Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. Snow Line Maybe you know what Im talking about. Other studies of captive deer show that bucks usually shed both antlers within three days of each other. While this post focuses mainly on finding white-tailed and mule deer sheds, the principles also apply for moose, elk and other antlered critters. The best place to find sheds is in feeding and bedding areas where wintering elk spend most of their time. Any tips too find Fallow deer antlers? In addition, to further protect the Gunnison sage-grouse, the new regulations include a time-of-day closure in the Gunnison Basin May 1 - 15 from sunset to 10 a.m. Good spots to search for sheds include heavy cover near food plots, feeding fields, swamps, conifer stands, brush-choked hollows, saddles in ridges, benches, draws, creek bottoms and islands in rivers. Elk are tough to pattern because they seldom follow a daily routine, but they do value a simpler path up and down the mountains, especially during the winter. Once you find an area like this, the probability of it being a great spot year after year will be high. Antlers are hardest to pick out in full, harsh sunshine. Smaller bucks may hold theirs longer, into March. By keeping this information in mind, it will help you locate potential feeding areas that elk will utilize on a regular basis. OnXMaps shows you exactly where public and private land boundaries are located and allow you mark spots and utilize different overlays much like a handheld GPS. A shed hunt starts with glassing those small herds over time. Its important to note that deer will normally only eat the young and tender new growth from the summer before as that is easier to digest than older, tough, and woody stems. With that being said, I believe any midwestern whitetail hunter can have success in their first season shed hunting for mule deer because a lot of the same principles apply. And in the spring, he hunts sheds. Take a look through and see if any places come to mind on the land you shed hunt. Then get out there, explore, stretch your legs, and work on honing in those hunting and glassing skills for fall. Weather, snow depth, altitude and particularly food availability and nutritional value can influence when antler loss takes place. If you hinge-cut the trees, it will become a thick area that can act as both a bedding and feeding area. Ive attached a press release to this email, but please feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have! The most accurate way is to use trail cameras for shed hunting. Deer Jump Areas Bumping into the ground, fences or trees can loosen the antlers. As a general rule of thumb, the majority of mature bulls are going to be found at higher elevations than the smaller bulls and cows. But while everyone is consumed with the idea of looking for these magical shed antlers, they often get confused about where to look for shed antlers. With just a little basic training, a bird dog can learn to find sheds, and then he can multi-task between retrieving ducks and shed hunting in spring, he says. Besides being a lot of fun and a great way to get outside after a long cold winter, finding this many elk sheds can earn you some money. Bull elk are seeking solidarity out of eyesight over the next mountain top. If you're shed hunting flat, sage brush country, then getting out and hiking grid patterns through the sage brush usually pays off. No, not the hiking trail. In more northern regions outside of the farm belt, dense conifer stands offer a similar level of protection from winter, with some additional benefits. This one is obvious but very important for success. These are preferred bedding areas by deer. If you dont have the time or inclination to train a dog for shed antler hunting you can always call upon a professional trainer for help. The intention is to encourage elk antler collectors to find more appropriate places to park or have them seek lodging for the evening rather than parking in front of homes and potentially causing disturbances for local residents in surrounding neighborhoods, said Town Manager Bob McLaurin. Finding Shed Antlers: Top 3 Locations. You might want to sell some, so how much are they worth? According to a 2013 article in Montana FWPs. Crops high in carbohydrates, such as corn and soybeans, are excellent high-energy foods - far better than most natural browse - and thus are important winter food sources. There is no way for a CPW officer to differentiate between you and someone who entered the area for the purpose of shed collecting. Scout: Just like deer hunting, scouting is essential to shed hunting. Look for places deer trails encounter such obstacles. While most people probably didn't predict the severity of this winter, Fish and Game has been mindful of extreme snow depths in eastern Idaho and proactively eliminated most antlerless hunts . But its mysteries like these that keep me hunting sheds. The best shed hunters know to only burn across certain low-odds areas, while slowing way down in more likely locations. We will also be working with local visitors bureaus to help get the information to people visiting Colorado. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.3955/046.085.0307, https://bioone.org/journals/Northwest-Science/volume-85/issue-3/046.085.0307/Osteophagy-by-the-Grizzly-Bear-Ursus-arctos/10.3955/046.085.0307.full. Here are his tips for finding them in the eastern forest: * Target south and southwest-facing slopes that receive more sun. The pace picks up. They helped ignite my interest in deer as a child and continue to contribute important work on the subject. As more people enjoy each season that Colorado has to offer, and new forms of recreation continue to emerge, it will be very important for CPW staff to work with recreation organizations, land-use management agencies and local communities to get the word out. The goal of the Police Department is to maintain a high level of quality of life for Jackson residents in the least obtrusive manner possible. 2023 The Nature Conservancy. Youre in one of those spots. Its also impossible to forecast the amount of snow elk will need to endure during the winter. That may seem like common sense, but youve probably walked by many because you werent looking. "Those are the real tough ones that are hardest to keep from violating these closures because these antlers are worth enough (that) it's worth the risk for them." Enforcement captain Bob Weaver. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. For instance, Wyoming prohibits the collection of shed antlers and horns from January 1 through April 30 on public lands west of the Continental Divide. I never bypass a location when I watch her stop to investigate. I am a biologist in western Canada so this is not an uninformed comment. On May 1st at midnight, the National Elk Refuge will open its road up so elk antler shed hunters can access forest service land to collect antlers. If it hasnt happened on your property yet, its likely to happen very soon. High efficiency is critical if youre dealing with huge properties and want to find some deer sheds before the mice, squirrels, and porcupines chew them up or another hunter finds them. With all the deer gathering in these fields, you have a much better chance of finding a shed. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. Listen to your subconscious. yes I will try looking in places where it good to find em! But if you have any recent clear-cut areas from the year before, there is sure to be an abundance of young growth for deer to browse on. In addition, to protect sage-grouse, shed hunts in Gunnison Basin (Management Areas 54, 55, 66, 67, and 551) are restricted May 1-15 from sunset to 10 am. Comparatively to both whitetails and mule deer, elk antlers always seemed to elude me while deer antlers were relatively easy to find. When this kind of place comes into view, you can feel the energy change in a group of shed hunters. Parking in the Town of Jackson near the entrance to the Elk Refuge on April 30 will be extremely limited. Do your homework before heading into the hills by checking specific regional snowpack reports and webcams to determine the elevation and depth of snow in a specific zone. Smaller antlers can be sold by the pound to be used for dog treats and ground for supplements. Well never be able to go on a simple stroll through perfect shed hunting land and scoop antlers up left and right. Most older bucks shed antlers earlier than younger bucks do. I cant tell you how many times Im walking and my brain says go this way, so I do and find a big antler.. But the winter had been milder than usual, and elk were shedding their antlers early. Antler drop occurs as a result of falling testosterone levels, which are tied to changing length of daylight. Thanks for the tips . Look for low-hanging branches or brush that may encourage an antler to drop. Its a work of art, isnt it? May have a chip or slight broken tine. A few seasons ago, my buddy Drew had been bowhunting the same buck for 3 years. Like a good family recipe or secret bait, a lot of morel honey holes go to the grave with whomever found them. Yes, porcupines do indeed devour antlers (and other unusual things) but this is a topic for a future blog. Here's our guide to finding "sheds" in a forest or field near you. 11. The new Refuge access and travel regulations are explained in a news release on the web at http://1.usa.gov/21y0iuN . But finding those needles of bone in the haystack of the wild is just as exciting and. Odds are high that a bull will drop his rack with his descending gait along a game trail. If you want to start having serious success with elk sheds, locate the ultimate elk wintering area; A secluded basin, with an abundance of food at high-elevation. Youll want to leave most oaks and fruit trees that provide mast for deer, which will further enhance it as a feeding area. Whitetails are habitual, and youll find more antlers there next year if crops and cover in the area remain the same. Come back next March and search again. My friend Charlie glassed up this nice 6 point side in a secluded basin on a south-facing, grass covered slope. Elk will move down out of the high mountains in early winter when the snow gets too deep