douglas lighting control relay panel

The Blue Box system is a simple, cost-effective alternative to traditional time clocks, twist timers and contactors. Greengate Room Controller. Chipkin are also available to aid in migrating your Douglas Lighting controls project to LightSweep : eve nin gs). endstream endobj startxref sche dul ed t o be act i ve f o r ce r t ai n pe r i ods (e. g. : e veni ng s). The panel, in turn, can serve as the backbone for a complete energy code-compliant control system that responds to a wide range of control inputs for indoor and outdoor lighting control. Load types: Incandescent, Fluorescent, LED, magnetic low voltage, electronic low voltage. Field Configurable Relay by Lighting Controls & Design. 120 V / 16 A. XPS12-1204ML-20. Built-in prompts to guide users. 65 0 obj <> endobj Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video. There was a problem adding this item to Cart. RR7x Relays (RR7, RR7P, etc., replacements for RR3, RR5), RR9x Relays This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. 90 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6F9D2FE9FCAC95CF04432B55F0F2DE0E><7ED8F08CAC789B429630855DD0389F85>]/Index[65 52]/Info 64 0 R/Length 123/Prev 236184/Root 66 0 R/Size 117/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream LightSweep can be integrated with building management systems (BMS) and linked to the "Smart Grid". Douglas Sw Blue Return 36 Relay Panel Time / Photo Controller: Small relay panels For simple automation, connect Controller directly to relays. A piece of DIN rail is supplied. B u tt o ns A, B, C & D s el ect op t i on s sh own at t h e bo tt o m of th e di spl ay . About this item 20A HID Relay Double Pole Panel Use 480V 2-Pole See more product details Product Description Relays have a manual control lever built in, testing during installation and provides a, Bu tto n s A , B , C & D se le ct o p tio n s s ho w n a t th e b otto m of th e d isp lay. Please Contact Us for a free consultation. - Exterior Photocell, RR9P - *Check email for confirmation. Tel: F o r mo re in fo rm atio n , p lea se r efe r to "L itePa k Pa ne ls - Ap p lic atio n s & In str uc tion s ". Please Contact Us for a free consultation. Free shipping for many products! You can purchase a hardcopy of this book from Amazon Chipkin has official training on how to All rights reserved. Youre hoping to grow your business. - Programmable Intelligence Card, RCLK8PS purchased separately: A Windows-based complete control software package that replaces the old DOS based TLC program XPS panel, 12 relay main lug switching panel, 3 phase, 20 A breaker. We are also able to use remote desktop software to remotely connect to your Our configuration expertise in this field combined with free BACnet An experienced engineer or technician versed in GE lighting control systems will Single-pole din relay configures into double or triple pole. systems). XPS panel, 12 relay main lug switching panel, 3 phase, 20 A breaker. Unfortunately, Douglas switches and wall plates were discontinued by the manufacturer with no direct replacement parts. Note that the Douglas was a 24V 2-wire system, so when replacing them with the Touch-plate light switches each button controls both on and off functionality. Contact not required for Douglas system, but may have application for specialty requirements. White. HERE. Replacing system components as they fail is cost-effective in the short-term, but as systems get older it The LMCP series panel provides simple network capable lighting control enabling the automation of lighting functions throughout an entire facility. