dylox vs merit

The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Whether or not you use the dylox--be sure to use the Acelypryn about the Fourth of July. But don't despair. Use Down or Tab key to select next menu item. This product gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests. I have 3 kids and a dog and this is the safest product outside of organic options (which take 2-3 years to actually work). Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. 2023 University of Massachusetts Amherst Site Policies, Center for Agriculture, Food,andtheEnvironment, CenterforAgriculture, Food, and theEnvironment, Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn, GrubEx), imidacloprid (Merit and several generic products), Aloft (proprietary product containing chlothianidin and bifenthrin). Combination products, which contain a neonicotinoid and a pyrethroid, make a lot of sense for many turf insect management programs. I also like Acelepryn for prevention as its one of the safest insecticides out there. Yes No 19 of 23 people found this answer helpful. Are cabbage worms eating up your precious crops? The pyrethroid component of the product normally provides excellent control against caterpillars and billbug adults, among other things. I use dylox for new clients with active grubs or an occasional breakthrough. Because preventive grub controls contain a small amount of pesticides compared to curative solutions, people should use preventive products. The grubs will ingest the fatal chemicals as they continue to eat the grass roots. I really appreciate it. If you order or purchase a live nematode product for grubs, make sure you buy a Heterorhabditis nematode and not a Steinernema or another type of nematode. Carbaryl is also very toxic to honeybees and other bees. Imidacloprid, the active ingredient in the brand name Merit, is commonly used in products to prevent grub activity. For long term treatments, we would recommend using Milky Spore Powder. As we previously noted, while most of these grubs have similar life cycles, the European Chafer's cycle occurs about two weeks earlier than others. ", See More Game Recap. Dylox is a very mobile compound that works very quickly and breaks down quickly. While many companies use liquid formulation because it's typically less expensive than granular products and they can more readily mix it with other herbicides, the formulation easily washes away. Doing so after this reduces the chance GrubEx controls grubs in your lawn. Applications after early June may result in reduced efficacy for grub control, but will still provide excellent protection against caterpillars. Only the European Chafers cycle occurs about two weeks earlier than other species. Animals may also continue digging for the insects. Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, THE 5 BEST Crabgrass Preventers (2022 Crabgrass Pre-Emergent Herbicides), The Best Lawn Care Stocking Stuffer Christmas Gifts Ideas (2019), https://www.domyown.com/msds/Acelepryn_Insecticide_Label_20202.pdf, https://www.domyown.com/msds/MilkySporeMSDS.pdf, Urea vs Ammonium Sulfate: Nitrogen Fertilizers for Lawns & Turfgrass, Yucca Extract for Lawns: Everything You Need to Know, Sea Kelp for Lawns: Biostimulants Benefits Backed by Research, Humic Acid for Lawns A Guide & Benefits to Humics in Your Yard, Calcitic Lime vs Dolomite Lime (Limestone Differences and Similarities for Lawns), Dimension 2EW Calculator [Application + Mix Rates], Prodiamine Calculator (65 WDG Application + Mixing Rates), Liquid Nitrogen Calculator (Liquid Fertilizer Calculator), Bellingham Lawn Care (& surrounding areas), The best and quickest of the lawn grub killers, Slightly more expensive than other options, Convenient to find in local hardware stores, The granulated formula is 50 percent higher concentration with the same substantial coverage, There are several restrictions on using the product, You can apply when the population threshold is met. This is a slower acting product, but it will last about 15-20 years in the soil after one application. Milky Spore will last in the soil for up to 10 years. Seems to work out fine. $21.83 when you choose 5% savings on eligible purchases every day. Because GrubEx and Merit have similar qualities, please see the description about Merit for more information. Thursday, March 17th, 2022 9:46 PM. The only exception to this would of course be the 2 and 3 year grubs that are adult sized. 88: 846-854. Disclaimer: Merit will not kill every grub. Effective herbicide control when you need it most. IPM is a pest management strategy that depends on monitoring pest activity and only taking action to "control" a pest population when that population is higher than can be tolerated. Cautions/Instructions: Read the label carefully of the brand you have selected. A forum community dedicated to lawn care and landscaping professionals and enthusiasts. It is the safest grub control product available. Long persistence, but relatively slow (couple of weeks) to show effects after application. Sorry dude, but you're info is wrong. 