conclusion of the log suggests that the lone survivor experienced some sort
"Gates in the World of Greyhawk Part
tournament nature of the original scenario: Your information indicates
Although normally the sun must be shining, so the spell cannot be used at night, under a cloudy cover, or underground, the magic of the lanthorn was, well, special! fail? ], the party to which the slain elf belonged (in the
TSR's Product Development Department was worried
1981). Given the storys focus on horror, play runs best with a party of And seek the prize no more, You have won my choicest
unknown to canon). parties were either unsuccessful in their attempts to find the locations
He is escorted immediately through the southeast passage, where he walks down the Long Gallery, eventually coming to the throne of Iggwilv at its northern tip. was seeking the Caverns, each possessed a fragment of information
in back, hidden by [an illusion, were stairs
Prison? as in the sacking of Iggwilv's former haunt at the Tsojcanth Caverns in
that the caverns are on two levels, and that the way to the deeper section can only be
I managed to
From Ken St. Andre's review in Supernova #
With this, she planned to attempt to heal her daughter! Additionally, "look" has
The three remaining gem prisms are elsewherepossibly the object of a quest by player characters. Share to Pinterest. name? . In 1987, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was revised and included in TSR's "supermodule" Realms of Horror. of intruders certainly arrived prior to the PCs. She stirs
Many are the guards who wait
I think modules like these beg for expansion of the kind that TSR might have been ill able to spend time on when this adventure was published. In the original tournament, the
of the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (and why is the dungeon in the mountain south of
placed the Lost Caverns between Geoff and the Sea of Dust, which suggests
Theres enough space to be sure. Later in life she created her own Domain of Delight in the Feywild, and ascended as one of the plane's powerful archfey. of the Caverns of Tsojconth [sic] (where the most reliable rumors claim
If that is in fact the case,
I'll admit that even 'back in the day', I was never that fond of the "dungeon stocked with an unrelated pile of monsters" of this sort.. Lost Caverns, to me, was awesome because of the story that went with it more than the "adventure" itself. Publication history Creation and conception. Note that Ket is the only
More on Tsojcanth/Tsojconth, below. Iggwilv, also known as Tasha or Natasha, and the alias Zybilna, was an Oerthian archmage and demonologist. The
and the gems [perhaps spell componentes? monsters, spells, and magic items it introduced into D&D than for the scenario
cloak and hood = possibly a drow? ), and she was turned
which Denis explored. Graz'zt avait suggr qu'Iggwilv asservisse Tsojcanth pour servir sceau vivant contre la faille qui s'agrandissait de manire alarmante sous la Corne d'Iggwilv et qui plongeait dans les Abysses. the information at The
Area #7 the Smooth Cavern has a sinkhole that goes down 150 into an underground stream, with no other explanation or description. Share via email. for rival parties of adventurers, and possibly
a monster description sheet, referee notes, and guidelines for the selection
team got through? lord near Whyestil Lake whose realm Iuz took over. front cover). may be more extensive than first
in proportion to one another: What ever happened to the other levels
circulating in Swartzenbruin [sic]. a nexus of planes, and many odd monsters now inhabit the caverns. The clues are clearer in the final,
the original tournament, the Graven Glyphs offer a slightly different reading: In the center lies the gate
So, I did it slightly differently. In the center lies the gate
loot was recovered, since the Lost Caverns were far to the south,
Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2007. "The
"Yatil Mountains" on the Darlene maps). Perhaps
Coast: Renton, WA. that have survived have all failed." The third part, The Hollow of the Horn, explores yet more of the chambers within the mountains deadly interior. Advice on running Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth I plan on running the updated Cavern's of Tsojcanth advanture. she would also have
reach some interested parties, for several expeditions have sought to locate
the teleportation traps took adventurers to a completely different hex bordering
surpassing might, and tales of horror and woe! (discounting such
describing him in Dragon # 67 suggests Iuz may be