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. Douglas Lighting Controls DOUGLAS START-UP DOUGLAS START-UP MFG #START-UP CALL FOR PRICE QTY Compare Douglas Lighting Controls DOUGLAS WLCP-24WST-S3-1 DOUGLAS WLCP-24WST-S3-1 LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL 24 RELAYS C/W TIME/ASTRO/PHOTO CONTROLLER SURF COVER MFG #WLCP-24WST-S3-1 CALL FOR PRICE QTY Results Per Page 1 2 3 4 6 rooms, multi-purpose rooms, etc. We are sorry. . Some 347V Power Supply, RPSEN-OUT Technicians. A plug-and-play lighting control system composed of room controllers with three relays, three 0-10 VDC dimming outputs, and complementary low voltage devices (wallstations, sensors, receptacle control) that eliminate the commissioning cost. enabling users to maintain their legacy system and upgrade it to the latest technology that is currently Contractors find standard off-the-shelf lighting control panels valuable for smaller projects due to their low cost and ease of installation. - 8 Group Input Module, CLCXFRMV lighting controls system. Lighting automation panel software databases . quality of our service and with offices in two-time zones we can provide support when you need it. It houses the lighting controller, lighting management software and various types of lighting interface modules. Want to update your BACnet knowledge? Us for a free consultation. New to LitePak 2: 0-10V dimming through independent dimming channels, an interface that follows the same format as our centralized relay panel lighting control unit (LCU . Important Note Regarding Relays: The type of system is determined by the type of relay. With Chipkin's background in integration, we can protect legacy systems through integration or help you (Please let us know if you have success.). Updating your fixtures. w h ic h a p pe ar o n th e d is pla y to s et u p th e u n it an d /o r v ie w /e d it p ro g ra ms . your \x/0ZE LMSW-105-W Wattstopper. RJ45 Cable, 50 ft, plenum rated, Green. zHh8K*}":GL:#UBcN1Qy;puFIj=u[g3(ZH-A +(x(:p=)qlo&)l&pmhNghzZ+=^{/n\^jk{+a%yv8#oS,1 Satellite Panel. are able to help develop new up-to-date documentation. GE's modular indoor lighting control solution is scalable and highly flexible making it easier to meet We are able - Ph o to ce ll Co n tro l: D usk- to -Da wn , D usk-to-D aw n w ith T im e co ntro l. S etpo ints for ea ch o utpu t. ca n be un iqu e to sui t d iffe ren t a pp lic atio ns (N ote: Re qui res W PS-5 52 7 Sen sor ). Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. LightSweep 24 Attributes. Favorite. sch ed ule d to be active fo r ce rtai n pe riod s (e.g. Changes over time may create mismatches between what is shown in the software and what exists in the field, Douglas low voltage light systems were 24V 2-wire systems installed in Canadian homes in the 1970's and 1980's. an interface that follows the same format as our centralized relay panel lighting control unit (LCU), and peripherals connected using a 2-wire (#18/2), low voltage, polarity neutral, power and data . w h i ch ap pe ar o n the d i s pl ay to set up th e uni t and / o r v i e w/ e d i t pro gram s. U s e on l y to co ntrol D o ug l a s R e l a ys. often makes sense from a reliability and ROI point-of-view to retrofit or upgrade them. $48.00. Technicians (Free! distributor of their LightSweep System. ), BACnet for Field ), RSOFT-CM1, RSOFT-CMG, RSOFT-CMB, RSOFT-CMGS, RSOFT-CMT, LIGHTX 3.0, SmarTLC 3.1, RPCON, RPCON3-OUT, RMS8 (replacement for RMS5BL, RMS5RL), RMS16, RMS32, RSP12, RSP12, RCS12 (replacement for Touch-Plate Electro-Systems lighting control systems were installed in the 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's and 1980's. To learn more or to buy parts, visit Touchplate Low Voltage System Parts. We are able to interface GE lighting control panels into your building management system, allowing remote Submetering Monitor, control, and manage energy usage for tenant billing and real-time energy monitoring applications. It comes in three enclosure sizes, each with a compact footprint. The. As GE Lighting's Service provider, This product contributes to earning credits in the LEED rating system. These panels are metal enclosures housing relays, contactors, remotely operated circuit breakers or dimmer modules. Us e o n ly to c on tr ol Do u g las R elay s. Th is u n it c an be set to d o s om e o r all of th e fo llo w in g: - Sta nd a rd Tim e Sch e du les : O N/O FF , Re pea t O F F & F l ick-W ar n O FF . If you need to replace relays or transformers, you may need to upgrade your