I agree try FB .312" & see. L10 ? 1. A.I.D. More noted in service pams:
'Birnbeck' Somerset shore base
BRIS Brisbane, RNAD
Thanks again everyone. DP Drill
than other collectors. I include a (poor) photo below showing the marks on wartime produced rifles. The station
It kinda looks like this one. P.& E.O. Enfield #4 MK1 Stock Set LE4059 #4 MK1 Stock Set (stock & forend & 2 handguards). updated with new information 7th June 2005, var sc_project=1056125; serial #. And a little earlier in time
English Steel Corporation
III (& 7pt star) best pic of the additional markings above the serial # on the upper left (in the light glare) and above the last few digits of the serial #. MJB Hendon, Vic. B.S.A. Director, Military Training
NOK Nokanning
MFG Goulburn, Vic. One odd thing is that 1915 marking looks like it has an L instead of a 1 (19L5). Here is that reference - which also quotes from E.G.B. WCC Western Cartridge Co. KAM Kamloops (Royal Canadian Navy)
Later FTR was stamped or engraved on the body. C-i-C Commander in Chief
Bullet diameter 7.9 mm Case length 56.4 mm Overall length 78.1 mm SALW Guide Lee-Enfield SMLE C9A1 5.56mm Minimi LMG with optical sight
And some smokeless
If Guns Kill, Do Pencils Mis-spell Words? The bulk being from the Royal Ordinance factory Maltby, ROF Fazakerley, BSA Shirley, with smaller quantities at Longbranch in Toronto Canada and by the Stevens-Savage company of Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, USA. Sparkbrook, Birmingham
2nd Bn. Royal Engineers
PA Picatinny Arsenal
L19A1 7.62mm L7 series with heavier barrel to preclude barrel changes. The British 'Tommy'
L51 9mm DP Sten Mk III Machine Carbine
I referred to ' strengthening ' in connection with certain types of rifles not SMLE Service Rifles. BM denotes 'Birmingham Military', proved to the same pressures as the military proof.
Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. B.M. Chief Inspector of Explosives
Thanks much. single-shot version of L85A1 EWS. HDN Helidon, Qld. Enfield .22s, and small bore info .UK, The Lee Enfield Rifle Association; https://lee-enfield.org/ Links directory and more. WW1 British Army Lance Corporals Cloth Chevron Insignia Rank Stripes (#256012841881), - WW1 WW2 Lee-Enfield British Rifle Collectors Guide Identification Book Markings. Navy)
I had just bought the rifle & didnt know anything about firearms, so I handed the rifle over to a buddy of mine that told me what had happened. Rifled ordnance
belt. I have just examined rifles from 1914, 15,16, 17, 18, 21 from various British manufacturers and they are all stamped HV or HV SC (Small Cone). IL Illinous Ordnance Plant
KEN Kentucky Ordnance Plant
On rifles that had been rebarreled between 1916- 1934 the mark was also present, only on late 1930s and WWII vintage barrels was the mark missing. Nitro-glycerine
Director of Armaments
BAJ Badges Ordnance Works
Very good pics Goomba. Small Arms of World War 2' lists makers and codes on
dailyinfo[26]=' Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Gordon CADE Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross and Bar, Three times Mentioned in Despatches Middlesex Regiment who died 26/04/1918 TYNE COT MEMORIAL Belgium '
packing. When the number sequence reached 9999 the next letter assigned to the factory would be substituted in place of the former. No4 rifles were given a starting number that may be used to identify manufacturers, but again there was no set serial blocks.
MV Villawood, NSW
M.P.I. US, National Rifle Association http://www.nra.org.uk/. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms; http://www.atf.gov/ . G.O. List
Home of the well known author of The Lee-Enfield, and many others books. M.L.E.R. monograms may also be found incorporated in various case headstamps, marked on
TW Twin Cities Ordnance Plant (S.A.A.) The Lee Enfield Number 1 Rifles shows full-length views, close-ups of actions and parts of all Number 1 series rifles. Australia:
I haven't been getting good groups from it. No. BN/C Borden
For those out there that want to get deeper into the serial number issues I would suggest purchasing either Skip Strattons or Ian Skennertons books. Can I conclude that the '40 stamp on the barrel is not a re-issue date, but is rather the production date of the new barrel/receiver that was fitted during WW2? On all of these rifles that retained their original barrel, they were marked either HV or HVSC on the barrel just behind the rear sight, indicating they were sighted for MkVII High Velocity rounds.
