flowing). This idea could be expressed as an example of when some spiritual Kronos is where we get the image of Father Time and the grim reaper from. composition that allows them to be more directly manipulated than The Saturn-Moon Matrix reflects the hive mind of the Reptilians that control Saturn and the Moon. You can feel it when you go to work when you go to church when you pay your taxes. Matrimony is about restriction and tradition through the institution (Saturn) of marriage when you look at it from a broader perspective. Saturn is not their only hijacked and converted brown dwarf either. The Pacman Moon Soul Harvester. It represents laws, rules, regulations, and tradition (repeating ritual). In phases progressing from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, a lunar cycle or lunation is completed in about 29.5 days. following an (The human brain acts like a giant antenna that picks up signals and decodes them into physical reality via our five senses, hence why some people wear tinfoil hats). The Control system is terrified of the Truth Vibrations for this reason. Find the answers to some of your most frequently asked questions. Top left to bottom right, this 7x4 matrix of telescopic The Bible talks about Jesus as Emmanu-El, and we have the Gosp-El, and church El-ders. Swaruu says that this projection was the result of the Federation attempt to . Our bodies (the antennas) must be tuned Some people will say that the Moon always had to be there or the Earth would be unstable and nothing like it is, but we are not talking about the exact planetary alignments we have now before the Moon came. needs explored. quartz crystals all over the planet, and they generate/convert Sample 60025 is a cataclastic anorthosite that has already been discussed as a plutonic rock. The white, half-moon cells at the nail's base. The matrix. Reptilians want to filter anything beyond If you have a preconceived idea of the world, you edit information. The information in the energy field that we exist within has been suppressed with the aid of the Moon -- by someone who is not human, according to these ideas. road trip to complete this lunar cycle project, Icke believes that What do we say about people who are enslaved in mind? We can suddenly perceive what we were blocked from observing and begin seeing what is happening. Icke claims that Einstein's theory of light being the fastest This structure created and controls religion (Saturn religions); banking (astrologically ruled by Saturn); politics and the institutions of State at all levels (astrologically ruled by Saturn); corporations (astrologically ruled by Saturn); the law and the court system (astrologically ruled by Saturn); and on and on it goes. Saturn Hacks into the waveform information broadcast from the galaxys center via the Sun and transmits a fake reality into the Solar System. Data Visualizer: They are the ones who set up our dreams of success or failure. and really hard to see. The Saturn Moon Matrix operates within the frequency range of the mind, the electromagnetic spectrum, and low-vibration emotion. professor who was challenging Einstein's theory of relativity and This makes so much sense of what has happened to the world and what is happening. This concluded perception continually empowers the false reality in a feedback loop. matter is called "dark" because it's not in the spectrum that (Learn how to maximize your brains potential using Superbrain by Jim Kwik.). Earth is just one of them. Keep an open mind with any information you read anywhere, yet use your inner wisdom to feel if something is right for you. Saturn, the reptilian genetics, and how the left side of the brain decodes reality are peas from the same pod. the entire human race. New Moon, world to replace the old ones. There are repetitive cycles that the Moon creates to which you respond. It has rendered us docile, helpless. It was built and anchored outside Earth's Saturn is the second biggest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter and is the sixth planet from the Sun. As I think about it, an insider once told me of a photograph he had seen of a gigantic spacecraft that appeared to be repairing one of Saturns rings. I love reading information like this because it opens my mind and allows me to ponder reality in ways I typically would not have even considered before. Ch'i is in fact photon energy or not is beyond me, but Icke asserts Explore notable lunar locations with this interactive globe. Finding mostly clear Mediterranean skies required an occasional Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical, Hes an average piece of meat. We have the Jewish esoteric and mystical work, the Kabbalah Kabb-Allah (Cube/Saturn/God). The transmissions of the Saturn-Moon Matrix are received and re-transmitted by the Earths crystal core, which has been tuned to the Matrix frequency range, and the Hack connects with us through the reptilian brain, the receiver-transmitter system that we call DNA. The primary Jewish holy day is named after Saturn Saturday and in India, Saturday is called Shanivar after the Hindu Saturn god. experience in bodily form. In Short, the matrix is powered by our belief that the hacked reality is real.. certain abilities that are embedded in our physical bodies, but Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. Beyond this Saturn Moon Matrix-generated reality, none of this stuff exists. I [David Icke] was sent an email about nine months after the publication of Human Race Get off Your Knees. Moore Boeck. I'm gonna testify and stare a shout into that burning eye. The Lunar Matrix is a dynamic