lunar eclipse and pregnancy superstitions

Some of these common precautions that are advised to pregnant women are: Not going outdoors during the duration of the eclipse Not getting exposed to the light or rays of the sun during the day. There is however, no scientific evidence to prove this. your doctor. Another says that a pregnant woman should not touch her belly during a lunar eclipse, or she will cause the baby to be born with a birthmark. But in the event you are unable to follow the customs, you should know that not following these will not cause your baby any harm. Not going outdoors during the duration of the eclipse, Not getting exposed to the light or rays of the sun during the day. Aztecs believed a lunar eclipse was a result of a bite being taken out of the moon. Subject to your convenience, you can adhere to them, if that keeps your family free from worry. This idea translated into the Mexican superstition that if a pregnant woman viewed an eclipse, a bite would be taken out of her unborn child's face. 2010-2023 For the peace of the family if not urgent you can stay indoors but eat, drinking and sleeping should not be restricted. Here are 12 folklore and superstitions that weave themselves around lunar eclipses. Do not use a knife or any sharp weapon to cut fruits and vegetables. That is the primary reason why pregnant women are advised to stay indoors and rest during an eclipse. And the early morning hours of April 20 in the east. Pregnant women are also advised to take care of all things during lunar and solar eclipses. Its believed that an eclipse has bad effects on pregnant women. Next Total Solar Eclipse: Thu, Apr 20, 2023 . There is however, no scientific evidence to prove this. It is said that eating food during this time can cause problems related to digestion. . A solar eclipse occurs as the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. For many people in India, a lunar eclipse bears ill fortune. Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy, Mexican superstitions say wearing a safety pin (traditionally, a woman might have held a knife close to her belly) and red underwear offers protection against a cleft palette. Stay up to date on the best of STL Life: parenting, home fashion, travel, restaurant reviews, recipes and more. Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Science, covering topics ranging from geoscience to archaeology to the human brain and behavior. While the cause of a cleft palate is unknown, there have been no proven links to eclipses during pregnancy. While the cause of a cleft palate is unknown, there have been no proven links to eclipses during pregnancy. 6 C-Section myths and misconceptions; Meet Sanjiv Goenka, the man who bought IPL's . The 'harmful effects of the growth of microorganisms' could have . Shafia Bhutto, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis, told the St. Louis Post Dispatch women in Pakistan might be told this to prevent a baby from developing crooked joints. Eclipses have caused fear, inspired curiosity, and have been associated with myths, legends and superstitions throughout history and across cultures. So for. (Photo: Thinkstock/Getty Images), Police: 1 person dead, another hurt in Pinellas Park shooting, 'This is tough': 3 killed, including 2 young children, in Hillsborough County fire, 10 Weather: Sunny skies and low humidity Tuesday, FWC: Boat captain killed by lightning strike in Brevard County. Cry me a river (of beer). Your However, no scientific research or study has come to the fore regarding this claim so far. In a 1998 article for Sky & Telescope, Krupp wrote that people asked him whether solar and lunar eclipses cause birth defects or miscarriages whenever the events are nigh. Humans have watched eclipses since before the dawn of written history, and during this long span of time our . Shafia Bhutto, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis, told the St. Louis Post Dispatch women in Pakistan might be told this to prevent a baby from developing crooked joints. Discuss about your options and things you should and should not do to keep your vital signs in tandem. All foods and beverages become poisonous, during eclipse and hence the mother-to-be should not consume anything (for the total duration of eclipse). Likewise, no scientific research exists regarding the harm of drinking water during a lunar eclipse. Lie straight in bed. But this is a superstition that is best avoided by pregnant women, for it can put both herself and the baby at risk! More: After Aug. 21 eclipse, Earth will be destroyed by rogue planet Nibiru, says iffy doomsayer, More: Interdimensional creatures, aliens and Earth's destruction: Solar eclipse generates wild theories, More: The solar eclipse is going to confuse animals a lot. Copyright 2014-2023 Mykids Ventures Private Limited. WhereThe path is about 70 miles wide and spreads from central Oregon through South Carolina. The blood moon myths are many and varied, but, . Eclipse and Pregnancy Beliefs- A Salient Point. Heavy curtains are pulled out and windows are lined with newspapers, Not keeping anything in the house that was cooked the last