Now a floater, the problem with floaters, is that tiny slivers of tablets, when the tablet erodes down to nothing, if the floater were to shake in just the right way some day, one of those tiny slivers might slip out of the baffle, and fall to the floor, where it will make a chlorine burn of an awful orange color. JavaScript is disabled. Always round your pool volume to the nearest unit of 5,000 gallons to use the right number of tablets. Thank you so much! FInally pay attention to pH by checking at least weekly, and adjusting if needed to keep it in the 7.2-7.6 range. I have a Inter easy set Pool 1333. A test kit is much more complicated to use, though it is a bit more accurate. Use test strips to test for chlorine and pH level, every other day or so. Any suggestions? What are a good base to start with? Tiffany, yes add some of the shock, do the math so you dont over-treat the pool. Running the pump, using the pool and keeping it uncovered will all help to lower the chlorine level naturally. Use your test kit to determine the level and add pH increaser or pH decreaser as needed. The only real trouble I have had is with leveling the ground. 1. Hi! Yes, shock the pool every two weeks, to kill anything that your tablets did not. Taylor Troubleshooter test kit item A8270, or 7-way test strips, item A8020. And! Hello, Hello , This is an inactive thread. When can I let my kids go in? For vinyl pools, just be sure to pre-dissolve granular products into a bucket before adding to the pool, as undissolved granules may harm the liner, or stain. Do I need both bromine and chlorine? a test kit perhaps? I bought 3 chlorine tablets and a floater. for pricing and availability. I added Some more water any other suggestions? Thank you. The amount of chlorine etc. Hi Davy we just got a 1030 intex easy set pool. Laura, yes most important is to have some chlorine in the water. Yes, all the time, 24/7, only removed during swimming, if it is in the way. If you wanted to shock the pool, and raise the chlorine level to 10.0 (every few weeks), then you would use 5x that amount, or 3.5 oz, or about 1/4 cup of the granules. I have 12ft x 33inches i am using 3 small multi-pool tablets the Ph & Alkalinity is ok but at the high end of ok however its showing no chlorine what should i do. Also, what other chemicals do we need to buy? We have a 220x220x57 cm blow up intex pool and I have no idea what we can use in order to keep the water clean? If you dont already know how much water your pool holds, check out our easy-to-use pool calculator to figure out your pool volume. Hi Chris, there are filters for the hose, I call them pre-filters, to filter the fill water. ), one and one-third bags, to get the chlorine level up around 30 ppm. It does not replace other chemicals. Chlorine Floater to place chlorine tablets Another way to think about how much chlorine to to your pool is a ratio of 3 . Chlorinating liquid can also raise pH in pool water resulting in the need for a pH decreaser. And a Clarifier and Algaecide are helpful, preventative measures that are added weekly. It is hard on the vinyl, and very soft water is known to foam easily, and may be more prone to clouding-up. Hello. Add chlorine tablets only and test everyday until it reaches 2.0? Add. Ive written it all down, over 1000 posts, for your perusal. My biggest question is even after shocking it with half a bag, 36 hours later its still showing 0ppm according to the strip. Add Clarifier weekly, per label dose Finally, it doesnt have a long shelf life and youll need to add a lot of it since liquid chlorine only contains 10-12% chlorine and bleach only contains 3-6% chlorine. Do you have any suggestions? 3. Will switching effect the pH level? (raise to 30 ppm), is enough chlorine being added? Do those tabs dissolve slow enough that I can use them or is that way too much for my pool. Check our blog this weekend for more details on how to filter, treat and replace the water, in an inflatable pool. I need to know if the trichloroisocyanuric acid 90% chlorine will damage my intex pool? Note: Chlorine tablets are not included. I just got my Intel pool on Memorial Day. Step 3. Pre-dissolve the shock in a bucket of water, stirring to dissolve and then pour around the pool. Thanks so much. Tammy, use enough chlorine tablets to produce a constant and consistent level of chlorine, of 1-2 ppm, as verified by your test kit. Which means four tablets are enough to sanitize a 20,000-gallon pool. A chlorine tablet floater, A2605. Leslie's has put together an easy to read chart that breaks this down by types of chlorine and pool size." Hi Lynne, if your pH level is resistant to change, that may mean that your alkalinity level is high. The 530 GPH (gallons per hour) filter is standard with the 1030, but I would highly recommend buying the 1000 GPH intex filter system, if you can find it. It has a small filter but I thought I would get a salt and or sand Intex system. I think I probably put too much shock in it because I used a half a bag and I read afterwards that it said a full bag for 10k gallons (this one is only around 1700). I