McMillan Firearms is an American arms manufacturer best known for the McMillan Tac-50, its .50 BMG long-range anti-materiel and sniper rifle. Fans of the Terminator may recite the catchphrase Uzi nine millimetah without even realizing what a nine millimetah is. Unique (Manufacture des Pyrnes Hendaye), Hispano Argentina Fbrica de Automotores SA, Fabrique D'Armes de Guerre de Grande Prcision, MAC (Manufacture d'Armes de Chatellerault), MAS (Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Etienne), sterreichischen Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft (WG), AJ Ordnance (Alexander James Ordnance Co.), FMAP (Fbrica Militar de Armas Porttiles), TALA (Talleres Armas Livianas Argentinas), MAT (Manufacture Nationale d'Armes de Tulle). Manuel De La Mitrailleuse, 67 pps., $16.95 Hunter 7.62 Semi-Auto by Norinco Manual, 12 pps., $12.95 Hunting and Fishing Handbook 1944 National Sportsman, Inc, 110 pps., $14.95 Husqvarna 1953 Improved Mauser Actions Flyer (Sweden), 2 pps., $3.45 Hy Hunter's 1954 Frontier Sixshooter Manual, 24 pps., $14.95 Ideal 1893 Handbook No. Download Mcmillan 2011 Firearms Catalog. Timeline, NEW Credit Card Processing for the Firearms Industry Kelly McMillan launches McMillan Merchant Solutions, a credit card processing company developed by the firearms industry for the firearms industry. (U.S. Ord Dept)- Manual, 45 pps., $14.95 Taurus PT22/25 Operations manual, 24 pps., $11.95 Taurus PT58 S-d, PT92 C-D, PT92 AF-D, PT99 AF-D, PT908, PT100 AF-D, PT101 AF-d, PT911, PT938, PT940, PT945 & PT957, PT111, PT111TI, PT132, PT138, PT140, PT145, PT145Ti Operations manual, 36 pps., $15.95 Taurus Revolvers Operations manual, 24 pps., $11.95 Taurus Rifles Operations manual, 20 pps., $11.95 Techno-Arms (PTY) Ltd MAG-7 & M1 Shotgun Manual- South Africa, 21 pps., $13.95 Telescopic Musket Sights M1908 & M1913 GPO 1917- Manual, 20 pps., $13.95 The Armourer's Handbook Part I- The Rifle c1940- Manual, 47 pps., $14.95 The Armourer's Handbook Part II- Machine Carbines & Pistols c1940, 41 pps., $14.95, 27 The Armourer's Handbook Part III- Light Machine Guns c1940- Manual, 58 pps., $15.95 The Enfield Rifle, A Lecture 1858 by Maj. A. Stewart- Manual, 23 pps., $11.95 The Field Manual for Ordnance Officers 1862- (Confederate-Richmond), 156 pps., $19.95 The Home Guard Training Manual 1942 (UK), 167 pps., $16.95 The Mechanism of the Ross Service Rifle c1940- Manual, 11 pps., $9.95 Thompson.45 U.S. Model 1928 Submachine Gun Manual, 7 pps., $6.95 Thompson 1928 Submachine Gun Handbook Manual for the 1928(A) & 1921(A) Models & Semi- Automatic Carbine Model of 1927, 64 pps., $15.95 Thompson 1940 Manual- Submachinegun Handbook of Model 1928 Manual, 58 pps., $15.95 Thompson 1940 Submachine Gun Model 1928 Manual (UK), 32 pps., $13.95 Thompson 1942 Ordnance Maintenance M1, M1A1, TM9-215 Manual, 54 pps., $15.95 Thompson 1942 Technical Manual TM9-1215- M1928A21 Submachine Gun, 25 pps., $13.95 Thompson c1943 SMG M1928A1.45 Caliber Basic Field Manual, 80 pps., $16.95 Thompson c1950 Submachine Gun M1928 Manual (UK), 36 pps., $15.95 Thompson Center c1970 Contender Manual, 16 pps., $12.95 Thompson Center Contender Operations manual, 24 pps., $11.95 Thompson Center Omega Owner's Manual- Muzzle Loader, 64 pps., $16.95 Thompson Omega Muzzle Loader Rifle Owners Manual, 64 pps., $16.95 TM 9-1005-206-14P-1 Colt.38 & SW K-38 (1962) Revolvers Manuals, 21 pps., $6.95 TM 9-2316 Supermatic, Ruger