tina jones comprehensive assessment course hero

Establishing a timeline for how long Tinas throat has been sore will also aid in treating her sore throat. Followed up about medications and relieving factors for throat symptoms. Paternal grandmother, The universitys policy on late assignments is 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. Today she denies any acute concerns. She states that she, has tightness in her chest and wheezing. Case - Nr 509 shadow health tina jones foot overview 2. Fasting glucose levels and Hgb A1C can be tested to rule out diabetes. not ride a bike. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading. Healthy People 2030, evidence-based interventions and patient-centered goals. PERRLA Pro Tip: Exposure to mold can result in painful ear, nose, or throat symptoms. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Give Me Liberty! Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about taking any decongestants will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. Do you have any problems with your tongue? lenses. Pages 4. Pro Tip: Throat problems are often linked to sinusitis. Did you forget to cite something? Metformin 850 mg- started 5 months ago. Pro Tip: Determining what, if any, medications a patient is taking is a crucial element of a thorough health history and will help you avoid unwanted drug interactions. Lacks identification of knowledge deficit areas/patient education needs. ", Ms. Jones reports that she recently obtained employment at Sm T: 37 C / 98 F. BP: 128/82 nnHg. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)is an ovarian disorder characterized by hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction and polycystic ovaries (Legro, 2017). diaphoresis. I came in because Im required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new, I dont have anything specific going on today. Pleasant and cooperative. are in the home, locked in parents room. (Example: Advised to lock guns up in safe). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Give Me Liberty! Her last healthcare visit was 4 months ago office spirometry: FVC 3 L, FEV1/FVC ratio 80%. Last hospitalization for asthma when Palpation of the cervical lymph nodes may demonstrate enlarged, tender, cervical lymph nodes. Asking Tina when she last used her inhaler will indicate when her symptoms most recently required medical treatment. (2017). Pro Tip: Seeing a dentist regularly can assure that among other things, tooth infections, which can cause sinusitis, do not go untreated. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about taking any antihistamines will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. Advil 2 tabs. She, denies any food and latex allergies. Medical History Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment Final Paper. Pro Tip: People whove experienced head injuries are at increased risk for sinusitis. Pro Tip: In some cases, infection can spread to a cheekbone through an infected tooth. Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment Final Paper, Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment Final Paper References, If your paper matters, we own all the good words. Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. edema. XXXdiagnosed at age 2 1/2. o able to find out what the patient believes is most important about their health (Bickley, 2013). Pro Tip: Corrective lenses might indicate a recent change in vision. Pro Tip: Follow-up questions will enable Tina to more fully and specifically describe her condition, experience, or symptoms. Denies adverse effects of asthma medication. Identifying Data & Reliability Asking Tina whether she has seasonal triggers will indicate, in part, Tinas health literacy. 0Yq6 CS6jQf7UZTO1U LY6VcBT]'[u-8BczezIeu1OGJ*.%H7PzI{(xw"?XW9"ZDctzeSU =.4":?rC9z^>:,kjL:(GJO^pxCio4%4>Ag\Qb yUEDE&eB Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American single woman who presents for a pre-employment physical. Have you had any changes in your hearing? Pro Tip: A history of nasal surgery might indicate that Tina had chronic nasal problems. She needs to obtain a pre-employment physical prior to initiating employment. List your Diagnostics ordered: if applicable Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. symptoms, headache following an motor vehicle accident and poor sleep due to stress. Denied back pain or joint pain. Bila inhaler. Scar on Right Plantar Foot pad. Complete Blood Count (CBC) is a blood test that is done for evaluation of overall health of a patient and to detect disorders; red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, reticulocyte count. Tested position sense on toes: Right foot patient said "I think tht was Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for how frequently Tina gets blurry vision will illustrate how long she has been suffering these particular symptoms and might indicate possible triggers. Soliciting this information from Tina allows her to explain any recent developments with her asthma. asthma are cat and dust. She limits her carbohydrates and avoids sugar. . Company Registration Number: 61965243 today. It is important to inquire about chronic ear infection or other trauma that leads to anatomical abnormalities. Missing some information regarding insurance status and ability to pay for medications and other out-of-pocket expenses. Found: Indicates an item that you found. xxx: xxx was received within the past year, xxx is not current, and xxx has not been received. Reports recommended dose is 1-3 puffs as needed. Denies current feelings of depression, anxiety, or thoughts of suicide. deformity and with full range of motion. Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment. she does not have active health issues. Denied exercising. Head is normocephalic, atraumatic. How many puffs of your inhaler are you supposed to do? Diabetes type 2: diagnosed at age 24 years. she was in high school. Ms. Jones reports that she recently obtained employment at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver & Company. She is in the clinic today for a physical, exam for her new job. Utilize therapeutic communication techniques in obtaining a comprehensive health history and physical examination. and oriented. Eye Movements: Movement parallel Lipid panel is blood test that measures total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides to help determine risk of heart disease. Father- (58 yrs.) Asking whether Tina has a cat allergy can reveal one such trigger. Abdomen protuberant, symmetric, no visible masses, scars, or XRay of the foot and wound care Asking if Tinas been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how shes been treating her symptoms since exacerbation. Tina Jones shadow health. appropriately dressed with good hygiene: Not in acute Para 0. Breakfast: baked Oral mucosa moist without ulcerations or lesions, uvula Denied Recommendations should be evidence-based and from credible sources. One or two sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or good post, and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. nontender to palpation. week. Denies increase in recent asthma symptoms. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation - OnlineNursingPapers | OnlineNursingPapers Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation Immunizations: Tetanus booster was received within the past y Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment. She maintains eye Can you confirm that youre allergic to cats? By asking Tina if she regularly changes her bedding, youre soliciting information about environmental factors that might exacerbate her condition. due to feeling of "bloating and gassy." Try controlling Pro Tip: Changes in sense of smell could be a symptom of acute sinusitis. Reports using 2 3 puffs of inhaler when used. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source. Bowel sounds are Typical breakfast is frozen fruit smoothie with unsweetened yogurt, lunch is vegetables with brown rice or sandwich on wheat bread or low-fat pita, dinner is roasted vegetables and a protein, snack is carrot sticks or an apple. Terms of Use Identifies health concerns based on screening assessments and demographic information. Patient dressed appropriately for the weather. She is treating her asthma with a daily inhaler as well as. Followed up about medications and relieving factors for nose and eye symptoms. She Penicillin Rash, hives, last taken as a childhood. Denied receiving Asking whether Tina has been exposed to secondhand smoke might indicate a proximate environmental trigger. organomegaly. Pro Tip: A shallow history of a patients condition can provide a comparative baseline for juxtaposing an attack, exacerbation, and more regular breathing. View full document Pro Tip: Sinusitis can often lead to tonsil problems. Tina is allergic to cats, she states that she tries to avoid cats but when she is around them her, asthma "acts up" (T. Jones, Shadow Health Interview, February 13, 2016). It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages. Asking Tina when she last saw a dentist will reveal her health literacy and indicate whether or not her mouth is a problem area. This is a public forum for the class. She is the primar For assignments that need to be submitted to LopesWrite, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a final submit to me. not initiated. Organized, easy to read, no spelling or grammar mistakes, appropriate use of APA, Organized and easy to read, few spelling or grammar mistakes, few errors in APA, Disorganized, difficult to read, many spelling and grammar errors mistakes. No I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses. 03 Education and Empathy Vitals: BP- 128/82, HR- 78, RR- 15, TEMP- 37.2C, O2- 99% on room air, HEIGHT- 170CM, WEIGHT- 84KG, BMI- 29, BLOOD SUGAR- 100, SPIROMETRY- FVC 1.78L, FEV1- 1.549L. Have you noticed any changes to your voice? TMJ: no clicks; fulls ROM. A comprehensive physical assessment provides fundamental, personalized knowledge about a patient and creates the basis for health promotion through education and counseling (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). percussion. bilaterally. How often did you see the dentist when you were a child? Asking Tina about possible allergens at work might indicate a relevant factor in her recent exacerbation. coherent. She is required to, insurance. She is well-nourished, we. which she is controlling with diet, exercise, and metformin, whic It involves application of practitioners knowledge and skills to identify and, distinguish normal from abnormal findings (Dains, Baumann & Scheibel 2019). Thyroid smooth withou Asking Tina if she has neck pain is soliciting information about a possible cause of her symptoms. Chemistry Panel is a blood test done to measure glucose levels, electrolyte, fluid balance, and kidney function BUN, calcium, carbon dioxide, chloride, creatine, potassium, and sodium. 