Ian Skennerton's reference book ' The Lee-Enfield ', page 471 makes a note that although the SMLE Mk.III* was approved as a wartime expediency on 2nd January, 1916, both B.S.A. P.E. Use Only
The most common of these were: XP was used for the Shortened and Lightened Australian Lithgow (No6 Jungle Carbine) rifles, A was used for No1 MkVI trail rifles, BS was used on the British No7 small bore rifles, and T1 for the No5 small bore rifles. dailyinfo[22]=' Major Thomas Archibald BATCHELOR Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Force Cross No. L2A3 Submachine Gun (improved L2A2 - British only, currently in service)
L66A1 5.6 x 16mmR (.22RF) Pistol Automatic, Walther, target. I have pictures of it on this site. Anti-aircraft
Military College of Science,
The new Pattern Room
deeper struck, so my guess is that it was a much later additional mark stamped in 1940 when the rifle was probably refurbished and re-issued. I did scan Reynolds this morning for a look at the use of the HV mark as standard during WWI and found this: July 6th 1911 LoC (quoted in Reynolds pp117-8 he does not provide the specific LoC number), For rifles of future manufacture and conversion..[describes sighting changes to long range sight and main sight]then "Marking All rifles had the letters "H.V. Repair
R.N.D. Sk
R.L.G. J.W.H. What we have here is failure- to communicate.
USA Reloading Information, Lee Enfield screw and bolt sizes; https://www.enfield-rifles.com/screw-and-bolt-sizes-for-the-enfield_topic3330.html; .. Threads used on Lee Enfield rifles.UK. Director, Royal Armoured Corps
BR Birmingham
L20A1 7.62mm L7 adapted for Helicopter, for use in pods & external
None the less I still believe the '40 is the barrel year of manufacture as it is to be found an all the standard British ShtLEs in my collection, many of which have not been rebuilt and the year matches the receiver. So there are certainly at least 2 meanings for the HV mark, those service rifles which were altered, and some specialist Target Rifles for example, which had ' strengthened ' High Velocity barrels. Pembroke Royal Navy who died 18/04/1918 GILLINGHAM (WOODLANDS) CEMETERY, KENT United Kingdom '
British No4 rifles were set up with a 5 digit serial number system with 1XXXX being allotted to Maltby, 2XXXX Fazakerley, 3XXXX BSA Shirley. C7 5.56mm Diemarco M16
Director, Weapons & Development
Reduced charge
M.H.R. Lee Metford information and pics. Master General of Ordnance
Director General of Artillery
Lee-Enfield rifles are used by reserve forces and police forces in many Commonwealth countries, particularly Canada, where they are the main rifle issued to the Canadian Rangers, and India, where the Lee-Enfield is widely issued to reserve . (though I'd hang it on my wall before I'd sell it). It was arguably the best combat rifle of World War I. Martini-Henry Carbine
MH Hendon, Vic., No.3
ROP Rovenna Ordnance Plant
Royal Engineers Vocabulary
}, was shipped to the Australian Forces . sniper rifle. The Lee-Enfield series of rifles is one of the most successful bolt-action rifles of all time. dailyinfo[19]=' Second Lieutenant Robert Charles Middleton HARPER General List who died 19/04/1917 JERUSALEM MEMORIAL Israel and Palestine (including Gaza) '
L3A4 .30 cal Browning M1919A4 (flexible), as for L3A3. Selected pebble
Enfield (then M.O.D. Government site useful for its rules and regulations about C&R rifles. M.M. On the left side it has a 42 on it.
L75toL80? C1 7.62mm FAL rifle
Two Swiss codes are noted. WC Wolf Creek Arsenal
A.I.D. Armaments Design, Cheshunt
L8A27.62mm Machine Gun, AFV, improved variant of the L8A1. R.B.L. dailyinfo[30]=' 35346 Private Stuart Bathurst Scott COATES 13th Bn. No5 rifles (Jungle Carbines) serial numbers consisted of a sequential 4 digit number starting with 0001 running through to 9999, the numbers were preceded by a letter prefix. ". I do not believe that the distinction in the clarity of the markings on the barrel date from them coming from a different time but from the process of marking. Could be from S.African service. M.H. Minute of angle (optical)
Nicholson & Watson printed many pams on small arms
Small Arms Training
Our new DVD/CD sets have specific serial nos. N.G. 4
L43A1 7.62mm Machine Gun, variant of L7, used on the Scorpion as a
GDN Gladstone, SA
L7A27.62mm Machine Gun, improved L7A1 with revised feed mechanism
Depots, United States:
Lee-Enfield Rifle
British Slings Overview Page; http://www.rollanet.org/~stacyw/british_slings_overview_page.htm .. Markings on leather and webbing slings. 's Defence Council Instructions
if (year < 1000) year+=1900
L4A2 7.62mm Bren LMG conversion (X10E2) w/ lightened bipod, steel barrel. These were introduced in LOC 15638 dated 1 October 1911 to govern alterations to existing rifles and new manufacture. PE/C Petawawa
Serial Numbers, Model, Mark and Manufacture Identification Over the years I have received many emails regarding serial numbers. ME Maribyrnong, Vic. L56 .30 cal DP variant of the L3 Browning
Superintendent Royal Small
2000-2015 All
It does have the rear windage adjustment fitting and I can see where the original serial number was lined out and a new, matching serial number was stamped. topics too. UK. BGT Bogan Gate, NSW
G.R B 1942 S (looks like two light strikes) LE III (& 7pt star) best pic of the additional markings above the serial # on the upper left (in the light glare) and above the last few digits of the serial # and here is a few pic of the barrel markings (on the left of the barrel) AFV service. Land service
I wish to ask some help identifying my Grandfather's Lee Enfield.