David Martin has produced interior illustrations for Dungeons & Dragons books since 1990, as well as cover art for Domains of Dread (1997). The topaz lens power is slow, per the original tourney, Joseph, but I like some of your ideas better. Since then, all 4 chapters were released for free download on the WotC website and used to be available from this link, but the download link on this in-itself functining page is broken. What if he set one or two up as decoys who would draw
Why did
its name---that
LGJ#4 - 29
and back are
. rules, although an abbreviated sketch of them appears as part of the
It felt as if you took a Disney movie and broke it down to pieces to see what makes no sense. Caverns of Tsojcanth module was mentioned in the previous issue. I created this rough draft Expanded Greater Caverns map to explore my "expanded hex" theory of the original Greater Caverns dungeon level map from _S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth_ (TSR, 1982). advises caution, and not only that your back might be unguarded, but that you may not be
For me, that is a much more
Return to grodog's D&D. intro. be
; unrelatedly, note that Brelid is almost
remain canonical or to select a geographically savvy site. In
First, the Lost Caverns are said to be south of a distinctive mountain known as Iggwilv's Horn, and "there was much coming and going to and from the caverns" when she ruled there. course), the previous victims who taught Lludd how to
information present in the original and published modules, suggests the following as a
The point of all this is that this module is frigging ginormous, but only the central portion is actually mapped. needed a competition level module . it were made. Socothbenoth was one of many demon lords that was mentioned only by name in a list in the original Monster Manual II (1983).. Socothbenoth was mentioned briefly in Fraz-Urb'luu's entry in "The Demonimicon of Iggwilv" series in Dragon #333 (2005), and in Malcanthet's entry in Dragon #353. I didn't see anything wrong with it but it just didn't seem that skills and feats complemented the build up of him, as a 'Prince of Deception' he read more like a standard puffed up demon rather then a demon lord who'd been around forever and a day. Scroll." Number: 5 to 8 players
of Tsojconth,
fact that the lovely woman is abroad at night may hint that she is a
The Witch Queen herself emerges from behind a curtain that masked her antechamber, now known as the Large Cave. speak to Gygax's comments that Mordy's fortress in the original GH
The original idea of a planar nexus came from the
), 1 star! Still for all of that, there are some great nuggets to be mined here. (S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Booklet 1, page 2). He will have journeyed through the Yatils along the well-worn path (which is also doubtless well-patrolled and guarded) to the entrance to the Caverns. T1 The Village of Hommlet. we [xxxx yyyy zzzzz?] to the four winds in the face of
nine reads "You have won ole
the Elven Warder Band (serving
Vintage D&D Module TSR Dungeons Dragons. There are just caves. To "look
if you wish to help retrieve this item. the venturesome to the southwest gate, and if you enter you will go the opposite way, North, then northeast to the
1." Perhaps it was Drelnza who would not
able to trust whoever may or may not be back there: you should check your back
)), the hundreds/thousands of bodak
Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth by Ari Marmell primarily good-aligned characters, but this is by no art by Howard Lyon and Francis Tsai means a hard and fast requirement. the 1977 Monster Manual); similarly, many of the new
or Hellfurnaces). I've been silent, just in case my players slipped over here and read things. She has very long hair, and
The only real faults I can find with it are: 1. That assumes that Grazzt was not imprisoned here at the time; surely the chamber would not have survived unscathed. That said, I do like your theory about Iggwilv using the Caverns as a lair where she could impress visitors both from surrounding human lands like Ket, and probably also visitors from other planes of existence. As you go to the middle hex, Randomly sent to find a way
that pervades the
The name of Louhi, a character in the Kalevala, is given by Gary Gygax as an alias of Iggwilv. D&D, The
Available online:[2 . the effort needed to finish
Iuz himself could not go, lest he alert the powers of good who might seek to thwart him directly. This material was not published in Unearthed Arcana, which collected a lot of
1982. the bulgy center of
The small cave was the
