The Black Kuhli Loach is a great addition to a tropical freshwater aquarium. Look at pictures of Calico kittens who need a home. and beauty to any larger community aquarium. . . She came in on time, with a heated pack still warm. Up to 40% off on Freshwater & Saltwater fish. The Kuhli Loach, also known as Pangio Kuhlii by its scientific name, is a fantastic freshwater fish for those looking for a peaceful addition to their aquarium. Shipping calculated at checkout. They all make great additions to your tank, as long as you know how to take care of them. The body has 10 to 15 dark brown to black vertical bars, and the gaps between . We offer a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee on all of our animals that are shipped to the customer via USPS, UPS, and FedEx. Our Chocolate Kuhli Loaches are 2.5 to 3 sizes. The larger and more rare the loach, the more expensive it will be. Postage: May not post to United States. Water conditions The Fish/Animal have to be in original packaging. He has the best personality and is already making bubble nests in his new tank. Bredby: Aquatic Arts and Locally-Bred Livestock. Ease of care Sunday:(Splashy Day) Today is the day we let our hard-working team members and our fish to destress and ready for the following week's shipment. Hardness: Medium Soft to Medium. Water parameters: pH: 6.0-5.5 Hardness: Soft. The substrate is mostly sandy, soft, and covered with leaf litter from the shady forest canopy that overhangs the water. Read item description or contact seller for . This shy fish can be sensitive during shipping and when initially introduced to a new tank. Ships from United States. The Kuhli Loach fulfills several criteria for the perfect fish. Give them what they need and theyll be a shy but fun addition to your tank. Find Black Kuhli loaches for sale at your local PetSmart store! Quick Shop Add to cart. Generally, they will spend their time rooting about for morsels of food on the bottom of their aquarium. $6.99. We are working on a solution for this matter. How Many Female Bettas Can Live In A 5-Gallon Tank? It is visually distinguishable by the bands on its back, which dont extend around towards the belly, like the Half-Banded Kuhli. There are several different Kuhli Loach types available to keep in your tank, and a wide range of Kuhli Loach colors to choose from. Their stripes are also thicker than the half-banded Kuhli. Mine were all healthy and small. MMH 38 21708. If you have any questions regarding livestock please contact us. There is a vertical black blotch at the base of the tail and the fins tend to be a mottled tan. Thank you!!!! Aquarium Fish Depot houses a huge collection of Loaches, including Clown Loaches and Hillstream Loaches. They are also very docile and dont always like too much attention or to see their tankmates harassed by fish populations at larger clubs. Subscribe to receive ongoing news and offers direct to your inbox. Unknown in home aquaria. See more details about the care guide for Kuhli Loach here. The super khuli looks identical a yellow orange body and dark brown vertical stripes. The Kuhli Loach is frequently misidentified as an eel. Updated 14/04/2023 All stock should be ready for sale from 15/04/2023. These fish arrived in great condition and healthy. Kuhli loaches are known to spend their whole life in a single freshwater tank. Origin: Wild Indonesia. The kuhli loach is known for its peaceful disposition. The Red Khuli Loach isnt strictly a subspecies, but a variety of the Pangio Kuhlii with deeper coloration. Aquarium Plants: Are shipped the same as and can be mixed with Dry goods *Free shipping on orders over 40 or 6.99 for orders under 40. These little buddies are natural scavengers, eating up all sorts of things to keep your aquarium clean, and with an average lifespan of 10 years, you'll be enjoying their company for a very long time. We endeavor to stock all the solutions youll need for freshwater, tropical, salt water marine fish tank aquariums and garden fish ponds. Kuhli Loach Common or Regular. Delivery days Are Varied At The Moment. Enjoy! Fish was packed securely and arrived healthy. Copyright 2023, LiveAquaria. With their vibrant coloration and active nature, Clown Loaches have been a staple in the aquarium hobby for years. The kuhli loach is an eel-shaped fish with slightly compressed sides, four pairs of barbels around the mouth, and very small fins. Live Arrival Guarantee claimdoes not include all the requirements mentioned below. Perfect for my betta tank. Gold Zebra Loach $ 6.99 Add to cart; Sale! Temperature: 78 - 82F (25.5 - 28C) Synonyms: Acanthophthalmus kuhlii, Cobitis kuhlii. $12.99 Flat Rate Shipping Fee . The eel-like, peaceful Kuhli Loach is one of the most unique and fascinating loaches! Life Span There's still always going to be a chance of a fish passing away during transport but they do everything in their power to prevent it. This peaceful fish is very distinctive for its eel-like body, which is a brown to burgundy color covered with bright orange stripes. pH: 6.0-8.0. Common additives may also be beneficial but are not necessary if the fish has access to good quality plants and foods. "Silver Kuhli Loach" $ 5.00. My 3 little guys got here safe. Water chemistry for kuhli loaches is typically tricky to nail down since they do well with a wide range of pH levels and some fish store organics in their skin, so its best to just use general water conditions that your tank can hold without adding anything specific. Worry not! Calypso arrived safe and alert! Max Size: 4". Pangio is the genus, from the family Cobitidae, while Kuhlii refers to the zoologist Heinrich Kuhl. Its back is finely mottled sometimes with a row of dark saddles over a pinkish background. The Kuhli Loach is a long, slender, eel-shaped loach. Quick Shop Select options. Price may vary by location. 