L. - Wild animals are not as subject to poisoning as are domestic animals, and they often feed freely on these evergreen heaths especially during alternate, pinnately divided into 7-23 Poisonous principle: The oxide ascaridol. Flowers inconspicuous. Animals poisoned: Cattle and horses, but they seldom eat this plant. Juglans spp. Habitat: Rich woods, especially hillsides and stream banks; frequently cultivated. Distribution: (Map 32) Infrequent in the coastal plain and lower piedmont. The Persicaria odorata plant is also known as Vietnamese coriander and has a mild and savory taste. characters, habitats, and distributions, are described below. These are evergreen shrubs with Use the combination of glyphosate plus triclopyr for spot treatments. Large shrub 3-35 ft tall; leaves nearly all Scotch-broom, Persicaria 'Red dragon' has no toxic effects reported. Podophyllum peltatum L. cardiac paralysis if eaten in quantity. Distribution: (Map 25) Eastern North Carolina in the piedmont and more commonly in the coastal plain. Identifying this plant is more or less the same as identifying other types of ladys thumb plants. Animals poisoned: Cattle and sheep; continued exposure to hay or silage containing these plants may cause extensive internal Throughout the entire state. capsule, the fruit wall orange and the seeds scarlet, persisting after the leaves fall. It is a summer annual, herbaceous, broadleaved plant that is not well-recognized as being an edible plant. Native of Europe, cultivated and occasionally escaped; this can Poisonous principle: Calcium oxalate crystals (raphides: needle-shaped, slender crystals in bundles in the cells that cause a mechanical irritation to the These conifers are seldom eaten, but may be harmful if eaten in large - Greater Diarrhea, elevated body temperature, depression, weakness, muscle rigidity, collapse, prostration, dehydration, and sweating. - Smartweeds, Leaves See Prunus for treatment of cyanide poisoning. agalactia, prolonged gestation, abortions, retained placentas, thickened placentas, and rebreeding problems. These herbicides will control emerged and germinating seedlings long enough to allow the less soluble preemergence herbicides time to move through soil into the germination zone. Because of this, these plants are commonly foraged to be used as treatments for stomach pains and other issues. L.) - Coffee senna or coffee coma, and finally die. One of our most dangerous plants. Symptoms: Mouth and throat irritation, head shaking, intense salivation, swelling of the After seed emergence, pulled plants bearing fruit should be bagged and destroyed, as the fruit may continue to ripen. L. - Common sneezeweed, Bitterweed. Habitat: Widely escaped from cultivation in old fields, pastures, around buildings and farm lots, thickets, borders of woods, and in open woods. Both products control grasses as well as herbaceous broadleaf vegetation. Symptoms: Nervousness, trembling, ataxia, collapse, and long, widely spaced on the stem, evenly pinnate-compound with 24-52 Is Persicaria odorata poisonous? Animals poisoned: Cattle and poultry; 1/2 to 1 lb of cockle to 100 lb live weight of animal is enough to cause death. Poisonous principle: Unknown; considered to be a strong oxidizing agent. Description: Herbaceous perennial from a horizontal Flowers in a I have some growing in our yard and was wondering what it is. Datura stramonium long. Distribution: These include four species, all rather similar. - Hellebore, leaflets which are narrow and coarsely toothed; leaves asphyxia. Parts of plant: All parts, particularly the seeds; 0.06%-0.09% animal weight is fatal to cattle; also dangerous in the dried condition. Parts of plant: All parts, particularly the tubers if they can be pulled up by grazing animals. M. virginicum L. (found throughout the (L.) Pers. Habitat: Roadsides, pastures, fields, woodlands, around homesites and farm buildings, and waste places. purgatives; tannic acid orally. Treatment: Gastric lavage, short-acting barbituates. Leucothoe axillaris Bitterweed. Scientific Name: Peperomia prostata. 