British Standard Specification
K.W.H. HG Hendon, U.K.
to new AFVs. they are not. such
Too bad that UK postal takes so long! NFLD Newfoundland (Royal Canadian
Marks on underside of barrel are process inspection marks as it went through the production line. Unique and excellent match up service for rifles missing parts, and parts astray from their rifles. thread
Arms Factory
"mpr" &c.
solenoid. M.M.C. Range table
O.P. DAQ Dominion Arsenals, Quebec (S.A.A. R.A.O.C. L54A1 .303 DP variant of the Bren LMG. The HV would be on the barrel just behind the rear sight and would not be visible in any of the posted pictures. W.C.& S Ltd. William Clowes & Sons Ltd.
MB (gun ammo) Ballarat No. dailyinfo[1]=' Chaplain 4th Class The Rev. Reynold's book ' The Lee Enfield '. MSP Port Pirie, SA
in service manuals and reports are sometimes quite obvious but at other times,
R.G.P.F. A compendium of more than 135 known marks observed on Lee-Enfield oilers. I have a BSA ' Long Lee ' Target Rifle in my collection, which has never been in military service, and the barrel is marked ' HV ' to show that the barrel had been manufactured to ' High Velocity ' standards. MAB Bathurst, NSW
Thames Ammunition Works, And in Service Parts Catalogues:
O.F.M. a crown. e.g. var daym=mydate.getDate()
issues re-printed in 5 vols., 1860-1926. dailyinfo[17]=' 79947 Sapper Andrew WATT 173rd Tunnelling Coy. S.R. 'Cambridge' Plymouth shore base
DI Dominion Industries, Verdun
South Africa
An excellent, expanding reference library of text and pictures of both common and rare Lee Enfields. FR Factory
S.o D. Superintendent of Design
British WW1 Enfield Leather Frog BAY337 Leather. proof). The British printers
Coventry Ordnance Works
C.S.O.F. nomenclature was applied to other munitions also those relating to small
L87 &
Corrected mean time
F.A. A.D.D. they are similar. Factories
So, to address your concern, I don't think those ARE the original stamps on a new barrel I think the stamps on the receiver (with BSA marks) are original, and the stamps on the barrel (with Enfield inspection stamps) are consistent with it being a WWII produced barrel.In most instances of course, the date a barrel was produced will correspond quite closely to when it is installed and the weapon reissued (with the exception of those held in store - usually marked with a rectangle/box stamp). RAD Radford Ordnance Works
EW Eau Claire Ordnance Plant (S.A.A.) Gas operated
F. of M. Figure of merit
War Office:
I have some comments about markings that are present or not present. Do you have additional info? R.M.L.O. R.A. Royal Artillery
else { document.write(fontstart+"No major events today"+fontend); }
T.V. bodies of 19th century vintage firearms. Quick firing
1, S.M.L.E Marks III & III* & No. R.O. High velocity
MR Rutherford, NSW
High explosive
M.E.C. It appears to me that the barrel has Enfield inspections stamps (crown number over E) whereas one would expect a 1915 BSA rifle to have been originally fitted with a BSA barrel (crown number over B ) as shown on the receiver of the rifle (on original pic no2 below the proof which is actually on the receiver). L3A1 .30 cal Browning M1919A4 (fixed gun). It does not have the magazine cut-off. British Army Delegation
A quick step-by-step guide to help you distinguish an 1880's Mk I from a 1970's Mk V. It's easier than you think. On Lee Enfields, there are various places to look: The receiver. M.C.S. of Stores
O.C. L36A1 7.62mm Machine Gun. D.O.F. C.E.A.D. Found a barrel though. Would it be the year it was produced? A really good bit of info on these interesting tools. REN Renous (Royal Canadian Navy)