10 of 11 people found this answer helpful. But it turns out that grub activity often can be anticipated. Redmond, C.T. For more information, check our Before discussing alternative management strategies for grubs, it is important to understand that if grubs and turf damage are discovered in April, the only insecticides that will be effective in April are carbaryl (Sevin) and trichlorfon (Dylox). The next time there'll be grub pressure is the following summer, at egg hatch, so yes, it provides year long grub control in that way. Being that is doesnt really get below 40 degrees where I live and I have already found them, What else can I use and when should I begin using it? However, it takes 60 to 90 days to fully dissipate in the soil so for optimum effectiveness against grubs, it should be applied between mid April and early June. Thanks for the note! and D.A. On the other hand, granular grub preventives are less likely to wash away. We have had questions from our customers at our garden center here in Petoskey about the Milky Spore granular product by St. Gabriel Laboratories and I am having a hard time getting the facts. Dylox6.2 Granulesshould not harm earthworms as they feed differently than the other targeted insects. Perhaps first and foremost, they should be selected to be the least disruptive to the environment. While Merit is also a nerve poison, it acts on nerves at a different site than does Dylox. Equipment , Save Up to 30% on Select Lawn & Pest Control Products-, See More (Usually it breaks down chemically before it gets to nearby surface or groundwater.) Do not apply near ponds, lakes or streams or allow drift/runoff into the same. But definitely check the labels of each product first:https://www.domyown.com/msds/Acelepryn_Insecticide_Label_20202.pdfhttps://www.domyown.com/msds/MilkySporeMSDS.pdf. Hi! The large grubs you see now will soon begin to emerge as beetles. You can accept or reject all or update your preferences by clicking on the appropriate button below. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Dylox is safe during seeding to kill grubs if you have them. Use Enter/Space key to visit the menu item. Will this effect the outcome ? Was this answer helpful to you? Game Recap. than any of the older organophosphates. Do all of these products kill the beneficial insects as well? Environmental Science U.S. LLC, 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513. A garden center owner asks about alternatives to standard grub control insecticides. SHOP KELP4LESS THATCH EATER Application Rates: 1-2 ounces by weight or two-to-four (2-4) level Tablespoons per gallon per 1,000 sq. The eggs hatch in the summer and become white grub larvae. Read our top grub control and prevention products. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. How long after an applications may she and I go on the lawn? My grass is coming in nicely and I do not want it destroyed again. The other neonicotinoids appear to have limited or no activity against AGB as well. Thats where applying Acelepryn now is important. These are used in the summer when grubs are actively damaging your lawns. 18 of 22 people found this answer helpful. To be preventative, you must apply closer to mid-summer when grubs are active. Many people believe that such a strategy (essentially a preventive application) is contrary to the backbone of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. A broad-spectrum pesticide that works against a variety of pests and fungus Is an effective means of killing both larvae and adult beetles Active ingredient neem oil makes it safe for people, pets,. For organic options, Milky Spore Grub Control. Store Finder (832) 501-9542 - CALL US 8AM - 5PM CST . Furthermore, dylox would be considered a pesticide. And because it is very mobile, sometimes it can move beyond the target area. Find Sumari at Do My Own and DIY Pest Control. Good choice with Acelepryn. address and session details) and browsing activity. Then for preventing grub. Happy eversince. i always thought dylox collected to much moisture and was hard to spread, even with light winds. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.We only recommend products that we have personally used with great results. To prevent grubs, use Acelepryn for season-long grub control. Generally, this is when to use these insecticides. I live in California. I have been an avid lawn care DIY'er since 2013. For quick kill now, Dylox (trichlorfon) is considered most effective with Sevin (carbaryl) as second. Testimonials. Very old thread, 2007. Moles seem to be a big problem this year even up north here in New England. This insecticide will disrupt the insect's internal systems, which control growth and molting. Hi Jason thanks for the comment! In other words, Merit will not eliminate large grub larvae typically present in the turf from mid-August to mid-spring. Some people may want to consider a one-time treatment with a nematode that infects grubs: Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. (We are guessing it is because carbaryl is highly toxic to several beneficial insects.) Some products that target Japanese beetle grubs can also harm some beneficial insects, but it all depends. Only then are pesticides considered as one of the options. Dylox 6.2 Granules is only active and kills for 48 hours. And insect nerves are much more sensitive to the disruption of the nicotinic receptor site, so Merit is less toxic to vertebrates than is Dylox. If the grubs are active, then you can apply Dylox according to the directions/intervals. For best results, the product should be watered in for at least 1 to 1/5 hours after application to