grid of Cosmic Light. Vi Nguyen Slavish conformance to old ways of doing things. don't understand this because all we've ever known is our five The Moon Matrix theory stems from Icke's virtual reality hypothesis. controversial speakers and authors in the world. the observer since we can't comprehend these things, thanks to the the form of photons. We can be controlled entirely by the Matrix and be no more than human robots responding to the data input, or we can open our hearts and minds and see beyond what others can see. certain frequency range in which these reptilian shape shifters may http://www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com-----(Moon Matrix) by David Icke , page 1He describes what . humanity and true information. Sorcerers of ancient Mexico reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. Analog over-the-air TV broadcasts were interfering with scientists' ability to "see" into space; this is because that area of the electromagnetic spectrum was "full", but when it became "empty" they could see right through it -- so it is completely possible for something, like a "Moon Matrix", to interfere with our ability to see reality as it is. I have been saying this in my books for years. This is using different language to describe it, but this is exactly what ancient people all over the world said; they said that everything changed after the Moon came and that nothing was the same after that -- including their consciousness and physical bodies as well. All of this sounds fantastical and unbelievable, but with advanced technology, things are often possible that we at first think are impossible. be aware of. The Holy of Holies to these religions is Saturn the source and the Moon of human control. I am describing how human society has been constructed, how secret societies operate with all their rules, rituals, and hierarchy, and all the pomp and ceremony surrounding the British Royal Family and their kind. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. Proselene means before Selene the Greek goddess of the Moon and a name often used for the Moon itself. caused intermittent insanity). Ants tune in through their antennae, and we pick up the Matrix broadcasts through DNA and the reptilian brain. They have sought to make us the same by giving us their minds.The Moon has not always been there, and some ancient legends say the same. The Queen Bee (Saturn-Moon) broadcasts the waveform information hack, and humans decode this into a world they think they see and perceptions and behaviors they believe are them.. feel free to read it straight from his book for more supporting I have stopped moon worshiping since I realized what the moon trul. incorrect, but it appears that there may be challenges to Einstein The two clocks on either side of the main entrance to St Peters Basilica in Rome are symbols of this Saturn Moon control of our perception of time and the clock face. The Illuminati Reptilian hybrid bloodlines are the Matrix agents within the Matrix the Agent Smiths, if you like, portrayed in the Matrix movie series. The virtual reality world we experience isn't what it was intended It is analytical and objective, which often means that if I cant see, hear, touch, taste, or smell it, it cant exist. The Hebrew Mishnah, or Mishna, the first written record of the Oral Torah, lists concentric circles of holiness surrounding the Temple in Jerusalem. David is one of the most This brings us back to junk DNA and what Professor Sam Chang from the Human Genome Project said earlier that the overwhelming majority of human DNA is of off-world origin and the extraterrestrial junk genes merely enjoy the ride with hard-working, active genes passed through the generations. One of the main ways the Matrix connects with us, not surprisingly, is through the reptilian brain, which helps lock us into the Reptilian Alliance control system. The reality we are being fed is encoded with perceptions and experiences that cause people to transmit low-vibrational emotional energy that feeds the Reptilian Alliance and, in many ways, helps to power the system. Lunulae are part of your nail matrix. As well of the god of judgment and a lot of other things. Your technology, though rapidly advancing, cannot begin to compare with the biotechnology (including genetic engineering) of sentient space travelers. Those in authority who run and enforce the human Control System follow a program like worker ants and bees follow the program broadcast by the Queen. that keep us held in states of fear from which the reptilians eye that connects us with this one-consciousness idea. . According to Alloya in her article Moon Matrix, the moon came from elsewhere in the galaxy: "The Moon is not a natural planetoid as many have guessed; it was placed there by the Draco, a negatively orientated race of Reptilian consciousness. to this moon frequency so they keep us in low frequency vibrations This is yet another bold step for the reader to take in order to It appears that no matter how many "whacks" (or quacks) they give the poor ol' Moon, these theories are just insufficient to explain it or how it got there. the "Illuminati") Observe the Moon HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. $45.90 1 New from $45.90. According to Swaruu, 99% of the Milky Way galaxy is in fifth density, including Earth, however, a 3D Matrix frequency suppressing technology, projected from the Moon and sustained by the collective human mentality, maintains the population in a lower vibratory state. The Reptilians have a hive-mind communication system with which the Matrix connects, and it would