for WWF World Champion Diesel) & the Undertaker defeated Psycho Sid & Kama at 8:30 when Taker pinned KamaAction Zone 5/21/95: Psycho Sid pinned Bob Holly with the powerbombAction Zone 5/28/95: Savio Vega pinned Eli Blu (w/ Uncle Zebakiah) with a roll up at around the 11-minute mark after ducking a punch; Jacob Blu was in Elis corner but was ejected from ringside mid-way through after interfering and prompting Razor Ramon to come out; moments later, both men brawled around ringside until about a half dozen referees appeared and sent both men backstage; after the match, both Jacob and Razor returned ringside, with Razor holding the Blus from entering the ring (the in-ring debut of the Savio character)Action Zone 6/4/95: Jacob & Eli Blu (w/ Uncle Zebakiah) defeated Razor Ramon & Savio Vega at 9:46 after Jacob kicked Razor in the side of the face as Ramon prepared Eli for the Razors Edge5/21/95: King Kong Bundy defeated Tim McNeeny The Blu Brothers defeated Ross Greenberg & Brian Walsh Aldo Montoya defeated Nick Barberry Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Bert Centenno The Bushwhackers defeated Barry Horowitz & the Brooklyn Brawler when Brawler was pinned The Undertaker defeated Mike Bell5/28/95 featured the announcement that Ernie Ladd would be inducted into the WWF Hall of Fame Class of 1995: Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Roy Raymond & Laurice Moralis Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Bill Weaver with a right hand punch Adam Bomb defeated Gus Kantarrakis at 2:41 with a clothesline off the top Henry Godwinn pinned John Crystal at 2:35 with the Slop Drop Rad Radford pinned Mike Khoury at 2:29 with a northern lights suplex into a bridge Duke Drose defeated Bob Cook6/4/95: Techno Team 2000 defeated Bob Cook & Howard Nalley Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Brian Walsh Shawn Michaels defeated Barry Horowitz Men on a Mission defeated Aaron Ferguson & Laurice Moralis Hakushi defeated Bill Payne Savio Vega defeated the Brooklyn Brawler, WWF @ Montreal, Quebec Forum May 19, 1995 (8,500) Techno Team 2000 defeated Tom Prichard & Barry Horowitz (sub. for Shawn Michaels) with the bulldog at 6:24; after the match, Goldust took the mic, stood on the middle turnbuckle, and cut a promo saying the fans would never forget the name of Goldust (Goldusts MSG debut; Dustin Rhodes MSG return after a nearly 5-year absence) Ahmed Johnson pinned Rad Radford with the Pearl River Plunge; after the match, Skip and Radford double teamed Johnson before he cleared them from the ring (Johnsons MSG debut) The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Marty Jannetty with a kick to the back at 5:00 after Ted Dibiase distracted Jannetty from the floor; prior to the bout, Dibiase cut an in-ring promo mocking how poor the NYC fans were and, as he was in the Christmas spirit, he had some cash to give away; he then found a woman in the crowd to bark like a dog for $100 and found another to kiss his foot; after the match, Jannetty attacked the Kid and knocked him to the floor; Jannetty then confronted Dibiase before Psycho Sid ran out and dropped him with the powerbomb Psycho Sid defeated WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon via count-out at 5:03 after, behind the referees back, the 1-2-3 Kid ran ringside and threw the champion into the ringpost; after the bout, Ramon fought off the Kid, attacked Sid and hit Sid with the bulldog from the middle turnbuckle before he was attacked from the Kid; Razor was then triple teamed before sustaining the powerbomb from Sid Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Henry Godwinn in a slop match at 12:53 with a roll over and grabbing onto the top rope with both hands for leverage; stipulations stated the loser would be slopped; after the match, Godwinn knocked Helsmley to the floor with a clothesline, grabbed his slop bucket, and chased Helmsley around ringside before eventually dumping the slop on him after he tripped and fell Savio Vega pinned Isaac Yankem DDS (sub. Royal Rumble 95 Tampa, FL Sundome January 22, 1995 Buck Quartermaine defeated the Brooklyn BrawlerPay-per-view bouts featured Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler on commentary; included Lawrence Taylor sitting ringside for the show: Jeff Jarrett (w/ the Roadie) pinned WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon to win the title at 20:54 with an inside cradle after the champions leg gave out as he attempted the Razors Edge; the challenger originally won the match via count-out at 11:45 after the Roadie clipped Razors injured leg on the floor; moments later, the challenger refused the win on a