ensure the product make it through the thatch layer to where the grubs are feedings. Michael WillsonWillson's Garden CenterPetoskey, MI 49770. These include imidacloprid (Merit), thiamethoxam (Meridian), and clothianidin (Arena). Use Enter/Space key to visit the menu item. 24-HOUR GRUB KILLER: Delivers overnight results by killing grubs in 24 hours. If this is important for you then I would make sure you have prevention in place first before resorting to fast-acting killers. We follow ISU's recommendations, and we have never got burned regarding the timing of different grub control productsEXCEPT for one year: We tried Mach II when it first came outseveral breakthroughs, since then we switched back to Merit. I personally believe there is no substitute for these two products when it comes to grub prevention and grub control. You can do this by putting a pinch of nematodes in a glass of water at room temperature for 10 minutes and check to see if they are wiggling. 2004-2023 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Shop All April 01, 2014. Use Enter/Space key to select the menu/submenu items. You can also contact the manufacturer Bayer 800-331-2867 for the best time to apply in your specific area. Moles will feed on grubs, worms and other similar insects living in your turf. It was considered to be a successful effort because populations of Japanese beetle decreased 10-fold or more at most sites within five years of when the spore powder was distributed. Nasty nasty stuff. However, there are several other things to consider as well when pesticides are used in an IPM program. And insect nerves are much more sensitive to the disruption of the nicotinic receptor site, so Merit is less toxic to vertebrates than is Dylox. Jun 10, 2006 no, merit will not kill fleas ans ticks, the mode of action is plant uptake so the insects need to eat the plant. In about eight years out of ten, grubs tend to be found in the same general locations. It looks like it's been through a horrible fight and lost miserably. Was this answer helpful to you? IPM strives to persuade people to use no pesticides, or at the very least, a small amount of pesticides to manage insects, diseases and weeds. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This is awesome and came at the perfect time. Powered byWPDesigned with the Customizr theme. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. In most cases, adult emergence occurs in early summer, often after significant rainfall or irrigation, followed by mating and egg laying. Timing of Application University Trials, 1988 2006 100 0 September 1 September 15 October 1 (100) (58) (23) Dylox 6.2 G and 80 T&O 6 - 8 lb AI/A . Its important to know the difference between insecticides that will help prevent grub damage (proactively), and those that will kill grubs (reactive/curative products). 24 of 24 people found this answer helpful. i use talstar, works great and it will also kill your surface feeding insects like sod webworm. After years and countless hours of hands-on experience perfecting my lawn(s), my Lawn Phix guides, calculators, and blogs now help hundreds of people get the greenest grass on their blocks. If all the grubs are held at bay through their hatching and early feeding period in late summer/ early fall, then there are none to feed through spring because they have all died in the previous season. our Members, Donors, and Volunteers. Dylox 6.2 Insecticide - Grub Killer & Preventer BUY NOW Undoubtedly, the #1 product to quickly kill grubs in your lawn is Dylox 6.2 Granular Insecticide by Bayer. Bifenthrin is sold in combination with imidacloprid as Allectus and with clothianidin as Aloft. So, it's best if GrubEx is used when adult beetles are still laying their eggs in mid-spring to early summer. Joe is right, it is the results that last, not the product. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. 88 of 91 people found this answer helpful. It is difficult to monitor grub activity in July or early August because any grubs that are present will be very small and difficult to see. 1995. When to apply Dylox: Apply before soil temperatures dip below 55 to 60 degrees in the fall or after they rise above that same degree threshold in the spring. When weeds don't grow, your business can. Pesticide labeling usually requires the use of a signal word on the label. If you put a preventative grub control treatment down sometime in June through mid-July you'll be fine. Also, Merit received federal registration in the 1990s, after the Environmental Protection Agency made its environmental requirements much more stringent. Those are the grubs that are going to damage your lawn. When I had active grub activity and damage in 2020, Dylox instantly killed the grubs on my lawn. 13 of 15 people found this answer helpful. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-800-331-2867. www.envu.com. 8 of 10 people found this answer helpful. Applying about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water will cause Grubs to move higher in soil, closer to the soil surface and your spikes. One factor is the inherent ability of the turfgrass to recover from damage. While that is not quick enough for me to call it "curative", it is faster than the other neonicotinoids and may be the best option in situations where trichlorfon or carbaryl cannot be used. Chesterfield, MO 63017, 307 Pinetum Loop Rd, Although Dylox claims it kills grubs within one to three days if applied properly, you may still notice grub activity within that time or shortly after. As a result it is much less toxic to vertebrates (including fish, birds, dogs, cats, and people!) Dylox 420 SL works by both contact and ingestion. No. As discussed, recent field trials suggest that chlothianidin and thiamethoxam have longer residual activity than does imidacloprid. Check out the MSU Sports & Commercial Turf Management Program! A healthy lawn can handle about five grubs per square foot without there being any visible damage. Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. Lack of efficacy of in-vivo and putatively in-vitro produced Paenibacillus popilliae against field populations of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs in Kentucky. Note that imidacloprid is not effective against Asiatic garden beetles (AGB). Because both of these products remain active for several weeks, they are often applied just as beetles begin laying eggs in July or early August. J. Econ. Pesticides that are used should have minimal impact on non-target organisms such as springtails, spiders, and mites that are active in the thatch. I've never had a grub problem. Sevin does this all while protecting fruits and vegetables and can often be found in many hardware and big box stores. Customers who add on grub control after mid August get Dylox. Once grubs have reached their full size (often by mid September), these curative applications will seldom provide more than 50% reduction of grub populations. Our customers are looking for alternatives to the chemical options (especially with the publicity concerning honeybees) and I am hoping to help them find some. The neonicotinoid usually is very effective against white grubs if it is applied when the beetles are laying eggs. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Sevin is a fast-acting grub killer, an upgrade because previous ingredients (Carbaryl) were harmful to honey bees and earthworms. They offer many convenient types, too, such as liquid concentrate, granular, and hose-end spray options. Product Features. Use Left/Right arrow keys to allow users to navigate within the navigation links. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. This site is maintained by Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment in the College of Natural Sciences. For example, we have seen golf course turf that had as many as 35 Japanese beetle grubs per square foot and no evidence of damage. Lawn & Garden , Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers), Shop Dylox is the product of chocie if you are currently seeing turf damage (this usually occurs from July-September depending on the type of grubs you have). What are the pros and sons for the types of GrubEx? Disclaimer: GrubEx will not kill every grub. Aphids are tiny insects, but they can do a lot of damage to your plants. These two insecticides are the only options if high numbers of grubs are found in the fall and in spring before early May. Check out the MSU Turfgrass Management - Golf Course Program! per 1,000 sq. Dylox should be watered in for at least 1 to 1.5 hours for best results to ensure the product makes it through the thatch layer to where the grubs are feeding. Sorry to hear about the grub damage! ft. There is not a time restriction on how soon you can reseed after applying. Ordinarily trichlorfon will kill what it is going to within one to three days, and it will break down within seven to ten days. . The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without This chemical also does not stick around very long. In other words, when Merit was first available, applications in early May remained active well into autumn and provided excellent control of white grubs. Unfortunately, there are not any biological control products that you can purchase at the garden center that will give the same level of control as the standard insecticide products. These eggs then hatch and begin feeding on turf roots. Merit is nicotine based (you can get a 'healthy' dose of sniff off it). Table 1. Ive been in lawn care for years and have tried them all, so you dont have to check out my list of the best lawn grub killers. Find Sevin at Do My Own, Home Depot, and Amazon. Grubs ruined the beautiful lawn that I grew last summer. I thought others may have the same question. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I set the dial to 16 on my Lesco spreader, and spread perfectly for me. Make sure they are alive when you when get them. The application should be made 60 days or more before the peak adult flight. You should consider applying it in early spring. Weeds will wish they never sprouted. To activate Dylox you must immediately water the product into the soil with at least 1/2 to 1 inch of water. As winter approaches, pupae bury about a foot below the grounds surface and emerge to feed again when ground temperatures reach about 60 degrees. Not following their instructions could result in a hefty penalty. Keep children and pets off treated lawn until the grass has been watered and allowed to dry. This information is for educational purposes only. Once applied at 3 lbs. Its residual in the soil is very minimal and making it a product that is usually only used once grubs have been found. Active ingredient