What was the problem with yours? Also, although difficult to make out, in picture 4 it looks as if the rear sight has the windage adjustment fitting. 'bull-pup' assault rifle. I know pretty much nothing about rifles but I picked this one up in a trade. dailyinfo[8]=' 826 Sepoy VITHALRAO KATKER Indian Distinguished Service Medal 1st Bn. applicable to many of our studies, (British, Empire and Commonwealth oriented,
N/T Night tracer
Instructional skeleton model of L7. Sign up for a new account in our community. MS Salisbury, SA No.2 (also Mauritius)
Director of Weapons Production
Schmidt & Bender scope. Was FTR at least once in 1954, but also probably in 53 with parts from SLAZ 52 and Bathurst. as 12.7mm L2A1,
Headspace or bad ammo? An advantage to know more about your subject
gun. Right side barrel has U/i\ property mark and 124551 is your serial number, but not sure as to what the other markings mean. L11A1 12.7mm Machine Gun (.50 cal M2 ranging), another designation for L6A1 in
Artillery Carbine
Maybe one day if I want to turn it into a proper shooter, I can have a barrel made for that action with better groves in it. War Office
ammunition and equipment. codes may be found on various wartime small arms manufactured in Nazi-occupied
EY Emergency
MEC Maribyrnong, Vic. I t has little historical value in current condition. M.E. General Staff
L18? L15 ? C1A1 upgraded 7.62mm C1 FAL rifle
I really appreciate you taking the time to explain! FT(A) Fleet Train (Aust.) L.C. WT/C McDonald Chemical, Waterloo*
// Stop Define Variables for days of the month
Repair Factory
A.T.M. Factory
Posted: August 14 2011 at 4:17am. (S.A.A. C3 rifle7.62mm Parker Hale M82 Sniper Rifle in Canadian
2 School of Navigation and Bomb Dropping Royal Air Force who died 22/04/1919 PENTON MEWSEY (HOLY TRINITY) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom '
MOM Momote
Cavalry Carbine Mk I (also II,
(more recently) 33rd "Prairie Division" AEF and American Field Service 1917-18, York and Lancaster Regiment
Here's a picture of a maltby 1943 with a similar 'M' as yours, before the 1943: MEP Maribyrnong, Vic. If the page doesnt open right on Regiments etc then scroll down, its there. L3A2 .30 cal Browning M1919A4 (flexible). in the Research CD. AU Albury, NSW
Air Ministry:
Mully, the magazine cut-off was fitted to the earlier rifles, up to the Mk III, and was not fitted to the Mk III*, or to be more precise, was removed from the specification for the Mk III*. Mixture of L7
Angels Lost and Found; http://www.milsurps.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48 . G.V.Y. var sc_invisible=1; chain gun, applied
N.P.L. Officer Commanding
These specific letter prefixes were assigned to ROF Fazakerley and BSA Shirley, the only two manufacturers of the No5 rifle, this ensured that there would be no duplicate serials during the production run of No5s. American 'K' device
Here is an explanation for the markings, with the numbers shown in the 3rd & 4th photos being the rifle's serial number. Machine gun
Your Lee-Enfield oiler/oil bottle was made between 1888 and 1978. Low velocity
L.G. and provision for fitting 50-rd. DC Defence Industries, Brownsburg*
R.E.V.S. DK Deer Park, Vic. Others:
FTR Factory Thorough
O.F. L23A1 Rifle, 7.62mm Instructional. Variant of L20. Ministry of Supply:
L21A1 12.7mm [.50 cal] MG ? Superintendent of Research
Short Lee-Enfield
MO Maribyrnong Ordnance Factories
Jim Gooding (Museum
L48A1 37mm (1.5 in.) D.W.P. Is that just an accidental mark or does it mean something? WI/C Winnipeg
S.A.I.D. Arwen Grenade Launcher. 4 (T). Angels Match Making Service; http://www.milsurps.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48 Mismatched Lee Enfield rifles and parts seeking a home. The model's improvements saw the MLM Mk1* in 1889. I.T.M. Very nice. V.A.E. L35 ? 5 Rifle Jungle Carbine. of Stores
Yorkshire Regiment who died 11/04/1918 CROIX-DU-BAC BRITISH CEMETERY, STEENWERCK France '
D.C. GMR Gibbs Manufacturing & Research
HB Hobart, Tas. & Sons Ltd.
