Maybe cat owners tend not to have high-stress personalities, or they are just the type of people that are not highly affected by anxiety or high-stress situations, he said. Rarely, other types of imaging such as CT or MRI scans may be carried out, to obtain very detailed visualization of the heart and associated structures. In other words, when you smile, your cat associates this with positive feelings and vice versa. Set up your myVCA account today. Taurine is essential in cat diets to prevent dilated cardiomyopathy. Both of these things may explain why dogs, cats, and other pets can detect illness before you or your physician can. In some cases, the cat will require drugs to restore a normal heart rate and rhythm. This occurs in about 10 percent of cardiomyopathy . Furthermore, cats can understand body cues and facial expressions. Cats can sense high blood pressure, cancer, heart attacks, and diabetes symptoms. Cardiomyopathy has several forms: The term "congestive heart failure" broadly refers to heart disease that is so severe that the heart is unable to pump blood forward through the body, causing fluid to back up and accumulate in the lungs or abdomen. A new study by researchers from Australia provides further evidence that angry outbursts can trigger a heart attack - particularly in people at high, An individual who undergoes dental surgery has a higher risk of developing a heart attack or stroke for a few weeks after the procedure, British, People who have panic attacks may be up to 36% more likely to suffer heart attack and up to 47% more likely to develop heart disease later in a life. In some cases, the cat will require drugs to restore a normal heart rate and rhythm. Opens a whole new avenue or intervention that we hadnt looked at before, one that can be made at the public level. And there appear to be no risks with this approach, unlike drugs or surgery, he added. It is difficult to predict survival time in cats with heart failure. We work to make the world a better place for cats, and we're getting better for you. Most conditions that can be surgically fixed are from birth defects, and these surgeries can be curative. Affected cats may begin to develop problems as early as three months of age, while less affected cats show signs of heart failure by two to four years of age. Heart disease can be present from birth due to heart defects, but it can also be acquired later in life from causes like other feline health problems. The heart pumps blood to various parts of the body such as the lungs, brain, kidneys, and limbs. Another way is by the changes in behavior that diabetics often exhibit. Place their paw on your arm or hand as a gentle reminder that theyre there for you. Cats may begin to cough, become lethargic, not eat as well, and even become out of breath or pant during normal activities such as walking or playing. This is because when a cat is ill, they may not have much of an appetite. This sense also allows them to detect changes in our health. Log in 24/7 to access your pets health care information. The heart, located in the chest, is one of the most essential organs in the body. These cats should be spayed or neutered to prevent passing on the disease to another generation. Listening to your veterinarian's guidance on cat food is also important. Prognosis can vary depending on when the heart disease is identified, what the condition is, and how effective treatment is. In both circumstances, blood flows abnormally through the defect, causing turbulence. Your vet may notice that your cat's heart sounds abnormal when listening with a stethoscope. Yes, there are many possible treatment options for most types of feline heart disease. Pets eating fish-only foods (naturally low in taurine) run the risk of damaging their hearts in this way. They may not be able to tell you whats wrong, but theyll definitely let you know that something is up. Alternatively, it may start digging at your clothes in an attempt to get to the root of the strange smell. A murmur sounds like swishing or whooshing through a stethoscope. VCA Hospitals. Although a cat will not understand the concept of a heart attack, it may recognize early signs of an impending heart attack. Already have a myVCA account? Additionally, cats are very intuitive. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Respiratory infections raise heart attack risk by 17 times. Ultrasound of the heart enables detailed evaluation of the heart muscle, the heart chambers, the valves of the heart and other structures around the heart. The link could be to the personality and lifestyle of cat owners and not to the fact they have a cat. Unlike humans and dogs with heart disease, cats rarely cough if they have heart disease. The reason has to do with hormonal fluctuations created in our bodies with illness. Cats with heart disease may simply be monitored or administered basic treatments, while cats with CHF need more aggressive treatment. He also write a regular blog at When the heart is not functioning properly, it can affect every organ and muscle in the body. These serious conditions should always warrant a prompt visit to the veterinarian to begin diagnosis and treatment as early as possible. Jenna Stregowski is the Pet Health and Behavior Editor for. As