This projectile is the Target Practice-Tracer version (TP-T) M411A1 but complete round designation is the M411A3. This allowed use of a rimfire cartridge loaded into the chambers for much quicker reloading and sustained fire.
Rename the 17 pounder to the M5 anti tank gun, Does not need a new skin or anything but just so it's a little more realistic. Overall mellow patina and free from any significant dents or dings. Willys MB (M2 machine gun) Willys MB (Artillery radio) M2 machine gun emplacement P-51 Mustang A-20G Havoc 3" M5 anti-tank gun 40mm Bofors anti-air gun GER Panzer IV Panzer IV w/ MG cupola SdKfz251 SdKfz251 enclosed Bf-109 Ju-88 MG42 machine gun emplacement Pak 40 anti-tank gun B- Restored with the hole filled and repainted and stenciled as the combat HEAT-T-MP round. Except for the white stencil markings on the base, the cases are identical to those used in the common High Explosive, Illuminating, White Phosphorous, or training projectiles. The signal and the expelling charge are packed inside the tube. This is the M14B1 which is the drawn case the same as the most common brass case, the M14, but made from steel instead of brass. $85.00 (View Picture), 21645 U.S. 20 x 110mm (Hispano Suiza) Dummy Cartridge M18A3 (Single round) - The 20 x 110mm (Hispano-Suiza) aircraft cannon was widely used by the British and U.S. aircraft during WW2. Each is a self contained unit, basically an aluminum tube with a primer on the breech end and the other end open, but covered with an aluminum cap for shipping. INERT- no explosive or flammable components. Artillery and Self Propelled Weapons For Sale - MILWEB Classifieds $25,000 05 April '23 Maxon Quad 50 Mount This Maxon Quad 50 was restored within the last 5 years. The 40mm/L70 guns are in service in many countries today in Anti-Aircraft, anti-armor, or anti-shipping roles. Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. A great item for anyone wanting a superb condition 105mm Howitzer case for display. INERT- no flammable or explosive components. The Ontos had six M40 106 mm recoilless rifles . They were introduced in 1942, consisting basically of a lightweight pipe with sights and a shoulder rest, for firing a solid fuel rocket with a shaped charge high explosive warhead. Projectile has been repainted OD color but no stencil markings added. A very scarce round an good example of a really clever concept. New old stock or lightly used. The same case was used on all, varying only in the types of projectiles, which would be identified by ink stamped markings when the shell was loaded. COMMENTS: Very rare manual covering the repair and disassembly of the different mechanical features of the M5 anti-tank gun. Except for the rifling marks it pretty much looks like an unfired round. Handguns
Price per signal in sealed container. Allied team weapons: M5 ANTI Tank gun and M3 Grease GUN Axis team weapons: PaK 40 AND MP40 Special Items: Anti Tank gun. Free shipping for many products! The M5 was an adaptation for anti-tank gun use. Cartridge Cases for Saluting Cartridges-
The M18A3 cartridges are turned from steel and then chrome(?)plated. In 1940 the Ordnance Corps started an anti-tank gun project - based on the 3 inch anti-aircraft gun T9. $325.00 (View Picture), 7191 RARE WW2 GERMAN 28/20mm SQUEEZEBORE ANTI-TANK CARTIRDGE - 28 x 188mm Rimmed with headstamp 2h, avu (maker- Silva Metallwerke GmbH, Werk Genthin), 43 (date), [waffenamt], 2.8 cm Patrh PzB
Headstamp date for initial manufacture is 1942 and the fired primer is also 1942 dated. Body is 1970 dated, so this is Vietnam era piece. The composition of this was not as consistent as virgin cartridge brass, and while it was suitable for use at least once, the lower copper content made reloading a very bad option. Red, white, or green stars are current issue, but many other variations can be found. It is to be loaded with sand and fuzed in the field. $40.00 (View Picture), 20613 Chinese 75 x 185mm R Brass cartridge case for the Japanese Type 41 Mountain Gun - The Type 41 Mountain Gun was a license-built copy of the Krupp M.08 mountain gun. Some were shells which used only an explosive filler (black powder), while others were case shot which had the interior filled with lead balls in a sulfur or pitch matrix along with an explosive charge to yield more fragmentation effects. We repainted the cases a brass color for display, but be careful or you can scratch or chip the pant. Find nearby gun shops, ranges, training, and other resources. Instead, they improved the performance of the old Hispano design by speeding up its rate of fire and rechambering it for a powerful new round, the 20x110 USN. The base fuze is inside a Bakelite shaft. For a cartridge collector, it is absolutely essential. This was made by BB. INERT- no explosive or flammable materials. M51A1 Rifle Grenade, Ground Signal, Red Star Parachute Flare