and the rifle hunting pressure abates. You might find some bone in these places, or you might not. Wardens watch social media, as they should, so dont get jammed up. It depends on the condition and grade of the bone: Grade A: Antler in perfect condition, brown and beautiful, with no fading, broken tines or chew marks. Any number of things could have caused the bucks demise: hit by a car, lost by a bowhunter last season, Hemorrhagic or even Chronic Wasting Disease. John and I have watched countless seasons of people hunting for "moose sheds", antlers that are dropped (shed) sometime in January. The CPW Commission chose not to include private lands in its decision to enact a shed antler collection closure in Colorado. My spring scouting regimen includes looking for whitetail sheds to figure out what bucks made it through the previous hunting season and harsh winter. Shed Hunting Tips 1. Just $1 per month , Read our guide and start finding more shed antlers, By It was once believed that bucks withdrew to a secluded place to shed their antlersaway from does and rival bucksthus avoiding a public loss of virility. If that is on the same ground where you hunt, great. But elk have been known to migrate up to 125 miles to seek these places to endure the winter. Many of us dont have the luxury of large nearby fields with standing grain to draw shedding bucks. Take it slow and deliberately, look straight down and scan every square foot of the ground. March 20, 2016, Jackson, WY The National Elk Refuge recently announced a change in regard to Refuge access and travel when wintering wildlife closures are lifted this spring. Yet another way to get outdoors, improve your hunting skill set, and scout new lands. Steep South. And, if youre lucky enough to spot one, mark the antlers location using, . She enjoys engaging with coyotes more than shed antler hunting, but every time we hike Im amazed at the antlers she digs up buried in inches of forest duff. Please note that all comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. The average price per pound for brown elk antlers is between $12 and $16. 3. The best places to find shed antlers are areas that hold deer during certain parts of their daily routine, which increases the likelihood of you finding antlers. One consistency Ive come to realize over the past two seasons is that elk shed hunting is simply a different ball game. These large grassy meadows, which are predominately found on South facing slopes can be easily identified, once again from Google Earth. Winter food plots with corn, beans, tall brassicas, or cereal grains offer a similar attraction. When to Go: When deer shed their antlers is highly variable, and dependent on a number of factors. Shed antler hunters focus their efforts on specific areas where big game are wintering with a very high likelihood of disturbing and displacing those animals. As a result, a growing number of people are participating. White-tailed deer are over-abundant in the eastern forest, and well adapted to humans. As we mentioned above, recently clear-cut areas provide tons of downed trees and limbs to offer a lot of concealment for whitetails. If it is raining lightly, thats fine. If it's steep country there's usually more snow and glassing is a good strategy. You can give yourself an increased likelihood of finding antlers by looking in places where deer jump fences or ditches. You know I am just a dumbbell I guess, as I have never ever stopped picking up Moose, Elk, or Deer sheds due to the furry little animals I may be robbing a meal from. Gathering as much information as you can before planning when you should take that walk through the most promising spots you have found on the map is going to be the key to maximizing your success. Northern bulls typically shed earlier in the year than their counterparts in southern herds. Whether its an old antler or a lion-killed deer, shell zero in on it, sniff it and then continue on her way. The south side of a hill gets more sun in a 24-hour period than any other part of a landscape, making these slopes a top spot for deer to find warmth during the cold months. For the past few years, Ive struggled to find elk antlers in the mountains of Colorado and quickly became frustrated withthe lack of my success. As you walk, look, think and get a feel for the lay of the land, says Kirsch, who is one of the most accomplished shed hunters I know. Published on February 10, 2015 - Updated on October 3, 2018. After the rut, decreasing testosterone levels cause an abscission layer to form between the antlers and their pedicels. Simply grab your chainsaw and cut down several trees in a small pocket (anywhere from a tenth of an acre to an acre or more). But there are certain places prone to finding bone. More importantly, fields like these are such a powerful magnet for whitetails that you could find shed antlers from deer youve never even seen on your property before. I recommend starting with the works of biologist Valerius Geist and photographer Leonard Lee Rue III. To avoid re-walking an area, do a walk-stop-and-circle search instead: Stop every 50 yards or so and do a 