3 available OR all for $500. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Tropical Fish for Sale Online - UK Fish Shop Kuhli Loaches are friendly, peaceful but shy and sensitive, especially when they are introduced to a new fish tank. Easily the most recognizable of the Loach family, clown loaches are active and colorful fish, but they can . The Kuhli Loach is a real night owl. Kuhli Loach EASTER SALE SPECIAL Reduced from $10 to $6.99 The kuhli loach is closely related to other loach species, which are often mislabeled as color variations of the kuhli loach. Take 1 picture of the shipping box and the shipping label. Black Kuhli Loach, Chocolate Kuhli Loach (Pangio Oblonga), Giant Kuhli Loach A.K.A. You may go to any sold out listing and click on the "email me when available" button to sign up to be notified the instant we are able to put something back in stock. This fish is generally native to rivers and streams of low water flow. Tanks Mates and Compatibility - This is a very peaceful loach and will not trouble any . List: $ 4.25 - $ 6.25 $ 3.99 - $ 5.77 Select options; Panda Loach Yaoshania pachychilus. We are unable to guarantee the size, colour, sex or age of the fishes you are purchasing. As with most fish, it also requires a clean, well-maintained aquarium. Find Black Kuhli loaches for sale at your local PetSmart store! They have joined my other corydoras and for right in with the rest of them. The Kuhli Loach is typically an unfussy eater that will accept most sinking foods, but it should also be offered live or frozen foods of appropriate size. All rights reserved. They are found in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and parts of China. Such an ease purchasing my shrimp and they made the tank look so much better! As the owners, you really need to do the housing for your kuhli loaches. They are really nice little creatures and very active and healthy, Thank You! doriae) Group of 5 Fish, Origin: Wild Indonesia Locale: Kalimantan Borneo Diet: Bottom feeding carnivore and scavenger. Origin: Indonesia, Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, Indonesia, Average adult size: 3 - 4 inches (7.6 to 10 cm), Average purchase size: 2 - 3 inches (5 - 7.6 cm), All our live fish, shrimp, snails are care with love and passion, when through minimum of 14 days quarantined and shipped from Splashy Fish facility in Springfield, Virginia, USA, Thing You Should Know To Start A Aquarium Fish Fank. Quantity. The name of this subspecies is Pangio Semicincta, with Pangio referring to the Kuhli Loach genus and Semicincta translating as half belt. Gradually increase the temperature inside the breeding tank to around 82-85F (27.5-29C). FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $49 and up. The Owner, Mr. A schooling fish, they are best kept in groups of 5 or more as smaller groups of fish will be shy and rarely display their active, almost comical natural behavior. Rivers and streams with low water flow are their favourite refuges. I think Ill go back and get some more soon. Care: All kuhlis need well-established aquaria and should not be considered for newly set up tanks. Excellent customer service for any concerns or information , my fish arrived safe and alive I highly recommend ordering from this store very responsible workers the package was well packaged. These are very nocturnal creatures so often they wait until dark to move throughout the fish tank. . Since it is not such kind of demanding fish that need about 20 gallons of water to be able to thrive, you can attempt them in a small fish tank in which the group of fish will stay growing well in the place that is less than 20 gallons. They can even live in very cool (at times) water if they are fed well while young and allowed to grow up fine because of the less fin growth period this type of lifestyle creates compared to other freshwater fish like cichlids, plecos, and catfish. The Black Kuhli Loach is a great addition to a tropical freshwater aquarium. They grow to around 8cm (just over 3 inches) in captivity but in the wild, they can grow as large as 5 inches in length. The super khuli looks identical a yellow orange body and dark brown vertical stripes. They prefer acidic environment which is similar to their natural habitat where such condition is normally caused by a great deal of dead plants or decaying plant matter. They arrived today and they are TOO small. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. They only get 3.5 inches long and stay thin and stringy unlike other loaches. They thrive best in tanks with moving water. Here is her today about two weeks after. The Leopard Kuhli Loach is similar in appearance to the half-banded Kuhli Loach but the two are often confused. Adult Size: 3. Healthy and active available for $4.99 each and hst. Try not to bother these little guys too much, since they will pick up on whatever stressors exist around them. Ifthe Live Arrival Guaranteeclaim doesn't include all the requirements listed above, Splashy Fish has all the rights to reject your claim. Like other loaches, they have barbels around the mouth, which are used to find food in the substrate. The STRIPED Kuhli Loach is a relatively undemanding fish, provided that a few specific needs are met. Species - Kuhli Loach - Pangio Kuhlii. The most expensive type of kuhli loach is the golden kuhli loach, which can cost up to around $60 per fish. Kuhli Loach. They were classified in Indonesia in 1846. Yo-Yo Loach (Botia almorhae) From $ 15.39 - $ 49.99 . On top of that, their natural curiosity will drive them to explore any crevices and caves that might be around in their habitat. ALL SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE $130 each for 22-25cm uaru. This website uses cookies. Super Khuli Loach. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright the entire month of MAY 2022Lets enjoy this entire month with a delightful coupon on every Snails and Invertebrates we sell on MakeMyHobbyUse this coupon code at t.. Read More. Skip to the content. The scientific name for Kuhli Loaches is Pangio Kuhlii. These little buddies are natural scavengers, eating up all sorts of things to keep your aquarium clean, and with an average lifespan of 10 years, you'll be enjoying their company for a very long time. Description. Synonyms: Acanthophthalmus shelfordi, Acanthophthalmus muraeniformis. They are popular as aquarium fish and are sometimes sold as food. Will accept most small sinking foods Adult Size: 3 Recommended Tank Size: 10 gallons, Preferred Water Parameters pH:? Most common are parasites such as tapeworms and flukes, which can be treated with medication or by putting the fish into an induced coma and then removing the parasite(s). The name literally means Kuhls Loach.. They live well with tank mates such as Tetras, Rasbora, Livebearers, etc of similar size. Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred Must be kept in groups of 6 or more. This fish is a peaceful bottom dweller that loves to clown around in groups. Breathe easy. We built this store to service small businesses and experienced hobbyists. They usually do best in slightly brackish tanks where they can get some salt and minerals added, but never too much since this could kill them. Anything you need to know or need help with he will provide or at least point you in the right direction. Designing an Interesting Tank Addition. They pack the fish as carefully as humanly possible. Temperature Range - 22 - 28C. They thrive best in tanks with moving water. Each of our carefully researched, styled, tested and distributed collections reflects a particular aesthetic and ethos. Minimum order value 30. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This will help to balance the male to female ratio and provide you a chance at breeding too. Menu. The Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii/semicincta), also known as the Coolie Loach, is a longtime favorite for the community and planted aquarium. Up to 40% off on Freshwater & Saltwater fish. Loach and loaches shipped to you for only $12.99 shipping fee . Recommended Tank Size: 10 gallons. This fish is generally native to rivers and streams of low water flow. This peaceful fish is very distinctive for its eel-like body, which is a brown to burgundy color covered with bright orange stripes. Some of the common names for subspecies are used interchangeably and incorrectly, which can be confusing. Maximum size: 8cm Ideal number kept together: 5+ The Kuhli loach have an eel- or snake-like appearance with a yellow body and dark brown vertical stripes. Sexual Dimorphism: Females noticeably plumper when loaded with eggs like other Pangio species. Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracantha) $ 10.99 - $ 349.99. Regular price Sale price $29.99 USD Unit price / per . *Natural Habitat: Native to the mountain streams and flood plains of Borneo, Sumatra, and the Malay Peninsula. - This Loach is a carnivorous scavenger . Once they settle in, they will hide until food hits the tank, at which point they will swarm out in a group to eat. All Aquatic Arts brand plants and animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee, plus free email support! . Current size is around 0.7" - 1.25". I recognized that it's still him by his blue eye! Super Kuhli Loach (Pangio Myersi), Neon Kuhli Loach, A.K.A. I have gone to quite a few places for shrimp and fish for my tanks, and I will never go anywhere else again. The Malaysian Kuhli Loach is one of the easiest to identify as it has much smaller stripes than the other varieties, often barely any. In the meantime, if you have any other questions about these wonderful fish, youll find everything you could possibly need to know in this Kuhli Loach care guide. The dorsal fin starts behind the middle of the body, and the anal fin well behind this. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! This place is amazing to the point where my wife has put in a 5 star review herself as well based on her experience too. Aquatic Arts quarantines all of our Kuhli Loaches before sale, as does our supplier for these magnificent fish! Leopard Kuhli Loach A.K.A. He arrived in great condition and did not seem stressed at all. Some species are given alternative names in pet stores. Kuhli loaches are eel-shaped fish, and the most common kuhli loach coloring is yellow with brown or black bands. Loaches. 20% OFF on products Shop now. And for the group of six Kuhli loaches, keep them with 2 males and 4 females. Loaches - Kuhli Loach. Like other loaches, they have barbels around the mouth, which are used to find food in the substrate. or commonly known as Coolie Loach, freshwater fish native to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Borneo. Hardness: Soft. Excludes Frozen Foods. They prefer acidic environment which is similar to their natural habitat where such condition is normally caused by a great deal of dead plants or decaying plant matter. To view the Compatibility Advisory Chart please select the Additional Tab above. All of them are alive and happy, and a couple are SO MUCH bigger than I thought!! Available in PDF, PNG, and JPEG . item 5 Live Kuhli Loach (Pack of 3 Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish) *PLS READ DESCR* Live Kuhli Loach (Pack of 3 Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish) *PLS READ DESCR* $13.99 +$25.00 shipping. It will maintain its best health and coloration with a varied diet of high-quality meaty foods. Scientific Name: Pangio shelfordii (Popta, 1903). Kuhli loaches that are in short supply due to environmental issues (such as overfishing) will also be more expensive. Flake foods, algae wafers, and. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We carry a large selection of fish including the kuhil & clown loaches. The Black Kuhli Loach, also known as Pangio semicinctus by its scientific name, is a fantastic freshwater fish for those looking for a peaceful addition to their aquarium. Features Arizona Aquatic Gardens has Loach, Botia & Garra Freshwater Aquarium Fish for sale at some of the cheapest prices that you can find on the internet. The Super Kuhli loach, also called the giant khuli loach, is about four times larger than the smaller banded or common khuli loach. These fish have no scales and are somewhat prone to disease, and so we recommend that you have some experience in caring for scale-less fish if you're planning on getting them. Please be aware that the image is for illustration purposes only. Features Actual size: 4-5cm Maximum size: 8cm Origin: Indonesia Ideal number kept together: 5+ Water conditions pH: 5.0-7.0 Temperature . The eyes are covered with a transparent skin. Learn more, Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout. Asian Floating Frog. He came showing 0 stress stripes, immediately started exploring his 20g, and was happily eating the very next day. Best kept in groups, the larger the better. Common Name: Kuhli Loach. Locale: Kalimantan Borneo. Instagram; . Buy 5 for $6.62 each and save 10%. The Kuhli Loach, also known as Pangio Kuhlii by its scientific name, is a fantastic freshwater fish for those looking for a peaceful addition to their aquarium. I named him Moo Shu. The order was refused delivery by the customer. Etsy. Kuhli loach is one of the most beautiful fish in the aquarium. Perhaps because of the stress of shipping and time, he has changed a lot in color; now, he has black, less white, less blue, and more red. Please sign up for our newsletter via the pop up, not the below bar. Kuhli Loaches are friendly, peaceful but shy and sensitive, especially when they are introduced to a new fish tank. Newton Pet & Aquatics Newton Pet & Aquatics Ltd Registered No: 11110735 Registered Office: Wessex House, Teign Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 4AA . Natural Habitat. Visit us online today! Ive listed as many as possible of the common and scientific names for the variations of Kuhli Loaches available in the list below. Theyre basically a shorter version of the Black Kuhli Loach, growing up to around 6cm (2.4 inches). Useful scavenger for planted tanks. If the claim was valid and approved by our team,Once We approved your claim, You will. Overall, they make for great Kuhli Loach tank mates. Like other loaches, they have barbels around the mouth, which are used to find food in the . Their wild habitat is characterized by warm, slightly acidic, slow moving waters with fine sand substrate in which they will actively burrow to find food. These are omnivorous fish that showcase a peaceful demeanor and can easily adapt to community living. They can also be fed high-quality pellet commercial food in a variety of flavors including prebiotics for more natural diets or extruded pellets. They like a planted aquarium with hiding places. Until they settle in, they will hide. Sometimes referred to as a Coolie Loach or Leopard Loach, the Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) is a unique tropical fish that hails from freshwater streams in Southeast Asia in areas like Malaysia, Thailand, and Borneo.They're a part of the Cobitidae family. Further, you should make sure that there is moderate lighting in their habitat. I love corydoras personalities. Their color pattern is quite pretty, reminding us of an elongated clown loach. Items 1 to 12 of 88 total. $12.99 . Scientific Name: Pangio semicincta. 