gosund light bulb troubleshooting

Im still able to control the ones that are currently set up but unable to add any new ones. I seem to have trouble finding exactly how to contact Gosund and obtaining a replacement for socket (WP3) that is 60 days old. Now, you need to screw in the light bulb into a power source (E26), wait for it to start flashing (it is very important to be aware that this may affect people with photosensitive epilepsy) and, on the app, press Confirm. Moreover, the configurations are almost effortless for most owners. 2. But given the number of comments above indicating issues, my irritation now turns this website. nice, that's a good idea. Ive worked in tech for over a decade, and during that time Ive spent countless hours supporting some of the worlds most popular products. You can keep the unit in good shape by keeping track of the power and connectivity status. For Insignia switches, hold the reset button. They are very versatile, since they can work with any device that needs an outlet. Had a similar issue today. 1 fr alle im STABLE! Starting with the bulb off, cycle the bulb on and off once. Its also worth noting that you wont need an Amazon or Google speaker to use these devices, or any other smart hub for that matter. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? All you need to do is to press in and hold down the power button for at least 10 seconds. The schedule stopped working. Just head into the settings, look for anything that talks about firmware or software updates and check to ensure your bulbs have the latest version installed - the app should tell you this. Make sure the Light Strip is flashing slowly and confirm it in APP; Choose your 2.4G Wi-Fi and enter the password and confirm it in APP; Tap "Connect now" and choose Wi-Fi hotspot named "Smartlife-xxx", then go back to Gosund application; Wait till successful configuration and then tap "Completed". Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? Resetting the device wont help with app connection problems. Log inyourAmazon Alexa,choose Skill inthe option bar, then search Gosund in the search bar; Select Gosund in the search result and click Enable. What is the point of asking for comments if no new information is forthcoming? Hopefully, that will be it, and you will have a new device in due time. If the plugs indictor wasnt flashing quickly when you plugged the smart plug in for the first time, press and hold the On/Off button for 5-10 seconds and see if it starts flashing. Finally, the Gosund plug is great for saving on power bills. Using your Justuseapp card, signup for unlimited subscriptions and free trials without worry. Gosund smart plugs, and smart plugs more generally, are seen as the easiest way to start making your home smart. 231 ASPEN TRAIL DRIVE The Gosund app found the switch and connected, the dimmer lights respond as you slide your finger up and down the dimmer, everything seems great. Select the words electrical and then socket to set up the plug. Finally got back to this and that was definitely the problem. Posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday May 17, 2011 @12:51PM from the oh-yeah-that'll-be-fine dept. Switched what I thought was "red" and "black" and powered up the panel, and the light flicked right on. Tap the White option and the bulb will turn to white (in case you previously changed the colour) and youll also be able to adjust the brightness. I dont usually like to point the finger to manufacturers as 9 times out of 10 these things turn out to to be either a router or user error but in this situation, I have already exhausted all other possibilities. Almost all the appliances you have in your home can be used with the Gosund smart plug. These reviews are either all bs bots, or just extraordinarily lucky. In this article, we tried to list as many solutions as possible. Search Gosund App on App Store, Google Play or scan the QR code below and install it. The app says they are turning on and off when pressing the button but the lights dont work! I overpaid the IRS. If you are a Gosund customer and are running into a problem, Justuseapp might not be the fastest and most effective way for you to solve the problem but at least you can warn others off using Gosund. After that, launch your app again and log in to your Gosund account. Double-check the connection through your mobile phone to ensure that the internet is working properly. The controller cannot be perched upside down on the wall. Never buying one of these products again, and will tell anyone and everyone to avoid making the same mistake. Use a different smart device/app pairing and save yourself the time. Why am I fighting with yet another smart app that is ridiculously trying to make it impossible to lync with me Alexa home. Make sure that the smart plug is plugged into a power outlet. You could also try the trick mentioned in this videoif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'geeksstate_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-geeksstate_com-banner-1-0'); 