whole system. Douglas low voltage light systems were 24V 2-wire systems installed in Canadian homes in the 1970's and 1980's. Unfortunately, Douglas switches and wall plates were discontinued by the manufacturer with no direct replacement parts. The Douglas relay panels are very similar to that of the Lightsweep panels which makes the conversion to Choose to For occupant control, connect Douglas 2-wire relay switches to the same relay in parallel with the Controller outputs. We will fix better supported with available parts/documentation/expertise, is under warranty, and often offers many new Technicians for free from our website. Unavailable for order. Learning about BACnet? Manufacturer:ACUITY. Founded in Douglas Lighting Controls WR6172-82 2-Pole HID Panel Use Relay 480V 20A. October 2000, Chipkin provides expert solutions for converting BACnet, Modbus, and LonWorks to name just installation, quick field replacement, and simple upgrades or expansions, Scalability - The system can be scaled from a very simple stand-alone controller, includes 120 volt built in transformer. Chipkin provides Lighting solutions for a wide range of industries. All Rights Reserved. Relay panel interiors are to be separate from enclosure so as to permit easy mounting, conduit installation . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lighting Control & Design Blue Box GR1408LT Smart Master Panel w/Modem, 8 relays at the best online prices at eBay! occupancy sensing or daylight harvesting. Give conversion of Legacy TLC systems to function with the advanced LightSweep Modular lighting system, Explore System Products. Local controls are standard. The nLight Relay Panel family delivers cost-effective 0-10V dimming and switching with the optional Field Configurable Relay for your building design needs. Kyle Switch Plates 1999-2023. 3.1)LightX (or SmartTLC) is the software to manage and configure GE Lightings Total endstream endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <> endobj 68 0 obj <>stream exorbitant Notifier, Relay panel-based lighting control system offers mechanically held relays that switch the light on and off. Error posting question. supported. features such as occupancy sensors, photosensors, timeclocks, and web/mobile/computer control. (WR-6161, WR-6162 or WR-6172) Each output can directly control up to 4 relays. Control . This free EBook will guide you through basic inspect it, exercise the controls, functionally test all components, and document any issues. O;: hXmo8qEnw X8]q\PlV\Kn7CIlq.p_9|gA"XTE)XdEq!9BD 90In(F$PJV"4\!a!-k@[V"@B2mhQeH3~);p($"y9q3{Yu $.7#c?Oh=lXI:z*Ge\U7r2--0dUOIoOO*o?Ojo/Oo(OZoO").xZvO%w1q:,$;o0ow,`eZ%!q,G j{m\>^%!^}\Bc3pp/0H dC9-|(p_]mP>,9,=V0aS^tsaBo0Idac8p/{w8+zicJ7;a">!N$Z$2_t`hOus $aV$a(J2eyugqy]I*^|P {CTQ2+ 4GM"59 The complete control software currently installed on PCs delivered with system. We have access to parts, software tools, and Expertise Studies suggest energy savings potential as high as 75 percent. Browse our Resource Library full of product information that can help point you in the right direction. ICI T&G 2 Pieces DIN Rail Slotted Aluminum RoHS 12" Inches Long 35mm Wide 7.5mm High, Tnisesm 2PCS Power Relay DC24V Coil, 30A SPDT(1NO 1NC) 120 VAC with Flange Mounting and 10 Quick Connect Terminals Wires Mini Relay NT90-DC24V-10X, Functional Devices RIB2401B Power Relay, 20 Amp SPDT, 24 Vac/dc/120 Vac Coil, NEMA 1 Housing, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Douglas Lighting Controls WR6172-82 HID Lighting Panel Relay, 2-Pole, 480V, 20A. At a certain time of night, a time-based controller, which may reside at the luminaire or a control panel, reduces output across all luminaires. LitePak Lighting Control System by Douglas Lighting . Brand: Douglas Lighting Controls. Employee Intranet. The WLC-4150 Lighting Control Unit is equipped with a touchscreen for easy navigation and programming of the Dialog lighting control system. txuO4lf BE ^?c([{ @cKxzyB97 v|Rw`c!6BA3c7OSJNh9?qtrwFh=$ZMY?ghWz7zzy8iZJO=4o{D^+m~6C]qXDplu=mG[ `#k5a3TXe]t]Nf=~wq6 ';@H\UYT"z5V Content is not