is trichlorfon, which acts as a contact poison. Theres also some peace of mind with this product as there are no Dylox restrictions regarding turf species or sites for landscape and recreational-area uses. This happens in the spring between May and June. Dylox 6.2 Granules are only active and kill for 48 hours, so grubs also need to be active in the area at the time of application. If pesticides are used in an IPM program, it is understood that they should be applied after a pest population has become apparent ("curative applications"), in circumstances where it appears the population will exceed the tolerance level. GrubEx begins working 60 to 90 days after being applied to the soil. (thanks Ron) :usflag::canadaflag: Two modes of action. https://lawnphix.com/pests/how-to-get-rid-of-moles-in-your-yard/#how-to-get-rid-of-moles. This approach is complicated by the fact that the timing of the egg-laying period can vary somewhat from year to year, and also that there appears to be some differences in the residual activity of the neonicotinoids. These liquid grub killers have the main ingredient Zeta-Cypermethrin. 2023 University of Massachusetts Amherst Site Policies, Center for Agriculture, Food,andtheEnvironment, CenterforAgriculture, Food, and theEnvironment, Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Also, I put one of cats harness on and let her come in the yard with me. It acts as a molt accelerating compound so it interferes with the ability of a grub to molt successfully from the first instar to the second instar or from the second instar to the third instar. This is often interpreted to mean they should not be persistent or mobile, so they are less likely to contaminate groundwater or nearby surface water. bagshould only be used when grubs are actively feeding as it is only active for 48 hours and will not prevent them or last longer than this. So far we have not seen any evidence of white grubs developing resistance to the neonicotinoids, in spite of the pattern of repeated use throughout the Northeast. You can kill grubs by applying a curative application of grub killer and immediately watering into the soil (within 24 hours). Grubs aren't like weeds, they don't float in from surrounding properties. But that site had an unlimited water supply, was out of play from golfers, and there were no skunks or raccoons in the area. How does Merit work? It is best to apply the nematodes when grubs are present and when the soil temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Sunday, March 27th, 2022 7:41 PM. You can find this in your local store, so there is no waiting on professional products to kill armyworms or your grub problem. This chemical is found in insecticides such as Sevin. What are the types of GrubEx? Under normal circumstances, Merit will provide residual white grub control for four months or longer in turf. The "tolerance levels" for pests depend on many things. Bayer 24-hour grub killer plus has Trichlorfon as an active ingredient. Trichlorfon (Dylox) and carbaryl (Sevin) are labeled for use against grubs in turf, but neither can be used on school grounds in Massachusetts and have similar restrictions in many other states (primarily because of concern about their solubility). Highly toxic to fish, birds and wildlife. "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company. A: You've got two main options. In late spring and early summer, the pupae morph into adults and their life cycle continues. Thanks for the info! Connect with UMass Extension Turf Program: Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination Information, UMass Research and Education Center Farms, Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory, Water Testing / Environmental Analysis Laboratory, Conservation Assessment Prioritization System (CAPS), Extension Risk Management/Crop Insurance Education, North American Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative, Agriculture & Commercial Horticulture Resources. So the turf at the second site had already been subjected to several stresses and the grubs were the "straw that broke the camel's back". Our field trials over the years suggest that imidacloprid should not be applied earlier than mid June in New England if possible, while the other two active ingredients have slightly longer residual activity and could perhaps be applied slightly earlier. It is extremely effective against all the species of white grubs we have in New England, as well as most caterpillars (such as cutworms, armyworms, and webworms). This means that you need to find grub killers with the active ingredient Trichlorfon, like in Dylox. Based on several years of observations in New England (and a few field trials), we have learned that early applications of imidacloprid may not remain active long enough to protect against white grubs that become active in July and August. The label directions for most neonicotinoids (products containing chlothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam) indicate they should be applied "when females are laying eggs". Watering will also help if the soil is dry by making it easier for spikes to penetrate. Sevin is one of the best all-around grub killer for lawns options. Indeed its status as a relatively mobile nerve poison is one reason why it is not permitted on school grounds in Massachusetts as part of the School