Headstamp includes pre-WW1 date of 1912, so this was made for the Morser 10, but the same cases continued in use later in WW1 with the Morser 16. INERT, no flammable or explosive components. These were also used on the U.S. Armys M40 Duster armored vehicles which mounted twin 40mm Bofors guns well into the 1970s. The later 3/50 dual purpose guns of the 1920s through WW2 for anti-aircraft as well as surface targets switched to different types of projectiles with mechanical time or point detonating fuzes. Some markings are stenciled in black, while others are impressed into the plastic. INERT- No flammable or explosive components. M18A1 Rifle Grenade, Ground Signal, White Star Cluster Flare
$95.00 (View Picture), 21138 USAF BOMB FUZE FMU-112/(D-1)B (TRAINER VERSION) - The FMU-112/B fuze was developed by the Air Force as an electronic impact or short delay fuze designed to fit the standard 3-inch fuze well on guided or unguided series bombs such as the M117 or MK-80. Highly recommended reference, sure to be a classic. Each is a self contained unit, basically an aluminum tube with a primer on the breech end and the other end open, but covered with an aluminum cap for shipping.
$8.00 (View Picture), 21510 SET OF 3 DIFFERENT STYLE U.S. 105mm HOWITZER SHELL CASES - 1- All brass M14 case with 1945 date. INERT- No flammable or explosive components $225.00 (View Picture), **NEW ADDITION** 509 U.S. 76mm M26B1 STEEL SHELL CASE FOR 76mm GUN USED IN M4A1 SHERMANS AND M18 HELLCAT (76.2 x 539mmR) - These were used in the 76mm Gun M1, an incremental improvement over the 3 inch guns derived from the M1918 Anti-Aircraft guns using the large bottlenecked 76.2 x 585mmR cases. U.S. T159-162 series. INERT- no explosive or flammable components. There are two versions. Projectile is tight in the case with excellent condition fuze and retaining nearly all the original paint and stencil markings. INERT warhead, no propellant, totally inert not dangerous. A wire carrying handle is provided. The M7 was the version of the gun mounted in the M10 Tank Destroyer (also known as the 3 inch Gun Motor Carriage, M10) which was based on a M4 Sherman hull. $195.00 (View Picture), 20967 U.S.
About 90% of the original blue paint and white markings remain, and the obturator is intact. cap. This was based on Parrotts August 1861 patent.
This is an unloaded round, never marked, but when loaded it would have yellow markings including a row of yellow diamonds stenciled approximately 3.50 inches behind the nose, and nomenclature, lot numbers, and loading data. Projectile is unmarked. In this battle, towed tank destroyer units fought much less successfully and suffered much higher losses than self-propelled ones. The APDS rounds were the intermediate step between the dart type penetrators, and the older very heavy solid steel/tungsten projectiles which killed tanks by brute force of the massive projectile penetrating the armor- or ricocheting off if the angle was not good. See photo for details. The M4 was very similar to a shogun shell, but with a bulged area just ahead of the base to hold it in place in the base tube of the mortar. This case is dated 1969 and has the fired primer in place. Prior to dispensing, metal strips run through slots in the end of each mine's fuze to retain an arming plunger. Upload media . Also one cardboard shipping box for ten M44A2 yellow single star cartridges. This used a standard steel case with the old load information removed and new stencil markings "3"/50 CARTRIDGE CASE/ DUMMY-INERT/ FOR WESTERN DEMIL TEST" on the case. This uses regular conventional components, just loaded without any explosive or flammable materials so that it would be safe for use during testing. The USAF uses the same charge all the time, while the ground gunners usually pull one of more increments of propelling charges to vary the range or trajectory to fit the mission. Something went wrong. . Flash from the powder charge would reach up to the front of the projectile, igniting the powder train time fuze. The bore has corrosion from firing and poor cleaning, or maybe just exposure to salt air for extended periods. Collector Classifieds - For Sale/Trade. 60 m/m Lot 1-15 and date 6-53. INERT- no explosive or flammable components. The M5 3-inch antitank gun was developed during World War II by combining the high velocity of a 3-inch antiaircraft gun with the field carriage of the 105MM howitzer. Dimensioned drawings are provided for the case and projectiles, and in many cases there are details of the fuze as well. The stubby little 150 x 113mmR cartridge cases were used with these. Price each $55.00 (View Picture)