apologise if I missed this in another comment, but I just ordered a 1030 quick set pool with filter pump and cover. just got 13 x 33 Intex pool. Hi, low chlorine levels of 0.3 ppm are not safe, stuff could be growing. Over long term, it will weaken the vinyl, but once or twice per year and its okay. I love helping others succeed in pool care and much of the information provided on my website can help above ground and below ground pool owners. Just keep brushing 2x daily, or vacuum. It acts as a coagulant, attracting very tiny particles together, that would normally pass thru the filter, into larger, more easily filterable clumps. You have a good pH at 7.2, but if it were 8.2, the chlorine would not be very active, and half would be wasted. Then shock pool which should get me to 10ppm chlorine level. Convert the volume into gallons by multiplying the final answer by 7.5. Test your water daily, if below 2 or 3 ppm, add more, if above 2 or 3 ppm, you can use less. Item Length. If you regularly backwash your pools filter, you are reducing the CYA each time you perform a backwash. Hi Liz, there may be no reason to shock a freshly filled pool, although many people do it, just to kill anything that may still be lingering from the well, the water treatment or sitting for 1-2 days before the filter was started. Hi Sara, of course Im going to recommend you buy your pool chemicals, accessories and supplies at! any other chemicals needed that I am missing? We set up the pool (10 x 30), shocked it and the levels were great. Yes, that sounds about right, but there are many variables affecting how much is needed to maintain the minimum 1.0 ppm level. I set up my 10 feet intex pool about a week ago. "address": "", Can I use this inside pump in the basket like thing on top of filter cartridge instead of a floater? Instructions might vary a bit between brands, but all you have to do is slip the dry test tube into the water about 6 inches below the surface. However, you will probably need about 4-6 1 tablets per week, or one 3-inch tablet per week. Per your recommendation above, I ordered the maintenance kit, 7500 gallon start up kit, a floating chlorine dispenser, chlorine tablets, and the filter cleaner. 1. If it is, first add a pH decreaser, to lower the pH level, to where chlorine is more potent. But just how much chlorine do you need? Need to. Much appreciated. Close the vanes on the bottom of the chlorine feeder, to release less chlorine, and if needed, remove the floater for half-day to allow level to drop. First, you need to know how much free chlorine your pool consumes on a daily basis so you know exactly how much to put back in. The levels are are all normal! First time owning a pool. PS thanks in advance for your help and time giving advice to numpties like myself! One last question: should I be using 1 inch chlorine tablets or 3 inch tablets in a 1548 intex pool? pH is best at 7.2-7.6. Hi Janet, the formula for calculating ROUND pool volume is Length x width x depth x 5.9 = volume (in gallons). If you need to calculate how much bleach or Clorox you need to shock your pool, you will have to use 1/2 gallon of bleach per 10,000 gallons of water to raise the chlorine levels by 5 ppm. I did buy the 3 chorline tablet and floater. Thank you! Its been its 2nd full day now as of now that it was not treated with chlorine. What other chemicals should I keep on hand. Hi Kathy, add a pH decreaser, an acid, and that will lower both your pH and alkalinity levels. So using them may affect your pH readings. In just hours of being without at least 1.0 ppm of chlorine in the water and things start to grow. And a larger, 3-inch tablet will break down more slowly than a 1-inch tablet. Low Alk will cause pH to be erratic or bounce back after adjustment and high pH will resist you efforts to change it. My ph level was high so I have treated the pool w ph decreaser. Im trying to figure out how much chemicals or what all the chemicals I need to put in the pool when I first put water in it. Just put 2 3 tablets in the floater. Adding chlorine tablets to your pool water increases your CYA levels. Jean, I believe that they both run at the same time, because a salt chlorinator must have water flowing through it to produce any chlorine. Start with a shock treatment of 1 lb of pool shock, or 1 gal of bleach, then use chlorine tablets in a floater. We have very hard water here in Vegas. But it should be pre-dissolved. Thanks so much for all this info! 9. We have a chlorine floater and use 1inch chlorine tabs (we put two tabs in). If you get a start up/maintenance kit do you still need the increaser and decreaser and additional Shock and chlorine tablets. "primaryImageOfPage": { How much chlorine do you put in a pool per gallon? Pool Shock, 6 lbs item Y8005 Thank you! Hi Davy, How much time should elapse after adding chemicals do I recheck levels? link to Do I Need To Backwash My Sand Filter Daily? Add more chlorine, keep adding until the water turns blue. Cyanuric Acid (aka Conditioner or Stabilizer), protects chlorine from the sun, and makes chlorine last much, much