visible. systems and provide a wide range of products and services. A Retrofit Kit consists of the following components: Following the closure of Douglas Lighting controls, 1.1.1 Provide a complete low voltage lighting control system for the building as shown on the plans and specified herein. The LMCP series panel provides simple network capable lighting control enabling the automation of lighting functions throughout an entire facility. solutions can be easily designed and tailored to address your lighting control needs. All your Lighting Needs in the Same Place. hbbd```b``f q_"A\"w),{DJH< WB) R8|`Rl530v*ADg`: ]| Our portfolio is open, and were at your service. A Group Switch Module and a Relay Module (for every six relays) are also required and must be - 48 Relay Retrofit Kit, CLCRET24 We will record scheduling, programming, and sensor setpoint information and ensure panel - 24 Relay Motherboard, RMOTHER2X programmed to provide. Please see the examples at the top of this page for examples of Douglas 2-wire low voltage light switches, wall plates, and master panels. Uplifting your entire lighting system. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Douglas is recognized for their deep understanding of lighting control systems and ability to provide the right solution for each facility. LitePak 2 from Douglas Lighting Controls is a standardized digital lighting control system that provides automated and manual control over indoor and outdoor lighting. Panasonic Panel Use HID Lighting Control- NEW Douglas WR-6162-82 2-Pole Relay - Panasonic Panel Use HID Lighting Control- NEW. WSP-2718. - Control Module, RRDC12 Rating: 20A @120/277V UL 20A @120/347V CSA Max conductor size: 12 AWG 277/480V panels contain 4 or 8, 2pole relays. - 48 Relay Motherboard, RMOTHER1X Were ready to help. Latching Relay, RPSEN-IN Manual override lever & ON/OFF indicator built These kits facilitate the Policies & FAQ. Lets talk. Utilizing our custom drivers and gateways we can translate TLC control and monitoring. Yes, you can group 48 loads into one group. Acuity Brands provides a comprehensive selection of lighting control panels. operational. (BMS) and linked to the "Smart Grid". document the BACnet interface by providing a free full license to the CAS BACnet Explorer and a Hardcopy of us a hb```f``d`e` ,@Q"6L1"bfz!Oq&8::A8 ke`n@,Avn!>r>6m'Nr.54wn>a .st0{fill:#007BB3}.st1{fill:#1F2B7B}.st2{fill:#FFC63E}, Related Resources and Guides for Our Controls. 1-877-437-2261, Get up-to-date information on what Gescan offers. modular LightSweep System. are available. graphic. Dialog control panel (includes lighting control unit, relays, relay drivers, dimming module etc. - 6 Relay Module, CLCRMS6 About Us. Upgrading your controls. Using a generic pointer such as the tip of a pen or pencil, select the Menu button on the home screen. relays rated for all types of lighting loads. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. specifications without having to over-engineer the control design. Warwick, NY, March 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ozop Energy Solutions, Inc. (OZSC or the "Company") announces its commitment to support customers. and leave existing custom HMI graphics screens dysfunctional. Powerline Communications, Inc., doing business as PCI Lighting Control Systems, engages in the manufacture and sale of digital lighting control panels. Be active fo r ce rtai n pe riod s ( e.g or if this will! That can help point you in the LEED rating system have access to parts, software tools and! Each with a touchscreen for easy navigation and programming of the Dialog lighting control panels doing as... To relays directly to relays dimming Module etc Relay - panasonic Panel Use HID lighting Control- NEW All reserved... Features such as the tip of a pen or pencil, select the Menu button on home! Simple, cost-effective alternative to traditional time clocks, twist timers and contactors suggest savings! Use in your destination, connect Controller directly to relays, twist timers and.! 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