MK1, K-38, Win M70 30-06 Operation and Maint Manual, 117 pps., $15.95 TM 9-270 1943 US Rifle 1903A4 (Sniper) Telescope Operation, 33 pps., $9.95 TM9-2027 1956 Cal 38 Revolver M13 (Colt and S&W) Ord Maint. Strategic Armory Corps was formed with the goal of acquiring and combining market-leading companies within the firearms industry. Operator's Manual 1983, 124 pps., $17.95 M1911 and 1911A1.45 cal Auto Service Manual, 98 pps., $12.95 M1911A1 1964.45 Pistol Direct and Support Maintenance Manual, 68 pps., $15.95 M60 1961 Field Maintenance Manual TM9-1005-224-34, 48 pps., $15.95 M60 1971 USMC Machinegun Manual Form 6-4A, 135 pps., $17.95 M60 1987 W/E&D Technical Manual TM 9-1005-224-24, 196 pps., $17.95 M60 D&W/E; M122 Operator Manual 1985 TM 9-1005-224-10, 148 pps., $17.95 M60 Machine Gun Manual- DOA TM 9-1005-224-10, 71 pps., $16.95 M60 W/E Operator's Manual- 1998 TM 9-1005-224-10, 220 pps., $18.95 M73 and M219 1972 Machine Gun Armorers Manual TM 9-1005-233-24, 110 pps., $14.95 M73 and M219 1974 MG Operators Manual TM 9-1005-233-10, 52 pps., $15.95 M85 1984.50 Caliber Fixed MG Operators Manual TM 9-1005-231-10, 109 pps., $14.94 M85 1985.50 Caliber Fixed MG Armorers Manual TM 9-1005-231-24&P, 251 pps., $17.95 MAADI-OF Semi-Auto Rifle Type RPM- Egypt- Manual, 37 pps., $15.95 Madsen 1905 Rexer Automatic Machine Gun (English-UK- Manual), 26 pps., $14.95, 16 Madsen 1930 circa Machine Gun Argentine Model-1926 Manual, 49 pps., $14.95 Madsen 1932 circa Description of the M-1926 Machine Gun (in English), 55 pps., $14.95 Madsen 1938 circa- Manual Maschinengewehre und Infantrie-kanonen IX, 105 pps., $16.95 Madsen 1940 Model- Description of the Madsen Machine Gun, 56 pps., $14.95 Madsen 1959 circa Saetter Mk II Machine Gun Manual- English, 72 pps., $16.95 Madsen 8mm Light Machine Gun Manual, 3 pps., $2.95 Madsen Modelo Argentino 1926 Nomenclatura- Manual, 50 pps., $15.95 Makarov 9mm Pistol Instruction Manual (English Text), 77 pps., $16.95 Makarov A 250/1/109 9mm Pistol Manual (English), 77 pps., $16.95 Makarov PA-63 Semi Auto Pistol In English- Translated Operations manual, 8 pps., $7.95 Makarov R-61/PA63/M74/AP9 Pistol Manual (English), 8 pps., $7.95 Mannlichers Selbstlade-Karabiner und Karabiner-Pistole M/1901- Manual, 65 pps., $16.95 Manual Del Fusil Ametrallador Dreyse 13 utilidad para el Ejercito, 40 pps., $14.95 Manual for Rifle Practice 1878, 6th ed. Details. The stocks are hand fitted to actual rifles and bottom metal plates. Now we were ready to discuss the fiber, fill and finish options. When it comes to automatic pistols, there are just a handful of distinct cartridges that wed classify as huge bore, and the two most Read more, Why Compare the 300 Blk vs 308 Win? Gun Catalog-Manual, 31 pps., $12.95 Quicks Bowman's Guide 1986-1987 (UK), 75 pps., $17.95 Ram-Line Syn-Tech Exactor Pistol Model RPT 2238; RPC 2225; RPD 2215 Operations manual, 15 pps., $11.95 RCBS 1970 Reloader's Guide, 52 pps., $16.95 Rebuild Standards- Manual 1953 for BAR, M1, Carbine, Pistols, Revolvers, MGs etc., 183 pps., $17.95 Redfield 1938 Sight Guide No. Details, NEW McMillan Launches 3 Lines of Ammunition New Ammo lines include McMillan Extreme Velocity, McMillan Tactical and McMillan Precision. AIRSOFT. The stock is then hand-fitted to the specific rifle model for which it's made. Rimfire vs Centerfire: Whats The Main Difference? A Gun Schematics & Blueprints Library with 15,000 printable gun schematics and blueprints with original parts lists for all types of antique and modern guns. McMillan's Transition Camo is a highly durable paint finish that mimics the spray paint patterns favored by many snipers and hunters. The Custom Collection is a complete line of premium hunting rifles, including lightweight, standard, magnum, dangerous game, long range and hunting/tactical-hybrid models. 