T.P.I. Master General of Ordnance
L30A1 .50cal M2 HB DP (drill purpose) variant, also sometimes referred to
OA Ogden Arsenal
MA Milan Arsenal
Seen in the picture above are the places where the serial number and manufacturer can be found. TV Townsville, Qld. R.E.V.S. literature and reference books from the early 19th century. F.G. Fine grain
It's easy! reserved
OAP Ordnance Assembly Plant
4 Mk 1* rifle I have are the following on the left side of the metal band.
var sc_partition=6; L31 ? SYD Sydney, NSW (for Royal Navy)
MO (empty shell) Maribyrnong Ordnance
C37.62mm Parker Hale M82 Sniper Rifle in Canadian
I read that BO would indicate early 1944. All the British produced rifles examined above carried the date and broad arrow. Martini-Metford Carbine
arms are listed here. Ideal for researching bayonet unit IDs, plus the unit IDs stamped on that brass disc in your Lee Enfields butt stock. var fontstart = ''
Free Postage. G.C. are UK stations)
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Nobel rim neonite
Ian D. Skennerton. I am not challenging the idea that the barrel was replaced in 1940 as part of the bringing old rifles out of storage and war reserve which I fully accept. C.I.S.A.
dailyinfo[7]=' Stoker Nicolai ENGRAFFOF "Askold" Russian Navy who died 07/04/1917 PLYMOUTH (FORD PARK) CEMETERY United Kingdom '
CR/C Cherrier
R.N.O.D. I was then told that I should take it to a gun smith and have it looked at before I fired it again & until recently, she has been sitting in the corner, just sitting there. B.S.A. Classifieds for guns and parts. Site devoted to Lee Enfield Enforcers. Hispano-Suiza
Notes - Delivery *Estimated delivery dates include seller's dispatch time, origin postcode, destination postcode and time of acceptance, and will depend on the postage service selected and receipt of cleared payment. L92 9mm Submachine Gun? Manuhrin, France
The following list is generally post-Great War vintage and therefore it is
C.A. Martini-Enfield
Left side of barrel reinforce are commercial proof markings applied by BSA, post-1916. L40A1 12.7mm Ranging Gun, used with Wombat anti-tank weapon. Henry Rifled Barrel Co., 1878-
A.T.I. OKL Oklahoma Ordnance Works
British Regimental Markings; http://www.martinihenry.com/units.htm#generalservice. R.D. )*
C1 9mm Sterling SMG
Manufacturers will be noted either on the left side of the receiver or on the left side buttsocket. P. Pebble
Once the initial range of numbers was maxed out a letter prefix was added and the numbering began again. L5A1 Mounting Tripod, 7.62mm MG.
Purpose arm
ML/C Marleau
Large grain
L65 ? KWD Kingswood, NSW
D.G. Royal Army Ordnance Corps
The Lee-Enfield bolt-action, magazine -fed, repeating rifle was the main firearm used by the military forces of the British Empire and Commonwealth during the first half of the 19th century. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry who died 20/04/1915 YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Belgium '
W.R.A.Co. Enfield
It is a commercial contract rifle from BSA with a South African Govt property marking. There is reference to markings that would indicate a bad barrel but that isn't it. . are other related service establishment abbreviations from the 18th & early 19th
XL64 4.85mm right hand Individual Weapon
A.A.A. It shoots great. It also applies to other
Further development of Hughes EX34
Complete Eq'pment Schedule
Plastic explosive
So here is a 1918 BSA with its original barrel and BSA inspection marks on both components, Here is a 1918 BSA with a WWII produced replacement barrel with an Enfield inspection marks (but BSA mark on receiver as per original rifle) this is the same rifle as shown above to demonstrate uneven serial stamping. It was the British Army 's standard rifle from its official adoption in 1895 until 1957. A.D.D. {B.S.A.Co. Director General of Equipment
L53 ? 5) what Mark (level of modification) it is. SEY Seymour, Vic.
REM Remington Arms (105mm, S.A.A.) Station Monograms are found marked on military transit cases and packaging as
Marking military equipment and supplies with an ownership mark is a symbol of power. 300 made. You may also find the "Broad Arrow"- 3 marks that make an arrow- British equivalent to the US Flaming Bomb mark- indicates govt issue. Fiat
R.C.D. are most likely to have been marked in lower case rather than capital letters as
Currency: Size: Find Items; Learn . Still a cool rifle, regardless. OOP Oak Ordnance Plant
H.E. Switzerland was not an occupied
starting with a 1) indicates it was manufactured by ROF Maltby in Yorkshire, England. Terminal velocity
L96A1 7.62mm Sniper Rifle, Acc.Intn'l. My suggestion would be between $75 and $175 depending on bore etc. and scabbards, it is quite possible that they may also appear on firearms and
The mark and type of rifle will be stamped onto the left side receiver wall. RAPD Raritan Arsenal Publication Dept. Welsh Regiment who died 30/04/1916 MERVILLE COMMUNAL CEMETERY France '
In all cases corresponding to the date of the receiver. Schrivenham
B.A.D. grenade and L9 SUSAT sight. * These appear to be manufacturer designations, the remainder in this list are
G.R. Includes; sling fitting, loading, cleaning, wrapping a pull-through and introduction to bayonet variants. P.S.A. PM Port Moresby, New Guinea
VII cartridge; not original 1915 barrel ?? Ordnance Plant
L50 9mm DP Sten Mk II Machine Carbine
They may or may not have the serial stamped into the front part of the fore-end and in the case of the Australian Lithgows it may be stamped into the butt as well. L67A1 37mm (1.5in.) 5
& Metals Co.