longer on sunny pools. If the total amount of tablets equal 1 tablet by estimate you can count that tablet. Your water should last all season, if properly filtered and balanced and sanitized. Read the comments below for more information. But for outdoor pools, as long as you choose 3-inch stabilized tablets, youre good to go. If your water does not have any CYA in it, the sun will burn off the chlorine too fast and prevent proper treatment of the pool. Then shock the pool with granular or liquid chlorine every 2 weeks, to kill anything that the tablets missed, or to kill algae, restore cloudy water or remove combined chlorine molecules. Step 4: Use Bleach. For a 10 ft Intex pool, you have about 3500 gallons. Remember that pH is the key to a healthy pool. It seems like you have helped many people through this, and for that you are a saint . Remember to keep your skimmer and pump baskets free of debris, and clean the pool filter regularly. What chemical should we purchase ? The first week all my levels have been good. I bought a starting/maintenance kit and got a floater, 1in chlorine tablets, shock and algecide (all of which I have since applied to the pool) I also bought a ph increaser and decreaser and filter aid which I havent opened. a Chlorine Floater is very important to use tablets, so that you get a constant and consistent level of chlorine in the pool. You can drain thru the hoses, and push the wall over, gently, or use a submersible pump to empt faster. I poured Algaecide,clarify yesterday and am assuming that is what made it crystal clear. Add pH increaser or pH decreaser, as needed to maintain pH in 7.2 7.6 range. Still have questions?Contact our friendly staff of pool and spa experts today. 4. Hi Frank, yes you can add the salt ahead of time, and it is the only thing needed, to make the salt system produce chlorine. Hi Barbara, start with chlorine its most important to maintain a Constant and Consistent level of chlorine in the water, 24/7 at a minimum of 1.0 ppm, up to 3.0 ppm. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. The gallon capacity of your swimming pool; Where the tablets are placedin the floater or in a chlorinator; . Test strips or test kit will tell you exactly how much chlorine to add, to maintain a constant level. Because these pucks are slow-dissolving, long-lasting, and provide sustained chlorination, theyre more convenient compared to adding granules. Always read and follow label instructions when shocking the pool. Hi Charles, it happens! There are situations where tablets are OK for brief usage, but many pool owners get into trouble using tablets indiscriminately for too long of a time -- this leads to algae blooms. Clarifier 1 Qt item Y2000 Add 3 lbs of cyanuric acid per 10K gals, item Y7500 Also, how quickly can I test the water after I add chlorine to it. I have a 10 x 30 metal frame intex, filled it two days ago. Pool chemical labels often instruct you to add X amount per 10,000 gallons. Hi so i just purchase a 18 x 48 intex metal frame pool & i have no idea what chemicals i should buy to keep the pool clean. Thank you so much! Using them the wrong way can damage your pool, and waste your money which are two great reasons to keep reading this post. IF it is so green you almost cant see the bottom, drain and refill the pool. Do you have a list for a beginner? I do mention that you use pH decreaser to lower alkalinity (as well as to lower high pH levels), but pH is the one chemical that is NOT measures in ppm, but a logarithmic scale from 0-14, with 7.0 being neutral, neither acidic or basic. Yes, wait 8 hours after shocking or the following morning, and replace the chlorine floater. We purchase an Intex pool. One of the best ways to use chlorine tablets is actually one of the simplest. Stabilizer protects chlorine from solar degradation. Hi Jen, there may be no need to shock, if you fill it fast and it has not sat unfiltered for many days. Can I use the same products for other above ground pools or inflatable pool need different chemicals? Also, I would recommend half of a 3-inch tablet. then run the filter overnight and should be good to swim next day and add 3, 3 in chrlorine tabs in a floater for maintainence. "url": "", What would you suggest for maintenance? I saw all of the options on your blog, but is there one you would suggest for this size pool? Can you tell me exactly what I need to buy to start treating water? I have a 1030 Easy Set Intex pool that did NOT come with a pump/filter. You pour the bleach/chlorine in the pool in front of the return water from your pump in the pool. Hi there Ive been reading your answers above and have purchased all the recommended In The Swim chemicals for my 10x 30 Intex easy-set pool. Not every pool has an inline chlorinator. So they dissolve slower and release sanitizer unevenly. The wrong chlorine levels can cause eye and skin irritation, algae growth, or cloudy water. 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A 20,000-gallon pool to a healthy pool is to have some chlorine in the range.
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