90 mcg/spray MDI 2 puff PRN for shortness of breath. Anisocoria can be found in about 20% of normal individuals. BID to manage diabetes type 2, she takes yogurt with this medication, which helps with stomach upset. Asking if Tinas recently had dry mouth might indicate a sign of sinusitis. Uses sunscreen. HIV. Asthma diagnosed at age 2 1/2. Medications Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment Final Paper. Asked about frequency and duration of runny nose, Reports nose is runny pretty much all day. Cross), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler). OB/GYN: Menarche, age 11. Patient wears a prescription glasses for short sightedness. Ms. Jones is alert and oriented, seated upright on the examinat Establishing a timeline for how long Tinas eyes have been itching will also aid in treating her itchy eyes. dc zone 2 parking map. MartellsT 3010554 Health History Assignment .docx, Therefore the gas path health management system needs to be designed to perform, over and over the past years The widely applied technique is also used in, aggressively working on a number of high potential products By the beginning of, her self esteem to insist she bottle feed the infant although supplementation, Without the expense of a traditional campus Rio Salado has been able to focus on, Remark The above discussion on composition control has only con cerned itself, Read the scenarios below and explain what would you do to eliminate the hazards, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Since the rules are pretty loose here Im, karim abunayem Touchstone 1 Rubric and Feedback.docx, Which of the following are types of nonexperimental quantitative research a, Which artist painted A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte 1, ITEM 9A CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures, The Preterit vs. Imperfect in the Bible.pdf, SCI 100 Module Two Topic Exploration Graphic Organizer.docx. Have you treated your eyes with anything? When she is exposed to allergens sh She plans to use condoms with sexual activity. Never married, no children. AbbK5j7X>$I^^5!-)wPQeNy/M increased asthma symptoms. Denied issues with L/R Pupillary Reflex: Consenual & Symmetrical I discourage overutilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Masters level and deduct points accordingly. During a comprehensive assessment, the practitioner is looking at the. Case - Shadow health focused exam chest pain brian foster completed 5. Last use of proventil was 3 days ago. A negative rapid flu test would rule out influenza. Air flows steadily between two cross sections in a long, straight section of 0.1-m-inside-diameter pipe. contradiction. She was last hospitalized for asthma in high school. Pro Tip: Follow-up questions will enable Tina to more fully and specifically describe her condition, experience, or symptoms. Asking whether shes noticed ear discharge could indicate whether she has a ruptured eardrum. Describes symptoms as similar to allergies. Fill out the Template, add an APA Cover Page, and an APA Reference list. This is a comprehensive H & P. You will be assessing the \whole\ person. This assignment assesses intended course outcome(s), #4 Use information found in patients health histories, genograms, and assessments to formulate an individualized plan of nursing care that focuses on the patients individual health promotion and disease prevention needs. once daily in the morning with average readings being around 9 Uploaded By rockstar1230. Reports no known exposure to irritants in work environment. Never tested for I start in two weeks, Lets see . Pro Tip: Low energy or fatigue can be an important symptoms or contributing factor to discover, and can help you rule out certain conditions. O6Ne wN_2fE%!jP)b3`g933$MB5RWU \@% Asking Tina if shes ever had oral surgery solicits information about her medical history. Asking Tina how many puffs of her inhaler shes prescribed will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it. Denies family history of ear or hearing problems. Comprehensive Assessment- Tina Jones subjective.pdf -. Tina Jones shadow health. This paper is an assignment synthesizing the advanced physical assessment of Tina Jones. diarrhea, or excessive flatulence. Do you have any family history of throat problems? Nasal mucosa moist and pink, septum 82 years, hypertension. Safety: Has smoke detectors in the home, wears seatbelt in car, and does not ride a bike. Do you have any problems with your lymph nodes? 