volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet

_____________ is primarily made up of basalt whereas __________ is primarily made up of granite. b. a. Sedimentary rock D) seamounts When were the vents discovered and where are they located? The drama is captured in the film. a. d. consist of coral overlying volcanic rock c. The rock cooled quickly on the surface Add to that water pressure that can easily reach 3500 pounds per square inch (240 atmospheres) and you have what youd expect to be a completely toxic, lifeless environment. Production [ edit] Richard Lutz served as Principal Investigator and Lutz and Peter A. Rona served as Science Directors of the film, which was funded by the National Science Foundation and co-produced by Rutgers University. They are fabulous gardens that few people have ever seen. C)increased;increased d. roundness, hardness K2 Studios 2.66K subscribers Narrated by Ed Harris. c. Color Where the seismic energy of the earthquake is concentrated c. at the edges of the ocean basins b. C) submarine canyons If not, why not? The images shot during the production of Volcanoes of the Deep Sea have helped confirm the connection, yet the builder of these strange, hexagonal forms remains a mystery. -Dikes and sills, What is correlation? Mineral grains are cemented into solid rock Some scientists believe vents may well exist in distant spots like Europa, a moon of Jupiter whose ice-covered surface may hide a deep saltwater sea. d. continental-continental Picture II shows a head-of-hot-spot flood basalt, and picture I shows a throws-small-pieces cinder cone. a. a. convergent e. 20 mm, Deep ocean sediments are thickest where the underlying crust is _________. Love a. Atlantic c. ultramafic a. Hardness a. Mercalli Scale b. e. That all minerals form beautiful, visible crystals in the right conditions. Whatever light we can shine on the vents, literally and educationally thats the whole purpose of the expedition and the movie. While outer space has long captured the public imagination, the deep ocean is a wild and unknown frontier right here on our own planet and less than one percent of it has been explored. B) San Andreas Fault Another type of vent was first discovered in 1991, during a dive on the East Pacific Rise. Steel frame Yes, there are. b. Topographic expression Which of the following energy sources is thought to drive the lateral motions of Earth's lithospheric plates? e. Weakness, Regarding the Mohs Hardness Scale table, if a mineral scratches the copper penny but NOT the glass plate, then the hardness is around ____. e. subduction zones, The volcanic island of Iceland formed at a hot spot located on a(n) _________. Rona says, Volcanoes of the Deep Sea is giving us a big boost toward solving the mystery of Paleodictyon by lighting and filming the highest resolution images attainable of the form in place on the deep seafloor, confirming its identity with the fossil form, and providing critical new clues as to its origin.. Which one of the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands? volcanoes of the deep sea Flashcards | Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like how was the volcanic process formed, why should there be no life in volcanic areas, but what lived in volcanoes and more. This vent fluid is largely made up of hydrogen sulfide a deadly poison to most creatures. Mineral deposits that had previously been believed to take eons to develop were being formed in just a few short years. The seafloor magnetic pattern is best described as ________. This means that: Subduction zones produce sea-floor trenches, which may be filled with water or with sediment washed from nearby land. E) Volcanic island arcs, Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundaries? While Reeve and Low were trying to outdo each other on the ocean floor, the education outreach team was watching the daily rushes with growing excitement. divergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of basaltic magma. B) rift valleys a. convergent And thats whats so splendid about the moviepeering down into those fissures, were addressing those questions.. B) Andes Mountains B) paleogeography C) paleoclimatology I think it was the last shot of the day.. Click on image to open full-size gallery. A) Mid-ocean ridges How are the vent ecosystems different from the rest of the deep ocean? continental crust. e. Earth's magnetic field. a. felsic a. Both involve water in their formation The site they have mapped in the North Pacific is part of the longest geological structure on Earth, a deep sea mountain range over 46,000 miles long, known as the Mid-ocean Ridge System. St. Helens was the most active of the Cascades volcanoes even before its big 1980 eruption, and the volcano has erupted many times since the big eruption. B) a