A pair of master/slave hard macro DLLs, where the master provides the 90 degree command word to multiple controlled-delay-line slaves that are embedded into the Data Byte hard macro-cell. >> >> /Parent 10 0 R This basic time de lay varies over temperature, and IC manufacturing. 0000000016 00000 n
14 0 obj endobj /Type /Page Reading from DRAM memory is a 2-step process (More on this in a following section) Page size is essentially the number of bits per row. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 19 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 2>>
Lecture 12: DRAM Basics Today: DRAM terminology and basics, energy innovations. Special thanks to the representatives from the above companies who have participated, and continue to contribute to the success of this effort. SDRAM Controller Address Map and Register Definitions, /Contents [157 0 R 158 0 R] Since each DRAM on the DIMM is located at a different distance, when a READ is issued each DRAM on the DIMM will see the READ command at different times and subsequently the data from each DRAM arrives at the ASIC/Processor at different times. DDR4 basics - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. x16 devices have only 2 Bank Groups whereas x4 and x8 have 4 as shown in figure 2. <>
A DDR Controller Figure 10: DRAM Sub-System. endobj Debugging HPS SDRAM in the Preloader, 4.15.
1 0 obj >> 31 0 obj /Parent 7 0 R When you enable write-leveling in the controller, it does the following steps: The figure below shows the write-leveling concept. 26 0 obj
/Resources 183 0 R /Count 10 /Rotate 90 In DDR4 the termination style of the data lines (DQ) was changed from CTT (Center Tapped Termination, also called SSTL Series-Stud Terminated Logic) to POD (Pseudo Open Drain). This means there are only 2^10 = 1K columns. /Rotate 90 /Rotate 90 /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Functional Description of the SDRAM Controller Subsystem, 4.13. !..that is the importance of DDR in current SoC's.. DDR is an essential component of every complex SOC. /Type /Page /Resources 213 0 R Depending on the size of the DRAM the number of ROW and COLUMN bits change. /Resources 93 0 R >> 0000002008 00000 n
If you found this content useful then please consider supporting this site! This indicates the number of data pins (DQ) on the DRAM. /Parent 10 0 R Standard DDR is designed for use in servers, cloud computing, networking, laptop, desktop, and consumer applications. endobj The DDR PHY connects the memory controller and external memory devices in the speed critical command path. /Type /Page Perform parasitic extraction of the netlist again, including the clock mesh. This information originally appeared on the Teledyne LeCroy Test Happens Blog. <>
/Type /Page /Parent 8 0 R It starts at a selected location (as specified by the user provided address), and continues for a burst length of eight or a chopped burst of four. Get Notified when a new article is published! 894. phy is a physical interface between 2 different media or electrical interfaces.like serial 2 usb interface etc.it really depends on company to company as to who has to verify the phy and integrate it into the design. Well, the DRAM interprets the ACT_n, RAS_n, CAS_n & WE_n inputs as commands based on the truth table below. Enabling the Debug Report for Arria V and Cyclone V SoC Devices, 13.5.2. 0000002123 00000 n
DDR4 SDRAMs are very prevalent in devices that use ASICs and FPGAs. endobj 197 0 obj
It is responsible for sending data back during reads and receiving data during writes. /Type /Page In this case you'll have a single DRAM chip soldered on the board but internally within the package it'll have a stack of 2 dies. The only requirement is that the DFI clock must exist, and all signals defined by the DFI are required to be driven by registers referenced to a rising edge of the DFI clock. /Type /Page endobj << /Contents [172 0 R 173 0 R] Let's take a closer look at our example system. Another thing to note is that, the width of DQ data bus is same as the column width. /Resources 153 0 R ?]}v!R"H (]G!B)`u\ v>u>I% H#'E>SOu"k'aS}V^olxRYi`?eUo ^]vD@jAajZlBKTFB Steps 2 to 4 are repeated until the controller sees a 0-to-1 transition. AFI Tracking Management Signals, 1.15.1. /Parent 10 0 R >> DDR PHY design by logicatoms on Oct 28, 2015 Quote: logicatoms Posts: 5 Joined: Apr 26, 2015 Last seen: Sep 8, 2016 I have couple of questions regarding design and implementation of DDR PHY. /Rotate 90 >> /Rotate 90 31 /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /Parent 7 0 R /Resources 180 0 R endobj We use cookies to provide you with a better experience. The clock runs at half of the DDR data rate and is distributed to all memory chips. endobj So, they are made tunable. PRECHARGE is equivalent to closing the current file drawer in the cabinet, it causes the data in the Sense Amps to be written back into the row. Instead of issuing an explicit PRECHARGE command to deactivate a row, the RDA (Read with Auto-Precharge) and WRA (Write with Auto-Precharge) commands can be used. /Type /Page In most DDR generations since its inception, the timing relationship between the strobe and data signals is different for reads and writes (see Figure 3). So, to simplify things, you can say that DRAMs are classified based on the width of the DQ bus. /Contents [145 0 R 146 0 R] In a x4 DRAM the memory returns 32-bits of data with every READ operation (8 burts of data is returned with 4 bits in each burst), in case of x8 64 bits is returned and in case x16 devices 128 bits (BL8 x 16). /Rotate 90 Data Bus & Data Strobe. 26 0 obj These little transistors are set based on input VOH[0:4]. /Parent 3 0 R The specification is designed to be used by developers of both memory controllers and PHY designs, but does not place any restrictions on the how the memory controller interfaces to the system design, or how the PHY interfaces to the DRAM devices. <>
It requires every engineer working on SoC to be well versed with DDR protocol concepts including DDR controller, DDR PHY, DDR memory, etc. 61 0 obj /Contents [187 0 R 188 0 R] <>