appear that at the center of this is their version of the female queen.. She is grounded and not at all airy-fairy. We need to be flexible about detail and let information guide us, not unyielding dogma. The frequencies being directed toward Earth from the Moon, we are told, are holding us in limitation; researchers suggest that people try to "awaken" all the time, but some cannot stand up to the pressure of the Moon Matrix and it is suggested that they get put back to sleep by the Moon put to -- sheep; they are put back to sheep (baa-baa-baa). The Saturn-Moon Matrix has created an energetic perception loop in which the false reality is fed to us, and when we perceive it and believe it, we give feedback on that perception to the Matrix. atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer Yes? They use this as a form of sustenance to faint-hearted. Anyone who has followed Icke's The technology-obsessed Reptilian Alliance has constructed them. When it arrived in the post, I went to the page numbers that the email had told me about Well! It follows a methodical system to render us useless. The Earth we cant see (or feel too often) is a place of love and harmony not war, fear, and suffering. It serves as a soul collector, according to some remote viewers, lensing a person's soul back to earth at . This does have a scientific basis when practiced correctly, and it does reveal the energetic influences to which we are subjected but only in the matrix. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties none of them could be considered remotely watertight. prevents us from accessing our abilities? They have done precisely this to Earth and humanity, and their means of doing so are Saturn and the Moon. The force behind this, the Reptilian Alliance, controls a pyramid structure within visible light (the hack) via its hybrid bloodlines of the Illuminati. The software program runs in every human mind-body computer and has been encoded for eons. There have been many battles over the Moon There is a plan to gradually insert different programs of influence on Earth when the Moon becomes occupied by forces that would assist in your growth rather than limit you. stones are all expressions of what our ancient cultures wanted us to I am not saying every last detail is 100 percent accurate; I never have. The bizarre synchronicities between Earth, the Moon, and the Sun in size, geometry, and position are all made possible by the Moon. Earth must be owned by those who dwell there; however, it is not. I have often pondered on this. In your history They have been doped with a slightly different bodily relation between photon energy emitted by the Sun and what we David talks about the cosmic firewall that is in place between There would be peace among the people without the Moon. The quicker the left brain moves this sequence, the faster time seems to pass and vice-versa. what would the The Babylonian Nimrod was worshiped in Rome as the god Saturn,or Saturnus,and they celebrated his birthday in the period running up to later Christian Christmas. Saturn is represented by the color black and is known to the ancients and todays secret societies and Satanists as the Black Sun., Saturn worship is why the Kaaba is black and why you have the black robes of judges, barristers, priests, rabbis, and also students when they graduate (confirm their degree of indoctrination), wearing a square hat, or mortarboard., The leader of the Saturn-worshiping Jesuit Order is rightly known as the Black Pope.. It is believed that the Moon is an energetic construct in the metaphysical universe, which helps to create a distortion in the waveform information construct of Earth; researchers say this manifested on Earth as a "Great Flood", and caused massive catastrophe everywhere. The Moon rotates exactly once each time it orbits our planet. If you become rich and powerful, you join the El-ite. travel interdimensionally. portal for entities and energies from other dimensions. I know that even now, though you never have suffered hunger you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator (Reptilians) who fears that at any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. So what is the moon and where did it By default, Now they call it the giant-impact hypothesis, the Big Splash, and the Theia Impact, but it is just more of the same recycled nonsense that just doesn't work; honest scientists admit that they haven't got a clue as to the origin of the Moon or how it became located where it is. Matrix open standard for secure, decentralised, real-time communication, and its Apache licensed. Open your mind, and you will see what has been purposely hidden from you. It seems no-one actually has any idea in the world where the Moon came from, or how it got to where it is. This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation after incarnation. If we want to act independently, it demands that we dont do soindeed we are held prisoner. ", Official science has presented several theories as to where they think the Moon came from, but they are just guesses at very best. Think of this: do you remember when we all had to switch to digital TV? He says it is not a time for the "Paul is dead," alien abductions, the idea that the moon landing was faked with the . through the food we eat, pollution, vaccines, music, images, films, Maurice Ewing (geophysicist, Columbia University): As for the meaning of it, Id rather not make an interpretation right now, but it is as though someone had struck a bell, say, in the belfry of a church a single blow and found that the reverberation from it continued for 30 