This covers virtually the whole globe, from European powers to backwater nations of Asia or South America. These models are very well discussed by the Lovetts, on their great page at
The Drill Cartridge is a hollow metal body with a bronze base plate and a replaceable Dummy Fuze M59 that duplicates the exterior of the M48 Point Detonating Fuze. The other possible user, the Tank Destroyer Center, preferred more mobile self-propelled weapons. Essentially, the chamber became a primitive form of a metallic cartridge. The following information is lettered in a longitudinal direction on the side of each case
These dummy cartridges were made for training use, and feature a regular case with three holes drilled in it, and a regular (bur empty) projectile which is silver soldered to the neck to withstand harsh use. The gun combined a 3-inch (76.2 mm) barrel of the anti-aircraft gun T9 and elements of the 105 mm howitzer M2. The 3.7-cm Pak 35/36 was the standard German anti-tank gun at the outbreak of WWII, more than 15,000 such weapons had been completed in Germany by 1941, and although its penetrative performance was not particularly good, its mobility and ease of concealment made it a usefull weapon and it was mounted for close support onto halftracks and light truck. The M329A1Ei was a further improvement with a nylon or plastic discarding obturator. Great for that WW2 display, or a collection of tank/anti-tank weapons. bourrelet, ink stamped with what looks like 30mm G DUMMY but no other marks. $95.00 (View Picture), 16234 GRENADE LAUNCHER FOR FN-49 SEMI-AUTO RIFLES (COLOMBIAN .30-06 VERSION) - This is a spigot type grenade launcher made in Belgium by MECAR (who made launchers for many different rifles, and is still a major munitions maker today). This proved to be a successful design, and Schneider then decided to modified it for a French 105 mm round. $95.00 (View Picture), 7959 LOT OF FOUR ROUNDS WITH CLIP- BOFORS 40 X 364 MMR (BOFORS 40MM/L70) DUMMY, M851 - The Swedish Bofors firm has worked hard at improvements on their famous 1930s vintage WW2 era guns known as the 40mm/L60 which fired the 40 x 311 mmR cartridge in the four round clips. Totally inert, no flammable or explosive components. Projectile is December 1942 dated in excellent condition. However, reloading the chambers in the field was tedious and slow, greatly reducing the effectiveness of the Gatling gun for any sort of sustained fire.
These were often preferred for use on bombs using retarders or low-level laser guidance kits. The gun combined a 3-inch (76.2 mm) barrel of the anti-aircraft gun T9 and elements of the 105 mm howitzer M2. These were fired at reasonably high velocity, and their effectiveness was mainly the result of the heavy projectile hitting the enemy armor and sometimes penetrating, but at least spalling off bits from the inside which would destroy crew and equipment. Correctly restored colors with green body, and white and red fuze indicating High Explosive-Incendiary-Tracer-Self Destruct (HE-I-T/SD) which was the most used anti-aircraft round of WW2. Primer appears to be Remington 1945 type. Type: 3-inch Anti-Tank Gun. The special edition package also includes the M5 anti-tank gun. This one was not fired, but is in relic condition, with heavy rusting and spalling of chunks of the surface as seen in the photos. The 152mm gun ammunition was issued as fixed rounds with a distinctive light yellow combustible cartridge case with a texture similar to fiber-board. But, the body of the projectile does not fragment, avoiding damage to the sleeve or target drone so they can be used for multiple firing runs. The M5 was the marriage of a 105mm M2 Howitzer carriage and breech with the 3" barrel from the M1918 Anti-Aircraft gun. Used on all the 5", 6", 8" and 16" U.S. Navy gun projectiles, and perhaps others as well. Lot includes the following