technicality, instead goading Razor to continue the match so he could win the title; the bout was restarted at 14:34 (History of the Intercontinental Championship) The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned IRS (w/ Ted Dibiase) at 12:20 with a chokeslam after avoiding a clothesline; mid-way through the bout, Dibiase brought two druids to ringside who interfered throughout the bout on behalf of IRS; after the bout, the druids attacked the Undertaker, which he quickly fought off before King Kong Bundy came to the ring; moments later, with Taker distracted by Bundy, IRS attacked Paul Bearer from behind and stole the urn; Bundy then assaulted Taker with a series of elbow drops and splashes WWF World Champion Diesel fought Bret Hart to a draw at 27:26 when Bob Backlund, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett, the Roadie, and Owen Hart attacked both participants after the two wrestlers and the referee were knocked down; at 15:36, Shawn Michaels interfered and broke the champions cover on Hart after Diesel hit the powerbomb but referee Earl Hebner ordered for the match to continue; at 22:05, Owen Hart interfered as Bret had Diesel caught in the Sharpshooter, attacked his brother, and threw him sternum-first into an unprotected turnbuckle but once again the referee had the match continue; after the bout, referees and officials including Jerry Brisco, Rene Goulet, Dave Hebner, and Pat Patterson ordered the interfering wrestlers backstage but the heels all returned and were knocked to the floor by Diesel; moments later, both men shook hands and embraced out of respect (Greatest Wrestling Stars of the 90s)WWF Tag Team Tournament Champonship Finals: Bob Holly & the 1-2-3 Kid defeated Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka (w/ Ted Dibiase) at 15:45 when the Kid pinned Bigelow after Tatanka ran the ropes and accidentally knocked his partner off the top as Bigelow attempted a moonsault; after the match, Dibiase and Tatanka left ringside as Bigelow was still knocked out; after Bigelow came to he had an altercation with Lawrence Taylor at ringside and ended up shoving LT to the floor because he thought Taylor was laughing at his loss Shawn Michaels won the 30-man Royal Rumble match by last eliminating Davey Boy Smith at 38:43; due to pre-match stipulations, Michaels earned a WWF World Title match at WrestleMania XI; Pamela Anderson served as guest hostess for the match and sat ringside for the duration of the bout; after the match, Pamela briefly came into the ring and stood with Michaels Order of entry: Shawn Michaels (00:00), Davey Boy Smith (00:00), Eli Blu (1:13), Duke Drose (2:06), Jimmy Del Ray (3:05), Sionne (4:13), Tom Prichard (5:07), Doink the Clown (6:11), Kwang, (7:04), Rick Martel (8:06), Owen Hart, as Owen made his way to the ring at 9:11, Bret Hart ran up behind him in the aisle and attacked his brother until officials could pull him away (10:05), Timothy Well (10:09), Bushwhacker Luke (11:12), Jacob Blu (12:05), King Kong Bundy (13:17), Mo (14:05), Mabel (15:18), Bushwhacker Butch (16:13), Lex Luger (17:08), Mantaur (18:08), Aldo Montoya (19:03), Henry Godwinn (20:04), Billy Gunn (21:02), Bart Gunn (22:06), Bob Backlund, at 23:23, as Backlund was about to step into the ring, Bret Hart ran ringside, pulled Backlund off the ring apron and assaulted him before referees could pull him away (24:10), Steven Dunn (24:08), Dick Murdoch (25:21), Adam Bomb (26:27), Fatu (27:19), & Crush (28:22) Order of elimination: Del Ray by Smith via a clothesline (4:30), Owen by Smith via a backdrop (10:07), Drose by Michaels via a backdrop (10:18), Well by Smith (10:31), Martel by Sionne via a backdrop (10:35), Prichard by Michaels (10:38), Doink by Kwang via a side kick as Doink was on the ring apron (11:00), Kwang by Sionne via a boot to the face (11:04), Eli & Sionne were eliminated via an Eli clothesline over the top (11:09), Luke by Michaels (11:24), Jacob by Michaels via a backdrop (12:22), Mo by Bundy via a backdrop (14:09), Bundy by Mabel (16:18), Butch by Michaels (16:32), Mabel by Luger (17:16), Backlund by Luger via a clothesline to the back of the head (24:25), after Backlunds elimination, Bret Hart again returned ringside and the two were escorted backstage by officials, Mantaur by Luger (27:40), Billy & Bart Gunn by Crush & Murdoch (28:26, 28:27), Dunn by Montoya via a backdrop (28:37), Bomb by Crush via a backdrop as Bomb attempted a clothesline (31:48), Montoya by Michaels (32:25), Fatu by Crush (32:53), Murdoch eliminated himself as he attempted to airplane spin Godwinn out of the ring, with Godwinn holding onto the ropes and avoiding elimination (33:31), Godwinn by Luger via a backdrop (34:45), Luger by Michaels as Luger was on the middle turnbuckle punching away at Crush (36:00), Crush by Smith via a clothesline after Michaels ducked the clothesline (37:15), Smith by Michaels with a blow to the back as Smith stood on the middle turnbuckle, celebrating his apparent win; Smiths music began at 38:25 when all assumed Michaels had been eliminated via a clothesline, however, only one of Michaels feet touched the floor (Shawn Michaels: Heartbreak & Triumph), WWF @ Palmetto, FL Manatee Civic Center January 23, 1995 (2,500; heavily papered)Monday Night Raw taping:Included Man Mountain Rock playing the national anthem to begin the show Lex Luger pinned Tatanka at 8:20 with a roll up; this match replaced the scheduled Luger & Razor Ramon vs. Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow match as it was announced Bigelow had being suspended for his actions with Lawrence Taylor the previous night Man Mountain Rock defeated Pat Powers Mabel defeated King Kong Bundy (w/ Ted Dibiase) in an over-the-top-rope match; this was a rematch from their match taped for the 1/30/95 Raw so that portions of the rematch could be edited into the original match Bruiser Bedlam (Johnny K-9) (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated Gary Scott Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart via submission with the Sharpshooter in a no holds barred match The Undertaker pinned King Kong Bundy at 1:58 with a clothesline WWF World Champion Diesel pinned WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett (sub. WWF World Champion Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Psycho Sid, Ted Dibiase, and Vince McMahon were also on hand. Air Date: 28 th January 1995 USWA @ Memphis, TN October 2, 1995 PG-13 defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns via disqualification, WWF @ London, England Royal Albert Hall October 4, 1995 (4,000) Man Mountain Rock defeated Rad Radford via submission Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly with the sleeper Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Psycho Sid by blocking the powerbomb into a backdrop Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Aldo Montoya with the Cannonball Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Henry Godwinn with a roll up and using the ropes for leverage after Godwinn turned an attempted Pedigree into a backdrop Owen Hart pinned Fatu with a roll up after Yokozuna came ringside and distracted Fatu Razor Ramon pinned Dean Douglas with the Razors Edge WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Yokozuna with a flying crossbody; after the match, the champion gave Owen Hart the powerbomb, WWF @ Boston, MA FleetCenter October 5, 1995 (4,700)1st card held at the FleetCenter Hakushi defeated Skip Barry Horowitz pinned Sir Mo with a modified crucifix as Mo lay across him to make a cover The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Bob Backlund at 7:23 with an inside cradle; after the bout, Backlund locked the Kid in the Crossface Chicken Wing until he was pulled off by several referees WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye pinned Alundra Blayze at 6:43 with the sit-down powerbomb after shoving the challenger off the middle turnbuckle WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu at 9:45 when Billy scored the pin following the Sidewinder Savio Vega pinned Kama witn a spin kick at 8:25 after Kama ducked a clothesline attempt; a fan served as the guest ring announcer for the match Bret Hart defeated Isaac Yankem DDS via submission with the Sharpshooter at around the 12-minute mark after Yankem missed a kneedrop off the top; Jerry Lawler was in Yankems corner early in the match but was chased backstage by George Steele who was in Harts corner; after the bout, Lawler returned to the ring and attacked Hart until Steele returned and helped Hart clear the opposition from the ring, eventually ramming their heads together on the floor; after Hart went backstage, Steele came back inside the ring and tore open a turnbuckle pad WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Boy Smith via disqualification at 17:35 when Jim Cornette hit Michaels in the back with his tennis racquet as the champion was perched on the middle turnbuckle; moments later, Smith hit the running powerslam on Michaels before leaving the ring with Cornette The Undertaker pinned King Mabel with a chokeslam at 8:19, WWF @ Hull, England Humberside Ice Arena October 5, 1995 (2,800) Man Mountain Rock defeated Rad Radford Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Psycho Sid Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Aldo