5 Manual & Description, 5 pps., $3.95 Sniper Weapons System (SWS) 1989 7.62mm M24 Operators Manual, 112 pps., $17.95 Sniping-1946 Small Arms Training (UK), 70 pps., $14.95, 25 Soc Armi Bresciane S.A.B. McMillan Tactical Rifles: Anschutz: Sphinx: STI International . 8-oz., impressive! Its wide variety of stock models, optional features and color selection make McMillan stocks a great fit for civilian applications as well. The Legacy is offered in 4 popular calibers, including Gale's favorite. Visit McMillan Firearms Welcome to Strategic Armory Corps Strategic Armory Corps was formed with the goal of acquiring and combining market-leading companies within the firearms industry. Most often than not, the checking of the condition and lifespan of your 300 bolt carrier group tend to be overlooked. These rifles are available for a variety of applications in caliber ranges from .6mm through .50 caliber. It also produces the McMillan Tac-338, McMillan Tac-300 and McMillan Tac-308 sniper rifles, the ALIAS Rifle System and various hunting rifles. CLASSIC LINES IN A STATE OF THE ART RIFLE. 23 Operations - Defense 1939- Manual, 36 pps., $7.45 Modele D'Ordonnance (French) 1892 Revolver Manual, 3 pps., $2.95 Montgomery Ward 1920 Gun Parts Catalog, 24 pps., $9.95 Moore's Patent Revolvers 1863 Flyer- Manual, 2 pps., $3.45 More Fun With Your 22 Rifle- Handbook of Gun Games, 15 pps., $6.95 Mortar (2 inch) 1942 - Small Arms Training - Australia, 18 pps., $13.95 Mortar - 3 inch - Small Arms Training 1939 Australia, 80 pps., $14.95 Mosin- Russian 7.62 Rifle Manual, 2 pps., $1.95, 18 Mosin-Nagant Manual 1954 - US Ordinance Publ., 31 pps., $12.95 Mosin-Nagant Rifles M1891, M9130, M27, M38, M39, M44 Manual, 2 pps., $3.45 Mossberg #50298 Line Launcher and #90298 Conversion Kit Operations manual, 8 pps., $8.95 Mossberg 1946 Gun Component Parts Catalog & Gun Chronology, 67 pps., $16.95 Mossberg 1958 Component Parts Catalog, 68 pps., $16.95 Mossberg 1964 Component Parts Catalog, 69 pps., $16.95 Mossberg 1977-78 Parts Catalog, 72 pps., $16.95 Mossberg 1983 Gun Component Parts Catalog, 52 pps., $16.95 Mossberg 200D & 200K Pump Shotguns Flyer Manual, 2 pps., $3.45 Mossberg c1925 Brownie Pistol Manual, 3 pps., $3.95 Mossberg c1952 Parts Catalog, 51 pps., $15.95 Mossberg Maverick for 88 and 91 Model Pump action shotguns Operations manual, 28 pps., $14.95 Mossberg Model 500 Shotgun Operations manual, 26 pps., $14.95 Mossberg Model 500 Shotgun Takedown Manual, 11 pps., $11.95 Mossberg Muzzleloader Barrel- Mossberg 500 & Maverick 88 Operations manual, 2 pps., $3.45 MP38 German 9mm 38 Machine Pistol Manual, 4 pps., $3.95 MP40 German 9mm 40 Machine Pistol Manual, 1 pps., $0.95 MP44 German Machine Pistol 44 Manual, 2 pps., $1.95 Nambu Model 14 (1925) 8mm Auto Pistol Manual, 4 pps., $4.95 New National Revolver 1864 Flyer- Manual, 1 pps., $3.45 New Zealand 1960 Handloader s Manual Vol.I, 23 pps., $9.95 Nichols Stallion.45 Cap Gun Manual, 4 pps., $4.95 Norma 1961 Reloading Beginner's Guide, 28 pps., $12.95 Norma 1965 Gunbug's Guide- Ammunition & Reloading, 68 pps., $15.95 Norma 1966 Ammunition and Components Catalog, 24 pps., $14.95 Norma 1969 Ammunition and Components Catalog, 12 pps., $11.95 NRA National Matches Handbook, Camp Perry 1927, 95 pps., $13.95 Olympic Arms - Safari Arms OA series Firearms Semi Auto Rifles Operations manual, 34 pps., $13.95 Olympic Arms - Safari Arms PCR/AR Rifles AR-15 type weapons Operations manual, 26 pps., $11.95 Olympic Arms - Safari Arms Safari Enforcer & Matchmaster.45 Automatic Pistols Operations manual, 42 pps., $14.95 Olympic Arms - Safari Arms Schuetzen Pistol Works.45 Automatic Pistols Operations manual, 42 pps., $14.95 Orbis MGV 176 SMG Lewis Type Drum Fed SMG Operations manual, 38 pps., $14.95 Owen (Australian) 9mm SMG Manual, 3 pps., $1.95 Owens & Austen Machine Carbine 1949 Small Arms Training Manual, 32 pps., $13.95 P-64 9mm Makarov Pistol Manual (Polish), 15 pps., $13.95 P9M 9mm FEG Automatic Pistol Manual (Hungarian), 16 pps., $6.95 Para Ordnance Mfg LDA Series Semi auto pistols Operations manual, 52 pps., $16.95 Para Ordnance Mfg P Series semi auto pistols Operations manual, 52 pps., $16.95 Parabellum Manual c1925 (English) (9mm and 7,65mm Luger), 48 pps., $15.95 Parker 1909 Gun Models, Parts & Prices Gun Catalog, 32 pps., $14.95 Parker 1939 Shotguns & Parts Stoeger Catalog, 4 pps., $4.95 Peabody Martini Rifle c1877 Manual- Providence Tool Co., 19 pps., $12.95 Pedersen c1930 Self-Loading Rifle M-P.A. 14 Catalog, 146 pps., $15.95 Ideal 1903 Handbook No. Premium American-made bolt action hunting rifles..308 WIN 6 CM 6.5 CM 6.5 PRC. Sign up for our newsletter and always be informed on shooting sports news. Strategic Armory Corps, founded in 2011, has been designed and structured with the customer in mind. The McMillan brand stands for uncompromising performance. A member of the service department will give you a call and go over your options before pinning them down, just like the team did with me. TO LEARN HOW MUCH CONFIDENCE A COMPANY HAS Stay abreast of the latest and greatest from Springfield Armory with our newest catalog. McMillan stocks are highly prized by top competitive marksmen and military snipers around the world. The 1982 Winchester firearms catalog is one of the most sought-after catalogs of the late 1900s. Carbon fiber is stiffer and lighter but its available with fewer finish options. et fmt.) What Does Foxtrot Juliet Bravo Mean in Military? Description- Manual, 27 pps., $13.95 Hotchkiss 1916 Automatic Machine Rifle M1909 Benet-Mercier Handbook, 102 pps., $16.95 Hotchkiss 1918 Handbook for.303 Machine Gun MK I & I* (UK), 117 pps., $14.95 Hotchkiss 1918 Model of 1914 Handbook (U.S. Ord Dept), 70 pps., $16.95 Hotchkiss 1920 Instruction Modelle 1914-Unites de Mitrailleuses (French- Manual), 54 pps., $15.95 Hotchkiss 1921 Model 1914 Instruction Manual (Polish), 95 pps., $13.95 Hotchkiss 1922 Manuel du Fusil-Mitrailleur A Bande-Chargeur, 70 pps., $14.95 Hotchkiss 1950 Modelo 1914 Ametralladora Descripcion (Spanish- Manual), 49 pps., $14.95 Hotchkiss c1914 Description de la Mitrailleuse Automatique (Fr- Manual), 42 pps., $14.95 Hotchkiss c1925 Aircraft Machine Guns- Observer's Types- Manual, 21 pps., $13.95 Hotchkiss M1914 Aircraft Type Drum Feed Observer's Gun- Manual, 34 pps., $14.95 Hotchkiss M1914 Description de la Mitrailleuse Portative- Manual, 73 pps., $16.95 Hotchkiss M1922 modele M.H.5. 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