1 Inch (will grow up to 3 inches) These exotic freshwater loaches are a rare gem . We are dedicated to sourcing and providing the highest quality aquarium, pond and reptile products from domestic and worldwide suppliers, at the best possible prices. The water that they require isnt as nitrate-heavy due to the lower pH of their tank along with this being less stressful on fish since its not giving them additional PH drops from a tap or well water making a quick kuhli loach death more likely in these conditions rather than a slower one through electrolysis which has been proven scientifically. A tight fitting lid is necessary as they can jump out of the water when they feel threatened. The ideal temperature for a tank containing loaches is between 79 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Panda Kuhli Loaches are incredibly rare and were only discovered in 2006. The Kuhli loach have an eel- or snake-like appearance with a yellow body and dark brown vertical stripes. The possible reason for this is that many importers of this fish have not understood or provided proper care, thus making healthy specimens scarce. We have a lot of experience with shipping live fish orders. Loach fish consist of some of the most popular of all tropical fish, adding color, interest, and beauty to any larger community aquarium. Learn more. Hopefully, this article helps you differentiate between the various types of Kuhli Loach. Palletised items(Aquariums/Ponds)(3-5 days), Palletised items(Aquariums/Ponds)(1 day). Kuhli Loaches are nocturnal so you cannot expect to see them around if the light is too strong. Betta (Fighter Fish . Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with. Copyright 2023, LiveAquaria. Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium. Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. The claim must be sent within the claim period mentioned above. Perfect little additions in my tank. Rosy Loach (Petruichthys sp. Black Kuhli Loaches are extremely peaceful and live best in a community aquarium with fish of the same disposition. It is also worth noting that they are bottom dwellers, hence it is unwise to keep them together with other dwellers that can be potentially territorial and aggressive. Splashy Fish has the right to void Live Arrival Guarantee protection if these circumstances include: For Live Fish and other invertebrates:one and a half hours(1.5 hours)of posted delivery time or customer received time. The kuhli loach can be kept in a group of up to 10 individuals. He is perfectly healthy. That is to say that when most people talk about Kuhli Loaches, theyre talking about the half-banded subspecies. Black Kuhli Loaches are extremely peaceful and live best in a community aquarium with fish of the same disposition. Just as the Chocolate Kuhli Loach is a Black Kuhli by another name, fish stores sometimes like to give alternative names to the same fish sometimes. Maximum size: up to 4 inches. They also prefer sand to gravel, as they sift sand through their mouths and gills to filter out food particles (find out what food to give to your Kuhli Loaches here). Species overview. Originally I ordered 1 but changed my order to two. They are sold in packs of 3 or more due to their social nature. - Provide plenty of cover in the form of rocks, wood, and plants to provide hiding opportunities for the Black Kuhli Loach. I was worried because I live in a very cold state but the snail was packaged perfectly and safely with a heat pack. Despite their popularity, kuhli loaches are not without health concerns. South American Exotics For sale I have some good sized kuhli loaches. This was my first time buying from flip aquatics. There are lots of varieties and subspecies of Kuhli Loaches to choose from. You will get 5% discount for all of your future purchase and will be the first to know for other crazy discount for newsletters member only. This means that out of 1000 live orders that we shipped to our customer only 5 orders would have fish that arrived dead. Live Arrival Guarantee claim made after the arrival period is mentioned below. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kuhli Loach Live Freshwater Aquarium Fish at the best online prices at eBay! The body is pink-yellow with 12-17 wide dark stripes. Le is knowledgeable and amazing with customer service. Neon Kuhli Loach (Pangio cf. It is known for its beautiful colors and beautiful stripes. Customer only 5 orders would have fish that arrived dead high-quality meaty foods: 8cm Origin: Indonesia. Have a lot of experience with shipping live fish orders originally I ordered 1 but changed my order two... Mates such as overfishing ) will also be fed high-quality pellet commercial food in the substrate nocturnal creatures often!, you should make sure that there is a relatively undemanding fish, they. 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The super khuli looks identical calico kuhli loach for sale yellow orange body and dark brown vertical stripes that showcase peaceful! Saltwater fish to move throughout the fish tank aquariums and garden fish ponds bigger than I thought! shipping... Addition to a new tank the same disposition too strong the genus, from the family,... 1903 ) around them Chart please Select the Additional Tab above in with rest!
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