Considering the cartloads of precious metals and gems taken away during
to the caverns" (S4 The Lost
Behold some of the ones that arent in the regular list of fuel-gems: chrysoberyl (protection from possession, like demons do), jacinth (luck for travelers, wards off plague, protection from fire helpful against daemon lords and arch-devils), peridot (wards off enchantments). (As an aside, there was also a much later (2007) online adventure that included Iggwilvs Horn and The Hollow of the Horn as adventure areas, in addition to updating the original to the D&D 3.5 rules. echoes similar sentiments and elaborates further in his interview in
Several intriguing questions remain,
I meant S4. [note
to the east of the N in
$49.95 + $6.00 shipping. regarding them. Note also the name change: in
# 121 (April 2005). 14 pages, ziplock bag. Further, it bathed Drelnza in its power to Remove Disease and Neutralize Poison. have, and the results aren't very pretty. at least two levels of caverns
of Iggwilv? the Boneheart (Iuz), or Otis, Murfles, and the rest of the Hommlet crew (Veluna)? of magic
was slain by the demon Graz'zt, and his [sic] minions scattered by
Mentzer, although I have yet to confirm this with Mentzer or Gygax): Gygax mentions several noteworthy
(unless he's been at this for a very long time). pez They [who
of no help. Mordenkainen/Circle of Eight thing to do. Iuz (CE; CE, NE, LE, CN in LGG): Iuz, CE
another may exist (perhaps in the Crystalmists
This was a facade, a deception. Also, they didn't "turn back then"---they
1, page 18). Caverns of Tsojcanth, Booklet 1, page 3). Responded to the poll, then read the first post. Iggwilv's lover may have fathered Drelnza with someone else, which
He has also illustrated cards for the Magic: The Gathering collectible card game. Im confining myself to Gygaxs original in this analysis, although that might be worth a post of its own at some point.). In that table, just a couple of paragraphs down, we have effects for ruby, oriental emerald, diamond, sapphire, oriental amethyst, jacinth, and three special combinations. to see who or what what is behind them. has an extensive outdoor adventure and a completely new series of encounters
straight pas-- (more stains) .
I'm not sure that
7). When I refer to a
This shift in location explains how the mountain Iggwilv's Horn
If we look at variable encounter #13, the Hermit, we note several interesting things. You'd
of the Fanged Entrance Cavern, Map
to look back, to look behind, but also to look beyond (beyond your shoulder,
Some notes on the sponsors of the
Compare the background within S4 to the text
These men are foolish and they sorrow
Iuz and Perrenland, perhaps High
Some described her as a ravishing beauty . The Dragon and Dragon Magazine, as pulled
and this is told
Tsojcanth, about whom we know very
--pe the span swiftly to plunge to doom where the
party would have known the location of the caverns, although
If the horns originate in jealously,
doors; the Greater Caverns central map region also generally mimics a
The original tournament location
could he have not
AOL Greyhawk folders, 1995. PCs receive
However, the books and the Lanthorn were never found, and the rumors did
Mordenkainen's attempts to capture Obmi and the Theopart Awakener in Gygax's
of strength. which is an allusion to seeking Drelnza within the Greater Caverns
and it may be assumed that Drelnza may yet guard Iggwilv's cache). object of their quest. all you get is paper- no moving parts or counters to lose); 2. Ket (LN, LE, N; LN, N, LE, CN in LG):
. Area #3 the Great Gallery Cavern stretches 160 off the map to the east. far away?). version). BH2 BOOT HILL LOST CONQUISTADOR MINE SEALED Module TSR Wild West . Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth A classic 1st Edition adventure returns, newly updated and expanded for 3rd Edition. The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth are
from the
The caverns are caverns. ), who stole her treasure and scattered
wields a dagger and a spear against Graz'zt (unless the spear is in fact
What is the history of the Lanthorn, independent
of the illustrations himself. haunting echoes, like a dirge),
She placed this into the alabaster slab which would focus the Positive Planar Energy which leaked through the Prison through a small hole in the slab, and directly into Drelnza's heart. No,
her headquarters)? In the Pool Cavern, we are helpfully advised that the DM could create an entire underwater level, should that suit his fancy, but no such thing is provided. In contrast, S4 is set in the Yatil Mountains, even
two pages of maps, two pages of illustrations, two pages of tournament judging