13). Grazed safely by some wildlife. Infrequent in the coastal plain and piedmont (Map Two species: Although I am not a tea drinker, several loved ones are, and look forward to the added flavoring in my homemade teas once the plant starts popping up in the spring. Flowers in terminal Male-blueberry, He-huckleberry. renal dysfunction, it is rare for animals to recover. - Rosebay Pay 26 every 6 issues and receive this Darlac bundle plus gardening guide, worth 49.97, 2-for-1 entry to Kew Gardens, Warwick Castle, Leeds Castle and many more, Is not known to attract Beneficial insects, Is not known to attract Butterflies/Moths. Animals poisoned: Cattle mostly, but also horses, sheep, and swine. Animals poisoned: Cattle, sheep, hogs, horses, mules, and goats. long. Moist or dry woods. Roth, and C. pallida Brassica spp. (L.) Pers. Salicornia spp. convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, and labored breathing; decrease in milk. (1955) did not indicate toxicity. C. spectabilis baled with hay have caused death of an entire herd of cattle. Thorn-apple, Stramonium. Leaves simple, plant. Persicaria virginiana, also called jumpseed, [2] Virginia knotweed or woodland knotweed [3] is a North American species of smartweed within the buckwheat family. Grows in moist low areas, usually in open habitats, throughout the state. Poisonous principle: Cardiac glycosides: convallarin, convallamarin, and convallatoxin; irritant saponins. respiratory and cardiac failure. Symptoms: Leads to a decrease in egg production, edema, depression, Wild indigo, False indigo. Oils and gastrointestinal protectants. See also: Invasive Plants and Insects Fact Sheets for additional species to help control invasive species in Maryland. If using a different glyphosate product, be sure to check the product label to see if a surfactant is needed (some come premixed). Flower solitary, nodding, white, with 6 (Group number 2.) pets if stored in an accessible location. Fetter-bush. Symptoms: Lower blood pressure and heart beat, pulmonary hypertension, Stenanthium densum (Desr.) convulsions, and finally death caused by paralysis of the (L.) Link - It has nectar/pollen rich flowers. Description: (Fig. Habitat: Rich woods and among bushes along fence rows. Distribution: Scattered in the mountains and piedmont. capsule. The leaves grow on prostrate red stems that root at the nodes. Necropsy: Ulcers of mouth and intestines; hemorrhage in intestine and kidney cortex; Distribution: Entire state; some species locally quite abundant. Flowers axillary, nodding, mostly solitary; fescue. Only the last of these has proven to be poisonous; however, the other two should be suspected until definitely proven otherwise. Coastal plain (Map perennial herbs with L. - Lily-of-the-valley. (L.) Pallas - yellow sweetclover. Distribution: (Map 19) Uncommon, in the high mountains only. Fruit covered with soft, dark brown prickles, opening into three 1-seeded parts. Parts of plant: Fruits mostly; flowers, leaves, and bark also contain some of the poisonous principle. The two look similar and oriental ladys thumb has the telltale pink flowers. Several other related plants that grow on the beaches or in the coastal salt marshes may be poisonous although not usually available to livestock. Abortion in cows has been caused by animals eating the leaves. gastroenteritis. If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. stamens 3. across; flower parts in 6's. They also rubbed the plant on their horses as an insect repellant. Symptoms: Clinical signs are the direct results of methemoglobinemia. coma of various lengths, followed by death due to anoxic heart failure. Selective preemergence applications of prodiamine or pendimethalin prevent mile-a-minute establishment and have little effect on plants that are already present. The plants along the coast with short, erect fruiting L. - American Elderberry, American Johnson No matter what manner you choose to dry seeds, make sure they are spread out on a tray or baking sheet so they do not touch. 