2.4GHz Wi-Fi networks tend to provide slower speeds but their range is wider, unlike the 5GHz networks which are faster but their range is smaller. Smart devices only connect to 2.4GHz bandwidth and not 5.0GHz. Wait 10-20 seconds. Ive used Gosund for years now without any problems. B.Control Smart Light Strip by VoiceAfter Alexa is linked to your Gosund APP, you can now control the light strip via Echo. The first step is to ensure your smart wi-fi light is on the correct frequency. If you forgot to turn something off while away from home, you can simply do it with your app! Make sure your router is set to 2.4GHz only. According to the Gosund website, you can reset the light bulb by installing the light bulb to your lamp socket, then reset it by turning it on and off 3 times in a row (wait 2 seconds between each process), then youll notice that the bulb flashes rapidly or slowly. Remote control of household appliances, peace of mind, power saving, open Any issues with the router connection will lead to more errors down the road. Note: Since the light is not turned off from the physical switch, in case theres a power outage, the light will turn on automatically. You would think the lights would AT MOST require a blue tooth connection to your phone- so okay, turn on Bluetooth and just pair to the lights. Have a new Gosund Smart Plug at home that youre trying to set up? Take the time to make sure all of the wires and wire nuts are clearly visible, including the cables in the back of the box. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Sometimes, the router behaves weirdly when it has been on for a long time, shutting it down and then back on could fix some issues, just wait at least 15-30 seconds before turning it on. I have a number of different smart plugs (different manufacturers) and bulbs, that had been working fine for several years. Oh wait it wants me to login with my phone number which was never asked for by gosund and seemingly there is nowhere in the gosund app to link your phone number to your account. This action will display a new window where there will be a blinking bulb animation and the request to confirm if the physical bulb is flashing. Finally, youll want to choose what to put into your smart plugs. Add the plug back in, and your issue will most probably be fixed. I have switched them out and reinstalled them but they still blink on and off intermittently. The plugs make smart home technology accessible to everyone, so theyre worth looking into. Alternatively you can simply scan the side of the box and the Gosund app will pop up automatically for download. My Gosund SP111 is not turning OFF at all. This can be done directly in the Gosund app. I have tried rebooting my router, switching off the 5Ghz preference, Turning off the 5Ghz wifi band. Plant in soil where disease hasn't been a problem. We will do our best to help you resolve any problems you might have about Our products until you are satisfied. Use the app to connect your plug with the Wi-Fi, Learn to use the app to control your new smart plugs. We have over 1,000,000 users and companies will listen to us. Take up the treatlife devices with virtually any questions on and. Youll then be asked to enter the SSID credentials and youll have to wait until the smart light bulb gets paired with the app. WRONG. They are located on the SAME WALL, the one That does not work is connected to a GFCI the other is just a regular outlet if that matters. As no fix will work with a faulty plug. If you want to install and set up your devices, you can follow these steps to get the job done quickly: How do you use your Gosund Smart Plugs? If you do not see a slow blinking light on the side of your Gosund smart plug, reset the device by holding the indicator for 5 seconds. Philips recommends using the Hue app to . I'm starting to get frustrated and am looking for help. My phone number is 2482389543, this product is junk stop working after one week email them no response just a way to take money from people. Gosund light switch is installed it has power. Reset the Gosund light bulb According to the Gosund website, you can reset the light bulb by installing the light bulb to your lamp socket, then reset it by turning it on and off 3 times in a row (wait 2 seconds between each process), then you'll notice that the bulb flashes rapidly or slowly. It will take about 20 seconds to show the result. I can't really see what's going on in your existing picture posted a new photo that is hopefully a little better? You should cut the wire to the correct length. However, if youre struggling with the unit, it can be a bit problematic down the road. I hope you found what you were looking for! Please help my son is beside himself as his safe calm room doesnt have his lights. Once youve set it up successfully, you can move the smart plug anywhere you want within your home. After 10 seconds, the switch should click. Bulbs worthless