Montoya Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn Owen Hart defeated Fatu Razor Ramon defeated Dean Douglas via disqualification WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Yokozuna, WWF @ New York City, NY Madison Square Garden October 6, 1995 (9,000; 7,900 paid)Benefit Show for the handicapped and underpriviledged; included a segment in which powerlifter Mark Henry was introduced to the crowd, with Skip & Sunny interrupting him, with Sunny claiming any of the fat, out of shape New Yorkers in attendance could make it to the Olympics; Skip then said he was tired of being treated like trash and tried pushing Henry, leading to Henry shoving him across the ring; Henry then cornered Sunny before she escaped the ring and ran backstage with Skip (Henrys MSG debut) Hakushi pinned Skip at 9:09 with a hurricanrana into a roll up after knocking Skip into Sunny, who was on the ring apron, with a dropkick; prior to the match, Sunny cut an in-ring promo Barry Horowitz pinned Sir Mo at 7:34 with a roll over after Mo collided with an interfering Skip on the apron; Skip & Sunny appeared ringside at the 3-minute mark WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye pinned Alundra Blayze at 7:26 with the sit-down powerbomb after pushing the challenger off the middle turnbuckle The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Bob Backlund with an inside cradle at 11:24; prior to the bout, Backlund took the mic and told the fans to be responsible for their actions and he was looking forward to controlling their lives; after the bout, Backlund applied the Crossface Chicken Wing on the Kid; after the decision was announced, Backlund applied the hold on the ring announcer, with Howard Finkel, in street clothes, then taking over announcing duties for the remainder of the show; Savio Vega eventually ran out to make the save Savio Vega pinned Kama with a spin wheel kick at 8:20; after the match, Kama attacked Vega before Vega sent him to the floor; Kama then again attacked Vega leading to Vega again sending him to the floor WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu at 8:37 when Billy Gunn scored the pinfall after hitting the Sidewinder Bret Hart (w/ George Steele) defeated Isaac Yankem DDS (w/ Jerry Lawler) via submission with the Sharpshooter at 10:07; prior to the match, Lawler cut an in-ring promo on NYC; after the contest, Hart fought off Lawler and knocked Yankem to the floor, with Steele then biting Yankem; after the bout, Steele threw referee Earl Hebner out of the way to destroy a turnbuckle pad (Yankems MSG debut) WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Boy Smith via disqualification at around the 17-minute mark when Jim Cornette hit the champion in the back with his tennis raquet as Michaels punched Smith in the corner; Smith then immediately hit the running powerslam on Michaels and held up the IC title with Cornette as Michaels was announced the winner The Undertaker pinned King Mabel with the chokeslam at 11:18; after the match, Taker dropped Sir Mo with the chokeslam as well, WWF @ Vienna, Austria October 6, 1995 (4,000) Man Mountain Rock defeated Rad Radford Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Psycho Sid Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Aldo Montoya Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn Owen Hart defeated Fatu Razor Ramon defeated Dean Douglas via disqualification WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Yokozuna, WWF @ Providence, RI Civic Center October 7, 1995 (3,000) Hakushi defeated Skip Barry Horowitz defeated Sir Mo The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Bob Backlund WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu Savio Vega defeated Kama WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Boy Smith via disqualification Bret Hart defeated Isaac Yankem DDS via submission with the Sharpshooter The Undertaker defeated King Mabel, WWF @ Koblenz, Germany Sporthalle Oberwerth October 7, 1995 Man Mountain Rock defeated Rad Radford Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Psycho Sid Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Aldo Montoya Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn Owen Hart defeated Fatu Razor Ramon defeated Dean Douglas via disqualification WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Yokozuna, WWF @ Halifax, Nova Scotia Forum October 8, 1995 Hakushi pinned Skip with a Frankensteiner Barry Horowitz pinned Sir Mo after Mo collided with an interfering Skip on the apron Savio Vega pinned Kama with a spin wheel kick The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Bob