Originally intended as an anti-aircraft weapon, the M5 was t e largest purely anti-tank gun built by the US during World War II. The stronger M30 mortar could achieve longer ranges than the earlier mortars using the M329 projectile with a boat tail shape and pre-engraved roatating band. No markings at all on this one. Overall fair to good condition, but this was made from a body that has lost most of its paint and is rusty overall (except on the cut edges) and somewhat pitted on the outside, so it really needs to be cleaned up and repainted. Two fired, empty, INERT cases
INERT. It mounted six M40 106 mm recoilless rifles that could be fired in rapid succession against individual targets. The letters are 3/16-inch high for 3-inch cartridges and 1/4-inch high for 5-inch cartridges. Shipping tube may be dirty and weathered. If you buy all game passes when they're not on sale, (2766 robux as of august 24 2021), it will give each dev 4.25USD each. These were mainly used with the M5 3 inch anti-tank gun which was . Inkstamped markings on side of the case: 40mm L/70, DUMMY M851, GRT85G016-001. 1 Mark I signal pistol with a shoulder stock, or the No. One easily noted design difference is that the Confederate Read projectiles almost always have a late dimple in the center of the base associated with turning the projectile to final dimensions. $165.00 (View Picture), **NEW ADDITION** 507 U.S. NAVY 5/38 BRASS SHELL CASING- PRE-WAR 1940 DATE! The USAF modified 105 Howitzer rounds have the projectiles crimped to the case, instead of being a loose fit. INERT- no flammable or explosive components. In this carriage, a flat shield borrowed from the 105mm howitzer was replaced by a new sloped one. $195.00 (View Picture), 105 SCARCE LESS LETHAL .50 CAL AMMO CAN FOR RUBBER BALL ANTI-RIOT GRENADES - See photos for all the markings from Smith & Wesson Chemical Company (which existed 1968-1995). At the time this was loaded (September 1944 at the Naval Ammunition Depot, St. Juliens Creek, VA [Norfolk area], they still used the red color. Condition is presently fair to good, and all need to be cleaned up. The pilot of the weapon was ready by September 1941. SPECIAL- 10 boxes total 100 links for $40.00, or a single box of 10 links for only $5.00 (View Picture), 22556 U.S. 105MM HOWITZER BRASS CASE 1943 - Standard 105mm Howitzer brass case M14. The M6 ignition cartridge was used most of the 81mm rounds from mid WW2 onward, including many of the M43A1 High Explosive and practice rounds, the M68 Training, the M56 HE, M57 Chemical (White Phosphorous), and M301 Illuminating. Instead, they improved the performance of the old Hispano design by speeding up its rate of fire and rechambering it for a powerful new round, the 20x110 USN. $395.00 (View Picture), 20449 U.S. 90mm GUN ARMOR PIERCING-TRACER CARTRIDGE AP-T M318A1 - Among the last of the armor piercing solid projectiles made of hardened steel for punching through armor by brute force. He was kind of the John Moses Browning of Finland. $495.00 (View Picture), NOTE- VOLUMES 1 & 2 of "Gun for all Nations" are. One dent in the nose and a barely perceptible crease on the side of the nose cone section, otherwise excellent, as shown in the photos. $125.00 (View Picture), 20570 WW2 U.S. Army 40mm Bofors (40 x 311mmR) Dummy cartridge with HE type projectile - Typical WW2 Bofors loading, but made as an inert dummy for use in training and maintenance. US Army Anti Tank Gun. The U.S. Navy adopted the 20mm Oerlikon guns shortly before WW2 to replace the .50 caliber machine guns previously used for close in anti-aircraft use. The dummy ammunition is used for training crews in the various operations (loading, unloading, troubleshooting, etc) and for mechanical testing of the guns while ensuring there will not be any unexpected loud noises or sudden holes in buildings or other nearby stuff (or soiled skivvies). This would be loaded with 64 of the M42 and 24 of the M46 dual purpose anti-material and anti-personnel grenades. Good ink markings on the base indicating suitable for use in Howitzer M2A2, M103 and M137. Fuze is M50 dummy. $15.00 (View Picture), 15342 60mm Mortar Ignition Cartridge, M4 by Winchester - This type was used early in WW2 through Korea and replaced later for most uses by the M5 Ignition Cartridge which used a screw in brass base and a separate cardboard case for the charge. The fat wing section of the mine is filled with a liquid explosive.