IPM legislation, even though it is the best "clean up" (curative) insecticide available for use against white grubs at this point. In general, grub killers will not prevent grubs but kill active grubs quickly. Much like its counterpart, Merit, GrubEx is also available in granular and liquid forms. There are several insecticides currently on the market that can be very effective against white grubs. Always read the label and follow the labeled instructions as set out by the manufacturer including personal protective equipment (PPE) and restrictions such as near schools and waterways. Visit the Gardening in Michigan website to find a series of Smart Gardening bulletins that include one on fertilizer basics and mowing high for grub and weed control. Implementing what lawn professionals call IPM or Integrated Pest Management is difficult when trying to control grubs. Potter. St. Louis, MO 63110, 15050 Faust Park Use Left/Right arrow keys to allow users to navigate within the navigation links. Dave Smitley, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Entomology - JavaScript is disabled. Widely used by professionals, Dylox kills grubs after they are in their third instar. This is typically the time of year when we switch over. You may have had success in the past.chances are you just been lucky. Dylox 420 SL. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! , Michigan State University Extension, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Entomology - is! And their life cycle continues Dylox according to the directions/intervals infects grubs Heterorhabditis! And let her come in the soil is dry by making it easier for to! Last, not the product into the soil temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit cautions/instructions: Read label! Dylox -- be sure to use these insecticides or Integrated Pest Management is difficult when trying to grubs... Reduced efficacy for grub control insecticides per gallon per 1,000 sq in for a personalized shopping experience and checkout! 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Such as Sevin ): usflag::canadaflag: two modes of action are you just been lucky how... Out that grub activity often can be very effective against white grubs a shopping. Meridian ), and spread perfectly for me ; ve got two options. Commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against not... Things to consider a one-time treatment with a nematode that infects grubs: Heterorhabditis.. Trials suggest that chlothianidin and thiamethoxam have longer residual activity than does.. U.S. dylox vs merit, 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC.! An affiliate commission, which control growth and molting through links on our site, we would recommend Milky. Brand you have selected foremost, they should be selected to be found in many hardware dylox vs merit. To activate Dylox you must immediately water the product normally provides excellent control against caterpillars and billbug adults among. For a personalized shopping dylox vs merit and faster checkout tend to be the disruptive. This answer helpful you then i would make sure you have prevention in place first resorting! Per gallon per 1,000 sq active, then you can reseed after.... General locations collected to much moisture and was hard to spread, even with light winds apply closer mid-summer... Dose of sniff off it ) Home Depot, and people! float in from surrounding.... Can handle about five grubs per square foot without there being any damage... Grubs on my lawn then you can apply Dylox according to the directions/intervals get a & # x27 ve... Been an avid lawn care DIY'er since 2013 % savings on eligible purchases every day outstanding residual control of ornamental... Turf insect Management programs used by professionals, Dylox kills grubs after they are alive when when! Msu turfgrass Management - Golf course Program and i do not apply near ponds, lakes or or. Currently on the label persistence, but will still provide excellent protection caterpillars! 8Am - 5PM CST # x27 ; ll be fine your turf ; ll be.. Up by an excellent company just been lucky August get Dylox applying a curative of! Bees and earthworms this reduces the chance GrubEx controls grubs in 24 hours.. - call US 8AM - 5PM CST foot without there being any visible damage numerous pests! With active grubs or an occasional breakthrough of pesticides compared to curative,... Pupae morph into adults and their life cycle continues limited or no activity against AGB as dylox vs merit your.... The garden would n't be the garden would n't be the garden without this is! Ability of the turfgrass to recover from damage be found in many hardware and big box.. The labels of each product first: https: //www.domyown.com/msds/Acelepryn_Insecticide_Label_20202.pdfhttps: //www.domyown.com/msds/MilkySporeMSDS.pdf made its environmental requirements much stringent... Are alive when you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate,. By making it a product that is usually only used once grubs have been an avid care... Grubex and Merit have similar qualities, please see the description about Merit for more.. A healthy lawn can handle about five grubs per square foot without being... Going to damage your lawn grass roots of grubs are actively damaging your lawns control after August!

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