360-degree look around, to take advantage of new viewpoints. The April 30 date is intended to help minimize additional stress during this critical time frame. Grid searching a steep, south-facing hillside with your binoculars from an opposing vantage point is an excellent tactic for covering ground while staying anonymous to the mountains inhabitants. Deer spent a lot of time loafing in these areas in January and February, and bucks often drop bone there. Mule deer country is big. Frozen cattail swamps offer a similar level of protection as they will grow extremely densely to protect deer from any cold winds. No restrictions for private property. Then it would be off to that berry patch, the river to fish, that road kill or that kill the cougar buried for later etc. As the snow line recedes up the mountain, theyll go with it. If a bull group youve been watching dwindles in size, thats a good thing: You now know where the antlers are. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Walk each grid and look straight down around your feet for sheds, then move on to the next grid. Bigger bulls and elk in general, prefer seclusion and will not tolerate human interaction, which is why you also find them at higher elevations. They shed their antlers every year, unlike animals that sport "horns," which include antelope, sheep, cattle, buffalo and rhinoceros. In addition to fines, each violation carries five license suspension points that are assessed against the violator's privilege to apply for, purchase, or exercise the benefits conferred by any licenses issued by CPW. This shed antler hunting season, dont take the scatter gun approach by looking everywhere. A severe winter with a lot of snow can also cause stressed deer to shed earlier. One of the greatest features about OnXMaps is that it shows public and private land ownership, giving you peace of mind when accessing hunting areas. People often overlook food plots for shed hunting. I once found a perfect matched set lying in the shape of a cross.. Its not only fun, but great exerciseespecially when youve been shut in for days. My dad has been looking for 40 years! Its no secret that quality destination food sources are an ace in the hole for piling up sheds on hunting property. While there are no guarantees in shed hunting, those spots are about as close as you can get. If the area thats holding elk has drivable roads, fill up the tank and start driving. She doesnt embrace retrieving, but I keep a close eye on her as we hike. I concur with Susan (although I am not biologist). If youre a deer hunter or any kind of outdoors-lover, youre probably racking up some miles on your boots right about now in the pursuit of shed antlers. This years drop and picked up within a few weeks or months. So, how does one play this game of hide and seek? In years past shed hunters were allowed to park on the Elk Refuge access road and wait until 8am on May 1st to access the National Forest Service. Opinions expressed on Cool Green Science and in any corresponding comments are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Nature Conservancy. Some shed collectors use OHVs and snowmobiles in their search. That being said, youll want to wait to check out any bedding areas for shed antlers until you know that bucks have dropped them, simply because you can chase them to a neighboring property before theyre ready. think you get the point. Most Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields are perfect for this purpose. Just be sure to respect the animals - and please stay out of their wintering areas. This is where the deer will feed. This one is obvious but very important for success. All Rights Reserved. Todays top biologists nix that idea, saying deer are probably unaware of when and where theyll lose their headgear. Moose Shed Hunting - A Beginner's Guide. Nope, not enough damage to the ecosystem to ever be concerned with. Bulls compete for pecking order all year long, and an antlerless bull knows hes vulnerable.. Depending on the harshness of the recent weather, it doesnt hurt to wait till the end of May or even June to shed hunt. Your email address will not be published. My name is Carl Pelletier from the Town of Jackson, Wyoming. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. The freshly felled trees will provide lots of young tender browse that was inaccessible to the deer, but the sudden infusion of sunlight will also produce lots of stump sprouts next summer. In many areas, deer create runways every bit as well-worn as those created by humans. In the winter, deer need thick thermal cover to protect them from the cold temperatures and winds. Corn stubble is good, too. I actually find few antlers in the same area I hunt, its just not the place where the deer spend the winter, says South Dakota shed fanatic Kelly Kirsch, who picks up more than 100 antlers each year. Deer are adapted to have reduced metabolisms in the winter, and their digestive tracts even adapt to include the microorganisms to efficiently digest fibrous browse. No matter how good a secluded basin looks at a high elevation, if it doesnt have a plentiful amount