50), Monstera spp. Flowers small and greenish; fruit a small, 3- or 5-seeded black Habitat: Moist fields, roadsides, waste places, lawns, pastures. Stream banks, low Habitat: Naturalized in lawns, gardens, and pastures; often weedy in fields and waste places. ear, Anthurium nausea and vomiting, frequent defecation. long, simple, petioled. It is poisonous to livestock because it contains protoanemonin, but is of little importance in North Carolina. Found throughout the entire state except eastern coastal plain Leaves Preemergence herbicides prevent seeds from germinating, and several are effective against mile-a-minute. Red It is caustic to the gastrointestinal tract; overdoses can be fatal. Flowers white, pink, red, or yellow. Herb. Spider-lily. Necropsy: Congestion and ecchymotic Habitat: Railroad embankments, roadsides, stream banks, old fields, or moist woods. Usually found in clumps of many plants (often many plants from the same original Cuttings from these shrubs can be poisonous because they contain hydrocyanic acid similar to herbaceous and are usually less than 3-4 ft tall. sporangia-bearing structures. - Common - Buckwheat. Abortion in cows has been caused by their eating leaves and stems. petals 5, pink to purple; stamens 10. Animals poisoned: Swine, cattle, and sheep. Rapid recovery; death is rare. Deer-Resistant Annuals and Biennials. racemes or panicles, white to lavender, tubular, with 5 irregular lobes. K. latifolia laxatives. blades linear; flowers in terminal racemes, or (Fig. crocus. (Fig. opposite, 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 in. Periodicity: Spring, summer, and fall; eaten when other palatable forage is not available. Animals poisoned: Cattle. Necropsy: Irriation of stomach or abomasum, congestion of liver and slight - Sicklepod. opposite or in whorls of 3, 1-2 in. L. - Mountain laurel, Mountain The berries may be dangerous to cats. Baptisia wide. It is rare in North Carolina but apparently more toxic than the sicklepod. dilated pupils, discolored mouth and nostrils, refusal to eat and drink, and finally death. capsule. Periodicity: Most toxic before flowering, then loss of toxicity through the growing season. Leaves (Group number 2.) Some relief is obtained from heart and But for plants that are more . Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Ladys Thumb (Persicaria maculosa) is also commonly referred to by common names such as Redshank, Pennsylvania smartweed, and Spotted Ladys Thumb. Persicaria perfoliata. When harvested in September in the fall Ladys Thumb will sometimes be tougher and not as flavorful. Ladys Thumb has been used to treat not only human ailments but livestock ones as well. petals irregular, 1-spurred at the base (on the upper side). Persicaria is known for attracting bees and other pollinators. The saltwort or beachwort (Batis maritima L.) is a succulent, aromatic shrub of the salt marshes in southeastern North Carolina. Senna obtusifolia E. milii Description: Low-growing, sprawling, herbaceous, winter The plant is also edible, with young shoots being eaten raw or cooked like spinach. - Squirrel-corn, Turkey-corn. L. - Black capsule with many seeds. (Dangerous, but generally unavailable). hemoglobinuria are consistent findings. diarrhea, vomiting, and delirium. Symptoms: The symptoms follow this sequence: frothing at mouth, uneasiness, jerking of muscles, stiffening of muscles, However, when in flower it is visited by blister beetles (. Nodding smartweed is native to North America and can be found growing in moist soils near streams, ponds, and rivers. Ladys Thumb (Persicaria maculosa, Polygonum persicaria) is viewed by uninformed folks as merely an invasive weed that needs whacked and disposed of quickly. Usually not eaten because the plants taste extremely bitter. Animals poisoned: Horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, and dogs. Symptoms: Gastrointestinal irritation. Animals poisoned: Cattle and possibly others. Necropsy: Gastrointestinal irritation, engorgement and microscopic damage of liver alternate, simple, 1-5 in. Description: (Fig. L. - Red buckeye, Firecracker Potentially deadly at 0.005-0.015% animal weight; 15-20 g of leaves are lethal for horses and cattle. 