CHEAP! Overall VG except tarnished and cruddy inside (probably used as a planter or something). New old stock or lightly used. The mine was deployed by helicopters and infantry. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Automotive. Let's go! Case body has dark patina all over except for one narrow lengthwise section where it was protected by something and is shiny brass. New old stock, fresh from an old crate which had the 1943 dated packing slip shown. The 40mm Bofors was widely used by virtually every combatant in WW2, and in U.S. service they were the main anti-aircraft gun for close in defense, and also were used on wheeled mounts, or later on the tracked M42 Duster by the Army. New old stock, fresh from a sealed crate. Lot number 1302, inspected by L.M. Can blow up a tank in 2 DIRECT shots, if not direct, 5 shots. Very scarce and no information found after a diligent search of everything I could think of. Antitank Cannon front, Starke.jpg. There is also some information on subcaliber cartridges used in the 37mm guns (from .22 rimfire up to centerfire rifle or pistol cartridges) and a bit of information on the tools used to reload 37mm cartridges. $295.00 (View Picture), 19022 CIVIL WAR 3" ABSTERDAM PROJECTILE (TYPE 3) - An excellent design for the 3" Parrot Rifles and the 3" Ordnance Rifles adopted late in the Civil War and lasting through the end of the muzzle loading era (and perhaps with some of the early breechloading conversions?). Arms Collectors
INERT- no flammable or explosive components. This was used with all three of the main German 105mm field guns during WW1, along with an earlier 1898 model. $3.00 each 22971B- Lacquered STEEL 12.7 x 108mm case with 83 headstamp which I think is Chinese, but not really sure if it is a date, or a factory code. A few of the guns that made it to Italy were mounted on the M1A1 carriage which featured a flat gun shield, but all others were mounted on the M6 carriage which had a sloped gun shield. Initially these were exclusively for chemical warfare use, but at the start of WW2 the Army added a high explosive shell to the inventory, which made the 4.2 inch mortar extremely useful in mountain or jungle terrain where wheeled artillery could not move easily. Mark II, but has limited markings. Cap screws on/off and I think is missing an O-ring or something as it does not snug up tight, otherwise a big mean looking thing. The barrel of the T9 was combined with breech, recoil system and carriage, all adapted from the 105 mm howitzer M2. Photo shows a 17 long tube used for shipping warheads, but the motor tube is the same thing, only 43 inches long. It is reported that the excellent design of . Auctions Search Auctions Live Now Premium No Reserve Results Submit a Vehicle How BaT Works $95.00 (View Picture), 3491 U.S. NAVY 3"/50 MK 7 MOD 1 BRASS SHELL CASING DATED 1942 - (76.2 x 585mm Rimmed) Nice clean brass case with desirable early WW2 1942 date. The time has come. Projectile has 90%+ of the original blue paint. This has a blunt nose, but a pointed aluminum nose cap for better ballistics and to minimize deflection upon initial impact with the target. INERT- no flammable or explosive components. Handgun Classifieds. Nearly 9,000 M5/M5A1s were manufactured by American Car & Foundry, Cadillac, and Massey Harris from 1941 to 1944. Quick. The muzzle end is pointed in the desired direction and that tube smacked against the ground. See photo for info on the grenades. Overall excellent with just minor tarnish on the brass case.
Sometimes lightly armored, and often fitted into a turret, they are none-the-less not tanks or assault guns and simply enhance the mobility of anti-tank guns. The projectiles are attached to a combustible cartridge case with a steel base cup. These early projectiles had a narrow rotating band and the cases are 593mm long. The Brits used two Hispano cannons in the later Spitfire fighters. It hardly seemed worth the effort as the performance is only marginally better than the 20x102. This uses regular conventional components, just loaded without any explosive or flammable materials so that it would be safe for use during testing. $350.00 (View Picture), 17985 SIGNAL, GROUND, GREEN STAR, PARACHUTE, M19A1- 1944 dated - These are not "explosive" grenades intended to cause casualties. It worked effectively, but was heavy and slow to move, and by the end of the war was being replaced by a similar gun mounted on the M10 Tank Destroyers. However, it was a failure and cancelled in 1985. The M16 rifle Rubber Ducks are well known, and less well known are the replicas of foreign arms and ammunition likely to be encountered on the battlefield. In addition to the anti-tank role, the gun was often used to supplement divisional field artillery[15] or to provide direct fire against enemy fortifications (e.g. The case is attached to the wooden base by a large bolt threaded into the primer hole, probably enlarged or threaded, but it makes it a very attractive nautical Lipstick as often used as decoration in high ranking officers offices, or on the quarterdeck of ships for ceremonial events. I finally faked sufficient enthusiasm to ID the stuff below and take photos after sitting on a lot of it for 10+ years. 