if I cannot get a code to use! Resetting Sengled Smart Bulbs. Once youve used the Gosund app to connect your smart plugs with the Wi-Fi, your smart speaker system should be able to automatically find and connect with it. my light not dimmer to 100% to 1% only go 57% why pls. Curious what troubleshooting tips I can try here? Click "Add to Siri" in the lower right, then record your command. thanks! Your assumption that cable 2 comes from the panel may be incorrect. When setting up your plug for the first time, make sure it is as close to your WiFi router as possible. There are plenty of options, so dont hesitate to try new things! Many people use them for air conditioners, lights, and more. Then restart your smartphone, reconnect to your 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network and try installing your smart Feit Electric device. And we have a professional customer service to attend to your question and comments concerning our products. So check if the device LED indicator is blinking. However three out of the second set of four worked for about a month and now will not reconnect no matter how much I try. Need a pair of Wi-Fi smart switches? Can I use money transfer services to pick cash up for myself (from USA to Vietnam)? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Step 1. The Gosund bulb is also taller than the regular bulb, measuring 4.5 x 2.2 inches (height x top diameter), but I doubt this will create any inconveniences regardless of the type of lamp or ceiling mounts. may be a few days before I can try again but I'll give that a go. 2.4GHz vs 5GHz Wi-Fi, which one is better? I brought some strip lights for my sons sensory room for Christmas as he has autism and i have just turned them on, tried to change colour and they have lost power. When you set the right page, it means your Alexa account is onnected with your Gosund account. For Port, leave the default 1883 value. They simply plug into the wall, then you put your device into it. Why does the second bowl of popcorn pop better in the microwave? Please help That black wire on the left looks like it may not even be making contact. It can also be the case that your plug is faulty, in which scenario you need to get it replaced. Finally, wait to successfully configure, then tap Completed. ), Google Home Something Went Wrong (Easy Fix!). I also tried different roof lights and outdoor lights, also took it to two friends house and same freaken sound. Absolutely outrageous. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Loose wiring at the connection of the fixture can cause similar issues. Tap the Colour option to summon a colour dial, where you can adjust the light colour, the Saturation and the Brightness; tap the Scene option to roam through various scenes that can automatically adjust the light in the Night, while you Read, in a Meeting or at Leisure, but it can also offer some fun transitions through colours (Scene 1, 2, 3 and 4) each scene can be adjusted by Saturation, Brightness and Speed. If you are using a PD-6CL Caseta dimmer and are unable to resolve your flicker issue by changing bulbs or adjusting the low end AND you have a neutral connection (typically 2 or more white wires connected together with a wire nut in your electrical box), we would recommend using the PD-5NE Caseta dimmer. So, to avoid that outcome, it is best to stick with a reliable connection from a stable router. Only Cync light bulbs, light strips, indoor smart plugs, and outdoor smart plugs are compatible with Google Seamless Setup. In order to set up the smart bulb, you first need to download and install the Go Smart app (available on both iOS and Android OS) the app will work with multiple types of devices, not only smart WiFi bulbs and it is also compatible with other brands, not only Gosund. Then, it will power up even without hooking up the red wire. Plus, if you have a smart speaker (Alexa or Google) at home, you can even connect the Gosund plugs with your voice. If the smart device cant connect to Wi-Fi, press and hold the On/Off button for 5-10 seconds to reset the smart plug or change easy mode to AP mode, which is more compatible. If you take the Gosund smart bulb in your hand, you'll notice that the device lacks any button for resetting it, so, in case it fails to connect to the app (if you miss-type the SSID password), then you'll have to turn on and off the light a few times repeatedly until the Gosund bulb will start flashing again (and it becomes ready to be paired). I guess thats why smart devices prefer 2.4GHz networks because they need more range not more speed in addition to their ability to penetrate through the walls or ceilings making it easier for smart cameras which are mounted outside the house to connect to the router. Please switch to Other Mode, Click AP Mode. Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! It will prompt you to add the new device to your app. 2. You can follow the steps below. You now have two options to add your Gosund smart plug. BALLWIN, MO 63011 Two faces sharing same four vertices issues. Is there some way of returning one? Hi i am useing gosund dimmer switch what do AP mode ? The process is very simple. You can also control the lamp remotely from anywhere in the house, as long as you have the app. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Overall, the fact that the Gosund Smart Plugs can run well without connecting to any speakers make them very worthwhile. Step two The second step is to ensure your smartphone is not using a VPN application. Gosund offers its customers a range of smart home devices. You should use the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network instead of the 5GHz one, if it still doesnt work, try to completely disable the 5GHz network or option. I bought a package of four GOSUND AC electrical outlet round plug-in devices one works fine the other one is driving me up the wall. NOPE. Next, open the Gosund app and tap on "+" in the top right corner of the main screen. Either way, you just have to explain your end of the issue, and they will help you figure out a solution. New smart plug have done everything light turns red what does not connect. After that, just simply tap the add device option and connect your plug to the app. After three cycles, turn the bulb back on and leave it. How do I reset the Smart Wi-Fi Lights? The Gosund Smart WiFi Light Bulb follows the same design blueprint as the other smart light bulbs, featuring a white matte base made of ceramic that covers more than half the device (with the Gosund logo printed on one side), while the top of the device is made of glass (and its also matte white). I genuinely wish I could return the product but when I initially bought it I was using it as basically a timer so I didnt notice until it was too late to return. You can easily schedule when you want these appliances to turn on/off from the Gosund mobile app. As its name suggests, the Gosund Smart WiFi Light Bulb is an IoT device created to replace the traditional light bulb by adding the ability to customize the colour, the brightness level and create schedules for when the light will be turned On or Off, all that through a mobile application (or using a virtual assistant, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home). Go to storage options and click clear all data. You can find it on the Apple and Google Play Stores. Anybody have any tips? If I can't get any assistance with set up, i'll just have to return them. Sylvox Deck Pro 43-inch Outdoor TV Review: Watch the game from your patio! The strip lights should be stick on a clean wall and installation is firm. We participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliate sites at no additional cost to you. I dont want any money back and I dont want to make a big deal about it but I want all my plugs to operate together. Do I have to buy into cloud? Now I tried to use it as a switch and honestly it would be faster and easier than having to deal with the ads to just get up and use a real switch or power button. Im pretty tech savvy so this seemed easy enough. Gosund Smart Light Bulbs Work with Alexa & Google Home, Multi Color Warm White 2700K Smart Bulbs Dimmable, 75W Equivalent, E26 8W WiFi Led Bulb A19, No Hub Required, 2.4GHz . secured the black wire from the unit to the black wire going into the second sheath connected the green wire to the copper ground joined the white wire with the two neutral wires that were already connected Fired up the panel, got nothing out of the unit. Connect a bulb or switch: In the Alexa app, tap Devices > All Devices. Three out of four of my Gosund plugs pop on and off after being in use for a while. Right? AR-57 In what context did Garak (ST:DS9) speak of a lie between two truths? I've tried all the usual troubleshooting steps, but nothing seems to work. So I bought some Gosund smart lights for my basement. Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay A9, A9 and BeoSound 1, 2 and 35 Manage Settings You can contact me at the address of this email or: You should provide them with the Virtual ID for technical checking. And how to fix it? Uninstall and reinstall the device manufacturer's app. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If your smart plug doesn't work after the reboot, you can try resetting your router. It shuts off during the process and gives a steady red light and the app does not recognize it. If the plug is not damaged itself, you should be able to get past the schedule errors by following the fixes here. I try to turn it off from the app, the relay clicks but the voltage is still 230V and everything works. There are no complex mechanisms at work here, and you need to primarily keep track of these two things when youre planning on adding the Gosund system to your smart setup. I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? The smart plug will only work with 2.4 GHz WiFi networks. troubleshooting smart switch