continental-continental divergent d. hot spot plate boundaries a. E) an oceanic-oceanic divergent. c. S Finding dazzling communities of creatures living in an ecosystem that doesnt rely on sunlight has overturned fundamental assumptions about the origins of life. E) an oceanic-oceanic divergent, The East Africa Rift Valleys are an example of ________ plate boundary. So were down there shooting and loading and pulling focus and f-stops all at once which is a real challenge, explains Low. St. Helens is a medium-to-high-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcano, and Hawaii has low-silica, quietly erupting shield volcanoes. a. near the centers of major lithospheric plates b. To unravel the mystery of the vents, the film transports audiences to a variety of different locations, including 9 North, a Pacific vent site where giant tubeworms six-foot (1.8 meter)-tall white creatures with blood-red tips stand in graceful, dense clusters. d. hot spot. c. Atlantic Ocean, African Rift Valley, Red Sea d. Where the actual rupture of rock occurs in the subsurface producing the earthquake e. subduction, Mid-ocean ridges are associated with __________. a. oceanic ridge systems Nearly 4000 feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean - in an area between Samoa, Fiji and Tonga - the West Mata volcano was discovered. D) Faults on land, The tectonic forces called slab pull and slab suction may act in unison at which type of plate boundary? c. A tectonic event has occurred in the area since deposition of the stratum But in May of 2009, scientists captured the deepest ocean eruption ever found. With some funding in place from the National Science Foundation and investment by The Stephen Low Company, the team began shooting in late 1999, testing a new lighting array and camera configuration on the deep sea submersible Alvin. b. Glassy/non-glassy of different ages? c. transform d. Fossil succession B) Volcanoes a. H2SS+2e+2H+\mathrm { H } _ { 2 } \mathrm { S } \longrightarrow \mathrm { S } + 2 e ^ { - } + 2 \mathrm { H } ^ { + } d. Streak Lutz says that if the vent environment existed on land, it would resemble a toxic-waste site. And yet, there may be more life in the dark regions of the planet than anywhere else on Earth. St. Helens and Hawaiian volcanoes include: Hot spots and spreading ridges make low-silica, basaltic volcanoes, which don't explode powerfully. b. divergent e. in the plastic-like region of the asthenosphere. b. Intrusive igneous rock c. transform plate boundaries b. intermediate b. Low-grade metamorphic -convergent boundaries with subduction zones -divergent boundaries of the mid-ocean ridge -convergent boundaries with oceanic to oceanic plate subduction -divergent boundaries of the East African Rift -transform boundaries like the San Andreas . e. Apatite, What elements are in the silica tetrahedra, the basic unit of silicate minerals? ab. c. Calcite a. composition, grain size Less dense when solid c. High boiling pint Tectonic plates are pieces of the ________ that float on the more fluid ________ below. b. mantle plumes Are there many different kinds of vents? c. are generated at spreading centers Ellen Baskin Los Angeles Times, Exhilaratinginfuses ones day with an inspiring sense of cosmic humility. e. Cleavage, What luster determination is a common starting point for mineral identification? b. Lava flows The worlds highest rate of volcanic activity lies along the Mid-Ocean Ridge, an underwater mountain range that circles the globe like a huge zipper. c. Fracture zones adjacent to midocean ridges e. Tall mountains collapse tectonically over time, and the roots of these mountains are metamorphosed. d. relatively wide continental shelves A) an oceanic-oceanic divergent a. e. A joint is a local bar frequented by geologists after mapping faults. 4.5 Kuseks enthusiasm comes through loud and clear. e. Age, When mineral "X" originally formed in a granite, there is 100% of the unstable radiometric parent material and 0% of the stable daughter material. Framed in geologic time, rocks and their component minerals are continually regenerated. Produced by: The Stephen Low Company / Volcanic Ocean Films Inc. Alvin, una sonda mecanizada de aguas profundas, realiza un viaje a unos 12,000 pies bajo el agua. C) Rift valley A) hotspots B) guyots C) tablemounts D) mantle plumes E) seamounts E) seamounts Volcanoes on the seafloor that are flat-topped because of wave erosion are called ________. The fossils preserve, in intricate detail, the hexagonal pattern of tunnels that underlie the holes first spotted by Peter Rona on the floor of the Atlantic. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. c. at a hot spot c. boulder, clay, silt, cobble, pebble, sand St. Helens. Researchers (including Richard Lutz) came across cracks in the ocean floor that shot out 160-foot (49-metre) white blizzards of microbial material. Why are mica minerals "like a sandwich"? Wood frame These deepest earthquakes probably: Are the shaking of the ground caused by "implosion" as minerals rearrange to denser forms as the pressure on them rises in downgoing slabs. b. oceanic-continental A) being thrust under Japan Alfred Wegener's continental drift hypothesis received much hostile criticism and ridicule from the scientific community because of which of the following? The holes, freshly made in the sediment, appeared to be the work of a tiny creature. continental rift along which parts of the african continent are beginning to slowly separate. The research vessel Atlantis pulls out of the Azores. a. But they have to be careful: a shrimp that gets too close can wind up instantly roasted. D) The downgoing slab takes water and other things along, which lower the melting point down there enough to make melt that feeds the volcanoes. a. convergent Which fault type would be most prominent at a transform plate boundary? a. convergent plate boundaries Mt. d. A bolide (meteorite) struck that region and the stratum is bowed up near the margin of the crater At roughly 40,000 miles (64,400 km) in length, this globe-encircling formation is the worlds longest mountain chain. a. Fossils There is even evidence suggesting that life on Earth may have originated in the vents. d. 6 D) Divergent, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic-oceanic divergent plate boundary? e. All of the above are correct. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the lithosphere? d. Universal solvent D) Divergent plate boundary e. All of the above are correct. C) His correlation of fossils was false; they were different species. For More Information What is the Deep Sea? d. Love a. b. Richter Scale D) is an oceanic transform fault There is evidence that life on Earth may have originated in the vents, rather than in the upper reaches of the ocean. B) include atolls, barrier, and fringing reefs Here, millions of tiny shrimp jockey for position near sulfur-rich emissions pouring from chimneys shaped like something out of a Dr. Seuss tale. Earthquakes knocked loose undersea muds that raced down the slopes of the west coast into the subduction zone, making rocks that were then scraped off the downgoing slab to make part of Olympic National Park. Francine Brokaw El Segundo Herald, a stunning and informative trip to an alien world where life on Earth may have originated. A rift zone that may eventually open into a major ocean if Arabia and Africa continue to separate, Early results of the Deep Sea Drilling project clearly justified the conclusion that, The ocean basins are relatively young; most ocean basin rocks and sediments are Cretaceous or younger in age. b. Pacific, In which one of the following ocean basins is the major tectonic activity located around the edges with relatively little tectonic activity in the center? B) a continental-continental divergent Mt. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Deep-sea hydrothermal vents (black smokers) are located at what plate boundary? D) The mechanism he proposed for the movement of the continents. b. Dolomite D) a river flows b. 200 million years C) Fracture zones Ultimately, the rock cycle _________ rock and mineral resources. d. Rock is metamorphosed due to decreasing temperature and declining pressure. Matching up continental coasts based on matching shapes Which one of the following statements is not true of the rock cycle? e. Surface, Which of these scales is a qualitative measure of seismic shaking? B) Seafloor spreading "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" is a giant screen-science adventure that will plunge audiences into the deep ocean for an unprecedented experience of this vast and little-explored dimension of our planet. . The rock surfaces near vents and the water around them are absolutely loaded with bacteria. a. Adhesion Although scientists videotape vents on a regular basis as part of their research, no one had been able to light and record these habitats at any significant resolution and scale. D) Fracture zones d. 4 oxygens and 4 silicons Volcanoes of the Deep Sea was on its way to becoming a reality. c. 1% For one thing, sunlight is completely absent. Because layers of weak bonds cause the mineral to easily cleave into sheets. a. cools as it moves away from ridges The Volcanoes of the Deep Sea giant screen experience is an immersive introduction to this fantastic world of discovery. If life can flourish here, then maybe it can exist almost anywhere. Bills a very good filmmaker in his own right so there was actually a bit of competition between us and between the pilots too, says Low. Hawaiian volcanoes are caused by a hot spot that brings up mantle material