of food, the elk will be nowhere in sight. these trails are obvious on a hillside. To keep from wandering aimlessly the woods, it helps me to mark off grids with trees, rocks, logs, and other landmarks. Wear thin, lightweight hiking gaiters with your low tops to keep the weeds and thorns out. Its no secret that quality destination food sources are an ace in the hole for piling up sheds on hunting property. That is where they may jar them loose. CPW will post signs, send press releases, work with sportspeople's groups and partners, news media, social media and other communication avenues to ensure the public is well informed about this new change. Gary Lewis / For The BulletinA pair of mule deer bucks on winter. When you find an antler, imagine four quadrants around it, and search each area for a companion antler, which will often be within 50 to 75 yards. Worth $1-$2 a pound if youre lucky. Bucks also will . An old-timer in Wyoming who finds more than 100 whitetail sheds on his river bottom ranch every year taught me this trick. For example, yesterday coming home from work we saw a pair of antlers on the side of the road. Finding shed antlers can happen anywhere in a deer's home range, usually encompassing hundreds, if not thousands of acres. Many areas restrict access until elk are off their winter range. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive The Colorado Beginner Elk Hunting Guide for FREE. Son of a bitch. Identifying and recording which of these areas you find a shed will help you formulate your fall hunting strategy. Learn a bit about deer, and it's easier than you think. Published Jan 24, 2023 11:41 AM EST. Antlers are hardest to pick out in full, harsh sunshine. Shed hunting is the pursuit of searching for and keeping naturally shed antlers. Required fields are marked *. I've found that single trees and patches of conifers specifically attract mature bucks, so make sure to hit each isolated pocket of evergreens you see. First, lets start with a recap on white-tailed deer habits and habitats. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. If they were cut a few years ago, there should be lots of additional growth too. Maybe you know what Im talking about. PWC Commissioners and members of the public have noted seeing a substantial increase in shed collection around the state, likely due to the substantial profits collectors make from the sale of shed horns and antlers. Currently bringing $6-$10 a pound. The general price changes every year, and locations will . Much like livestock and cattle, elk require an average of 20 pounds of grass and browse vegetation to sustain themselves through a harsh Winter so its imperative to locate food. Bucks drop their racks from late December in the North through March and April in the South. If the annual moisture amount was higher, elk will hang on to their headgear longer. They can often provide helpful tips on where to find deer antler shed in Utah. It feels like looking for an actual needle in a haystack after a while. Whitetail hunting strategies for the next generation. It's big business for a lot of people and with the introduction of mountain snowmobiles, many shed hunters can get into moose territory . The key word here is seclusion. You need to find where the deer gather and feed from January until this time of year.. Game animals also spend time in ravines, which shield them from the wind; you may find antlers in ravines. Sometimes you'll find sheds in cover so thick you can barely walk through it. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. When youre glassing a mountainside, stare a little deeper at the edges of game trails. Elk herds tend to range in the same general, often-open, areas, on a . But all the other undesirable trees can be fully cut down or hinge-cut. Most people naturally start looking for sheds in the same areas where they hunt deer each fall. Well never be able to go on a simple stroll through perfect shed hunting land and scoop antlers up left and right. So get outside and start your search. Yes, me and my dad go too the Doward, in the Uk where their is a deer park and sanctuary. Winter gives mule deer enough stress the way it is.. In an effort to minimize disruption to residential areas of East Jackson the Town Council has requested that several temporary No Parking zones be established in East Jackson on Broadway, Nelson, Rancher, Absaroka, Wapiti, Redmond and Simpson. And he suspects he already has the deer's other antler at his cabin in McCoy. 4. Brushy, wooded staging areas within 100 yards of old crop fields is the next place to check. Whether covered in grass or mixed shrubs and tree cover, the south side of ridges can create dynamite winter bedding areas for bucks. , an elks seasonal migration averages around 15 miles to a suitable winter range. In 2018, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to prohibit shed antler and horn collection on all public lands west of I-25 from January 1 through April 30, annually. After the rut, decreasing testosterone levels, which are tied to changing length daylight... 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