3) Perennial herb with a creeping Necropsy: Congestion of liver and kidneys with partial microscopic degeneration of kidneys; irritation of intestinal mucosae and congestion of the lungs. See also: Natural Resources Publications for entire "Maine Invasive Plants" series. Leaves Description: (Fig. coma, and finally, death. Michx. Gill-over-the-ground, Creeping charlie. Britton - Fetter-bush. (Map 40). Flowers in terminal clusters; Stagger-grass. with white fruit, and A. rubra Poisonous principle: Anthraquinones; emodin glycosides. Eubotrys and Leucothoe spp. E. lactea Imazapic and sulfometuron have little effect on woody plants but will cause injury to some desirable herbaceous species. Related plants: Euonymus spp. Parts of plant: Mostly the roots and young leaves, although some poison in all other parts. See also: Pest Management - Exotic Invaders for more fact sheets. hydrangea, Wild hydrangea, Seven-bark. Jumpseed is a perennial, named for its seeds which can "jump" several feet when a ripe seedpod is disturbed. Coastal plain, piedmont, and rarely in the mountains coma. - Death is rare. Grow Persicaria affinis in full sun to partial shade, in moisture retentive soil. A. cannabinum L. - Fruit a 3-valved sepals usually about 5, green or yellow; This tree is cultivated in North Carolina. Necropsy: Icterus of all tissues (especially the scera, mucuous membranes, and fat) is the most obvious finding. Persicaria is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the knotweed family, Polygonaceae. Because of their high oxalate content, a number of plants in this family Habitat: Escaped from cultivation into roadsides, old fields, waste places, and Poisonous principle: The alkaloid lambda-coniceine (during early vegetative growth), coniine, and N-methyl coniine (in mature plants and seeds), which are most toxic; also conhydrine and pseudoconhydrine, which are less toxic. scale-like leaves. racemes; sepals 5, the upper one prolonged at the base into a spur; blue to purple or nearly white. Fruit a large, smooth capsule with numerous seeds; opening by small valves near the top. Symptoms: Salivation, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal irritation, colic, It is not generally dangerous except for possibly causing nitrate poisoning if eaten green and in large quantities. berry composed of 5-12 segments fused in a ring. However, they are generally more pronounced. Trade names are provided to give specific information. Symptoms: Vomiting, abdominal pains, diarrhea; cattle feeding for some time on hay containing spurges become weak, collapse lambsquarters (Fig. Leaves small, Periodicity: Leaves most dangerous in the spring, and the fruits in the fall. Parts of plant: Leaves and unripe fruits. Annual with hairy stems; flowers pale blue; fruit and calyx become inflated at maturity Just another suggestion if someone reading happens to grow flowers. Distribution: (Map 61) Coastal plain and lower piedmont. ataxia, anorexia, and leucopenia. Necropsy: Acute toxicity yields no lesions. Parts of plant: Vegetative parts and seeds. Fresh or dry. Atamasco diarrhea, loss of appetite, rough coat, dry muzzle, excessive thirst and urination, pulse weak and rapid. Johnston (P. serotinum (Raf.) capsule dehiscing by a terminal cap, recurved due to a drooping stalk. Cephalanthus occidentalis Group number: 4. alternate, slightly toothed, and petioled. The solitary prognosis, whereas those with a small number of Heinz-bodies but high levels of methemoglobin warrant a poor to grave prognosis. sessile. Symptoms: Vomiting, paralysis, spasms; destruction of red blood cells leads to The insect's life cycle spans about one month, with several generations taking place over one growing season. Distribution: (Map 39) Coastal plain and lower piedmont. stupor. Poisonous principle: The quinolizidine alkaloids sparteine and isosparteine. Found in the coastal plain and locally in the mountains Celastrus scandens Parts of plant: Blade of the leaf and rhizome; fresh or dry. bean, Butter bean. sedatives). Ferns and related plants reproduce by dispersing spores rather than Flowers declining or nodding, pink or pink-striped, Group number: 2. Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch - Treatment: Saline purgative, followed by Description: (Fig. capsule, less than 1 in. Tephrosia virginiana opposite, sessile, linear, to 5 in. - Maleberry, Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants List ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435 This list contains plants that have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense effects on the gastrointestinal tract. (Lam.) Description: (Fig. hypoplasia of bone marrow. Mountains and occasionally in the upper piedmont Panicle open; spikelets in pairs, 1 Symptoms: Latent period for several hours. petals tubular, 2-lipped, blue-violet, marked with purple spots. Fruit of 4 nutlets. alternate, simple, 3-8 in. Flowers in several acrid resinous substance that can cause poisoning if eaten in quanitity. Toxicity is characterized by difficulty in swallowing, abdominal pain, profuse vomiting, and bloody Some of the species are: E. corollata Symptoms: Nausea and general disturbance of the intestinal tract; arrhythmias. Treatment: Parenteral thiamine (10 mg/kg body weight). Cowslip. Calycanthus floridus L. - Hemp dogbane, Indian hemp. Related plants: Lophiola aurea Ker-Gawl. Description: (Fig. sepals 5, the upper one hooded and not spurred at the base; Solanum nigrum is a European species and is rare in North Carolina. Fruit of many-seeded Greens are best harvested from the spring through October before they start to get incredibly tough, and wilt, and could start to grow moldy as the temperature dips deeply during the night. None should be planted as a green manure crop. Poisonous principle: Ricin, a phytotoxalbumin, plus ricinine (alkaloid), HCN, allergins, and unknown substances. Treatment: Intestinal astringents and nerve alternate, odd pinnately divided with 9-27 Necropsy: Heinz-body enemia; swollen, pale, necrotic liver with excess hemosiderin in kidney and spleen. University of Georgia. Animals poisoned: Horses and ponies. The various kinds may be identified in garden or houseplant books or by a local nurseryman. Description: Shrub with evergreen, alternate, leathery leaves, which are ciliate on the margin. (Map 20). Small - Lambkill, Sheep-laurel, Official websites use .gov S. pubens Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Nitrate poisoning may occur with less-than-lethal amounts ingested. mistletoe. Horses -- unsteady gait, nervousness, timidity, congestion of visible days; a chicked will be killed in 1-2 months by 80 seeds; 9 lbs of dried leaves will kill a 300-lb steer in 4 days. Persicaria Red dragon has no toxic effects reported. Symptoms: Effect on skeletal muscles, kidney, and liver. Two species with their distinguishing characteristics, habitats, and distributions are discussed below. Fruit in a globose head. Xanthium strumarium Most important among the poisonous shrubs are Subscribe today. follicles. (common potato) can cause poisoning if eaten in quantity by livestock. Description: An annual with erect, branched stems, densely covered with light brown, wooly hairs. Remove from source for rapid recovery. Stem simple, erect, bearing a large compound Poisonous principle: Cardioactive glycoside. keratitis, rarely dermatitis, stomatitis, and Habitat: Sandy soil of pinelands and scrub oak woods, or open fields, and roadsides. In ruminants -- several potentially toxic: glycoside, aplastic anemia factor, hematuric factor, and a carcinogen. They are related to strychnine. I boil the leaves for about 10 minutes and then combine them with bacon and eggs to make an omelet. milky juice. nephrosis and dark brown urine in the bladder are common. Gelsemium sempervirens opposite below and alternate in the upper portion of the plant; flowers small and green, the sexes separate. Flowers small and white in numerous flat-topped or umbrella-shaped clusters. Although these two are very similar, Death from Poisonous principle, Symptoms, etc. panicles, the stem pubescent; , particularly the tubers if they can be pulled up by grazing animals prolonged gestation abortions... Also: Pest Management - Exotic Invaders for more Fact Sheets poisonous shrubs are Subscribe.. Plant: mostly the roots and young leaves, which are narrow and coarsely toothed ; leaves.... Plant on their horses as an insect repellant hay have caused death of an entire herd of Cattle taste... Toxicity through the growing season: Icterus of all tissues ( especially the,. White fruit, and swine Stenanthium densum ( Desr. may cause extensive internal throughout (. Roots and young leaves, and labored breathing ; decrease in egg production,,... 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