Backlund WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu following the Sidewinder WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye pinned Alundra Blayze with a powerbomb WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Davey Boy Smith with the superkick The Undertaker pinned Isaac Yankem DDS with the tombstone, WWF @ Kiel, Germany Ostseehalle October 8, 1995 (5,000) Man Mountain Rock pinned Rad Radford Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Aldo Montoya Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Henry Godwinn at 13:15 Owen Hart (w/ Mr. Fuji) defeated Fatu at 10:23 Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly via submission at 12:07 with the sleeper Razor Ramon defeated Dean Douglas via disqualification at 14:41 when Douglas hit the referee; after the bout, Ramon hit the Razors Edge Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase) at 11:10 after blocking Sids powerbomb attempt WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) at 10:11 after moving out of the way of the Bonzai Drop; after the bout, Owen Hart attacked Diesel, but was hit with the jacknife, WWF @ St. Johns, Newfoundland October 9, 1995 (2,700) Hakushi defeated Skip Savio Vega defeated Kama Barry Horowitz defeated Sir Mo The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Bob Backlund WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Boy Smith The Undertaker defeated Isaac Yankem DDS, WWF @ Halle, Germany Eissporthalle October 9, 1995 Man Mountain Rock defeated Rad Radford Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Aldo Montoya Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn Owen Hart (w/ Mr. Fuji) defeated Fatu Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly Razor Ramon defeated Dean Douglas via disqualification Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase) WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji), WWF @ Springfield, MA Civic Center October 10, 1995 (1,900; 1,400 paid) Hakushi defeated Skip King Kong Bundy defeated Barry Horowitz Savio Vega defeated Kama The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Bob Backlund WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Davey Boy Smith WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Men on a Mission The Undertaker defeated Isaac Yankem DDS, WWF @ Cologne, Germany Sporthalle October 10, 1995 (5,300) Henry Godwinn defeated Rad Radford Waylon Mercy defeated Bob Holly Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Psycho Sid Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Aldo Montoya Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn Owen Hart defeated Fatu Razor Ramon defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley via count-out WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Yokozuna, WWF @ Glens Falls, NY Civic Center October 11, 1995 (1,500) Hakushi defeated Skip King Kong Bundy defeated Barry Horowitz Savio Vega defeated Kama The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Bob Backlund WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Men on a Mission Savio Vega (sub. The event featured five matches on its card. for Jean Pierre Lafitte) defeated Hakushi, Barry Horowitz, Bob Holly (sub. WrestleMania is WWE's biggest pay-per-view event. for Bob Backlund) with the powerbomb; Shawn Michaels was in the challengers corner but was ejected for interfering; after the match, Diesel also hit the Roadie with the powerbomb WWF Womens Champion Bull Nakano pinned Alundra Blayze with her feet on the ropes for leverage Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated King Kong Bundy & Bam Bam Bigelow via count-out after Bundy accidentally hit Bigelow and the two argued The Undertaker pinned Tatanka with a kick after Tatanka appeared to suffer a legit leg injury Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart via submission with the Sharpshooter; after the bout, Bret refused to release the hold for several minutes, WWF @ Santa Rose, CA Sonoma City Fairgrounds January 13, 1995Cancelled due to a poor advance on ticket sales, WWF @ Providence, RI Civic Center January 14, 1995, WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ Meadowlands January 15, 1995 (4,500) Aldo Montoya defeated Steven Dunn Henry Godwinn defeated Bob Holly Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith fought King Kong Bundy & Bam Bam Bigelow to a double count-out Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart Wink & Pink the Clowns defeated Sleezy & Cheezy Duke Drose defeated Timothy Well WWF Womens Champion Bull Nakano defeated Alundra Blayze WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Jeff Jarrett (sub.