day, Not coming in contact with sharp objects such as knife, scissors, Not sew or knit on the day of the eclipse. Our site uses cookies to make your experience on this site even better. Rising as an eclipsed Sun in the Indian Ocean and setting as an eclipsed sunset . This simulator will show what the eclipse will look like in your town. It was initially believed that eclipses affect tides and waves to some extent. Here are a few superstitions to know before the solar eclipse Aug. 21. Bottom line is, no eclipse, whether Solar or Lunar, has any effects on your pregnancy, but following the customs and beliefs is your personal choice. The Inca would make a lot of noise and force their dogs to howl and bark to drive away the eclipse. Pregnant women and their babies are said not to be affected by the lunar eclipse if they follow certain restrictions. Solar eclipses have caused fear, inspired curiosity, and have been associated with myths, legends, and superstitions throughout history. This in turn may have a negative impact on the baby. However, there is no scientific research or evidence about this. Also, with all the hoopla around you about the event and numerous instructions from your elders about what to and what not to do, it is but obvious that you will become over conscious and anxious. Take an appointment with your doctor beforehand if a lunar eclipse is going to take place and your family would want you to follow certain customs. Resting as much as possible during the eclipse. However, there are no studies that support this. The Hindu text the Mahabharata, written around 400 B.C., blamed the solar eclipse on the head of the demon Rahu, which consumes the moon and the sun but then passes them through its disembodied neck. At the same time make sure you do not come too harshly on your body. However, there is no scientific proof to support this belief. Some pregnant women who are due to deliver around the eclipse may get into labour all by themselves or due to the overwhelming fear drilled . Myth- Stay indoors and don't look at the eclipse with naked eyes. Pregnant women, and just about anyone, is advised to handle sharp objects carefully during a lunar eclipse. Whenthe sun is partially eclipsed, you should only look at it directly through special solar glasses, which usually cost about a dollar. In India, some women are advised to bath before and after the eclipse and partake in other religious routines to ward off bad omens associated with the eclipse. Good luck. One of the most common eclipse superstitions is that pregnant women should not touch or handle sharp objects including knives, needles or anything else with a pointy edge out of fear that an. According to doctors and experts, the lunar eclipse does not have a notable effect on the eyes, but it should also be seen with glasses, binoculars or lenses. In todays fast world where both men and women are working it is difficult to take leave on such occasions; being nuclear families such myths if followed and if forced upon creating a lot of stress. In 2023, the world is good to go to notice two sun oriented shrouds. WhatA total solar eclipse is when the moon completely blocks the solar disk. She was previously a senior writer for Live Science but is now a freelancer based in Denver, Colorado, and regularly contributes to Scientific American and The Monitor, the monthlymagazine of the American Psychological Association. ), and not scary! On the 16th of July, 2019 the world will witness the lunar eclipse. These facts help you to eliminate the misconceptions from your life for good. When it comes to pregnancy, the expectant mother is adviced to follow stringent guidelines to for her and her babys health. (Cleft palate is caused by a mix of genetic and environmental factors, and can result from certain chemical exposures or medications, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention not by a 2-minute obscuring of the sun or moon.). The write-up will ensure that you get acquainted with what the facts actually say, as against the myths. There are no proven eclipse-related health concerns specific to pregnant women or their babies. Its believed that gazing at the sky during an eclipse can cause miscarriage or deformities. The actual danger of an eclipse relates to the eyes. This phenomenon occurs once every few decades in specific locations on Earth. Lunar Eclipse 2020: Is Chandra Grahan harmful for pregnant women? In fact, the Chinese word of an eclipse, chih or shih, means to eat. Wear any metallic object as well as a red-colored undergarment, to protect the infant from cleft palette. A solar eclipse was interpreted as the Moon-man uniting with the Sun-woman. It can affect the exposure that your retina will have to the intense visible light of the sun. Make sure you are not showing the following symptoms if you are not drinking or eating during the eclipse: (Thats no longer the case.). The article noted that there is no evidence to suggest an eclipse is harmful to a pregnant woman or her baby and also listed the dangers of pregnant women fasting during an eclipse, which is also a common practice in parts of India. Staying empty stomach for more than 2-3 hrs might make the mother sick hence refrain from such customs and rituals. This particular superstition is ingrained in India. There is nothing that will happen to your unborn baby during an eclipse because they are in your uterus, she said. 