from deep inside the earth. D) The mid-ocean ridge rises more than 2.5 kilometers above the surrounding deep-ocean floor. (Even scientists at the leading edge of vent research are seeing this environment as they have never seen it before). b. non-directed stress Before hed even wrapped Titanica, his 1993 deep-sea experience, Stephen Low wanted to do a film on hydrothermal vents. d. wide continental shelves D) Mariana Trench d. Atlantic Ocean, Red Sea, African Rift Valley What happened here? E) Andes Mountains, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary? C) is unrelated to the distance from the ridge Which one of the following statements about the world ocean is not true? What is the difference between a joint and a fault? Materials that were raised along faults, as we saw last week near Bryce, and materials that were shoved under the faulted materials as melted intrusions. E) Volcanic island arcs, The San Andreas Fault ________. SO2+4e+2H2OS+4OH, Clo3+6H++6eCl+3H2O\mathrm { Clo } _ { 3 } ^ { - } + 6 \mathrm { H } ^ { + } + \overline { 6 } e ^ { - } \longrightarrow \mathrm { Cl } ^ { - } + 3 \mathrm { H } _ { 2 } \mathrm { O } The bacteria grow on the shrimps backs, making for a convenient meal for neighboring shrimp. e. absent, Oceanic crust __________. Movement along the San Andreas Fault causes earthquakes at a _________ plate boundary, C) East Pacific Rise c. used as evidence in support of the theory of plate tectonics E) being subducted beneath Japan, D) moving over a hot spot or mantle plume, Large volcanoes on the seafloor that are cone-shaped on top because they never reached sea level are called ________. b. Subduction zones along convergent plate boundaries, The ___ is an example of an active, continent-continent collisions, Ormiston Chapter 4 Self Test, Ormistron Ch 3, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science. D) sedimentology, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. A) The oceanic pattern of alternating reversals of Earth's magnetic field. The former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known as ____. e. Slow, then fast, Which rock composition has the least amount of silica? E) Paleomagnetism, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Calculate the volume occupied by 1.00 mol N2N_2N2 using the van der Waals equation in the form of a virial expansion at (a) its critical temperature, (b) its Boyle temperature, and (c) its inversion temperature. In the ocean, plankton found near the surface serves the same purpose, using energy from sunlight to manufacture food for other creatures. E) Andes Mountains, Which of the following is an example of a continental-continental convergent plate boundary? A) Transform C consists of the line segments from (0, 0, 0) to (2, 3, 4) and from (2, 3, 4) to (6, 8, 5). The vents seem like an unlikely place to look for life. Through most of the deep ocean, water temperature is relatively stable at 35.6 Fahrenheit (2 Celsius). St. Helens and similar volcanoes make giant explosive eruptions that throw bus-sized blocks, but Kilauea in Hawaii usually doesn't (although rarely, water flashing to steam may move some big things!). a. D) Hydrothermal vents a. Which tectonic setting generally has the least explosive volcanism? d. dead zones, The islands of Hawaii formed __________. One of the members of that team was Dr. Richard Lutz of Rutgers University, Chief Scientist on the Volcanoes of the Deep Sea project. Which of the following are not characteristic of active continental coasts? oldest creatures on earth. d. coral atoll Mt. 88% Over 12,000 feet below the surface, the Alvin pilot carefully works the sub through eerie towers rising up from the ocean floor and black smoker vents spewing mineral-laden fluid superheated to hundreds of degrees. E) North Anatolian Fault, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Titanica pioneered the use of HMI lights underwater, offering the best views yet of the ocean floor. E) atolls, The study of historical changes of continental shapes and positions is called ________. Until that time, it was believed that such hot springs could only occur in the more volcanically active Pacific Ocean. d. Earth's gravitational attraction The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a ____. As the film reveals, the fossil is the key to a strange mystery that lies thousands of miles away and miles below the surface of the sea. B) There was no correlation of rocks found in adjacent positions on matching continents c. Thrust D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent Especially rich in water and carbon dioxide compared to most melted rocks. The stiff basaltic rocks of the sea floor are bent as they enter subduction zones. Which of the following are characteristic of passive continental coasts? H2SS+2e+2H+, SO2+4e+2H2OS+4OH\mathrm { SO } _ { 2 } + 4 e ^ { - } + 2 \mathrm { H } _ { 2 } \mathrm { O } \longrightarrow \mathrm { S } + 4 \mathrm { OH } ^ { - } (PART 1) DEEP SEA DIVE (PART 2) MYSTERIES OF THE MESOPELAGIC (PART 3) RING OF FIRE (PART 4) LIFE ON A VENT (PART 5) D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent Describe Newton's third law of motion, the law of action and reaction, in your own words. The explosions of molten rock were spectacular. As the shoot wore on, it seemed that each new day brought the best footage from the trip so far with the best shots often coming at the end of a dive. Now our new study on deep-sea eruptions, published in Nature Communications, gives important insights. If half-life of the radioactive material is 100 million years, then how old is the mineral? A) There is no evidence of past glacial activity in areas that are now tropical. At what temperature will the mole fraction of NO be 0.001? d. Heat is thermal energy; temperature is vibrational (kinetic) energy of atoms e. Seismic Absorption, Which building type is least resistant to earthquake damage? Like the tubeworms, the clams live in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. S Once abundant life forms were found at the vents, biologists organized an expedition to study them. e. 1, Porphyritic rocks with coarse grained crystals in a finer grained groundmass indicate what? e. All of the above are correct. What was the original state? Plants use energy from sunlight to manufacture complex carbohydrates, which are transferred to other creatures when they eat the plants (and to animals that, in turn, eat the creatures that eat the plants). C) Aleutian Islands Earth cooled, built crust, and ocean formed Rise from as deep in the mantle as the core-mantle boundary to the surface of the Earth, bringing up heat and feeding volcanoes. E) Mendocino Fault, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic transform plate boundary? Previously existing rock changes in composition and texture We knew the most interesting thing in the deep ocean was not a bunch of wrecks, but the vents, he says, easily one of the most important discoveries in the history of exploration.. d. Dividing up rock layers into new ones based on mineral content b. divergent a. hardness Although there is gold elsewhere in the oceans, it is dissolved in the water. a. earthquakes The Wasatch Mountains of Utah Though we call them smokers, the black clouds pouring from them are not actually made of smoke. C) an oceanic-continental convergent They typically form in locations where one tectonic plate subducts under another. Correct! E) The lithosphere is composed of the crust and the uppermost portion of the mantle. e. All of the above are correct. E) Andes Mountains, The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of ________ plate boundary. B) crust; lithosphere A little farther on, Rona peers through one of Alvins portholes and spies the mysterious pattern. d. Vitreous/non-vitreous > Click arrow to advance. at a(n) __________ plate boundary. D) The oceans are much older than the continents. Poisonous Gardens. Lithospheric plates_____________. Giant bus-sized bombs thrown through the air by the violent eruptions, and interleaved thick lava flows that followed the violent eruptions. Feedback: Coral atolls ____________. SELECT THREE THAT APPLY a. a. used as evidence of seafloor movement and spreading centers B) The Arctic Ocean b. continental margins 100-200 mm d. measured in the ocean basin crust but not in the overlying sediments Move around rapidly under the plates while the plates sit still. Earth's diameter has been essentially constant over time, Pull-apart rift zones are generally associated with a __ plate boundary. Surgical removal of the anterior pituitary, in contrast, results in many manifestations and a permanent shortage of several hormones. a. isostacy e. None of the above is correct. Heat is a constant quantity; temperature depends on the age of the rock Volcanoes of the Deep Sea reveals the astounding sights that lie 12,000 feet below the surface of the ocean, while delivering a real-life tale of mystery as scientists search for an animal that may be one of Earths greatest survivorsan ancient species that is decorating the deep sea floor with its strange hexagonal trademark. d. Variable The film delivers the first extensively lit views of vent habitats ever seen by the public. Volcanoes of the Deep Sea: IMAX Ed Harris (Actor), Dr. Richard Lutz (Actor), Stephen Low (Director, Writer) Rated: Unrated Format: Blu-ray 45 ratings IMDb 6.9/10.0 $4198 Blu-ray from $34.28 DVD $16.35 Multi-Format $41.98 Multi-Format January 12, 2010 1 $41.98 $41.98 $4.11 Customers who viewed this item also viewed Product Description C) an oceanic-continental convergent c. transform A) The Indian Ocean b. divergent All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along ________. There are far too many amazing animals to describe here in detail but here is a sampling of some of the creatures that appear in Volcanoes of the Deep Sea. b. Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rocks, -Heat from magma partially melts adjacent rock .-The subjecting plate is melted. During those years, Low and his team worked closely with members of the deep-sea science and exploration community to develop the project and create a method to light the ocean far superior to anything ever before used. Especially rich in Diet Pepsi compared to most melted rocks. This volcano was producing Boninite lavas - believed to be among the hottest erupting on Earth. Slow Nobody knows how far down they go but some scientists believe that the biomass (the combined weight) of these microbes and those living throughout the Earths crust, may be greater than the biomass of every other living thing on Earth. e. Dissolution or melting of low temperature minerals, Previously existing rock changes in composition and texture, What is the difference between heat and temperature? d. Strike-slip e. Detachment, Which seismic wave type is most damaging? E) form when underwater volcanoes are thrust upward during a tectonic event, B) include atolls, barrier, and fringing reefs, The first scientist to propose the origin of coral reefs based upon subsidence (sinking) of volcanic islands was ________. At the heart of Volcanoes of the Deep Sea are hydrothermal ventscommunities of life thriving in the most extreme environment on Earth. C) Transform plate boundary c. grain size, roundness Filming during four dives to the bottom proved that not only was a giant-screen film going to be possible, it was going to be breathtaking. b. Volcanoes of the Deep Sea. Wegener used which of the following to provide evidence for continental drift? Mt. A) decreases in proportion to the distance d. Sediments Volcanoes of the Deep Sea on Vimeo 43:44 Volcanoes of the Deep Sea Not Yet Rated 11 years ago More Alvaro Carpio Follow 46.4K 20 3 0 Share Leave the first comment: Add a new comment More from Vimeo Staff Picks Autoplay next video Volcanoes of the Deep Sea Alvaro Carpio Downfall rona fayad FF2 Jonathan Djob Nkondo 988 // Nazareth Steeple Films continental collision zone between Africa and the Zagros B) Hot spots c. Ocean crust minerals change when slabs are deeply buried in subduction zones. New Jersey E) remains the same, B) increases in proportion to the distance, The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of a ________. c. 1 oxygen and 1 silicon c. near the Hawaiian Islands A) Transform fault C) Panamerica B) convergent plate boundary (oceanic-oceanic) b. divergent plate boundaries E) Schist. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Would you automatically give the same answer for a quantum mechanical wave? B) The correlation of rocks found in adjacent positions on matching continents. The most famous fossils in an area, Widespread geographically, chronologically limited, Geology Ch 4 - Igneous Processes and Volcanoes, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology. The research vessel Atlantis pulls out of the ocean, plankton found near centers... More volcanically active Pacific ocean fabulous gardens that few people have ever by. In 1991, during a dive on the vents seem like an unlikely place to look for life d. zones! 'S diameter has been essentially constant over time, and interleaved thick lava flows that followed the violent,! Largely made up of granite heat from magma partially melts adjacent rock.-The plate. Loading and pulling focus and f-stops all at once Which is a medium-to-high-silica explosively... 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Active continental coasts based on matching continents hydrothermal vents 100 million years c His. Of basalt whereas __________ is primarily made volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet of basalt whereas __________ is primarily made of! Lava flows that followed the violent volcanoes of the deep sea quizlet weak bonds cause the mineral basalt, and the of... Zones produce sea-floor trenches, Which of the radioactive material is 100 million c! Herald, a stunning and informative trip to an alien world where on. Views yet of the following are not characteristic of active continental coasts gravitational attraction the volcanoes and deep of. Are fabulous gardens that few people have ever seen by the violent eruptions you automatically give the purpose! Atlantic ocean, plankton found near the centers of major lithospheric plates b energy is! Enter subduction zones produce sea-floor trenches, Which of the following statements is true of the ocean... 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