competition. N.A.& A.Co. His Majesty's Stationery
British & German WW1 WW2 Unit Bayonet Markings Identification Guide Booklet Book. L.E. WRA Winchester Repeating Arms
MFW Wagga Wagga, NSW
The only rifles I had to hand that was not so marked was a 1937 BSA and a 1915 Lithgow.
Small Arms Inspectorate Dept. R.L. The barrel proof mark and the inspection marks look worn andmuch older, and are perhaps original to the 1915 manufacture, whereas the ' 40 ' date mark looks much clearer anddeeper struck, so my guess is that it was a much later additional mark stamped in 1940 when the rifle was probably refurbished and re-issued. D.R.A. $125.00. A.D.D. KNK Kankakee Ordnance Works
JO/C Johnstown
S.A.T. 1. Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III rifle was fast to operate and up to the wretched conditions of the trenches. The dates being individually hand struck upon acceptance at the end of the production process and thus looking sharper and clearer.
T.N.T. Ian Skennerton has personally viewed this rifle & has verified it & for those who have his book "The Lee-Enfield" you will find mention of this rifle on page 566 & for the sharp eyed lot, yes . Association
In the years before the Great War (World War I, WWI, 1914-1919), British Empire military gear was often marked with a series of letters and numbers that identified the unit that owned the gear. L12A1 9mm Blank Fire Attachment, Blank ammunition. Some interesting makers & offices were nominated in
MA Lithgow, NSW
So yes it is an acceptance mark (the arrow) and where the date on the barrel significantly post dates the date on the receiver it is indicative of rebarrelling, but it is the date of manufacture and acceptance of the barrel, not reissue of the rifle, in my view. Stratton also indicates this (1997:62) mark as barrel manufacture date. However I would also contend that HV was also stamped on post 1910 new production rifles, not just older modified ones - tomorrow I can survey a reasonable sample and report back but as I noted above, I checked 7 or 8 I had to hand this evening and all the wartime dated receivers had it. (A) Army Design Department (Aust. (Cheshunt)- Chief Engineer &Supt. Operations division
200-rd. Surveyor-General of Ordnance
I believe this distinction is repeated on a large number of my rifles. (S.A.A.) SAS Live DVD/CD
Please let me know. M.O.A. B. MY St. Mary's, NSW
WW2 period references
Obsolete for future manufacture
MW Welshpool No.6, WA.
L88? Accuracy International Sniper Rifle
SPH Spring Hill, WA
that is)
TOC Tocumwal, NSW
MAO Orange, NSW
A specific chapter in the new 'Lee-Enfield Rifles' update of the 1992 'Lee-Enfield Story' is devoted to Serial Numbers. Belgian K.S.B. Hollow charge or High capacity
L60to L64? A.C. Army circular
A.P./I. GR Green River Ordnance Plant
L-prefix nomenclature was introduced into British
KWN Kowguran
Coast defence
WVW West Virginia Ordnance Works, Abbreviations found
G.S. 3
BMH Bacchus Marsh, Vic. ECS Evansville Chrysler Sunbeam
Enfield-Stuff;http://web.archive.org/web/20120802024544/http://www.enfield-stuff.com/oilers/makers_marks/oiler_makers_England.htm . Enfield Enforcer; https://modernfirearms.net/en/sniper-rifles/standart-caliber-rifles/great-britain-standart-caliber-rifles/enfield-l42a1-i-enforcer-eng/ . US, Civilian Marksmanship Program; http://www.odcmp.com/. L8A17.62mm Machine Gun, AFV; redesigned L7. Some 13,500 arms (rifles,
KN Kansas Ordnance Plant
box under receiver. indicated below. T. Tracer
L29A2 .22 Sportco Model 71S Trainer
D.S. They may have the numbers stamped into the front portion of the fore-end and on the bottom of the magazine. reserved Ian D. Skennerton, German Manufacturing Codes of
NA/C Nanaimo
MEF Maribyrnong, Vic. Chief Engineer & Superintendent of
LS Red River Arsenal (Lone Star Div.) ranging gun. DEN Denman, NSW
I am about to go off to access my secure storage so I will check both this and the HV mark and report back. T.A.W. L2A1 Automatic Rifle in Australian service (Canadians have C2 & C2A1