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An eclipse occurs when a star or planet is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another astronomical object or having another object pass between it and the viewer. When the Earths moon comes in between it and the sun, its called a solar eclipse. Our suggestion is that science has an explanation for everything, even the myths. We hope you think that is sweet. This lunar eclipse is also believed to be one of the most powerful ones in recent times. The most common rule that pregnant women around the world are expected to follow is to stay inside an enclosed space during the eclipse. Lunar Eclipse 2020: Why November full moon is also called 'Beaver Moon' According to the Indian version of a lunar eclipse, a demon named Rahu eats up the moon during an eclipse. . You would not drive with a broken headlight on a road . The St. Louis Post-Dispatch Newspapers in Education will be starting the school year witha series of lessons on the eclipse. In addition to that, the lunar cycle has been associated with the menstrual cycle of women, which led to people believing that an eclipse can adversely affect pregnancy. Some studies reveal that lunar eclipse may cause some changes in human behaviour and blood pressure but not proven clinically so far. Thus, set aside all apprehensions, look at the night sky and enjoy the marvel! This idea translated into the Mexican superstition that if a pregnant woman viewed an eclipse, a bite. So, this is a myth that you can easily ignore for the sake of yours and your babys health. You are free to burst into laughter, if this one appears as a joke to you. When the eclipse is in progress, the expecting mom should not cut apples. Media Views: Battlehawks are XFL's king at gate and on television, but TV viewership plummets, BenFred: It's time for Cardinals and Jordan Hicks to have decisive conversation about reliever's future, St. Louis judge files to hold Kim Gardner in contempt after no prosecutors show for murder trial, Attorney quits Kim Gardner's office, cites 'toxic work environment,' 'untenable' workload, St. Louis tears down the DeBaliviere Place gate, a symbol of the 'Delmar Divide'. This can cause retinal burns and damage to the light-sensitive rods and cone cells. So,whether you follow the age old superstitions or not, it is important to keep yourself hydrated and your blood pressure under control to affirm well-being of your baby. One of them is fasting during the eclipse. Also Read:Jeera (Cumin) Water During Pregnancy Benefits and How To Make It. However, many doctors suggest that if any pregnant woman strongly believes in these myths, it is best that she be allowed to follow them. Aries is the fire starter. They are also not supposed to use knives or sharp metal objects fearing that it will leave a birthmark on the body of the unborn child. A charming belief in Italy insists that flowers planted during a solar eclipse are brighter and more colourful than flowers planted at any other time of the year. Why the Myths Thrive Even in This era of Technology? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. In this condition (pregnancy), a woman should not be away from food and water for prolonged duration. These myths don't seem as prevalent for the 2017 eclipse as they have been for previous eclipses, like those in the 1990s, said E.C. Does moving out in pregnancy during a lunar eclipse cause a baby to be born deformed? They also believe that children are born with scars or deformities in case the mother uses a knife. How does a lunar eclipse affect pregnancy? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you encounter even the slightest of these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. The path crosses through St. Louis but only parts to the south and west will experience totality. Lunar eclipse myths But, does an eclipse affect pregnancy? Pregnancy is a crucial phase where, utmost care has to be taken to safeguard health of the woman and the to-be-born baby. Solar eclipses cast a shadow on the earth. Indian astrology warns this could cause the unborn baby to develop a cleft organ, also not proven. Usually, a solar eclipse is accompanied by a lunar eclipse but two lunar eclipses along with solar eclipse are also not uncommon. It is safe for you to go outdoors during an eclipse as this phenomenon does not have any effect on the condition of the baby when he or she is born. By any stretch of imagination, there is no connection between metal/red undergarment and protection from cleft palette! It is necessary for the mother to stay hydrated and to eat well to prevent any health issues in the baby. This would hold true in olden days when there were no stoves/microwaves/refrigerators, but now, it can be ignored. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The previous myth can be followed, as it is only a matter of being indoors for few fours- it causes no harm. Currently shown eclipse is highlighted. Get regular updates, great recommendations and other right stuff at the right time. Some of these common precautions that are advised to pregnant women are: Eclipse is a mere shadow caused by the moon and earth when they come in a particular position while moving in motion. Taking a bath after the eclipse is over. According to some legends, pregnant women should fear the eclipse. Pregnant women should not sleep during lunar eclipses. Not because these are true; but because, the stress and fear that results from not following the beliefs can often lead people to high blood pressure and depression. Multiple cultures developed superstitions specifically about pregnant women and eclipses. Pregnant? Dont wear metal. Tell us in the comments, and we will get your answer through experts. Its been coined the "Great American Eclipse because totality will cross only through the United States and no other country. The site suggests the superstition traces back to an Aztec belief that an eclipse is a bite on the face of the moon. Fasting can also give rise to symptoms such as: These symptoms can persist longer and affect the mother and the babys health more, in which case you must consult a doctor immediately. "There is nothing that will happen to your unborn baby during an eclipse because they are in your uterus,Bhutto told the Dispatch. Any other deformity can be related to nutritional or other deficiencies but cannot really be associated with the lunar eclipse. Though there is no strong evidence supporting the notion that a lunar eclipse is harmful during pregnancy, but in many cultures across the world an eclipse is considered a bad omen. Pregnant women are advised to avoid a bath, sleep, eat, drink or use a sharp object during an eclipse. For a change, this is an eclipse and pregnancy myth that talks about something pleasant (or funny? Here are 12 folklore and superstitions that weave themselves around lunar eclipses. Krupp, an astronomer and the director of Los Angeles' Griffith Observatory. Example video title will go here for this video. Myth or fact? ETimes is an Entertainment, TV & Lifestyle industrys promotional. 1. Only a fraction went to charity, state says. Dr Gayathri Kamath: Pregnant women are rather sensitive and when they are counselled about the negative effects of the lunar eclipse on the foetus by these deep-rooted myths, they develop a complex fear. - BY Crissy Jane There will be a the total solar eclipse on April 19 at 9:12 PM on the west coast. Pregnant women need as much rest as possible. The truth is that harelip is the result of a deficiency in folic acid in the mother. Fact: There is no empirical evidence backing the above view that the lady must not venture outside. But before or after totality, or if the eclipse is only a partial eclipse from your viewing area, solar eclipse glasses from a reputable dealer are a must. Cooking, eating, drinking are. Just relax and let the natural phenomenon pass by. The lunar eclipse has been observed for a long time. Several age-old beliefs are followed by pregnant women even today. Mar 13-14, 2025 Total Lunar Eclipse: Total Lunar Eclipse Europe, Much of Asia, Much of Australia, Much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctica: Note: Click on the date link for details in Turkey Hill, or the path map image for global details. Additionally, Ive shared your website in my social networks! However, there are many expectant mothers who dont mind following the generation-old beliefs and customs, and there is no harm in doing so, as long as their and their little ones health is not compromised. The very purpose of the article is to share enlightening information with you- information empowering you to boldly ignore the incorrect beliefs! It is believed that negativity spreads in the atmosphere during a lunar eclipse. Its never safe for anyoneto view the sun for any length of timewith a naked eye, because it could permanently damage the retina. Even today, an eclipse of the Sun is considered a bad omen in many cultures. Superstitions say this might also cause facial birth defects. Just in case pregnant women don't have enough to worry about, there are some legends warning them of harm during an eclipse. I guess wearing both means EXTRA protection. You have permission to edit this article. It can cause retinal burns and can damage the cone cells and light-sensitive rods. This concern for pregnant women might have stemmed from associations between women and the moon due to the menstrual cycle, Krupp said. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Some of these myths are quite intriguing while some of them are hard to comprehend. There is no empirical evidence backing the above view that the lady must not outside! Result of a deficiency in folic acid in the comments, and superstitions throughout history and across.! Of STL Life: parenting, home fashion, travel, restaurant reviews recipes! Bark to drive away the eclipse is a crucial phase where, utmost care has to be affected the. 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