DDR4 basics in FPGA point of view. The memory controller needs to account for the board trace delays and the fly-by routing delays and launch Address and Data with the correct skew between them so that the Address and Data arrive at the memory with CWL latency between them. The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVATE Command are used to select the BankGroup, Bank and Row to be activated (BG0-BG1 in x4/8 and BG0 in x16 selects the bankgroup; BA0-BA1 select the bank; A0-A17 select the row). /Type /Page /Type /Page You can easily search the entire Intel.com site in several ways. It supports wide channel widths, high densities, and multiple form factors. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. << But in DDR4 there is no voltage divider circuit at the receiver. /Resources 99 0 R /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Parent 3 0 R << /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] . /Rotate 90 SDRAM Controller Subsystem Block Diagram, 4.4. <>
>> endobj HU}Lgq!ZhkJ 4 0 obj 20 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 15 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>>
/Type /Page /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] ~` XovT
A DRAM chip is equivalent to a building full of file cabinets, Bank Group Identifies the floor number, Bank Address Identifies the file cabinet within that floor where the file you need is located. Basics Read Timing for Conventional DRAM Row Address Column Valid Dataout RAS CAS Address DQ Row Address Column Valid . /Rotate 90 The DDR PHY is a conduit between the controller and the DDR memory and plays a critical role for transferring the data reliably without any bit-errors between the controller and the memory. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Another example - Say you need an 8Gb memory and the interface to your chip is x8. DDR PHY connects to the core using DDR controller via a DFI (DDR PHY interface). When a ZQCL command is issued during initialization, this DQ calibration control block gets enabled and it produces a tuning value. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Resources 195 0 R The DRAM is soldered down on the board. While the READs are going on, the internal read capture circuitry either increases of decreases an internal read delay register to find the left and right edge of the data eye. /Contents [208 0 R 209 0 R] Functional DescriptionHard Memory Interface 4. HBM3 PHY: HBM3/ 9600Mbps: DFI 5.0: Design in 5-nm and below that requires high-performance 2.5D HBM3 SDRAM support up to 9600 Mbps . /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory ( DDR SDRAM) is a double data rate (DDR) synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) class of memory integrated circuits used in computers. Figure 1: A representative test setup for physical-layer DDR testing. 11 0 obj
/Contents [160 0 R 161 0 R] When a device with a DRAM sub-system is powered up, a number of things happen before the DRAM gets to an operational state. The DDR3 PHY IP provides the Industry standard DDR PHY Interface (DFI) bus at the local side to interface with the Memory . /Resources 201 0 R >> J;NFx This important phase is called Read/Write Training (or Memory Training or Initial Calibration) wherein the controller (or PHY), This section is about the following circle in the state machine. /Type /Page /Parent 8 0 R Microsoft PowerPoint - AN108_Mazyar_Razzaz_DDR_Basics,_Configuration_and_Pitfalls_v2_ca(2).ppt Specify the best location of the specific cluster in the fabric, making sure the dimensions of the cluster are large enough to include all relevant cells. Intels products and software are intended only to be used in applications that do not cause or contribute to a violation of an internationally recognized human right. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] 0000001667 00000 n
DDR PHY offers its own log level which is very important in debugging a DDR PHY issue. HTn1++!#F$vAPgEzv]\iUR MtX]$5Lq*YV>|rwuKa,Kiol8 z.Ybpg"], Microsoft PowerPoint - AN108_Mazyar_Razzaz_DDR_Basics,_Configuration_and_Pitfalls_v2_ca(2).ppt. In this episode, discover the benefits of 800G Ethernet, including its greater bandwidth, improved reliability, and how industry standards are enabling greater interoperability. The data signals are true double data-rate signals that transition at the same rate as the clock/strobe (two transfers per clock cycle). Presentation provides both a starter introduction to what DRAM is and how it operates and also what are various. endobj >> DDR Training. Creating a Project in Platform Designer (Standard), /CropBox [0 0 612 792] The DDR command bus consists of several signals that control the operation of the DDR interface. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Build data structure of all pin locations and metal layers they connect. <>
12 0 obj >> endobj
DDR use in SoC LP, PC DDR's DDR PHY basics Architecture Sub components DDR Controller concepts. Depending on what's available in the market and what is cheaper, you could have a single 16Gb memory die, in this case you would call it a Single Rank system because you just need 1 ChipSelect signal (CS_n) to read all the contents of the memory. For Read/Write Training, the Controller/PHY IPs typically offer a number of algorithms. At this point the DRAMs on the DIMM module understand what frequency they have to operate at, what the CAS Latency (CL), CAS Write Latency (CWL) and few other timing parameters are. I sneaked something in here without much explanation. 21. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Visible to Intel only <>
Due to the interface's bi-directional nature, data is transferred between the memory and controller in bursts. /Rotate 90 endstream
This step is also called RAS - Row Address Strobe. The figure below zooms into one 240 leg of the DQ circuit and shows 5 p-channel devices connected to the poly-resistor. This webinar was originally held on February 11, 2021. /Parent 8 0 R /Rotate 90 The protocol defines the signals, timing, and functionality required for efficient communication across the interface. Let's look at the fundamentals of a DDR interface and then move into physical-layer testing (see Figure 1). /Rotate 90 /CropBox [0 0 612 792] , calibration control Block gets enabled and it produces a tuning value initialization, this calibration! Basics - Free download as PDF File (.txt ) or read online Free. The truth table below 0 612 792 ] Build data structure of all pin locations and metal they! ] < > stream it is responsible for sending data back during reads and data... 1: a representative Test setup for physical-layer DDR testing calibration control Block gets enabled and produces... 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