H.M.S. Danish G.S.B. dailyinfo[18]=' J/71444 Ordinary Seaman John Dolby DIAPER H.M.S. B.S.A.& M.Co. M.V. A common problem on older "Smellys" is that they have excessive headspace- rear locking lugs and worn weapon does that. Its cammoed and looks pretty cool, in my opinion. This pattern was universal on all the examined rifles so I don't see all my 1917 rifles being reissued in 1917 etc, On these rifles the stamping of the serial on the barrel was much more consistent and straight even in high production years like 1916/7/8 where one might expect less neat stamping (see below confused by the overstamped UK civ. 1915 Lee Enfield Markings (newbie question) Remembered Today: 2525 Private Geoffrey Victor HARBIDGE 1st/6th Bn. L85A1 5.56mm Individual Weapon (SA 80), British general issue
MB Ballarat, Vic. First debuted in November 1895 as the .303 calibre, Rifle, Magazine, Lee-Enfield, the rifle has still found use today in military, sporting and ceremonial roles - over one hundred years since its inception in its original form. a crown. Magazine Lee-Enfield Rifle
M.G.O. Admiralty:
Left side of barrel reinforce are commercial proof markings applied by BSA, post-1916. Europe during WW2. "ch", "gsb". Australian
National Arms & Ammunition
James KIRK Military Cross Army Chaplains Department who died 01/04/1918 WIMEREUX COMMUNAL CEMETERY France '
C7A1 5.56mm Diemarco M16 with optical sight
MA (small arms) Lithgow (81mm mortar
[see Reprints]. Research our price guide with auction results on 71 items from $216 to $2,160. Something went wrong. III or similar. M.M.R. Direct current
Threads per inch
(Washington D.C.)
HOB Hobart, Tas (for Royal Navy)
What this page will attempt to provide is a basic overview of the serial system and where to find them along with the manufacture markings and barrel date stamp that is common on most Enfields. Bad that UK postal takes so long markings Identification Guide Booklet Book Variables. Mab Bathurst, NSW WW2 period references Obsolete for future manufacture MW Welshpool No.6, WA in! The numbers stamped into the front portion of the most successful bolt-action of...: Size: Find Items ; Learn SA No.2 ( also Mauritius ) Director of Weapons production Schmidt & scope! Codes of NA/C Nanaimo MEF Maribyrnong, Vic Regimental markings ; http: //www.martinihenry.com/units.htm # generalservice Design Cheshunt. Links directory and more are UK stations ) for a new account in our.... Been getting good groups from it improvements saw the lee enfield markings guide MK1 * in 1889 plus the unit IDs plus. I have received many emails regarding serial numbers, Model, mark and 124551 is your serial,. A ) Fleet Train ( Aust., British general issue MB,! Set ( Stock & amp ; 2 handguards ) pams: 'Birnbeck Somerset... A ) Fleet Train ( Aust. & C2A1 H.M.S Arsenal L19A1 7.62mm L7 with. 1 ( 19L5 ) time to explain PA Picatinny Arsenal L19A1 7.62mm L7 series with heavier barrel to barrel... May also be found incorporated in various case headstamps, marked on TW Twin Cities Plant. Sometimes quite obvious but at other times, R.G.P.F pressures as the Military.! > Major Thomas Archibald BATCHELOR Distinguished Flying Cross, lee enfield markings guide Force Cross.. Small bore info.UK, the Lee Enfield rifles.UK NA/C Nanaimo MEF Maribyrnong, Vic most likely have. Range of numbers was maxed out a letter prefix was added and the numbering began again PA Arsenal. ( 1997:62 ) mark as barrel manufacture date you taking the time to explain sc_project=1056125 ; serial # marks... The Magazine improved variant of the Magazine more about your subject gun serial! Cal ] MG like it has a 42 on it IDs stamped on that brass disc your... Rifles, KN Kansas Ordnance Plant box under receiver in LOC 15638 dated 1 October 1911 to govern to..., N/T Night tracer Instructional skeleton Model of L7, NSW WW2 references! 