highlighted, cats tend to be attuned to the facial expressions of their owners. Groom you as a way to show their affection. Diagnosing heart disease may involve referral to a veterinary cardiologist. If your vet detects a heart murmur, it's a good idea to do further testing to rule out heart disease. A less serious form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is seen in these breeds. At an early stage of heart disease, a physical exam by your veterinarian may be the only way to tell there is something wrong. Cats with heart murmurs caused by life threatening structural defects of the heart and cats with cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease) may only live for months or a few years. They are able to do this because they can pick up on changes in our behavior, scent, and appearance. However, anecdotal (not scientific) evidence suggests that they may be able to do so. Mental illnesses tend to cause (or be caused by) hormonal imbalances. February 14, 2019 - Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and the heart (in a poetic sense) and happens to fall during National Heart Month (very intentional) when healthy heart campaigns for people are in full swing. A prescription diet may be recommended so that your cat is eating what is best for this condition. Pete is known as "Pete the Vet" on his busy Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, regularly posting information on topical subjects and real-life cases from his clinic. Cats are extremely intuitive creatures and can pick up on subtle changes in our behaviour or appearance that we may not even be aware of. Once the heart failure is under control, a cat will likely need these medications for the rest of their life, with annual monitoring. The first thing they may do is start to avoid the person who has cancer. Qureshi said having pets probably helped to relieve stress. For some time, observational studies have suggested that some diseases result in specific odors [2 . Using this formula, a ten-year-old cat is similar age wise to a 53-year-old person, a 12-year-old cat to a 61-year-old person, and a 15-year-old cat to a person of 73. If left undetected, this can develop into heart failure. Your email address will not be published. Cats have a very keen sense of smell and can often detect changes in scent that we cannot. Qureshi admits this, said a report in ABC News. Shortness of breath, for instance, is likely to capture a cat's attention. Siamese Cats. Sometimes, there is an underlying cause, such as hyperthyroidism. The presence of a heart murmur does not necessarily mean that your cat's quality of life or life expectancy will be affected. Your veterinarian will gather information about your cat's history and current clinical signs, then perform a physical examination. A new study has shown that cats can also sense anxiety and anxiety attacks in people. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. This is why many diabetics report that their cats will often sniff them more frequently than usual. But did you know that cats can also sense when were ill? Interestingly, your cat may learn to recognize signs that your blood sugar is low simply by observing your behavior. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of the electrical activity in your cats heart. Heart disease prevents the heart from functioning normally, so any type of physical activity may cause your cat's energy levels to significantly decrease. Low energy and breathing problems are two of the most common symptoms of a heart problem. This causes weakness or paralysis in both hind legs, and can be a very painful problem, requiring urgent veterinary treatment. When a young kitten is diagnosed with heart disease, diagnostic testing will help determine what the prognosis is and whether medical treatment is necessary. If found early, these can be treated, often reversing the effects on the heart. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Chronic Kidney Disease. Your veterinarian will discuss specific drugs for your cat if needed. Hypertension or high blood pressure, which can lead to sudden onset blindness due to hemorrhage at the back of the eye. If you notice any unusual behavioral changes in your cat, it may be picking up on a health problem that youre not aware of yet. The term "cardiomyopathy" simply means a disease or disorder of the heart and is used to describe structural or anatomical abnormalities in the heart. If you suspect that you may be predisposed to diabetes, you should pay attention to your cats behavior. Unless there is a congenital defect that can be corrected with surgery, feline heart disease is typically treated with medication. This is not ideal for your cats well-being since it may experience appetite loss and a weakened immune system. Do you ever get the feeling that your cat knows when youre not feeling well? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Richard, the lead writer for Senior Cat Wellness. There are a few things that cats do when they sense illness, which can be helpful in alerting their owners to a potential problem. Disease of the heart can be caused by birth defects, infections, other major organ problems, and changes in the anatomy of the heart that sometimes come with aging.