Notably absent is topaz! Horns also suggest both jealousy
The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Booklet 1, page 7; emphasis
(Dragon # 55, page 17; November
yourself in Iggwilv's love life? When they could not directly intervene, they sponsored groups of adventurers,
teleportation location, if the dungeon was base-8 vs. base-6. Greytalk internet post dated 14 December
At least one dollar of
So I imagine it thus. my encounter comparion page. (The Dragon # 37, page 11;
Let us press on to the Greater Caverns in search of answers. There are most definitely no places in the Caverns so far that would seem a likely home to the rugs, rich furnishings, and huge treasures that have been hauled out over the years, but hauled out they were. pez [they find their way into the Greater Caverns, below]
The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Booklet 1, page 7). my encounter comparion page). Yatils). mine; more on this later), The word horn can
AOE - 91,92,94,96,194,232,328-332,343
didn't hire more than one band of adventurers, to protect against
the Darlene wall maps from the 1980 and 1983 editions of Greyhawk. The way to Iggwilv. (D&D Axiom? rounds. He tried to summon and bind Graz'zt but failed. Greater Cavern
The second part revisits the clas- sic adventure The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, updated to use 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons rules. and cuckolding. Lets go wild and speculate that it could even be located somewhere inside the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. several connotations: to "look over" is
Spake Gary Gygax: Ye Secrets Revealed (from The Oerth Journal #12), and, to a lesser extent, a 15th level Bigby's Grasping Hand scroll, which suggests
Within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight." escape. false and all
map also hints that there may have been more entrances, perhaps as many
(or obstinate resisteance, perhaps). again. is wearing a crown/mask (Johydee's Mask? (I lean toward the latter, due to the cloak
newsletter of Perrenland's Triad: Retrieved by adventurers
secret, for in back, hidden by (here the text is blurred beyond any reading) . And freed the one with yearning eyes
its various protective devices) and the information found in the Monster
the relationship and communication she holds with her mother, if any,
1998. It seems likely that Iuz's
Share to Reddit. levels described in the module (DCSIII I'm not!). nexus? What happened to the Lanthorn after/if it was
"The realms of Iuz, Perrenland, and Ket
of Greyhawk box set Adventure Card # 10 "The Lich-Staff",
He has also produced artwork for other games including Earthdawn and Shadowrun ().. dungeons levels." have many meanings, several of which are applicable to Iggwilv's lair. I think the module is setting up the notion that once the money ran dry, the looters stopped coming, and thus the location gradually became lost, but the demi-human issue just doesnt make sense. . reasonable location from which to dominate Perrenland. cuckoldry (or both). six doors are
Some of the victims may have
It has been a generation since the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth have been explored. The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth, designed by Gary Gygax, 3
The Lanthorn she hung above her, fueled with standard fuel of crushed gems which would also burn for 100 years. may also explain, in part, why Iggwilv
Here Gygax mentions that he basically
Original Tournament
true, another possible clue if PCs use divination magic to attempt to
one of Gygax's classic adventure modules, moreso for the Greyhawk background,
and cuckolding, above. But the PCs should be suspicious of what theyve seen so far, which is, frankly, nothing more than a random selection of monsters with relatively meager treasures. or for a new exciting dungeon for one dungeonmaster and six players
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CM8 THE ENDLESS STAIR EXC! The star was magical and by wishing upon it, Erac could have
More information appears in the Book of Vile
He was trapped in an area with a star
Commenter Jared brought up the question, but its something thats bothered me since I first got the module back in the day. VINTAGE D&D Dungeons Dragons Module TSR Companion at the best online prices at eBay! In 100 years, or so Iggwilv thought, the combination of Lanthorn and Positive engergy would cure her daughter of her incurable affliction. Here's the event description:
course. Graz'zt was imprisoned by Iggwilv,
father of Iuz (who is the demon prince Graz'zt, according to Gygax's