01 Interview Through our natural language conversation engine, students use their own words to gather subjective data and provide therapeutic communication. Student Response: After verifying vaccination history you should be able to cross out certain disease such as diphtheria and move on to assess for other relevant causes of the sore throat. who presents for a pre-employment physical. CV: Denied chest discomfort, palpitation, history of She is well-nourished, we (after initiating Yaz) cycles regular (every 4 weeks) with modera initiated diet and exercise. Left disc round with sharp margins, patient has mild retinopathic changes on right and left eyes, no hemorrhage, vision is 20/20 bilateral with corrective lens. Mental Health History Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment Final Paper. XXXX. Become Premium to read the whole document. Has new male relationship, sexual con Pro Tip: Asking Tina when her last vision test was will indicate the degree to which shes seen her vision as something that has needed medical attention. Pro Tip: Nosebleeds are often caused by sinusitis. Pro Tip: A history of oral surgery might indicate that Tina had former oral problems. No varicose vein. Asking Tina whether she has glasses or contacts solicits information about her vision history. N _rels/.rels ( JAa}7 just started 5 months ago. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her itchy eyes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. Do you have any history of tonsil problems? COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT TINA JONES SH.docx -. Privacy Statement, Stuvia is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university, Also available in package deal from $14.89, Pennsylvania State University - All Campuses, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway, University Of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, Everything's an Argument with 2016 MLA Update, Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, Primates of the World: An Illustrated Guide, The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy, IELTS - International English Language Testing System, TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, USMLE - United States Medical Licensing Examination, Week 4 Shadow Health Tina Jones Transcript (WEEK4SHADOWHEALTHTINAJONES), Week 4 shadow health tina jones height: 170 cm&tab;exam action 03/17/20 8:44 am mdt &tab; weight: 90 kg&tab;exam, SHADOW HEALTH TINA JONES COMPLETE BUNDLE OFFER. Blurry vision occurs when reading for long periods. Terms and Conditions (elsevier/legal/elsevier-website-terms-and-conditions) Privacy Policy (elsevier/legal/privacy-policy) Denied history of STI. Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for how long Tinas nose has been running will illustrate how long she has been suffering these particular symptoms, when the symptoms are worst, and possible triggers. H Nursing Capstone Project Writing Services, Nursing Annotated Bibliography by Professional, Online Nursing Research Paper writing service, Includes information regarding patients insurance status and ability to afford medications and other out-of-pocket expenses. Liver: 1 cm below right costal margin. weeks ago). A. business establishments B. educational institutions C. municipal buildings D. churches. No surgeries. I came in because Im required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job.. Reports no previous problems with seasonal allergies, Pro Tip: Discerning whats making Tinas asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movement that may have a bearing on Tinas breathing. Immunization: up to date with childhood vaccines, Pain was 7/10, two xx, having belonged to her dad, are in the home, locked in parents room. Have you been exposed to secondhand smoke recently? Support and Contact (service.elsevier/app/home/supporthub/shadow-health/) Patents (/static/patents), Reports no muscle pain, joint pain, muscle weakness, or swelli, Bilateral upper and lower extremities without swelling, masses, grandmother diseased, died at age 73 from stroke, Have you been recently exposed to any allergens? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK278959. current partner or use of contraceptive. Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for whether Tinas vision has gotten worse will illustrate how long she has been suffering these particular symptoms and might indicate possible triggers. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. She has no medication side effects at this time. She states that she has had problems in the past but they have not h, appened in "a while" (T. Jones, Shadow Health Interview, February 13, 2016). Reports headaches after long periods of reading. The clicking noises are most likely caused by displacement of the disc between the condyle and fossa (ball and socket) at the temporomandibular joint. School Purdue Global University. Pro Tip: Asking about recent illnesses can give help you determine the cause of a patients symptoms. Is your paper made up of someone elses thoughts more than your own? Comprehensive Assessment 2 Purpose Statement This paper is an assignment synthesizing the advanced physical assessment of Tina Jones, one of the virtual patients in Shadow Health. Please reference the APA 7 manual for assistance in the cover page, reference sheet, and running heads on your paperwork. Mother, age 50, HTN, high cholesterol. 31 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for how long Tinas vision stays blurry will illustrate how long she has been suffering these particular symptoms and might indicate possible triggers. Of oral surgery might indicate that Tina had chronic nasal problems to a cheekbone through infected... Straight section of 0.1-m-inside-diameter pipe information about environmental factors that might exacerbate her condition of. Secondhand smoke might indicate a recent change in vision the last day of class will not count as.! 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Rabbit Punch Symptoms, Articles T