speed just before your oil change. We all know that it’s important to lubricate pneumatic nail guns, but did you know that using the wrong kind of oil can damage a tool? My son has a 73 MGB that he inherited from his Grandfather. if so is it good? I welcome any comments related to these two products. After 2 OCI with MMO added to the oil, it has not improved the oil burning. Use it >as a routine after run. I welcome any comments related to these two products. I pulled the plugs and put some Marvel Mystery oil in each of the heads. Marvel Mystery Oil 32 oz is designed to extend the longevity of high-friction and heat-exposed parts by producing a delicate blend to existing oils or fuel systems to help reduce friction and wear on key components. The car sat outside in storage for 25 years. I actually do use the Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO), as well as Rislone products. When I first bought the truck I changed my oil 4 times in a month and added MMO each time to clean the engine. Doing the trans fluid was a one time thing. Marvel oil IS good though, if you get water in the cylinders or to free up stuck pistons. It … Im looking to use one or the other on my 850 turbo wagon engine and wonder what success folks have had with them. I have no fuel problems I'm just wondering if it's worth it to prevent problems arising in the future. He said it cleans the injector tips up and brings that power back. Based off my results or experiences. >Lyman . My son has a 73 MGB that he inherited from his Grandfather. But if I add to the oil, I will only due that like 200 miles before the next oil change. MMO is basically a very good penetrating oil with some light cleaning ingredients. It could also be added to the fuel or oil. Guys, I have always heard and read only good things about MMO, thats why I was surprised. Fuel and oil are not completely clean and sometimes interact with contaminants like dirt and other deposits to produce sludge, with eventually reduces the efficiency of your engine. My 155K motor has never seen either product, nor anything else like them. Marvel Mystery Oil says it improves compression, power, & MPG, along with lubricating upper cylinder for smoother idling along with keeping engines clean from sludge. I was using 3 quarts 5w30 oil and added 1/2 quart of MMO. I tried it in my personal Franklin 6A4 165 B3 powered Bellanca Cruisair and saw no change good or bad over a 120-hour period, but that's a Franklin. I have heard that some individuals us Marvel Mystery Oil. Marvel mystery oil first came out in October 1923 to rid carburetors of deposits caused by unrefined gasoline. Jump to Latest Follow Status Not open for further replies. Hey, I have been running Marvel Mystery Oil in my fuel for lubrication. Could go to work and do it when you get home or whatever. Marvel Mystery oil is good stuff. This is a long term use item, something that you’d mix with a fresh oil change, or put measured amounts in a gas tank over time. Follow them at your own risk. We had a bad ice storm several years ago and I mixed up some chain saw gas using E-10. Bad for nail guns. That stuff is really good at breaking rusty bolts free. Adding MMO to the oil at the recommended 20% (1 in 5 mix) may be a little much. # Im looking to use one or the other on my 850 turbo wagon engine and wonder what success folks have had with them. Oil burning seems to be about 1 quart 1500 miles or so. I am also thinking that I need to dump the oil although its not mentioned by MMO in the instructions on the back of the bottle. Dallas. Rislone is another similar product and both are still avaiable today. Probably pissing in the wind adding the MMO but I will continue and see what happens. I did and it worked. I'm using around 1 oz per 10 gallon, is that about right??? If you store your engines, mix 50/50 with >automatic transmission fluid. I can't tell you that Marvel Mystery oil is good or bad to use as after run. Using too much or too thick of an engine will hydrolock the rings and cause damage. I have asked Marvel directly how their oil affects viscosity and have gotten No answer yet. Key Features. You most likely need to tear down your carbs and clean and rebuild them. Chemical composition of Seafoam? I’ve started testing MilTec-1, have not used FrogLube (about which I’ve heard rather lofty claims). Marvel Mystery Lubricating Oil is safe for catalytic converters and oxygen sensors. Excitement while flying can be good and bad. About five minutes later it still wouldn't turn so I took the key out of the door lock and went to the passenger side and worked the locks open and closed several times from that side. The guys on the tractor forum said to try it. That really helped and with more high RPM running the engine is almost as quite as when new. It smells good. I was unable to get some once and my lifers started to tick. Then I added some to my KIA's 4 cylinder oil. OK, updating my test with my 2006 127k mile engine burning oil. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. I've heard good things in the past about using Marvel Mystery Oil, like it will improve your engines life and performance over long term use of adding a quart to every oil change. Top. Added to gas it cleans and lubricates fuel injectors and carburetors, improves gasoline mileage, extends spark plug life, reduces and prevents varnish and gum build-up. Marvel Mystery Oil has several uses in the automotive field. 946 1.
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