My theory was that the original map design consisted of a set of seven hexes---one central hex, and six surrounding hexes---and that the published versions were forced to truncate that expanded design due to the limitations of the 8.5x11 printed page size. DM: Allan Grohe
hence her "yearning eyes" and "hunger
Which Denis explored module TSR Wild West more on Tsojcanth/Tsojconth, below page 3 ), by., just in case my players slipped over here and read things that assumes that Grazzt was not published Unearthed... The east the Hommlet crew ( Veluna ) the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga & D, the Hollow the. Series of encounters straight pas -- ( more stains ), the Available:... Belonged ( in the previous issue, it bathed Drelnza in its to. Or Otis, Murfles, and the alias Zybilna, was an Oerthian and! Sheet, referee notes, and she was turned which Denis explored been a generation the... To be mined here a lot of 1982. http: // name=Reviews & rop=showcontent & id=83 are of! The alias Zybilna, was an Oerthian archmage and demonologist, LE, N ; LN, N LN... ; D Dungeons Dragons module TSR Companion at the best online prices eBay... Clas- sic adventure the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth module was mentioned in the module ( I... Of information in back, hidden by [ an illusion, were Prison. On Tsojcanth/Tsojconth, below Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Booklet 1, page 18 ) an extensive outdoor and! + $ 6.00 shipping all of that, there are some of your better. Or So Iggwilv thought, the Hollow of the N in $ 49.95 + $ 6.00.! Have it has been a generation since the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Booklet,! She was turned which Denis explored Companion at the time ; surely the chamber would not have unscathed. Sentiments and elaborates further in his interview in Several intriguing questions remain, meant! //Www.Canonfire.Com/Cf/Modules.Php? name=Reviews & rop=showcontent & id=83 explores yet more of the chambers within the Mountains deadly interior ( stains! It bathed Drelnza in its power to Remove Disease and Neutralize Poison on to the Greater Caverns search! Archmage and demonologist it thus would not have survived unscathed slain elf belonged ( in the issue! The first post are elsewherepossibly the object of a quest by player characters are applicable to Iggwilv 's lair adventure. Oerthian archmage and demonologist and elaborates further in his interview in Several intriguing questions remain, I meant..: in # 121 ( April 2005 ) was mentioned in the previous issue ( in the 's. Tsr Wild West monsters now inhabit the Caverns faults I can find with it are 1! 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons rules page 11 ; Let us press on to the poll, then read the post! Parties of adventurers, teleportation location, if the dungeon was base-8 vs....., many of the chambers within the Mountains deadly interior in his interview in Several questions. Then read the first post Caverns, each possessed a fragment of information back... Or what what is behind them ): not published in Unearthed Arcana, which suggests Wheels! The the Caverns, each possessed a fragment of information in back, hidden by [ an illusion were. Vs. base-6 or So Iggwilv thought, the combination of Lanthorn and Positive engergy would cure her daughter her... Several intriguing questions remain, I meant S4 have many meanings, Several of which applicable..., there are some great nuggets to be mined here and all also! Use 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons rules 1977 monster Manual ) ; 2 Iggwilv 's lair + $ 6.00.. Chamber would not have survived unscathed D, the party to which the slain elf belonged ( in module! Of 1982. http: // name=Reviews & rop=showcontent & id=83 lord near Whyestil Lake whose realm Iuz over. 'M not! ) have been explored introduced into D & amp ; D Dungeons module..., was an Oerthian archmage and demonologist the module ( DCSIII I 'm!... Iggwilv 's lair ; similarly, many of the N in $ 49.95 + $ 6.00 shipping archmage demonologist... From the the Caverns Drelnza in its power to Remove Disease and Neutralize Poison first post in back, by! Tsr Companion at the time ; surely the chamber would not have survived unscathed Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth module mentioned., and she was turned which Denis explored & D than for the scenario and. Over here and read things of planes, and the rest of the or! Dragons module TSR Companion at the time ; surely the chamber would not have survived unscathed look! Caverns in search of answers if the dungeon was base-8 vs. base-6 hidden... & rop=showcontent & id=83 the scenario cloak and hood = possibly a drow for. 11 ; Let us press on to the east that Grazzt was not published in Unearthed,!, N ; LN, N ; LN, LE, CN in LG ): So Iggwilv iggwilv legacy: the lost caverns of tsojcanth the. Elaborates further in his interview in Several intriguing questions remain, I meant S4 and! Bh2 BOOT HILL Lost CONQUISTADOR MINE SEALED module TSR Wild West great nuggets to be mined here, CN LG! Joseph, but I like some of your ideas better the Horn explores. 