1944 M5A1 Stuart for sale on BaT Auctions - sold for $220,000 on May 31, 2018 (Lot #9,976) | Bring a Trailer Bid for the chance to own a 1944 M5A1 Stuart at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Although sounding dangerous, these actually work pretty well, expanding when fired, but quickly returning to the smaller original dimensions. $149.00 (View Picture), 17102 RARE .58 CALIBER GATLING GUN SHORT RIMFIRE CARTRIDGE- FIRST U.S. MACHING GUN CARTRIDGE - The first machine guns were Richard J. Gatlings hand cranked guns, the Model 1862. Initially the French were not interested as they already had plenty of 75 mm field guns. $49.00 (View Picture), 10094 U.S. 4.2 INCH MORTAR ILLUMINATING SHELL M335A2 - These are used to provide battlefield illumination or harassment of enemy troops. A well-trained and reasonably seasoned gunnery crew could unleash twelve rounds per minute. This is the more common short variety, although a longer version approximately 8 inches long is known to exist. 10/25/2022
The M28A2 HEAT rocket was used primarily against armored targets, tanks and hardened targets, such as gun emplacements, pillboxes. One of the methods of coping with this problem was the use of scrap brass to make cartridge cases for some Navy ammunition. We talked the author into printing a few more copies, and have them in stock ready to ship, and at a much lower price! Originally it was the standard Japanese pack artillery weapon. Today, the M5 is utilized by the US Army for ceremonial purposes. The M5 used fixed ammunition, with the same 76.2x585R cartridge case designated 3inch Cartridge Case Mk IIM2 as other descendants of the 3inch M1918 anti-aircraft gun, and had basically the same barrel. These fired a 6 pound projectile (duhh!) These have been made from brass or steel over the years, with several different construction methods. This impressive rate of fire and range was made more effective by coupling it with sophisticated fire control and radar systems. Black projectile with slightly different contours- Armor Piercing (AP), Yellow projectile- High Explosive with pentolite filler (HE)
He designed two competing anti-tank weapons a 13.2mm . The M5 3in gun motor carriage was the first US tank destroyer to carry a heavier gun than the 37mm anti-tank gun, but it was never a popular design and the project was abandoned before production got under way. Highly recommended reference, sure to be a classic. SIGNAL, Without Parachute, Changing Colour, for Aircraft.---- Made by WILDER, BIRM. Yellow stencil markings SPDN indicating non-flashless smokeless powder and a lot number on the base. Overall condition is fine to excellent with some minor dings and scrapes. Or, it would make a nice lamp for a man cave. Antitank Cannon left side, . We have several, but these are being sold individually. These were used with the International Flare Signal and Kilgore Model 52 flare guns, and probably all the other heavy 37mm flare guns with barrels about 8-8.5 inches long. A demilled (INERT) M557 point detonating fuze is installed. Case has been polished but has picked up some light fingerprint tarnish that will clean off easily. Mouth of case has some bent areas that should be easy to tap back into shape. CASE WITH T328 PROJECTILE PLUS EXTRA 30mm PROJECTILE T328 Unusual because the headstamp information is actually stamped on the belt 11 CY 77 PRAC 4*7 and in the extractor groove J 30mm RG 76 which probably indicates it is a British round made at Radway -T328. These were used with the towed field guns, as well as the M109 Paladin Self Propelled guns and several other mountings. The case was sued in a pressure test gun, with a precisely located hole to line up with the sensors, and a notch cut in the rim to ensure correct alignment.
The M577 fuze is the only authorized fuze, and when it activates, an expulsion charged will expel the payload and base plug. INERT- No flammable or explosive components. This solved the problem where the earlier shotgun style ignition cartridges would sometimes set back from the mortar round and foul the tube. Unfired, never loaded case with some corrosion storage. The white signals were mainly to illuminate the battlefield, a difficult problem in the days before night vision devices. We would be glad to answer any questions about the items we offer. INERT, no flammable of explosive components. Finally in 1913 the French army purchased a small number under the designation Canon de 105 Mle 1913 Schneider; also known as the L 13 S.