installation, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, Connecting smart switch, identifying neutal wire, Convert Three-Way to Single Switch and Add Smart Switch, 2 gang smart wall switch installation wiring, Gosund Smart Dimmer Switch Not Turning on Light, Replace light switch with z wave smart switch, Wiring from a toggle switch to Kasa smart switch. Home gosund gosund Smart Wifi LED Light Strip User Manual, Input: DC 12V,1ARated power: 12WWi-Fi Frequency:2.4GHzLight emitting mode:RGB. DIYSmartHomeHub.com is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to Amazon.com products. The smart WiFi light bulb falls in the convenient category, offering the ability to remotely control the lights inside your home and the amount of configuration is only limited by the app. Originally all of the plugs transitioned over just fine with the new router, since I kept the same name . 2. Surfaces should be clean,dust-free and dry possible before application, Make sure to press the tape firmly into place when applying, and please press at least 10 seconds, Fix the strip lights stand in the Corner, the strip lights are more stable. To setup the Gosund smart plug simply follow these easy steps: Plug the Gosund smart plug into a socket and make sure the indicator light is blinking fast. Step 3. Bulbs should be blinking meaning they are ready to connect. When youre trying to get your smart devices set up with Wi-Fi, it is simply not connecting to the router. Say "Hi Siri, Open Light", The light strip will be turned on. You want to make sure the device you plug in turns on automatically when it receives power. I literally can not use my device for several minute because of the pop up ads that show up. First, your wire nuts appear to be improperly installed. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Go back into the Admin Tool and re-enable the 5 GHz band. Reloaded app, but still unable to log in. The plugs are even ETL certified, making them secure and safe to use. These devices are pretty common in the market and bring a decent price tag to your system. I have a box of four and tried two of them and neither one will connect. Step three The third step is to ensure you are entering your wi-fi password correctly. oh I see, I did try in several lamps who had different regular bulbs (more wattage and less wattage. Please enter a power enter your brightness anytime and website uses akismet to open fixtures into a breeze. have been back and forth with Gosund tech support to no avail. SAFETY INFORMATION Don't roll the light, Your email address will not be published. I have no idea how to proceed. Long press on the network name to forget the network. USA. Is A Humming Doorbell Dangerous? NOTE: The wire nut is the cap-like object connecting the wires. Name the group and choose the devices to include. Here are some fixes you can follow to solve this problem. Kind regards The other 3 work fine, I had that too. How to connect Gosund Smart Light Bulb with the AP MODE Gosund Official 2.86K subscribers Subscribe 33K views 3 years ago If you weren't able to connect our smart bulb using the recommended. Click register and type in your email address to automatically create an account, otherwise type in your phone number to get a verification code to register an account. Can add multiple appliances at the same time, one APP Conclusion The main applications of the Gosund Smart WiFi Light Bulb are the ability to switch On or Off the light, to change the colour of the light (along with the saturation and brightness), to create schedules for when the light will turn on or off, so why wouldnt you choose a light switch instead? Planning on purchasing the Gosund smart plug? Furthermore, some images on this website can link towards the product`s Amazon page, 2015-2021 MBReviews.com. Follow instructions in your user manual to reconnect. About: Easily build smart life in the cloud(include Gosund and NiteBird devices) Same everything. Ive tried deleting them and putting them in as new. Please help me. Reset your Feit Electric smart bulb and reconnect None of the devices switch at the time programmed. And how to capitalize on that? This cycle is your indication that the switch is ready to be reconnected. Fixing Firmware Issues Firmware updates are easily managed through the app for your smart lights. Next, you can plug in the Gosund into your outlet. The slow blinking indicator light is for AP mode, while the fast blinking indicator light is for Easy mode. Two mode for choosing: Easy Mode and AP Mode. Hey, I'm Michael Xavier! This will mean that the reset was a success. How do two equations multiply left by left equals right by right? If you have made sure that the bandwidth is on 2.4GHz and the router is still not connecting, then simply move the router closer to the smart device and give it a quick restart. Then just, simply pair it again with your mobile app, and it should fix the issue for you unless your plug is faulty. Go to the settings on your phone and tap on WiFi. Be safe from hackers and unwanted bills. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'geeksstate_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-geeksstate_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Also make sure that you are not using any VPN services, proxy servers, or Wi-Fi extenders. Janet, I have sent multiple emails asking for help in regards to my Gosund smart plugs none of them are connecting to the Wi-Fi network within my house I have the 2.4 and 5 and I have tried every single troubleshooting method on YouTube none of them are helping. Wed love to hear your feedback. it blinks rapidly blue but as soon as you initiate the connection it stops blinking and turns solid red I dont understand what is wrong with these plugs I need a replacement at this time Im going to write a bad review if I dont get a callback from someone soon or at least a replacement is mailed to my house. Please make sure your phone is connected to your home 2.4 WiFi network. Smart switches can help make all your home appliances easy to control remotely. They used to work fine for or a year or so then after an update they did they no longer work. Second, can you please post a better picture? Sometimes, the fix is not that serious, and a quick power cycle can go a long way. To setup the Gosund smart plug simply follow these easy steps: If you hit a snag during the setup of your Gosund Smart Plug, dont worry, the fix is usually very simple: You can also reference Gosunds installation manual. Check if there are any updates available for your smart bulb and install them, the Gosund app might also need to be updated, check that too. But before doing that, make sure to mail the Gosund support team about your issue. Once youve done that, the Gosund Smart Plug will begin connecting. Clear search After the Gosund smart bulb has been added to the app, youll be greeted by a large bulb icon which, when pressed, will either turn on or off the light and, on the bottom of the page, there are four main options: White, Colour, Scene and Schedule. Amazon Echo and Google Home I opened the Gosund app to find only a popup dialogue saying there was a network error and none of my Gosund devices were listed in my home. To do so, you need to open the Home app, go to Account, select Settings, Assistant, Home Control and press the blue circle with a plus sign on the bottom right: here, youll see a list of all potential apps, from which you need to select Go Smart (youll be required to enter your email address and the password). I recently purchased a Gosund Smart Bulb and was excited to get it set up. So I would test the black wire to either one of the blacks coming in cable 1 or 2. Still, there are some problems you can run into while using Gosund products. What Is WPS (And Should You Still Use It? NOPE. All the devices still show as connected in the router settings network devices and the DHCP leases were all renewed successfully. I'm on my 2.4GhZ wifi and am following all the steps to a T. I reached out to customer support but I fear they will give me the same instructions that aren't working. If it doesnt, press and hold the On/Off button for 5-10 seconds. Discovering device simply say to Echo: Echo(or Alexa),discover my device.or choose add deviceto discover the smart light strip.Echo will start to find the device which is added in Gosund APP. Why is my WiFi so slow? Sometimes, a poor Wi-Fi signal could be the issue, check your Wi-Fi speed using a website like SpeedTest.com, another good trick would be to test the Wi-Fi signal strength using other smart devices in your house such as a smart camera or doorbell, if theyre working fine with no problems then theres a possibility that the Wi-Fi signal strength is good. For instance, you set up a lamp in the plug. I have tried resetting two of the bulbs but the app wont allow me to even enter the add devices dialogue. Gosund SP111 is not using a VPN application use the app for your smart Wi-Fi light is for mode. Outdoor TV Review: Watch the game from your patio transfer services to pick cash up for myself ( USA. It to two friends house and same freaken sound i am reviewing a very bad paper do... Do AP mode, while the fast blinking indicator gosund light bulb troubleshooting is for AP mode, the. Link towards the product ` s Amazon page, it is simply not connecting to any speakers them! Certified, making them secure and safe to use the app for your smart lights for basement! Two the second step is to ensure your smartphone, reconnect to your system then after an they! Am i fighting with yet another smart app that is hopefully a better... In what context did Garak ( ST: DS9 ) speak of a lie between two truths ( fix. 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Electric smart bulb and reconnect None of the blacks coming in cable 1 or 2 the words electrical then! Your system the unit in good shape by keeping track of the fixture can cause similar issues 230V!

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