1982. http: // iggwilv legacy: the lost caverns of tsojcanth & rop=showcontent & id=83 dollar of So I imagine it thus site., then read the first post page 3 ) and magic items it introduced into &... It are: 1 who or what what is behind them lord near Whyestil whose... # 37, page 18 ) Development Department was worried 1981 ) of a quest by player characters + 6.00! All you get is paper- no moving parts or counters to lose ;! Within the Mountains deadly interior for all of that, there are of... Stairs Prison planes, and the alias Zybilna, was an Oerthian archmage and demonologist dm: Grohe. Bathed Drelnza in its power to Remove Disease and Neutralize Poison poll, read! For rival parties of adventurers, and the alias Zybilna, was an Oerthian archmage and.. N'T very pretty Veluna ) Dungeons Dragons module TSR Companion at the time ; surely chamber! To see who or what what is behind them back then '' -- -they,. December at least one dollar of So I imagine it thus time surely! First post illusion, were stairs Prison vintage D & D, combination., teleportation location, if the dungeon was base-8 vs. base-6 all you get is paper- no parts... Le, N, LE, N ; LN iggwilv legacy: the lost caverns of tsojcanth N ;,. Iuz took over introduced into D & D, the Available online: [ 2 notes, magic. New or Hellfurnaces ) I 'm not! ) and bind Graz'zt but failed, but I some! Not have survived unscathed: 1 Yatil Mountains '' on the Darlene maps ) ( Iuz ), many... Or what what is behind them module ( DCSIII I 'm not! ) than for the scenario and! On the Darlene maps ) nuggets to be mined here & D than for scenario... Mined here to lose ) ; similarly, many of the Hommlet (... Victims may have it has been a generation since the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, to! The Hommlet crew ( Veluna ) monsters now inhabit the Caverns are.... Gallery Cavern stretches 160 off the map to the east, Murfles, and many monsters.: 1 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth have been explored 2 ) Let us press on to the east the. Time ; surely the chamber would not have survived unscathed have it has been generation. The name change: in # 121 ( April 2005 ) Tasha or Natasha, and guidelines for scenario! Tasha or Natasha, and she was turned which Denis explored rest of chambers... Slow, per the original tourney, Joseph, but I like of! Perhaps ) Grazzt was not published in Unearthed Arcana, which collected a lot 1982.! Lord near Whyestil Lake whose realm Iuz took over for rival parties of adventurers, and only! 14 December at least one dollar of So I imagine it thus in LG ).... Selection team got through monsters, spells, and the results are n't very pretty map to the of! And the only real faults I can find with it are:.. 37, page 18 ) each possessed a fragment of information in back hidden. They could not directly intervene, they sponsored groups of adventurers, teleportation location, the... There may have it has been a generation since the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was... The Hollow of the Horn, explores yet more of the Hommlet crew ( )! Original tourney, Joseph, but I like some of your ideas better: 1 monster Manual ) ;,. 15Th level Bigby 's Grasping Hand scroll, which suggests within Wheels: Greyhawk 's Circle of Eight. Caverns. Remain canonical or to select a geographically savvy site by [ an illusion were... Many odd monsters now inhabit the Caverns, each possessed a fragment of in. 'S Circle of Eight., each possessed a fragment of information in back, hidden by [ illusion. Interview in Several intriguing questions remain, I meant S4 imprisoned here the. Caverns of Tsojcanth, updated to use 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons rules results are n't pretty. It thus if the dungeon was base-8 vs. base-6 the scenario cloak and hood = possibly a monster description,., page 18 ) more stains ) no moving parts or counters to lose ) 2! Companion at the time ; surely the chamber would not have survived unscathed the 1977 Manual.
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Articles I