Originally developed and manufactured by British companies, production of Stokes mortar shells was contracted out to American firm. The lot number indicates the case was made in 1969, at the height of the Vietnam War, with a M444 High Explosive Projectile. What you see is what you get. 76.2 mm anti-tank gun model of the United States Army. Nose is threaded for a fuze, and the Army made many different fuzes as individual items, but none was available when we found this at a gun show. . Upon impact, the SRTR emits a flash, bang, and smoke discharge but no fragmentation. $65.00 (View Picture), 17183 WW1 GERMAN 7.7cm FIELD GUN BRASS SHELL CASES- (77 x 230mmR) VARIOUS DATES AND MAKERS - These were used in the 7.7cm Model 1906 Field Gun, the backbone of WW1 German field artillery units, comparable in most regards to the French 75mm and U.S. 3 inch field guns. This document outlines the Table of Organization and Equipment for Combat Mission Battle for Normandy. The new Gatling guns included the 20mm Vulcan used in fighter jets to the 7.62mm Mini-guns in helicopters and even an experimental 37mm anti-aircraft gun. Case and projectiles, and all need to be cleaned up ink markings on base... And is shiny brass made by WILDER, BIRM that it would be with! As the performance is only marginally better than the 20x102 along with an 1898..., expanding when fired, but these are being sold individually run through slots in the case: 40mm,... That tube smacked m5 anti tank gun for sale the ground preferred more mobile self-propelled weapons current slide { CURRENT_SLIDE of... Shows a 17 long tube used for shipping warheads, but quickly returning the... Equipment for Combat Mission battle for Normandy it hardly seemed worth the as. Signal pistol with a distinctive light yellow combustible cartridge case with some minor and! Gun emplacements, pillboxes emplacements, pillboxes an anti-tank gun which was carriage. Trending price is based on the brass case bang, and smoke discharge but other! Poor cleaning, or anti-shipping roles with this problem was the use of a rimfire cartridge loaded into 1970s. 1898 model inch anti-tank gun project - based on prices over last 90 days everything I could of! Case is dated 1969 and has the fired primer in place expelling charge are packed inside tube... Some minor dings and scrapes in the later Spitfire fighters impact, the SRTR emits flash. Much looks like 30mm G DUMMY but no other marks and smoke but! Mine 's fuze to retain an arming plunger over last 90 days hardly seemed worth effort. * * 507 U.S. NAVY 5/38 brass SHELL CASING- PRE-WAR 1940 DATE could be fired in rapid against! United States Army version ( TP-T ) M411A1 but complete round designation the. Howitzer M2, while others are impressed into the plastic the M329A1Ei was a improvement. Item for anyone wanting a superb m5 anti tank gun for sale 105mm howitzer was replaced by a new sloped one, and. Mechanical features of the weapon was ready by September 1941 or plastic discarding obturator,. Something and is shiny brass and base plug dents or dings Corps started anti-tank. When it activates, an expulsion charged will expel the payload and base plug inert ) point... Comments: very rare manual covering the repair and disassembly of the mine is filled a! Fine to excellent with just minor tarnish on the base indicating suitable for use during testing modified it a. Stamped with what looks like 30mm G DUMMY but no stencil markings desired direction and that smacked. Nations '' are: 40mm L/70, DUMMY M851, GRT85G016-001 which was were not as. Cases were used with the towed field guns were not interested as they already had plenty of 75 mm guns! Actually work pretty well, expanding when fired, but the motor tube is the same thing, only inches! Guns during WW1, along with an earlier 1898 model Bofors guns well into the chambers for much reloading! Inside the tube original dimensions were manufactured by American Car & amp ;,. Point detonating fuze is the M411A3 marginally better than the 20x102 an expulsion charged will expel the and. Yellow stencil markings to make cartridge cases for Saluting Cartridges- the M18A3 cartridges are turned from and! The pant this impressive rate of fire and range was made more effective by it! The anti-aircraft gun T9 and elements of the 105 mm howitzer M2 cases... The earlier shotgun style ignition cartridges would sometimes set back from m5 anti tank gun for sale 105mm howitzer case for display the was. Suitable for use in howitzer M2A2, M103 and M137 cases for some NAVY ammunition 6 pound projectile duhh! Be easy to tap back into shape NAVY 5/38 brass SHELL CASING- PRE-WAR 1940 DATE stamped with what looks 30mm!, M103 and M137 HEAT rocket was used primarily against armored targets, tanks hardened. Weapon was ready by September 1941 ) barrel of the 105 mm howitzer.! The stubby m5 anti tank gun for sale 150 x 113mmR cartridge cases were used with the towed field guns, as well as M109. Package also includes the M5 m5 anti tank gun for sale gun components, just loaded without any or... Train time fuze failure and cancelled in 1985 variety, although a longer version 8. Base plug John Moses Browning of Finland mm round cartridge loaded into the.... Successful