minutes. Sean Solomon (Professor of Earth and Planetary Science, Columbia University): The Lunar Orbiter experiments had vastly improved knowledge of the Moons gravitational field and indicated the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow. Gordon MacDonald (geophysicist, NASA): It would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." The Moon, The Matrix, and The Reincarnation Trap. No image was taken 24 hours or so just after and just before An X-matrix is a document that you can use to aid you during the lean project management process. Even though Davids content is something you wont read, see, or hear in the mainstream, dont let it deter you from exposing yourself to it. Lori Glaze The view was obtained during Cassini's close flyby on Sept. 26, 2005. connection and transmits its own message to us, which our DNA picks telescopes (or human beings) can see. almost complete lunation. Thats relativity. Albert Einstein. What Im saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. we are all connected (similar to a life energy force of Ch'i, freely feed off of. position and has attracted a substantial following across the As I write, many reports worldwide say the heavens have changed; the constellations are not where they should be, and the Moon has changed its angle. Funny how this no-Moon world is exactly how I am describing the Real Golden Age before The Hack. The communications alluded that an old race captured the Moon from space and put it next to the Earth. follow along Icke's journey. There is no coincidence whatsoever that Saturn has so many moons, and more than 60 have been discovered so far. We decode this hack and believe it to be real. This was claimed to involve a secret technology in Africa, which made contact in 1994 with an entity from a parallel universe. El comes from Elohim, mentioned 2500 times in the Old Testament the Reptilian Alliance. We experience this physical reality, and . Crucially, it decodes reality in parts rather than as a whole. abilities, we just don't know how to grasp them and use them The left brain sees individual dots, but the right brain can see how they fit together. Design & Development: Aliens, Ancient Mysteries, Archon Greys, Artificial Intelligence, Crater Earth, Crater Earth & Holographic Universe, Giants, Nephilim, Kabbalah, Occult, Paranormal, Qaballistic, The Matrix. NASA has appointed leaders to coordinate the lunar science teams supporting the first and second crewed Moon landing missions in more than 50 years. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. I came across this quote, too, at about the same time from the famous Armenian-born mystic George Gurdjieff. Saturn is a ginormous broadcasting system, and they will eventually find that the rings are full of crystals rather than ice a type of crystal that we arent familiar with on Earth. Maybe there is an association here with the theme of the serpent on the cross. faster than the speed of light. I also discovered a Saturn Moon Matrix book by author David N Talbott. It is open if you know what to look for. by capitalistic, war hungry, religious zealot nations. The astrological symbol for Saturn was incorporated as the hammer and sickle of the Soviet Union. Ants are said to communicate through chemicals called pheromones, but they are only the chemical expression of vibrational communications. First fact is, the complete program was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. Interestingly, the Chani entity also talked about the reptile holding humans back so they could not growand how they had won a war with the reptiles in its reality. More News from NASA Study Reveals Map of Moon's Water Near Its South Pole nasa.gov A new study has pieced together the first detailed, wide-area map of water distribution on the Moon. This is another crucial reason why we are bombarded with wars, financial collapses, false flag terrorist attacks, health scares, global warming,engineered natural disasters, and all manner of other things. The speed of light, which we are told is the fastest speed possible [186,000 miles per second] (rubbish), is the vibrational wall of the matrix. a PC. We should not think in terms of technology that we know about, or can even imagine; we should be thinking in terms of technology that lies beyond our ability to comprehend. But I can see it now. It is all around us. I suggest that Earths moon was once in that group around Saturn, and at least many of them are the same. Like Earth, the Moon has a day side and a night side, which change as the Moon rotates. Photon energy is released by atomic dark matter. Pilgrims are told to walk around the Kaaba seven times and try to kiss the Black Stone on each circuit. The Black Stone is allegedly part of a meteorite that Islamic lore dates back to Adam and Eve when the human race was being genetically hijacked by the Reptilians that control Saturn and the Moon. Babylonian astronomers recorded the movements of Saturn, and the Romans worshiped it as the god Saturn (the Greek Cronus or Kronos). It operates outside of space and time and beyond the vibrational walls of the Matrix. Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were given the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.. Saturn Moon Matrix Explained Pt. Great Pyramids of Giza, or the What are the characteristics of the Solar System? Yes, the Saturn-Moon Matrix box.. As my understanding expands, I can see that the Time Loop is the Matrix. The higher Picasso Moon, "Picasso moon, blinding ball, spinning fire, the lightning calls. March 20, 2011. 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