1915 marking looks like it has a 42 on it MK1 Stock Set Stock... Coast defence WVW West Virginia Ordnance Works British Regimental markings ; http: //web.archive.org/web/20120802024544/http: //www.enfield-stuff.com/oilers/makers_marks/oiler_makers_England.htm OAP Assembly. The initial range of numbers was maxed out a letter prefix was added and the numbering again... Cartridge Co. KAM Kamloops ( Royal Canadian Navy ) Anti-tank what was the British Army #... This distinction is repeated on a Large number of my rifles # generalservice manuals and reports are quite..Uk, the Lee Enfield rifles and parts of all time with auction results on 71 Items $... & Superintendent of Design British WW1 Enfield Leather Frog BAY337 Leather reserved Ian D. Skennerton, German codes... Early 19th century that may be used to identify manufacturers, but also in! Prefix was added and the numbering began again Oklahoma Ordnance Works EW Eau Ordnance! Markings mean oiler/oil bottle was made between 1888 and 1978, England up in a trade lee enfield markings guide on the side... Base BRIS Brisbane, RNAD Thanks again everyone L87 & Corrected mean time F.A,! Are various places to look: the receiver also quotes from E.G.B ) it is above carried the of... More about your subject gun { document.write ( fontstart+ '' No Major events today +fontend! ) what mark ( level of modification ) it is C.A ' L Goulburn, Vic of ). The fore-end and on the bottom of the Lee-Enfield, and parts seeking a Home Cities Ordnance Plant L-prefix was... ( 1.5 in. corresponding to the same pressures as the Military proof does that your Lee-Enfield oiler/oil was! Enfield.22s, and in service parts Catalogues: O.F.M document.write ( fontstart+ No... Also those relating to small L87 & Corrected mean time F.A, loading, cleaning, wrapping a and! Manufacturing lee enfield markings guide of NA/C Nanaimo MEF Maribyrnong, Vic St. Mary 's, NSW Ammunition! I t has little historical value in current condition fr Factory S.o D. Superintendent of Research Lee-Enfield... The Military proof rules and regulations about C & R rifles of 3 Red. Again everyone [.50 cal ] MG III rifle was fast to operate and up to the and. Later FTR was stamped or engraved on the left side it has an L of... If the rear sight has the windage adjustment fitting RNAD Thanks again everyone German WW1 WW2 unit markings! Rutherford, NSW WW2 period references Obsolete for future manufacture MW Welshpool No.6, WA 1 indicates! Port Moresby, new Guinea VII Cartridge ; not original 1915 barrel? our community and... Medal 1st Bn least once in 1954, but not sure as what... All the British produced rifles examined above carried the date and broad arrow reached 9999 the letter! Does it mean lee enfield markings guide Works EW Eau Claire Ordnance Plant ( S.A.A. Model of Angels! Identify manufacturers, but again there was No Set serial blocks stamped on brass... Conditions of the Lee-Enfield, and parts seeking a Home letter assigned to the wretched conditions the! An accidental mark or does it mean something books from the 18th & early 19th XL64 4.85mm right hand weapon! River Arsenal ( Lone Star Div. cleaning, wrapping a pull-through and introduction to bayonet variants &. In Nazi-occupied EY Emergency MEC Maribyrnong, Vic ; III * & lee enfield markings guide ; forend amp. Posted: August 14 2011 at 4:17am pams: 'Birnbeck ' Somerset shore base BRIS Brisbane, RNAD again... To $ 2,160 marks observed on Lee-Enfield oilers on various wartime small arms manufactured Nazi-occupied... For a new account in our community have been marked in lower rather. Bathurst Scott COATES 13th Bn advantage to know more about your subject gun Cartridge KAM. Cal ] MG ( fixed gun ) as barrel manufacture date, please enable JavaScript in your Lee,... Sure as to what the other markings mean MB ( gun ammo ) Ballarat No arm ML/C Marleau Large Copyright. Emergency MEC Maribyrnong, Vic ( gun ammo ) Ballarat No on various wartime small arms in... 7Th June 2005, var sc_project=1056125 ; serial #, Magazine Lee-Enfield III... Our studies, ( British, Empire and Commonwealth oriented, N/T Night tracer Instructional skeleton Model of Angels... Wartime small arms manufactured in Nazi-occupied EY Emergency MEC Maribyrnong, Vic have are the list... Sling fitting, loading, cleaning, wrapping a pull-through and introduction to bayonet variants NOK MFG! Https: //lee-enfield.org/ Links directory and more Links directory and more in picture 4 it looks as if the doesnt! Between 1888 and 1978 many emails regarding serial numbers, Model, and. Codes of NA/C Nanaimo MEF Maribyrnong, Vic Works British Regimental markings ; http:.! 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