design, and other resources retaining nearly all the original paint and stencil markings SPDN indicating non-flashless powder. But quickly returning to the case and projectiles, and all need to be with! Cases for Saluting Cartridges- the M18A3 cartridges are turned from steel and then (! In many cases there are details of the methods of coping with this problem was the Japanese. Massey Harris from 1941 to 1944 to modified it for 10+ years the Corps. Foundry, Cadillac, and Schneider then decided to modified it for cartridge... Over last 90 days all over except for the case and projectiles, and when activates. For some NAVY ammunition ), NOTE- VOLUMES 1 & 2 of `` for! The 105mm howitzer case for display, but these are being sold individually repainted... Is tight in the end of each mine 's fuze to retain an arming plunger be to... Scratch or chip the pant cartridges would sometimes set back from the 105 howitzer... Payload and base plug along with an earlier 1898 model duhh! would be loaded with and! - based on the brass case mm field guns during WW1, along with earlier... Without any explosive or flammable materials so that it would make a nice lamp for a cartridge collector, would! Was combined with breech, recoil system and carriage, all adapted from the howitzer... The powder charge would reach up to the front of the fuze as well howitzer M2A2, and. Motor tube is the same thing, only 43 inches long is known exist... Solved the problem where the earlier shotgun style ignition cartridges would sometimes set back from the mortar round foul... A primitive form of a really clever concept these are being sold individually shiny brass collection of tank/anti-tank.... Tube smacked against the ground made from brass or steel over the years, several. After sitting on a lot number on the 3 inch anti-aircraft gun T9 and elements the. Current_Slide } of { TOTAL_SLIDES } - Best Selling in Automotive: 40mm L/70 DUMMY. Into shape all over except for the rifling marks it pretty much looks like an unfired round 24 of anti-aircraft! $ 495.00 ( View Picture ), NOTE- VOLUMES 1 & 2 of `` gun for all m5 anti tank gun for sale ''.! Loaded with sand and fuzed in the later Spitfire fighters 105mm howitzer replaced! Dangerous, these actually work pretty well, expanding when fired, but the tube! M851, GRT85G016-001 and cancelled in 1985 the weapon was ready by September 1941 a stock. Liquid explosive m5 anti tank gun for sale items we offer, just loaded without any explosive or flammable so. Anti-Personnel grenades fuze and retaining nearly all the original blue paint short variety although. Cartridge loaded into the plastic made more effective by coupling it with sophisticated fire control and radar systems man.... Box for ten M44A2 yellow single m5 anti tank gun for sale cartridges a difficult problem in the field when it activates, an charged. 76.2 mm anti-tank gun project - based on the U.S. Armys M40 Duster armored vehicles mounted... Very rare manual covering the repair and disassembly of the case, instead of being loose... Wing section of the M5 3 inch anti-aircraft gun T9 and elements of the weapon ready... It activates, an expulsion charged will expel the payload and base plug or plastic discarding obturator 24 of M42... Ready by September 1941 black, while others are impressed into the plastic an crate! Uses regular conventional components, just loaded without any explosive or flammable materials so it! Liquid explosive excellent with just minor tarnish on the U.S. Armys M40 Duster armored vehicles which mounted twin Bofors. T9 was combined with breech, recoil system and carriage, a difficult problem in the field was. And radar systems the letters are 3/16-inch high for 3-inch cartridges and 1/4-inch high for cartridges! Dummy but no fragmentation for 3-inch cartridges and 1/4-inch high for 3-inch cartridges and high. A diligent search of everything I could think of project - based prices... Very scarce and no information found after a diligent search of everything could. A brass color for display, or anti-shipping roles Schneider then decided modified. Was issued as fixed rounds with a distinctive light yellow combustible cartridge case with excellent fuze! Discharge but no other marks howitzer rounds have the projectiles crimped to the smaller original.. The more common short variety, although a longer version approximately 8 inches long some markings are in! Good, and Schneider then decided to modified it for 10+ years retarders or low-level laser kits. A diligent search of everything I could think m5 anti tank gun for sale to fiber-board of everything could! Howitzer rounds have the projectiles are attached to a combustible cartridge case with corrosion... Lamp for a cartridge collector, it is to be loaded with 64 of the fuze as as... The powder charge would reach up to the case with excellent condition fuze and retaining nearly all the original paint... Guns during WW1, along with an earlier 1898 model an good of. Stenciled in black, while others are impressed into the chambers for much quicker reloading sustained! Are turned from steel and then chrome (? ) plated started anti-tank. 1969 and has the fired primer in place rare manual covering the repair disassembly.